/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Feature Requests and Changelogs Anonymous Admin 06/09/2020 (Tue) 04:32:33 Id: 96dae8 No. 134 [Reply] [Last]
Designated thread for all website feature requests. If you don't like the way the UI works, if you notice any bugs, or just have some general feedback then you can post it here.
Edited last time by codexx on 12/13/2020 (Sun) 04:54:03.
943 posts and 189 images omitted.
Can i get someone with one of those imposing capecode to address calling the cops on britanon for virtually nothing without even talking to the guy? Like for real t. lobbyboi >>5213 also we don't even know your board exist, i check with acid usually he's the culprit if there's anything wrong with the site
>>4348 >>4356 I think it's pretty nice as it is, please add and time will tell. If a fellow french anon want to review it anyway. Au passage >>>/planche/
>>5640 You can delete >>5609

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8moe Diarchy Redux Anonymous 08/08/2020 (Sat) 05:53:04 Id: a0de65 No. 767 [Reply]
/monarchy/ + /liberty/ meta Other boards are welcome in.
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Why does liberty have so many normalfag memes?

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Banner Workshop Thread Anonymous 08/27/2020 (Thu) 15:33:52 Id: f3a347 No. 1027 [Reply]
Give me your board's topic and a (preferably small) image to represent it and I'll turn it into a banner. The default size is 300x100, but you can specify a different size if you want. Pics related. Some banners I made for other boards.
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I thought that the thread for hosting images was here, but it's not so uh...h-here I go!

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How to use/browse the board as an owner? Anonymous 08/25/2020 (Tue) 15:50:04 Id: 0b7877 No. 1024 [Reply]
AKA get access to the controls so I can do shit like sticky threads and whatnot so far I haven't had to do this so this is kind of embarrassing to ask, but I haven't found any information about it. Help would be appreciated, thank you
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>>1024 If you're logged-in to an account with ownership or volunteer status on a board, you should have moderation options in the arrow dropdown to the left of the subject/name field. Pic related. If you're on a thread page, there's also a "Moderate Thread" option down at the very bottom, underneath the refresh button. This will add a bunch of fields to the page to allow moderation abilities, and I believe it's supposed to be the no-JS option. One other thing to keep in mind: you can use #rs in the Name field for Role Signature, or if your board has names disabled, you can check "Always Use Role Signature" on your account settings page to capcode. Just remember to turn it off when you're done with it. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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/t/ech Meta Anonymous 07/21/2020 (Tue) 00:13:40 Id: 5199ab No. 412 [Reply]
Meta thread for discussing issues, direction, etc, on /t/.
Is R9K mode enabled for any particular reason?
>>819 Just to encourage fresh images.

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/ck/ Meta Anonymous 07/21/2020 (Tue) 02:33:16 Id: b139fe No. 413 [Reply]
You know what to do.
I just made 6 potatoes worth of fries and ate them all by myself
>>801 How did you cook them? Deep fry? Oven?

/pdfs/ to /pdfs/ Anonymous 07/23/2020 (Thu) 09:38:22 Id: c8dd02 No. 416 [Reply]
Hello, I'm the current owner of Julay's /pdfs/ board https://spqrchan.xyz/pdfs/ and I would like to port over the entire thing to 8chan. I've heard some 8moe guy is making rounds of the webring to get the boards back up and running, so if you're still here, just give me a whistle.
10 posts and 2 images omitted.
>>>/pdfs/ is live and the migration is complete. BO is the previous account who owned it here.
>>530 > >>>/pdfs/ lives another day Neat hope it picks up a bit
>>427 >Magnet Formatting Yeah that would be helpful whenever you guys can get around. I think prioritizing the site's stability is more important and hope Crescent Isle is the solution to that. >>428 >Maybe that place could be sort of like /1cc/ mixed with /scurv/? Yeah something like that. >You do you, my man. Thanks. I'll try to update /pac/ when I'm not busy with retail or working on cars since work is work. >>555 >>530 Congrats. I'll post a couple of stuff on /pdfs/ later once I get it all organized.

/japan/ Anonymous 07/26/2020 (Sun) 17:12:01 Id: 4c20e6 No. 462 [Reply]
this thread is just to host resources used in our css
If I could actually ask you guys to drop these in >>>/res/, it's a dedicated board just for board assets. Custom CSS will be functional next week after the frontend upgrade.

Board migration from other sites? Anonymous 07/11/2020 (Sat) 15:16:39 Id: 2f1891 No. 307 [Reply]
I heard this was possible and was wondering how to do it and go about with the process here. I own a fetish board on 8kunt (and I recently created that board here) with a lot of posts and shit I wanna bring over here but doing it by hand is way too tedious and time-consuming How can this be done? Asuka to grab admin attention.
2 posts omitted.
>>308 I'm no diaper faggot >>309 thanks, I'd send it to this email right? 8moeadmin@protonmail.com Out of random curiosity would it be possible to collate certain threads? The catalog was somewhat cluttered and it'd be nice and convenient to reduce it down to a few threads with a lot in them.
>>310 *consolidate certain threads
Thank you for your interest in migration. I'm the guy who handled the migrations for the Hoppe boards, and am the main point of contact for migrations. You can email Acid at 8moeadmin@protonmail.com or myself personally at codexx@cock.li. Please provide some proof of board ownership (pic of the board moderation page or make a post with BO role signature on the board in question) and we will help you to migrate. Hoppe-sama's boards were migrated with an altered version of Robi's migration script. Due to a number of issues with that I am writing a new one from scratch. You're in luck, since I implemented vichan scraping first. It still needs some work but we are almost there. I'd be happy to keep you apprised of the progress. >consolidating threads Assume it's all-or-nothing. I might be able to hack in removing specific threads, but "consolidating" posts or threads isn't feasible.

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CSS Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 18:31:11 Id: ebfa6d No. 115 [Reply]
Is there anyway to view the code for a board's CSS or of the various default options? I know that this was possible on the original 8chan, and I'm too dumb to write it myself so I usually build off already existing stuff
All CSS is public on every website; it has to be. You can access the various CSS pages from your browser's Style Editor. Custom CSS is currently disabled. We're going to replace the frontend soon which will break it anyways, and we haven't disabled XSS in custom CSS yet so we need to do that for security reasons.

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Banners Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 03:58:23 Id: 7be883 No. 49 [Reply]
Why's the banners so nerfed? >Max 200kb >Max 30 allowed I remember the days when it was 500kb. Not sure how many banner max, but know it hell of a lot more the 30. PS: Custom CSS is a fail.
>PS: Custom CSS is a fail. Yup, ain't doin shit for me. I want my 2004 myspace profile feel dammit
It's 300kb and 50 banners now

Test SFW Board owner 05/26/2020 (Tue) 01:18:50 Id: 6dff54 No. 88 [Reply]
Seems trips work differently between the two sites. Apologies for missing that.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 05/31/2020 (Sun) 09:26:55.

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Removing pictures from the front page Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 20:57:35 Id: de5884 No. 62 [Reply]
Is there a way to mark your board as NSFW or otherwise not making its pictures appear on the overboard/front page?
>>62 Hope there is. 99% of claims against sites is from the front page because it's a low wage level 1 support jerk from banglapoor named "jerry"
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Webm audio levels Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 12:02:41 Id: 853b16 No. 43 [Reply]
Can we get an option added on that allows people to set the default volume on webms? I like to set the audio to off by default. Also I'm getting a flood detected after having attempted to make this thread without an image and then just adding an image to the OP via image pasting.
>>43 On this topic, would it be impertinent to ask for an increase in the file size?

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