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Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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josh you're a faggot nigger Chijō 10/15/2022 (Sat) 00:15:45 Id: b836b4 No. 7104 [Reply]
and you're a retard
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>>7107 yea okay josh stfu
>>7104 >spam /b/ >think he shouldn't get banned what a virgin
>>7117 SPAM SPAM ? you're a retard you dont know what spam fucking id

Translation Thread Codexx Root 07/26/2022 (Tue) 18:26:51 Id: 434679 No. 6418 [Reply]
The purpose of this thread is to provide resources for translating the website's frontend and to provide coordination between contributors as well as developers and site staff. How does translating work? There is an English master file in the frontend that provides words and phrases used all over the site. Pages can be adapted to pull phrases from this file. To translate to another language, you take this file as a template and translate the English sentences on the right side. You must leave the left side alone, since these are identifiers. The current version of the English language pack can be found in the Master branch on our git repository: https://gitgud.io/8chan/Aleph/-/blob/master/languages/eng.json This file will be updated as more of the site is upgraded to handle translations. How do I submit my translations? Download the file linked above and edit some sentences to be in a language of your choosing. Then, upload that file in this thread with a brief explanation of what you changed. It's okay if you only do a few lines; any effort helps. The English language pack is a moving target right now, but don't let that deter you! Just use the most up-to-date version you can. Some discrepancies will cause minor display issues, but they should be easy to identify and fix. If you have any questions or require any support, please make a post detailing your problem and I will be happy to assist.
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>>6603 I don't get it either, and my first instinct was to name it that way, but the language headers sent by the browser use that so it keeps things consistent for debugging. I'm assuming it's derived from the English name for the home country. It's certainly not how I would name them, but a standard is a standard.
>>6583 >some translation management system as Transifex, Weblate (this can be installed on your own server) or TranslateWiki. Another option could be Crowdin (apparently it's free for open source projects).
>>6418 Been meaning to get on with an Italian patch to revive /ita/ once and for all Though I'd like to know, when will the site be bully proof enough to publicly advertise it elsewhere?

i don't appreciate board owners/mods editing my post Anonymous 08/21/2022 (Sun) 23:20:13 Id: 20ff6a No. 6577 [Reply]
this should not be allowed under any circumstance except for extenuating circumstances. board admins who do this should have their status revoked.
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Each owner can do whatever the fuck they want with their board, fuckface.
>>6997 Well right up until you're asked to witch hunt one of your users that is, then it's a matter of doing what you're told or losing your board.
learn to put the thread name in the subject then so we don't have to fix it for you

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Anonymous 09/05/2022 (Mon) 15:13:07 Id: 3a656f No. 6719 [Reply]
I swear I used to be able to click the OP post text from the catalog and be able to scroll through it on this site. Pic related shows how you can do this on 8kun right now. Maybe you were never able to do this here and I am just confusing the two boards, but it would be nice to be able to preview the post.
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.catalogCell:hover{ overflow: auto; }
>>6959 >>6980 The CSS is correct, but I think the JS is rebuilding the catalog without the proper tags. It will be fixed in the next update.
>>6719 >8kun I just check a thread for abandoned thread there and their global banner is link to wanted site saying Philiphines authority want hotwheel. why i even bother fuck off with the clown show

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Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 00:04:57 Id: a761b0 No. 6952 [Reply]
Hello. I'm trying to setup a colony for soyjak.party. My user account is intl. Can you please authorize me to make boards? If you can't do that please create /soy/ and assign me as BO. We desperately need a new alternative because our site administrator is losing his fucking mind and keeps fucking with us. Please help. Thanks.
Go to cuckchan, we don't want your wojak posting kind here.

Anonymous 09/09/2022 (Fri) 04:20:28 Id: fdfcd8 No. 6757 [Reply]
KurobaEx is a fast Android app for browsing imageboards https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental This supports lynxchan. It is recommended to develop a moe APP using Kuroba Experimental. Write a tutorial article explaining how to develop it. Currently supported sites: yeshoney.xyz ...... Endchan Kohlchan
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>>6766 Some people prefer to access with a browser, while others prefer to access with an app.
>>6796 lynxchan users should just neck themselves

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Anonymous 09/06/2022 (Tue) 15:37:25 Id: fa9b1e No. 6734 [Reply]
Clicking on an image expands it. Clicking it again collapses it. That is the expected behavior, so all good. However, if you click the same image again, it not only expands it, but also scrolls it to top of screen. It should not scroll to top of screen.
It's this code in thumbs.js: var expanded = link.getElementsByClassName('imgExpanded')[0]; if (expanded) { thumb.style.display = 'none'; expanded.style.display = ''; thumbs.scrollToPost(link); //THIS IS THE CODE; REMOVE THIS } else { var expanded is undefined on the first click, so it skips the condition that scrolls to the post. On the second click, it returns an element reference, so goes into the condition.

Flags Anonymouse 03/10/2022 (Thu) 03:29:45 Id: 7816ff No. 5042 [Reply]
I have seen the standard set of tiny flags all over the place, but never a matching set for the American states, Canadian provinces, etc. Before I start designing them myself, does anyone know if they already exist? Tia
>>5042 >does anyone know if they already exist? I know I'm six months late, but maybe the flags of https://flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-4chan/ might be of interest to you.

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Something is wrong with the Javascript Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 22:57:11 Id: 6d64df No. 6692 [Reply]
Since this morning the flag customization has been unusable, giving the Error 429 when trying to add, remove or even enter the page. But furthermore adding JS to display a preview of flags in the board does the same effect, i think something is wrong in the flag JS
wow that message is kind of rude. who do i speak to about this?

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Video Thumbnails are not Lazy Loaded [Bug] Anonymous 04/15/2022 (Fri) 20:51:56 Id: 3ea503 No. 5177 [Reply]
Thumbnails in the /v/ webm thread were not being lazy-loaded as seen in the screenshot. It loads all thumbnails on initial load, whereas it should be like the zchan screenshot - loading only whats visible and then making requests as the user scrolls down. According to >>579206 "8moe does actually do lazy loading but for some reason it's not working for video thumbnails. If you're on tor it's specially noticeable because due to the latency you can see the thumbnails pop in for images all the time but for videos they're actually preloaded". This is likely the reason why the webm thread is unusable for mobile and will cut down load time significantly for big threads like this.
>>5177 Fix has already been implemented and will be part of the next update.
>>5197 Issue is still present.
>>6678 Just tested it and could not reproduce.

where did /kiwi/ go? Anonymous 09/04/2022 (Sun) 01:08:06 Id: 632e68 No. 6680 [Reply]
What happened? When I clicked on it in the board header, it took me to a 404 page. Did the admins yank /kiwi/ out of fear of CloudFlare taking down 8chan.moe? Lol PUSSIES.
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>>6681 i am assuming josh is the owner of kiwifarms. i think he is gonna kys
>>6680 nah, you can make the board if you want. I just didn't wanna deal with it now that the board is back.

There should be hashtags instead of boards and only global mods/rules Anonymous 08/29/2022 (Mon) 17:05:28 Id: 82b4fc No. 6638 [Reply]
No one should own boards here, especially imageboard-distinctive names like v, b, pol, etc. Instead of posting to /b/, users post to #b. All hashtags are moderated by the same globals mods against the same global rules. No one can be banned from posting to a hashtag. This means Jews like Mark will an hero when he can no longer remove vidoe gaem posts that he doesn't like. The overall aesthetic of the platform would not change, and I'd argue there would be no very little change to the data model as well. Users could still browse an individual hashtag's posts in a catalog or a single feed view like they can now. As for the data model, instead of each post having a FK reference back to the board table, it's just a FK reference to a hashtag table. Currently, BOs can ban users, but, with my proposal, users just hide content they don't want to see. If a user is spamming a hashtag, I mute them with a content filter. I can mute them globally or just for that hashtag. I can also choose to mute posts made through proxies or TOR. This way, the user becomes their own moderator rather than rely on a BO to do all their thinking for them. This design also solves the issue of board dominance/monopolization. No single person should be able to own b, v, pol, or any board. When certain boards reach critical mass and become the defacto board for a given topic, alternate boards do not stand a chance at claiming any of that share. This is why, on the old 8chan, dysnomia and Mark were able to do anything they liked while alternatives to their boards like /vg/, /bbbb/, and /b2/ failed. It wasn't until dysnomia had gone entirely rogue and fucked up his board intentionally that /b2/ finally found success. I would be interested in hearing arguments against this proposed design.
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what makes you think this suggestion would be appealing to anyone in charge of this site when cronyism is the basis for its existence? if it weren't for cakekike literally paying for the privilege of being /v/s BO before the site was even up in order to hold onto the last scrap of relevancy he'll ever have in his life then this site wouldn't exist in the first place. you may as well be advocating for a ban on lolicon.
>>6648 That's what OP's hashtag suggestion got me thinking. Why bother using ib?
>>6674 You act as if replacing board names with hashtags instantly turns the site into a Twatter clone. Like I said just above, you wouldn't even notice much of a change at all. It would still be an image board. Posts would still get pruned. The main difference is that it decentralizes the boards into a public square where no one controls the flow of discourse. Wouldn't you love to see Mark have the existential crisis of his life because he lost his to control? The Jew in him would simply be unable to cope.

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flood detected Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 14:31:03 Id: 68d33c No. 6607 [Reply]
this is fucking annoying. i go to make a post and forget to attach an image. attach my image and it says "flood detected", likely because it does the validation on the server which counts as a request. either don't count posts that fail validation as requests or do the validation on the server... or fix whatever it is because this is really annoying
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>>6607 > or do the validation on the server i mean do the validation on the client. see, i am so mad that i can't even type what i want to say edit: also, what the fuck is this shit? hourly use ratio? what are you worried about on a dead platform like this?
>>6608 > what are you worried abou Probably people like you who somehow can exhaust quota

404 when trying to use bookmarks with 8chan Anonymous 07/29/2022 (Fri) 05:27:38 Id: 9df57d No. 6441 [Reply]
What is the point of this bullshit supposed to be? Remove it already so I can click on my bookmarked boards to visit them normally without having to go through the fucking homepage every time.
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>>6445 Maybe Redirector by Einar Egilsson should help. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/redirector/ Don't know if it's ported to chromium browsers but it may have an alternative.
>>6445 Us this method which is working great for me: https://8chan.moe/b/res/418998.html
>>6441 >He can't get past the sad panda

LynxChan + Aleph 2.8 Changelog: Re-Animated Edition Codexx Root 06/28/2022 (Tue) 03:31:18 Id: cca955 No. 5978 [Reply] [Last]
We're bringing the dead back to life with this update! As usual, please leave bug reports and new feature suggestions in this thread. It will be the designated tech support and changelog thread until the next major release. See previous thread: >>4917 Features Added Flash embed support; We have created >>>/f/ as a board dedicated to SWF files Added three new themes to the dropdown, Hispita, Hispaperro, and HispaSexy. Additional Hispachan themes are available in the /.static/css/ directory. Mobile view now supports slide-out menus for navbar and side catalog. Try swiping! Modals should now work better on mobile view Reply previews are now disabled on mobile view Added smooth-scroll option Added three new themes to the dropdown and four new hidden themes Pasted images now default to their SHA256 hash instead of "ClipboardImage" Spoilering images, editing posts, etc should no longer mark posts as deleted when using websockets Tor users will now receive an ID based on their bypass Board URIs can now be changed Threadwise r9k is now available and can be enabled by board owners

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>5979 >>6556 >>6557 Board management > Board settings > Preferred language.

does some of you fellow /boards/ take part in the ICUP ? Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 16:07:42 Id: 920384 No. 6261 [Reply]
Subject says it all. https://anon.cafe/icup/ Pic definitely not related.
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I really want to but I'm too busy advertising my board and try make it not look dead
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>>6539 >/cuckquean/ vs /islam/ I live in a muslim country. There is this yearly tv drama where 2 women (best religion) rubbing each other about the 2 wives in Quran

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