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Test board creation post-improvements Acidadmin Board owner 04/24/2020 (Fri) 06:44:50 No. 1 [Reply]
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>>8841 Jesus fucking christ delete this image
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Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:49:49 Id: d81d2c No. 8825 [Reply]
How do I turn off the snow?
Did you ever figure it out?
>>9361 Um... Yes, the site did it for me since new year's.

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LynxChan + Aleph 2.10 Changelog: Say Your Rabbits Edition Codexx Root 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:11:53 Id: 2c44bf No. 9110 [Reply] [Last]
Happy Easter to everyone! Please leave any bug reports (old or new!) and new feature suggestions in this thread. This will be the designated Tech Support + Changelog thread until the next major release. Features Added Oeakaki support. Three different providers are available under Settings -> Misc Added setting to disable swipe behavior on mobile Updated embed URLs for 8chan.tv and YouTube mobile links Theme loading has been optimized Added Avellana Theme Global/Local Report & Ban modals have been merged to reduce menu clutter Added meter to indicate when files are over the maximum file size Bugs Audio volume now always be set before playing video. Catalog cells are scrollable again Trashed posts should be marked on Moderation pages Double Bans should now be cleared correctly by appeals Navbar no longer overruns to multiple lines

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Edited last time by codexx on 04/01/2024 (Mon) 01:16:22.
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I'm not sure if these bugs were already reported, but there are missing labels both on the eng.json and spa.json files for text that shows on the mobile version. These are the missing labels: >labelBack >labelGlobalRules
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>>9165 Everything seems to work as usual now.
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>>9110 Having the Local Times option enabled in the settings, the dates of some posts are displayed as NaN/NaN/NaN (undefined) NaN:NaN:NaN in Spanish boards like >>>/hisparefugio/. I think modifying setLocalTime() in posting.js in this way should solve it provisionally.: posting.setLocalTime = function(time) { var parsedDate = new Date(time.innerText + ' UTC'); if(isNaN(parsedDate)) { // If this condition is met, we assume that the date is in Spanish parsedDate = new Date(time.innerText.replace(/^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)(.+)/g, "$2/$1$3") + ' UTC'); } time.innerText = api.formatDateToDisplay(parsedDate, true); }; But I think it doesn't work very well with some dates. As already reported in >>9244 and >>>/hisparefugio/155421 the "Relative Times" option doesn't work either. In the meantime the local times can be fixed by disabling the homonymous option, pasting the above code in Settings > JS (changing posting.setLocalTime to setLocalTime to make it work) and add this below to run the function every time that the page loads: var createdTimes = document.querySelectorAll(".labelCreated"); for (var i = 0; i<createdTimes.length; i++) {

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The Great Community Polling Thread - FOUR MORE YEARS Acid Board owner 02/12/2024 (Mon) 21:52:20 Id: 67d1fe No. 8972 [Reply]
How much do you use TOR? Whether here or on other sites? >¿Cuánto usas TOR? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=1GWK6D What other kind of site do you use the most? >¿Qué otro tipo de sitio web utilizas más?? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=LS9RRK How have the admins been doing over the past four years? >¿Cómo están las administradoras? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=DJB7GO How satisfied are you with the website overall? >¿Qué tan satisfecho está con el sitio web en general? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=RYWZJA Where do you get your hentai?

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Edited last time by Acidadmin on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:27:47.
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>>9050 >still attacked by pedo spam, as evidenced in Trashchan's reports Apparently it's not even from TOR! Maybe it's different case for each imageboard... >>9051 Exactly, it's just lazy convenience; CP attacks aren't limited to Tor by any means.
>>8972 >Where do you get your hentai? It wouldn't hurt to have an option that says "I don't consume hentai or I don't do it often" for weirdos like me. >>8974 >The Spanish-language stuff belongs to the Hispachan boards Not all, in the case of >>>/argentina/ it is a community that previously existed since the time of the original 8chan. >>9018 >Who the hell checks /site/? I was going to comment the same thing. If you want more anons to answer the polls, then add a global notice in the header of the site.
>>9086 >Apparently it's not even from TOR! Yeah I read that the other day. Most of their problems are via VPN with very few from Tor and ZERO from Tor via the onion site.

site history thread Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 19:35:49 Id: 7e2a05 No. 7215 [Reply] [Last]
for spoonfeeding newfriends just made this shit because I didn't feel this would really go well in other threads or places and I wanted to help some people who wanted to contriboot plus people can post their own moments/caps, memes and OC and whatnot, since I'd have to go digging through my old HDD to find the good shit Its also impossible for one person to describe a site's history, I'll do my best with regards to certain specific events and things, but I'm not a "perfect anon"
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>>9003 He's fine and still an asshole. And finally get fuckt pedos.
>>9042 >I covered myself in shit and now no one will come near me get fucked yeah you're a real winner alright.
>>9043 So you don't want his AIM name then?

Is this allowed? Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 05:04:26 Id: 22c6f0 No. 8747 [Reply]
>>>/hisparefugio/92345 A post in hispanic board literally talking about rape toddlers? The board is full of that material (not just lolicon but people also depicting how they would fuck/rape children even babys) and when you writte your claim to the BO you get called slurs by the BO/volunteers themselves and stalked (post history checked and they make fun on your previous post) and obviously they don't do anything about it. Also that thread is full of toddler material but I don't claim especifically the 2d but the description and apology to rape children in the posts. The board is full with loli discusion, even books on how to attrack/have committing voter fraud for Democrats have been shared. https://8chan.moe/hisparefugio/res/91055.html#92345
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>>8814 I might be wrong, but from what I've read what the american law punishes is "obcenity" nevertheless I don't totally understand what it means.
>>8818 It's an intentionally vague definition where a court can decide whether something is bad or not. That's what's so pernicious about it. That said, most obscenity laws have not help up in court after appeals.
>>8807 You can see it in the laws on piracy, cybercrimes, and the age of sexual consent. I share a link to wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent

EMERGENCY ARCHIVERS NEEDED!!! Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 06:38:43 Id: 56c258 No. 8803 [Reply]
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>>8811 Shota's what I mostly care about, though...
>>8815 So check the fucking shota board and not the Loli board you idiot.
>>8803 They literally fucking tell you that you can change your region in your profile. Just change it to Japan and call it a day.

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Ihaveaproblem 12/17/2023 (Sun) 07:00:53 Id: 945e7e No. 8754 [Reply]
hello I'm having trouble accessing the site from my mobile phone attached photo
do you know how I can fix it?
>>8754 Try .se and see if you can reach that? Is it on your data connection, or via wi-fi? Determining the problem on a phone is a bit difficult.
thank you I am now able to log in I tried with ".se" and it let me in.

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Big, BIG, BIIIIIIIIIIG feature request!!! Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 05:56:11 Id: 04fab4 No. 8732 [Reply]
Requesting a language barrier from boards and announcements in 8chan.moe via tags, including a new, important rule in 8chan: When making new boards, it's VERY important to add a tag related to the language.
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>>8750 Way more. Spanish speaking 8moe and English speaking 8moe are around the same size, the thing the first one is way more descentralized while the other pretty much only post on /v/ and even then most activity is confined to the gg thread.
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>>8787 Hey, this site must be improving! It translates any Spanish announcements into English! The administrators must be thinking of ever ything... (By the way, I know what board "Ghost Screen" came from...)
>>8797 I can spin off an english mirror if you want

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Anonymous 02/01/2022 (Tue) 23:21:14 Id: 000000 No. 4732 [Reply]
There's some stuff in the global rules that is unclear, contradictory, and outright antithetical to the ideals of the site, even upon further research in the 8chan Rules Enforcement and Corner Case Rulings Compendium. Acid has finally expounded upon these previously unwritten rules, clarifications, and unimplemented corrections to the global rules. I am posting them here for reference since they will eventually fall off the /v/ meta thread, including those are already clear but Acid included anyways. Acid did not capcode under this ID, just avatarfagged with Asooka, so anyone is free to claim these rules are fake and gay. https://archive.is/0QIT7#selection-52961.0-52961.6 >>>/v/524289 >If you're a pedo and you want to talk about your problems with it, take it to /b/ >If you want to talk about or advocate pedo shit in general, take it to /b/ >If you're talking about something else, and pedoshit ties into it somehow but isn't really the focus then its up to the board mods to decide if its on topic like usual >It doesn't matter what the edited text of a legal 2D image says, whoever uploaded it agreed that all fictional characters in it are 18+ anyway >If you cause problems or drama by trying to claim that legal 2D loli is pedophilia then the mods are free to do whatever they want about it, including nothing >No kid pics on porn boards except innocent memes >SFW kid pics okay on non-porn boards including /b/ >No lewding kid pics on /b/ or anywhere else The first three points are very useful clarification on the newly established, "no pedophilia discussion outside of /b/ rule". Refer to Ruling 10 for more information. >>4721 The fourth point is an irrelevant repetition of a global "rule" that isn't actually a rule, but a disclaimer of questionable value. The fifth point corrects that it is not actually globally banned to conflate legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork with pedophilia, resolving the contradiction that 2D that is explicitly allowed could itself conflate these subjects. This one is doubly important as the undoing of this unenforced-since-day-1 global rule returns the global rules back to a more free speech friendly state in which no opinion is globally banned. The last three points, I believe, were already understood through both the global rules and Corner Case Rulings, but Acid was dealing with pedos and felt the need to reiterate these points which the pedos repeatedly choose to ignore.

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>>4732 Bump to ensure clarity remains visible.
>>8769 This is outdated.
>>8770 Sauce me on the changes

10th Birthday Preparations Codexx 10/08/2023 (Sun) 23:15:48 Id: b2c19e No. 8560 [Reply] [Last]
8chan's 10th birthday is coming up this month, and I'd like to do something special. Community contributions will be needed. Tentatively, we are planning the following: >custom theme >movie marathon >game nights If you know CSS, we need contributors to build a 10th anniversarry theme. If you don't know CSS, please suggest good films. We were thinking of the common theme being "Banned or Censored Films", where we would air the uncensored version as a celebration of free speech. Finally, we need to decide on a game to play. Suggestions should be easy enough to host and distribute so anons don't need to jump through too many hoops to play. I'll spin up a couple servers and get them configured once a game is settled on. Of course, any other suggestions for festivities are welcomed.
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>>8723 Just tested something and it works. Can't promise I will do it for EVERY announcement because it's a bit labor-intensive.
>>8737 I wanna see it!
>>8739 It's literally live right now.

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Bypass denied Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 20:29:03 Id: 771c8a No. 7997 [Reply]
The fuck is this? I keep trying to post and all I'm getting is pic related, no explanation given. Did I do something? Is this a ban? It should tell me if I'm banned, right? I don't see anything in the ban logs regarding any of my posts.
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broke on firefox?
Mobile not affected.
>>8002 >it's a bypass renewal block on suspicious IPs This is the first I've heard of it. As I've come to understand it, it's a bypass renewal block on all new bypass requests from those who don't still have a recently expired bypass. There's nothing you can do about it.

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saying it would be nice if steam let you buy games in BTC gets you banned Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 03:40:17 Id: 45c731 No. 7457 [Reply]
you're not allowed to complain (as a saged reply to a massive general thread on /v/) how gabe is a faggot for not allowing you to buy games on steam using bitcoin as opposed to censor-happy mastercard/visa. it's my first and only post on that board i occasionally lurked and i get banned for an uncontroversial post. you guys profess you're all about fighting against censorship with your constant "gamergate" threads. and you take all our donations in crypto only. wtf double standard is this?
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>>7457 >censor-happy mastercard/visa. Explain. Not everyone know.
>>7457 >you take all our donations in crypto only Okay i search donate in catalog because i want to ask about why it says "Bitcoin is the easiest" in donation page, at least from user side. The irony is hillarious
>>7704 Based

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/zoo/ Anonymous 06/12/2021 (Sat) 01:45:59 Id: 000000 No. 3103 [Reply]
There's an abandoned or squatted /zoo/ board. Apparently, /zoo/ is legal, and freeze peach. /zoo/fags should start using the board.
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The board was claimed ten months ago. Whats left to talk about?
>>3103 >The state where Obama was born made Bestiality legal
>>3103 You dumb niggers yeah US government may allow zoo media but have yall ever thought about it's legality globally and plus people are going to see that board think rest of yall are depraved animal fuckers! Don't you get it yall are going too lose traction because of this no wondering this imageboard is going on a path of becoming dead and not too mention some popular youtuber saw this site and thought you were all zoophiles! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Z4JeWUqdA08

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Anonymous 09/17/2022 (Sat) 15:30:36 Id: f8ebab No. 6942 [Reply]
Who is the admin of this site? Who runs things? Is this place ran by JEWS (/cow/ BO?) Can someone please fill me in? I've been out of the loop pretty much ever since hotwheels left the scene/infinity next drama
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>>8467 Who? Do I know him? Should I visit 9chan?
ok shizo
>>8467 I'll give him one thing, the repurposing of the classic 8chan logo is clever.

Translation Thread Codexx Root 06/17/2023 (Sat) 12:31:08 Id: 31c5a2 No. 8243 [Reply]
So you want to translate the site into another language. This thread exists to provide a guide for how language packs are created and accepted. Step #1: Where to Start The first thing you will need is a copy of the English language pack. This provides English sentences for any text that is templated. All that means is, this is our base pack and if a piece of text is translatable then an entry should appear here. You can find a copy of the language pack on our frontend repository on Git Gud. Here is a direct link: https://gitgud.io/8chan/Aleph/-/blob/dev-localization/languages/eng.json The branch dev-localization should always have the latest changes, and is usually a few edits ahead of the actual site while we're between updates. That link takes you to that version of the file. If you're familiar with git, you can clone the repo. If not, check out the "Download" button to the right of "Open Web IDE". You can get a copy of just the English language pack. Step #2: Editing You will need a text editor to edit these files. There are many out there, including Vim, Atom, VSCode, and Notepad for you masochists. The language packs are in JSON format. If you're not familiar with it, that's perfectly fine. All you need to know is that entries are formatted as such: "name" : "value", We want to leave the names alone (this is how LynxChan knows where to template it in) and edit the value segment. Translate these words or sentences into your native language. Feel free to use any special unicode characters that are common in this language; the website should have little trouble rendering them. If you cannot translate everything, that's fine. There are a lot of lines and it takes time. You can leave some sentences in English so that they will still appear on the site. If you remove the line entirely, it will just display placeholder text. When you're ready to make a submission, you can move on.

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>>8484 Added to the repo, and fixed the typo you reported on IRC. Many thanks for the contribution.
>>8486 Don't mention it. However, I cannot see it on the board management page - rather, I see a broken "it, it-ch" language option, a spanish one and a french one. What gives?
>>8493 Changes will roll out with the next site update, which is progressing nicely. I don't have an ETA on it but progress is being made.

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