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Max files: 5

Supported file types: GIF, JPG, PNG, WebM, OGG, and more


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Only solve one captcha Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 14:28:21 Id: e3bad1 No. 6606 [Reply]
If I solve a board's captcha, it should also solve the site captcha. I hate solving a captcha only for another one to pop up. It's pointless. There should be only one to solve. I understand that some boards have a per-post captcha. That would not be affected, but solving one of those would also solve the site captcha.
1 post omitted.
>>6606 test
>>6606 Yeah, I thought fans set this site up, not loli-haters!
>>7959 pauper pls

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Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 06:29:59 Id: 016894 No. 3272 [Reply]
>Total media size: 326.84 GB Holy shit, I remember when it was around 40 GB just one year ago. Just what the hell is being stored that takes so much space? Do these 300 GB include backups, banners and custom themes?
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>>6718 >* Use a quantizer like http://pngnq.sourceforge.net/ to compress the image. It seems to be the most reasonable and easiest option to implement. I was doing some tests with the image of >>6801 and these are my results: Original size: 72.34 KB Size after uploading from clipboard: 1.17 MB Size after compressing the reuploaded image with pngnq: 208.54 KB The only drawback is that the new replies may take a little longer to appear due to the additional processing required by using pngnq. >* Save them as webp instead of png. Beyond the bullshit, it could be useful in certain cases. In this chan it wouldn't make much sense (I think), but if you manage a chan and it runs on a VPS with space limitations, then it would be necessary to save every MB you can. One way to achieve this would be with some option to indicate in which format by default to save the images that come from the clipboard (png, jpg or webp), perhaps along with an explanation of the pros and cons of each. >>6723 >Imageboards thrive on the ability to use lossless, artifact-free formats But that does not mean that it can be used for everything indiscriminately. For example, with https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vienna-big.tif (which weighs 3.94 GB) I got the following when I converted it into these formats: PNG: 2034.84 MB JPG (92% quality): 171.08 MB As you can see, using png is not always ideal.

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>>4467 It's not because of the large migrations of the hispachan and india-indiachan userbase, is it?
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>>7713 Not really. Based on the data attached in this answer, the following conclusions can be made: * >>>/delicious/ is the heaviest board with 64.13 GB. * >>>/dpsn/ only weighs 8 KB, which makes it the lightest of the chan. There are also a few boards that have text-only threads or are completely empty. * The data set that I was analyzing only covers 770.21 GB that are from the accessible boards, the rest (approximately 376.67 GB) belong to non-indexed boards. * The Spanish boards (around 30, although most of them were opened after the closure of hispachan.org) weigh together 77.36 GB, while the Indian boards (>>>/india/, >>>/indiachan/ and >>>/aic/) only occupy 2.17 GB. That in total would be a little more than 10%. Below I leave the script in Bash that I made to get the data: # TODO: Get the number of pages of the boards list automatically boards=$({ for pagelist in $(seq 1 5); do # Make an HTTP request to the site's board listing response=$(curl --header 'Cookie: disclaimer=1' --referer "https://8chan.moe" "https://8chan.moe/boards.js?page=$pagelist"); # Extract the board names from the response echo "$response" | grep -oE '<a class="linkBoard" href="/(\w+)/">' | cut -d"/" -f2; done; }) # Use an array to store the name of the boards along with the file sizes of each one declare -A board_sizes;

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Hilo /M/eta para hisparefugio´s Anónimo 06/02/2022 (Thu) 03:40:44 Id: 531752 No. 5682 [Reply] [Last]
Hola a todos los negros de >>>/hispachan/ >>>/hisrol/ >>>/arepa/ y demas tablones hispanos. Los convoco a aqui para organizar, estar comunicados y estar juntos. Hablando con otros anons todos los tablones creados por el cierrre de chispa (los antes mencionados) tiene administradores diferente y tendran mods diferentes. Esta es la primeras señales que como comunidad nos dividiremos, convoco a los demas dueños de sus tablones a que tenga este hilo en favoritos ya que mi deseo es estar unidos para ser fuertes y seria aqui donde tanto los dueños y los usuarios de los tablones hispanos podamos discutir, solucionar, crear, pensar proyectos y estar unidos. >Aldo Tambien pueden reportar usuarios malos que esten entre los tablones hispanos y entre dueños y mods reportar avarputos para poder juntos detenerlos. Desde /hispachan/ nos comunicamos para mas en chisparefugio(@) gmail.(com) pero por igual usemos este hilo para la comunicacion principal
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>>7413 >>7425 Ve al hilo meta anglo e intenta comunicarte en inglés
>>7426 Acid or codexx i have send an email to both emails because i want to adopt a board, have you received it?
>>6451 >como se genera la ASN? La ASN se basa en cookies? Tenia la misma inquietud así que le pregunte a ChatGPT como funciona un baneo por ASN en Lynxchan y me respondió con lo siguiente: ---- En LynxChan, un baneo por ASN (Autonomous System Number) funciona restringiendo el acceso a una dirección IP o un rango de direcciones IP asociadas a un determinado ASN. Un ASN es un número único asignado a un proveedor de servicios de Internet (ISP) o una organización que administra una red independiente. Cuando un moderador o administrador de LynxChan aplica un baneo por ASN, se identifica el ASN del proveedor de servicios de Internet del usuario que está infringiendo las reglas del sitio web. Luego, se agrega el ASN a una lista de prohibiciones en la configuración del servidor, lo que impide el acceso al sitio web a todas las direcciones IP asociadas con ese ASN. Por ejemplo, si se banea el ASN de un proveedor de servicios de Internet que brinda servicio a una universidad, todas las direcciones IP asignadas a la red de la universidad se verán afectadas por el baneo, incluso si los usuarios individuales no han violado las reglas del sitio web. El baneo por ASN es una medida más amplia que el baneo por dirección IP individual, ya que afecta a todos los usuarios que comparten una red específica, y puede ser útil para evitar que los usuarios que intentan evadir un baneo mediante el cambio de direcciones IP tengan éxito. Sin embargo, también puede afectar a usuarios legítimos que no tienen nada que ver con el comportamiento infractor y pueden ser vistos como una medida drástica. ---- Lo pregunte por que justamente me apareció un baneo de estos hace unas horas en >>>/hispachan/ y según estuve comprobando en https://hackertarget.com/as-ip-lookup/ sospecho que el baneo se extiende a todo mi proveedor de internet (ya veré si después lo apelo o si me lo aguanto hasta el 17 de abril).

Question Anonymous 03/19/2023 (Sun) 01:08:01 Id: 8cb63a No. 7855 [Reply]
Can I ask (and get an answer) how does the IB convert the special syntax (like in moe) and urls to html tags? It does use some javascript library? I tried to look at LynxChan source code but I don't even know where to start, lol. >also Sorry for my english.
Nevermind, found it.

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/pe/ in /hispachan/ into an emergency Chupapi 03/17/2023 (Fri) 20:17:15 Id: e788b6 No. 7850 [Reply]
Hi, I'm looking for advices and information about the process of claim a board, in this case is the board /pe/ because the last Board Owner of that board forgot his password and Peruvians are afraid of losing the board because of inactivity. Please, if you gave me the power to be the new B.O. of this board /pe/ it would have been fantastic.
>>7850 Board Owners are required to verify their e-mail before they can create a board (although there are some ways around this), so he should be able to reset him password. If he has issues receiving the e-mail or resetting his password, he can e-mail me from whatever address he signed up with and I can reset the password manually. Please instruct him to e-mail codexx (at) cock (dot) li. I will put a hold on board claims for /pe/ for now so that he can regain access.
Traduce esto a español por favor.

BO of /mex/ abuses his power and avatarfagging with an alter ego Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 17:01:45 Id: e00962 No. 7812 [Reply]
BO of /mex/ abuses his power and avatarfagging with an alter ego while banning other anons for much less, >>>/mex/30593 in this thread we can see how desperate and angry he gets to be discovered, >>>/hispachan/158726 In this other one you can see how the bo is still desperate while more people realize the truth, pic related is bo desperate and angry I hope you can analyze the case and make the best decision for the board,
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Ignore this flooder crying bitch. He's furious because he's not allowed to flood his shit and bother others and be annoying on the board. In the threads that he posts, you can see how he exposed himself, in his own words, as a liar trying to manipulate people over and over again against the BO so in the end everyone sent him to eat shit.for being an asshole throwing a tantrum who lies and invents nonsense.
>>7812 no hablo inglés 💀
>>7815 This is probably the BO of mex, the only one who self-defends or defends the avatarfag, the only one who defends him and with great hatred in his black heart on 3 boards all month.

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Anonymous 03/09/2023 (Thu) 17:56:57 Id: 1d5594 No. 7798 [Reply]
>>7798 what are you implying 😳😳😳

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shit site Chijō 10/16/2022 (Sun) 01:19:19 Id: 11dadb No. 7116 [Reply]
alright banned from b again for no fucking reason okay cool what a shit site for shit people for shitty mods why did i ever expect anything less jole isnt here clearly and the site is ran by fucking idiots for morons with special needs goodbye losers i'll be on webstites with actual oc and not just posting racist memes from 2010
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Ha ha!.
>>7116 >jole isnt here clearly Thank god for that.
>>7796 Lol. Fucking right.

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AMA Im Jim Watkins Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 04:10:32 Id: 40961b No. 7788 [Reply]
Hello there niggers! Im Jim Watkins a 8chan CEO and fathar of 4 beutifuls childs
>>7788 nobody cares you killed your golden goose

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No icons appear in the header Anonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 00:01:23 Id: e7e1a8 No. 7712 [Reply]
what is the minor bug report thread? I'm using the latest version of Firefox on windows 7 (for retrogaming) and I have no icons, nor the icons for the report, hide thread, hide image, etc. menus.
>>7712 It has happened to me too. The solution they proposed was to either keep deleting cache/session until it fixed itself or try and install the iconpack, neither worked.

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Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 02:38:53 Id: 1f46b3 No. 7694 [Reply]
Can you tell me how "Thread Limit (Total)" works? What's the default and maximum number of threads that a board can have? How much are they in terms of "pages"? I want to expand my board from its actual limit to 20 pages.
>>7694 Currently the global limit is 450 threads per board, 16 threads per page. This gets you just over 28 pages. You cannot increase the local thread limit above the global thread limit. But you already have more than 20 pages available. Page count is pretty arbitrary. Calculations like "Early 404" work purely on how far down the overall list something is, not what page it falls on. Also, I'm considering reducing the number of threads per page in exchange for additional reply previews, so these numbers may be adjusted in the future.
>>7694 Yes. DO NOT TOUCH IT. You will fuck up and delete half your catalog >no I wont YES YOU WILL.

what is the point of this site? Anonymous 12/02/2022 (Fri) 00:54:56 Id: 8d8dfc No. 7441 [Reply]
it sucks and dead. nothing like 8chan. you can make it better by: - decentralizing it - doing away with boards and use hashtags instead i honestly don't see the point of this site continuing to operate. you should just shut it down. wHAT THE FUCK. holy shit THIS SITE FUCKING SUCKS., i forgot to add an image when posting. i add an image, solve the captcha, and it says "Flood detected" and i had to wait 128 seconds. what kind of shit programming is behind this shit site?
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>>7456 >you can just call decentralization a failed experiment without having to schizopost about it. It's not wrong though, schizopost or not. It is generally agreed upon that the webring as a whole is a catastrophic failure, although users residing within webring sites don't like to admit this, it is clear as day that this is the case. The webring has dwindling userbases, low activity, powertripping BOs, admins and vols, inter-site drama and thriving saboteurs to show for it.
You sound perturbed, OP. Image board software is free, go and set up your own image board site if you think you can do it better.Thanks and have a nice 2023 y'hear.
10/10 bait, got me to reply

ClipboardImage Anonymous 09/07/2022 (Wed) 21:33:16 Id: 09741f No. 6747 [Reply]
Pasted images are no longer named ClipboardImage. How am I supposed to show my utter disdain for clipboard images if I don't know whether or not they were pasted from clipboard?
>>6747 Yes, change it back to ClipboardImage. Nobody fucking asked for this gay change.
In addition to what has already been said, another problem I find with this is that there may be many who do not know that you can upload images from the clipboard (and https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html does not make it clear either). At least when a newfag sees that one or more files are called "Clipboardimage.xxx" they might ask something like why there are files named like that?.

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/monarchy/ 8moe Anonymous 02/21/2021 (Sun) 00:56:33 Id: ab4d18 No. 1978 [Reply]
Under the 5th king of /monarchy/. All boards welcome in this thread. B-tan: Grace chan
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>>7294 >t. /ita/ Will your board side with us?
>>7303 will u cumshoot with me
>>>/zoo/ refuses to engage in such silliness. We are a very serious board and have serious topics to discuss. Like fucking horses with carrots.

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Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 05:26:21 Id: 7e0be2 No. 7138 [Reply]
MOOODS how to i archive this site, the "I agree " button at the begin dosent let me archive it
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>>7204 Thats really a problem, I want to archive threads with imáges, any alternative?
>>7205 Take screenshots if you want the images, but now you are starting to sound extremely suspicious.
>>7208 >Take screenshots That's bullshit. So far the best way to save threads is with the script posted in >>7262 (at least as long as the admins don't add another stupid limitation to access the site).

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