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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Nigger Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 14:12:21 No. 465616 [Reply] >>466903
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clown on big tech making bad choices clownify 12/27/2024 (Fri) 20:45:11 No. 466636 [Reply] >>466695
share your videos and roasts on this thread please
>youtard link >not invidious or mp4 Fuck off.
>>466667 >invidious deprecated.

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Where are the uncucked spaces Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 14:49:52 No. 466571 [Reply] >>466878
I want uncucked internet spaces to bantz and meme and joke and rp without jannys shitting all over everything because they're mad they don't know how to have fun and fuck around and troll and shit. Because that's not this place. Evidenced by the exodus. How many users does this site sport now? And I mean real users not spanish speakers.
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>>466571 I'm here for you, anon, you can troll me. Pick a topic. I'll pretend i'm deeply invested in it, then you just do your thing and i'm gonna be so buthurt, you won't beleave it!
>>466878 I hate sheboons with nose rings as fat as donuts, they stink, they eat too much, and god help you if you have to settle a dispute with one.
>>466882 Also I hate dumb alt righters with their chapped lips and skoal stains on their stupid fucking chins. They're all cousin fuckers but their cousins are all ugly af.

Human DNA Fitness as a Game Achievement Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 15:17:30 No. 466707 [Reply]
It is said that we are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. That is, we have inherited the instincts that made our ancestors pass on their genes, but we don't value passing on our genes as such. But it is also said in an internet meme: Why not both? Humans value game achievements. For example, there is a game achievement in the Torchlight II game that counts how many breakable objects (vases, boxes etc.) the player destroys while dungeon-crawling. If you destroy enough, you have accomplished the game achievement and get a nice icon for it. Other people are out there in the real world driving race cars in circles at fast speed or kicking balls into nets. So why not also have human DNA as a game achievement? It may not be our one and only maximization imperative, but there is no reason why we cannot as a species also value how much of the human DNA molecule there is in the universe. After all, it is a part of our origin and our identity and it doesn't occur in nature outside of humans (although some other organisms share some of our genes, non-living matter doesn't even have those). We could, as a civilization, aim at this game achievement in the same spirit and with the same motivation as we aim at other game achievements. And unlike a single-minded maximization imperative, it would be very compatible with very many other goals and values. The universe is filled with resources. Winning a reasonably sized human DNA fitness game achivement would require only a tiny fraction of them. Such a goal would also give you, yes YOU, the person who reads this, more intrinsic value because you also have human DNA inside of you. (In addition to whatever other value you have.) So consider treating human DNA fitness as a game achivement for our civilization to which you can contribute in some way or another!
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BROTHER THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE >466707 >466707 write a coh erent thread. and take a pill a day!
>>466777 trips has it.
achievements are to facilitate your ethnic interests, it is literally making an ecology more suitable for your phenotype thus allowing it to grow, it is a high from reproduction

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 08:51:56 No. 465179 [Reply]
How true is the meme about programmers not understanding their code, copy/pasting from Stack Overflow, leaving code in just because it breaks when they take it out and they don't know why.. that typa shit? >tfw no /g/ equivalent here
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Sometimes I work at my code very late at night and when I wake up the later day I have no clue what the fuck I was trying to do or why the code works. So, it happens.
I wouldn't know about that but sometimes I get horny & upset, don't feel like to code and just leave everything on still for the time being. idk whether its good but prorgamming is the same as watching trees as a job.
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>>466868 i love trees ofc.

Reagan Long/ Beagan Bong .blend Files Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 11:11:30 No. 463982 [Reply] >>466685
Hey does anyone have access to Reagan Long/Beagan Bong’s Subscribestar .blend or .psd files?
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>>463982 If I tell you where to look, will you stop bumping your shit thread?
>>466685 If you have them then yes, if your talking about Kemono they are not there.
I can't imagine that anyone who has time to keep bumping these threads over and over across multiple imageboards is also so poor that he couldn't just buy the .blend's and upload them to Kemono.

Meh Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 05:01:52 No. 466763 [Reply]
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>your 2024 was written by you
>>466853 Fuck you.

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Man jailed for raping 15-year-old girl Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 17:46:00 No. 446417 [Reply] >>466837
>A man who raped a teenage girl has been jailed for eight years. >The 15-year-old victim was with a friend in Manchester in the early hours of 14 July 2022. of course he was black because of course he was https://www.cps.gov.uk/north-west/news/man-jailed-raping-15-year-old-girl https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/man-isolated-young-girl-friend-26036067
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>>446836 >best-teens.com https://archive.is/sliZD im disappointed, didnt see any of the content you promised. lying faggot, kys
>>446417 that's crazy, what will they do to him in jail?
>>466833 I've jacked off to that before! It's hot to know he has AIDS, every bitch he fucks bareback makes me hornier now because I know the trash whores are getting AIDS :D

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Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 03:58:20 No. 466761 [Reply] >>466767
>move to a big city >like 95% of the people here are legit retards and schizos >95% of the remaining people are children in adult bodies Why
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>>466761 Immigrants go to the big city. You're just experiencing what the third world is like.
>>466767 While I do not disagree, I'm not sure this is the entire answer. I've been to many cities that are like petrified trees, held up only by the bark of the previous generation because the current population are actual low IQ retards.

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I have given a go at perfecting Europe Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 13:15:53 No. 460447 [Reply] >>466718 >>466775
I was looking at my large map of Europe, which is in my room, and shaking my head at all the border mistakes and inaccuracies. So I set to work creating a much more perfect Europe. I'm still in the research phase but I believe I am close to perfection. A few of the changes I have made. >Divided Iceland into East and West states to reflect the will of the Icelandic people. >Partitioned Sweden between Norway and Denmark for the same reason. >Given Ukraine southern Russia because Russia is too weak to control this amount of land anyway. >Expanded Bulgaria to include all areas ethnic Bulgarians have a claim to. >Returned Samnia and giving this nation natural borders. What do you think? Have I missed anything or have I finally fixed Europe?
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>>460447 It is BRILLIANT! When does it take effect?
>>460447 can you give moscow to ukraine as well? and arghangelsk. >>460449 >>460449 >True but that could take decades. We can solve European problems right now. by masturbating to schizo self-indulgent maps?
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>>460464 you frogot to add Chaldea from FGO with me as the king of sex there.

Anonymous 12/25/2024 (Wed) 15:49:08 No. 466473 [Reply]
my wife
Where it is from?

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 15:30:14 No. 466733 [Reply]
If someone convinces lefties that Furaffinity supports the IDF...would a civil war happen between furfags?

Steven Avery 09/30/2024 (Mon) 01:05:11 No. 463474 [Reply] >>463489 >>466719
Another wacky Wisconsin kangaroo court case. There's no evidence he did anything. There's no crime scene, no body, no murder weapon, no smoking gun or any gun at all. No proof a crime was ever committed. Her SUV was found with his blood smeared inside but his blood was on file from his previous prison stay. The SUV key was found in his bedroom with his perspiration on it but he was already in jail by then. They could have retrieved perspiration from one of his personal articles at the jail. There was a bone fragment found but that was destroyed by the (F)em(B)o(I)'s when they tested it. There's no proof the woman was there at all. As an added twist, the same police department that fucked him the first time and even had to pay him helped investigate him the second time. They made sure he was fucked for good. The first time there was DNA that helped exonerate him so the second time the cops made sure there was no evidence to test at all and it worked. How do you prove your innocent when there's no proof your guilty? And if this isn't fucked up enough one of the trial jurors was the father of a Manitowoc County sheriff's deputy, the same department that fucked him the first and second time and another juror's wife was a clerk with Manitowoc County. The judge who sentenced him said he was the most dangerous man in Wisconsin. Now the most dangerous man in Wisconsin sits in a medium security prison because the prison system doesn't know what to do with him. He's not violent or a threat and even the other inmates don't think he's guilty. Almost 20 years gone by and still no body or evidence of any kind. Your tax dollars at work.
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>>463474 Your Netflixfu a shit, but, while I don't believe he's a good guy, I know for a fact he didn't get a fair trial and evidence was planted. Also, the way they manipulated his mentally handicapped nephew was total bulldink. What a tragedy that fat prosecutor with the woman's voice died before being brought to justice.
What gets me is how, despite the grizzly way they say the murder occurred, in which there should have been blood everywhere, they couldn't find any blood at the scene. That's the main thing that gets me. >>463480 They claimed they did.
>>463474 Are you kidding? I just read the Wikipedia on her disappearance and if I was on that jury I would have voted to convict as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Avery#Teresa_Halbach_murder

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Nobody forced you to get the vaccine, chuds. Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 04:27:27 No. 464810 [Reply] [Last]
Stop rewriting history.
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>>466462 He never said any of that, you honestly think Trump got the vax? Libtard.
>>466506 Trump lies like a jew He didnt get the vax, and he made sure (((his family))) didnt get it either. He did absolutely encourage his voters to get the vax, though
>>465113 >Forced in the strictest sense would mean hunting you down against your best efforts, holding you down, and injecting it into you. Correct. I was not forced therefore I didn't get it. I do not know anyone IRL who was forced to get it. I did see one video of a literal mental retard in his living room, being pinned down to the sofa by a sheriff while a nurse injected the vax.

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Deadly Games 12/28/2024 (Sat) 09:50:44 No. 466662 [Reply] >>466696
Germany. 24 year old man had intentionally caused the death of his 28 year old domineering gay partner. During the strangulation fetish session he was acting as a safe spotter. But was on purpose strongly encouraging the 28 year old to push it further and further, while hand “stimulating” him. And when finally his partner went too far and had passed out, he just stood and watched him getting strangled to death. And immediately right after that calling police to report accidental death and that he had found him like that when he came to his home. But police got suspicious. And upon further interrogation the 24 year old had finally admitted of planning death of his gay lover. As a self-defense against his partner se-xually using him for months in very domineering degrading rough way, like a s-ex toy slave. With his hands being tied behind his back on many occasions. And blackmailing him by threatening to reveal certain legal issues from the 24 year old's past to his government job employer, if he dared to leave him. On scene photos deceased can be seen as he was found. Sitting with his buttocks on a slightly extended part of the ottoman cube and with a belt holding him by the neck, zip tied to the leg of an overturned coffee table from above him. Thus keeping the corpse in the same position as when he got strangled. Mirror was placed in front of him, so he could to look at himself during the process and see his partner “stimulating” him. There were dripping traces of his dried sperm on the mirror, indicating ejaculation before passing out. A metal kitchen tray was under him, so his sperm would not get on the carpet. Corpse’s penis also kept most of it erect status.
Don't you already have another thread up?

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