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Hello Blue Cat 06/12/2024 (Wed) 09:15:09 No. 460070 [Reply]
Hello. I'm Blue Cat. I didn't know there was a site like this. So you probably don't think I'm a true anon. But I hope I'm welcome.
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>>464351 what the fuck am i missing something here it is literally just a cat picture
>>464407 The funniest part is the OP name and text are directly lifted from a movie, All about Lily Chou Chou.

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Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 18:11:49 No. 464360 [Reply] >>464387 >>464410
Basically anywhere you go in the US, you can find >strippers >prostitutes >escorts >erotic massages >tantric sex gurus >dominatrixes Aside from maybe the strip club, you never hear anybody talking about using any of these services. Yet there are clearly several lucrative industries thriving across the country. Are how common is it for you guys to use these sex services? I have ventured into it and it's fucking sweet, but I feel like I'm the only one but obviously I can't be.
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>>464360 1. No one needed to see that image 2. I'm a sperg who can't stand to be touched by people I'm not comfortable with. I'd never use anything like that. If there were sex robots, I'd probably be alright with that.
>>464387 Sex robots, you say? >Kiiroo Keon >The Handy Pair this with VR porn which uses funscripts to sync the strokes to the video, and thank me later
>>464360 corporate executive types do. they take their buds and potential business partners to those types of places that is why you can get a pretty good feel for the economy if you pay whores to tell you how much their johns are spending on them

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Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 19:17:27 No. 464409 [Reply]
Dubs or zero lets you change the drawing. Trips lets you add a rule.

Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 22:34:35 No. 453363 [Reply] >>464356 >>464366
What do you think of her? ❤︎₊ ⊹
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>>453363 She will get old and ugly at some point. They all do.
>>464356 >implying she didn't already get too old to bang 15 Yeats ago.
>>453363 imagine her pussy squeezing your dick tighter as she fights against the heat. I'd be into it. Not lifetime-commitment into it, but I'd fuck around for a month or so

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What happened to the image board users Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 03:57:27 No. 464333 [Reply] >>464352 >>464354 >>464357
Something isn't adding up. >4cuck does 15 minute timer on every board >all boards slow down significantly >This can only mean that people left the website >come to (supposedly) next most popular image board "8chan.moe" >The most popular board get 150 posts per hour (slow as shite) This doesn't add up. Where did everyone go, if not to the next most popular image board? Did they quit image boards completely?
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>>464333 Bots stupid
>>464333 >Ancient meme pic You are just a dying breed, old man. Younger people don't care about your retardation and have their own communities.
>>464333 >Much of the traffic was bots >They don't know about 8moe >8moe is not the second largest imageboard >4chan is normalfag central, so they don't go to other imageboards if they can't use cuckchan, they go to Reddit, Twitter, Faceberg, Tiktok, et cetera

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Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 15:39:34 No. 463881 [Reply]
<Shill post. I do this out of desperation beiing the fact that /h/ is incredibly, incredibly dead. Basically I have a discussion thread to talk about some ideas I had while reading a tentacle seedbed doujin. My PRIMARY fetish is /h/ tier pregnancy with tentacle and futanari as mere tertiaries but I had a recent fit of imagination with a novel futa idea brought on by Bonnouji Yura's recent 2 tentacle doujins that I want to discuss. <Doujin tldr: Tentacle Slayer Corps with girls with unique magical powers. Powers their tentacle children can inherit and use to sexual ends. <Novel futa idea: A futanarization that cannot cum on it's own but instead connects the womb to the dick and uses the cum of the male to ejaculate with. The girl can only cum when the man/tentacles blasts into her. Fucking hot. >>>/h/5615 Looking for articulate effortposters. I've had great 1 effortpost here and 1 on Pregchan's discusion board. https://pregchan.com/c/res/3503.html (also incredibly incredibly dead) Enjoy this little pregnant sex animation as payment, best preggers vid on the entire web
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The last bump I give here, heres another writeup I did just to demonstrate the "theme" of what I'm going for: <another hot scene: Imagine a new Corps member's first impregnation with Self Genesis. She's a particularly weak willed younger one that kneels to the tentacles after simply SEEING some girls get fucked. She snuck into the nest and beheld the breeding but instead of trying to save the girls she just started masturbating, getting herself caught. After birthing tentacles once and getting her power, Vital Bond, stolen she coos at the tentacles constantly. Begging them for sex and for them to grow her a futa cock. >"Maaaaster. Pleeeease grow me a cock~ I want Kuon-chan and Ayase-chan to bear my cute tenty babies so bad~" >"Master let me goooo~ I won't run~ I want to ride B-chan's cock~ *pouts* Pretty please?" Tentaman has many powers and is very intelligent by this point. He is greatly amused by this new girl and decides to debut Self Genesis here after incorporating Vital Bond. He sets the whole swarm on new girl and fucks her wildly. As the tentacle fucking her cums the whole swarm melts into into semen, drives itself into her womb, compressing as into goes so her belly barely bulges, and combines all its power into a single sperm. And new girl can SENSE this sperm's power. >"Uooooooooh it's so maaaaaaanly~! The sheer masculinity in my pussy, oh god~ I can feel it swimming, I can sense it's power~ I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming from his very presence!" She starts masturbating furiously, shivering intensely. >"Yes yes yes yes. Please master impregnate my egg! Quite teeeeeasing me~ I want to birth you so fucking bad~" She rubs herself against the girls. Tentaman the starts psychically sweet talking her: >"Good girl, now go take in more of my semen from the others. I wish to do battle with their seed first." The girls all grow cocks at his command. She rides them all and consumes their magical girl boosted tenta-semen. As she does this she senses him do battle with and consume the other spermatazoids. >"OOOOOH it's a bloodbath in there! I can feel him conquering all the other sperm! He's so powerful, oh god I'm gonna come again~"

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Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 04:00:04 No. 463692 [Reply] >>464345
My baby photo is wild lol
>>463692 i dont think thats how gravity fuckin works

Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 23:45:59 No. 463776 [Reply] >>464131 >>464147
the Internet is so boring now everybody is the same
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>>463776 Welcome to.the modern globalized world, courtesy of all the ZOGs. https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=qU57-eac9po
>>463776 Be the change you want to see in the world.

What is your opinion on 8kun? Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 11:41:37 No. 462842 [Reply] [Last]
Sorry if this is off-topic. I'm just curious how 8chan and 8kun compare in terms of altchans and if there are any others you prefer.
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>>464091 Lol go ahead Actually don’t It would be a waste of time arguing with a larper and his little AI buddy
>>464099 LOL, pussy. Remember, it's not pedo if she's an eighty year-old elf or a thousand year-old dragon.
>>462844 >Then it died again when all the old files were purged, leaving dead boards full of dead images. When and why did that happen? I remember thinking at the time, even though the site was a ghost town, at least some boards still retained their archive of images, which was great because it's an image board. After those were lost, I feel like there is no point in keeping that place alive anymore. I see some places I used to roam, dead of people and images, and I want to weep for an era I didn't truly appreciate until it was long over and gone. >>463991 Thank you for your well written post, anon. I too was also on 8chan's original /co/ board alot and I loved the freedom it brought as the oppressive staff at the 4chan /co/ board really sucked the fun out of everything (and still do, nothings changed, likely got even worse, but people still use that place like battered housewives). I wish 8moe /co/ would be busier but it pretty dead, sadly.

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I didn't do shit. Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 18:41:38 No. 460474 [Reply]
Didn't post, request, or advertise anything. Would never even when blackout drunk break Global Rule 1. That's fucking retarded. Yet they keep denying my appeals, despite my insistence that I never did anything. Fuck that place anyway. It's nothing but catalogs full of ragebait bots, and nobody in charge is doing shit about it.
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4chan's /co/ board has some of the worst power tripping staff ever. And it's been that way for a bit over ten years at this point. No fun allowed. I believe when janitor applications open its mostly a sham, because it feels like it's the exact same people moderating, no one ever gets replaced. /v/ also has shitty staff at times. I truly miss the original 8chan /co/ board when it was active. It makes my blood boil that some stupid zoomer likely half my age is going to push me around and ban me for bullshit that isn't ban worthy. The site's moderation is a fucking joke at this point and has been for a long time. The rules system is old and archaic, and they do whatever they want because Hiro is basically gone at this point and I get the impression that rape-ape, for many boards, doesn't care what his minions do or don't do. It's a mess. And yet, all the English speaking traffic for image boards still gets funneled to 4chan, leaving altchans with scraps of people. I just got served a three day ban for talking about 8chan. I suspected I would get a ban for the post being a bit off topic to the board it was posted on, but no, I was 3-dayed for "Intentionally evading spam/post filters" because of changing the name of 8chan slighty so I could actually post my message. Ten fucking years later and you still can't say "8chan" on halfchan. Get over yourselves and move the fuck on, jesus chirst.
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>>464304 >4chan's /co/ board
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>>463959 >Roberto Benigni won an Oscar for making a comedy about the Holocaust while I get BANNED for making a funny joke about one guy doing a window dive. >subreddit Do you seriously think plebbit's trannyjannies would have let Benigni have the Oscar, either?

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Kek Anonymous 08/05/2023 (Sat) 17:37:31 No. 447953 [Reply] >>464302
>be russian >say you're going to save western civilization >You invade Ukraine, the last white country in Europe
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>>464272 At least they are actual Europeans.
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>>447953 It was good though. The jew invaders in Ukrayne were all either driven off or killed. Always kill jews.

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Advice (serious) YouTube.com/@thatoneguy8450 10/17/2024 (Thu) 08:33:21 No. 463973 [Reply]
Will it be weird to ask my grandmother to tutor me in how to talk to girls and kiss and stuff? I think she will be weirded out but we haven't even known each other till recently. Besides mothers and grandmother's kiss on the lips all the time I've seen it and had it done to me and it's not weird, and it's not sexual this time either I just want to get that xp before I move onto 3d women. Even just asking what girls like? Please help me make it not weird !! Will paying money make it more likely to go down?
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>>464220 >>464223 Also oldie has nothing to do with it, I don't know how to kiss, talk, or fuck. And I am more closer to my other female relatives. Maybe I should look for a prostitute? Idk. Or set up a booth and sign saying $20 for a kiss.
This is such a stupid idea. Look up a tutorial or ask an AI or something.
>>464225 > I don't know how to kiss, talk, or fuck. You think the rest of us busted our first conjoined nut with a perfect 10 across the board (except for the Russian judges, who grudgingly gave us an 8)? My first time in every single category was absolute shit. Girls understand, and if they don't, then they are worthless creatures undeserving of your time. If they're experienced, they'll help you out to get better, and if they're also virgins, you'll get better together. You don't need to shame yourself and your entire family with such a stunarse plan.

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 16:31:14 No. 464284 [Reply] >>464293
What exactly is this, like, squinty, puffy nosed, thin lipped, angle-y look women get when they turn into morbidly obese hogs? It's like they all end up looking like the same person. Is it just all that fat packed in there, or does it hint at some generic predisposition that also includes a particular look to the face?
Very likely genetic defects. Which is great because it makes it easier to create gene viruses to kill them all.
>>464284 I think it's more like how most babies look the same until they consume their babyfat. When there's that much adipose pushing out their skin, they become identical balloon creatures.

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Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 15:58:45 No. 464282 [Reply]
"You live like this and call it bravery? Should I skin myself to be beat you in your 'bravery?'. "Prepare not my friends if we do not prepare people shall think us as brave!" Null think such, you will be known a dead corpse without a hard hat." -Vondle the Dwarf
>ever caring about fiction Retard.

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Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 18:01:15 No. 464199 [Reply] >>464202 >>464237
>1920: alcohol is banned in the US >1929: economic depression of historic proportions hits the US >1933: alcohol ban is lifted >economic recovery begins Really makes you think, huh?
>>464199 it was past the 1800s no good ideas could be had after that point in time
The important thing is to kill jews.
>>464199 Economy boomed in the 1920s. And the great depression was prolonged by FDR's policies, lasting until the US entered WW2.

Detectiving Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 07:46:50 No. 464190 [Reply] >>464213 >>464215
At midnight all the agents and superhuman crew, go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do.
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