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Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 06:23:54 No. 464697 [Reply]
“We’re putting a team together”
26 posts and 17 images omitted.
>>464702 >Trump is a fat white nigger who sucks Israeli cock and his faggot ass loosened up and project tl aviv. Fixed
(2.51 MB 720x406 trump on h1bs.mp4)

>>467635 The decline will continue, good, this shit needs to get bad enough too kill millions

Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 00:37:41 No. 467572 [Reply]

/b/east Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 13:13:50 No. 467561 [Reply]
Stay fluffy /b/.

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mustard gas chemical warfare 08/12/2024 (Mon) 21:31:59 No. 461900 [Reply] >>467557
Do you have contacts of people who are ready to buy an expensive video with a synthesis guide of mustard gas and/or hydrazine (using the Raschig method) or links to large near-terrorist channels/chat rooms in a telegram or Tor or anonymous near-terrorist forums?
I have contacts of plastic that are near my eyes. They are ready to correct astigmatism and aligmatism of my balls.
>>461900 With modern filtration, sterilization, knowledge, information access, and spectrometers anyone who can into chemistry and who has the formula can make whatever they want, aside from radioactives and a very few things that the notorious They have managed to spread lies about. Watch that video where the dude makes cinnamon candy from styrofoam.

Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 19:00:40 No. 467420 [Reply] >>467579
This is not conjecture, it is something I know as fact: This wave of AI development is an organized effort by the so-called elite class to "fuzz" the Internet -- essentially the "dead internet" as it has been popularized recently -- to detatch the rest of us into our own separate pocket of reality of manufactured news, and bots that make us feel heard. A containment network that makes us FEEL that we are aware of what's going on, and that we are doing things about it, but it's all fake. Meanwhile the elite will be entirely unchecked, unreported, essentially operate invisibly as they compound their wealth and resources. It's already basically there, it is too late to do anything about it now.
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>>467428 I did pay for like 5 minutes and it didn't do what I wanted
The thing about AI is the guardrails massively decrease response quality. I can get better quality on my machine with 8 gigs of vram than any but the expensive models. And it at least tries to answer any question. And I'm not giving up my privacy. And I can write smut. And I have unlimited questions. And I get to make my own initialization text. And I get to try different models.
>>467420 okay, retard

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I’m retarded? Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 22:26:00 No. 465428 [Reply] >>467551
Gentlemen I regret to inform you that my autism has struck again, and I probably offended people and left them wondering what the hell is wrong with that guy. Once I accepted that I’m an autistic retard, I embraced it. But now even I can see I’m a fucking retard. I didn’t do anything bad. I need to keep my autism in check. If possible. Anyway I thought you should know.
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>>467538 Whatever virgin
>>465428 It's called a personality
>>467547 What does it get you?

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Charred Pheasant 01/19/2025 (Sun) 20:57:16 No. 467548 [Reply]
I held a spell in my hands. The sparkling embers in my hands danced in the cold night’s air. The wind extinguishes its light and once more I sit in the dark. After pondering the phantom glow, I head to my chambers to rest. My name is Ragnar Storm-cloak and for all my life I could harness a rare power that dwells in the history of our kingdom. Powerful mages of old-inhabited this land before us and had the inborn ability to use magic. I am one of few people who are related to these mages and I dedicate my life to studying the ways of magic. Unlike them, I can’t conjure magic from the air around me, instead, I must draw from springs that were left behind by my ancestors. My kind were once fierce heroes but times have changed and I must use my gift for other means. I wake up the next morning and put on a ragged cloak. Being a bearer of magic, I live to serve in my lord's castle in hopes of survival after a failed career as a hero. Large tankards of mead, endless piles of pheasant, entire hogs roasted over an open flame. My lord, Profuses The XIII otherwise known as the “Gluttonous King” makes sure I have a roof over my head and in return, I duplicate his pantry with my magic. I enter my lord's court and kneel before his majesty. “More mead!” says the Gluttonous King to the house carl. He then looks down at me and barks from his crumb incrested mouth “Wizard! My pantry is nearly empty! I request that you replenish my stores at once!”. The smell of mead and pheasant wafts from his greedy jaws and fills my nostrils, the smell alone reminds me of my duties and I head for the cellar. For once, my lord spoke with no hyperbole, the pantry was nearly empty, and I just refilled it the other day. With a wave of my hand, pheasant and hog that were once one, become two, and then three. I clench my hand to stop the duplication and take my leave. I return to the throne and kneel before my majesty yet again. “I have replenished your cellar, my lord,” I say holding my hand to my heart. The King turns his many slimy necks in my direction. He lets out a greasy, Guttral cackle, sending foul beads of meaty juices into my eyes. In that moment, a lifetime of servitude must come to an end. I wipe the grease from my eyes and with a swift gesture, I refine the mountains of lard that sat on top of the throne. I watch the fire’s embers twinkle in the air accompanied by the screams of the wretched king and I cackle. Once again, like many times before, I hold a spell in my hands, and as always, the wind extinguishes its light. The court grows silent and the smell of charred pheasant fills the air.

ads on a military tv network 1990s Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 17:00:54 No. 467416 [Reply] >>467417
Hello. I got some old CDs for free containing these cool ads Ask to post the full video
>>467416 Sure?
Post it here or in some web archive, save that shit.

Nigger Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 05:57:30 No. 467490 [Reply]

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Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:56:49 No. 465373 [Reply]
Have you guys tried the new 8chan game? It's called Gyat.io I'm sure you've seen the ads
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>>465441 thanks anon for wasting my time clickling on this retarded shit. no i did not check low level porn game for dumb coomers. anon, please dont goon to amything because it is a real sin.
>WebGL kys now
These models suck donkey dick.

am i based ro schizo W00t 12/26/2024 (Thu) 12:26:59 No. 466525 [Reply] >>467217 >>467523
>messsage MANDATORYrr >expiRERD CAPtcha!!!!!
(14.96 KB 260x280 eeeeee.webp)

I've realized you replying to me wasted both of your precious time for nothing.
>>466525 No, you're a yt underage b& anime fag with no personality

Jo tengo Dinero, Jo Tengo Plan. Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 16:48:27 No. 467495 [Reply]
LA mamaye mamaye mama ye
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Fuck all niggers Death to All niggers

I don't find my girlfriend attractive Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 22:36:06 No. 465311 [Reply]
>Be me, 25 year old autistic porn addict >Somehow got a girlfriend >4 months into a relationship, start the hot chats >Gf send me this https://photovault.store/image.php?id=1649IO.jpg >Not even the slightest erection on my dick What am I supposed to do? I think she's a great girl, but she really doesn't cause me the slightest sexual attraction when she sent the pic. Is it because I'm so normalized to porn or is it really just the picture?
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>>465408 >Every license plate ever has a crime associated with it Lmao.
>>465418 You are replying to a nigger, so that is really what they believe
maybe because she's a fed why would she send you grabify link?

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Loser Exposed Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 18:39:10 No. 463619 [Reply] [Last]
Upload Justin everywhere
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Cassie (Dragon Tales) AI model Anonymous 10/04/2024 (Fri) 11:14:53 No. 463617 [Reply]
Hey I was wondering does anyone have the creator “FatsIncognito Cassie (Dragon Tales) PonyXL” model with original description (weights usage, trigger words, etc)? (If you still know the original description.) https://civitai.com/posts/4271026

Do You Fuck Fast Or Slow? Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 09:02:14 No. 467378 [Reply] >>467384 >>467385
I fuck pretty slow. Slower than most videos I've seen, anyway. Doesn't even feel all that great to me going very fast and sometimes I even start to lose muh br0nner. But a slow sensual fuck keeps me rock hard and is really hot to me. With some variety, of course. But in general, I mean.
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>>467378 Why have you posted that picture of Lenny three times?
>>467385 Mmm. I'm maybe 80% of that.

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