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bv Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 17:53:49 No. 468018 [Reply] >>468157
Guys please go to >>>/bv/ mark is extremely asshurt that the board exists
>>468018 Please do not shill my board. Shilling is faggotry. Sage goes in all fields.

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roach roach 09/26/2024 (Thu) 09:18:56 No. 463404 [Reply] >>467654
The cockroaches are an ancient group, with their ancestors, known as "roachoids", originating during the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors, however, lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects lacking special adaptations (such as the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs); they have chewing mouthparts and are probably among the most primitive of living Neopteran insects. They are common and hardy insects capable of tolerating a wide range of climates, from Arctic cold to tropical heat. Tropical cockroaches are often much larger than temperate species. Modern cockroaches are not considered to be a monophyletic group, as it has been found based on genetics that termites are deeply nested within the group, with some groups of cockroaches more closely related to termites than they are to other cockroaches, thus rendering Blattaria paraphyletic. Both cockroaches and termites are included into Blattodea. Some species, such as the gregarious German cockroach, have an elaborate social structure involving common shelter, social dependence, information transfer and kin recognition. Cockroaches have appeared in human culture since classical antiquity. They are popularly depicted as large, dirty pests, although the majority of species are small and inoffensive and live in a wide range of habitats around the world.
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>>463405 > roach 09/26/2024 (Thu) 09:28:29 No. 46 there's nothing better than a cockroach eating a corpse of femoid's child. glory to bugs!
>>463405 Agreed.

post nr. 5 555 555th Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 20:47:34 No. 467953 [Reply]
oh no, I've missed the seven digit 5's post. I guess gonna wait 100 months for the 6's

Fucking chess Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 06:10:13 No. 467558 [Reply]
I keep losing in chess to people who are not as good as me at chess. They just keep getting lucky. Or they're using a bot. Stupid bastards. They need to go fuck themselves.
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>>467944 Satanists have to believe in Christ otherwise they can't be called satanists. Satan is an entity from christian canon. Christianity is a cancer religion that invented satanism.
>>467950 that's kind of true, in judaism satan isnt even the angel but an angel, a satan is a deliever of pain. but its only one of many if possible theoritically.
also communism isnt that retarded but maybe not at current period...

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W00t 01/25/2025 (Sat) 08:55:40 No. 467934 [Reply]
white women caused all problems in history of the world for all races and all classes but they are the ones who are actually evil not race or class but they hey unfortunately men haver to suffer anywayyyyy >ps. this is not white woman either

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Tesla's new logo Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 00:27:27 No. 467711 [Reply]
Share if you want
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>>467879 he is a member of the elite of a society of psychopaths manipulation and trying to exploit is their nature, and he is good at it I think they want to basically to what xcom aliens did in the 2nd one, - the sexy aliens so it is lame as fuck; make living outside of city centers hard and illegal, have 100% control over what you eat, what you know, and to use your dna trying to make a new man that will fail due to this new man not having any context outside of type of civilization's ecology and just the fact that they were made by a population that can't innovate
Cool. It is always ok to kill jews.
>>467887 Its okay of he is. I just wanted to know.

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Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 02:35:14 No. 467784 [Reply]
Cómo encuentro a Marisola?
Can anyone post old porn NOTHING ILLEGAL but old porn from before the days where fags took over and made it so they can't do this without halfassing it or breaking immersion anymore???? Sorry, sorry, anyway please post porn LEGAL PORN where the ACTRESS is ACTING like she genuinely does not want, lots of ENGLISH no foreigner shit, lots of "no" and "please" and "stop" and "not there" and even crying and sobbing is acceptable as long as they're actually fucking and for the third time AS LONG AS IT'S LEGAL CONSENTING ADULTS ACTING OUT A SCENE. Idgaf what actresses say after they get paid. If a scene was legal and came out and can still be bought, it's legal.

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www.bitchute.com/channel/NtAWDTcum6FJ Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 11:06:45 No. 466363 [Reply] >>467839
a man believes wholeheartedly in the Truth that there are little worms in his brain (brainworms, if you will) exerting influence over his emotions and actions. this man decides to drill into his own skull and fill the hole with bug spray. this man is a schizophrenic suffering from PSYCHOTIC DELUSIONS. he is given literal brain altering mind control horse tranquilizers and beaten by hospital staff. . . . . . HOWEVER! this man is NOT a man at all. IT is a woman. a woman with a penis. this contradiction leaves the WOMAN severely DYSPHORIC, though. so the next day this woMAN goes to her trusted psychiatrist/person trained in mind control techniques used by literal cults and during the monthly confession tells her of this great biological oversight. is the woMAN pescribed something else due to treatment resistance?? NO. the doctors (people that have memorised the words in specific books) instead support this new WOMAN and conduct a little life altering surgery of their own. can you see the double standard? start treating trannies with anti psychotic medication, the same stuff they give to treatment resistant "schizophrenic" people to induce diabetes and make them sleep all day and night, LOL
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Does anyone know if the random comment thing on the YouTube app is an algorithm that reads where you are in a video? I keep seeing timestamps pop up as comments when I get to that exact point.
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>>466363 Perhaps consider these words, nonny
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tell him that parasitic worms are real and they can be in the brain, they eat mostly the brain cellls and the remaining microglia. Also microglia also eats brain, by the way, if you wanted to know, that is.

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I wanna ruin my reputation because i feel like shit. Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 08:24:56 No. 463499 [Reply] >>467754
How do i ruin my own reputation as fast as possible without doing anything illegal, or morally wrong. I want everyone to see me as a fucking monster without doing anything wrong. Any tips? pic unrelated
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Write a very detailed and explicit smut story, featuring content that normalfags would find particularly disturbing. Rape, torture, snuff, and whatever else you can think of. "Accidentally" leave it somewhere where people will find it. If you can draw, do the same but in visual form. That's even better. Maybe even make a comic, but if not, just scattered drawings will get the job done. Make a Facebook account and add everybody you have ever interacted with, starting with those closest to you, of course. "Accidentally" post your smut, then ask how to delete it. This works better if you have pictures. If you only have text, and it's too long to post, then consider just typing in something like "8 year old girl rape porn," then in your next post be like "wait I meant to type this in Google. How do I delete this?"
>>463499 the way that requires the least effort is to flip the bird at everyone you see, especially children
join my hentai podcast. we will talk about eronovels and manga like Taimainin franchise, and NTR goblin sheeet

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/wincest/ Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 07:49:48 No. 466660 [Reply]
Praying for a minor Christmas miracle here; anyone got the rest of the Siscon-Chan series? One anon over at 8chan/8kun saved the continuation back in 2020, but only the thumbnails are archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20200914064743/https://8kun.top/in/res/568.html#q7937 Looked all over the place for the rest of this saga, but only found the first two: https://web.archive.org/web/20220809121445/https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmezGCZ6FTZAHYKetuHiCDwCEFMsYAjU6y3cAP4foqujjC/story/Siscon-Chan.html
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>>467371 Smutwriter here and >man gets rape No just hell no. Let me know when tu have an MDom story for me to write.
Anyone here have a close relative (parent, sibling, of child) who they believe is objectively attractive in tne sexual sense? Related by law doesnt count, must be a full biological relation. Estranged and reunited doesnt count, must've been together during the formative years of one of you.
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https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=-LXH3U0QaZk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LXH3U0QaZk)
Pretty enjoyable lighthearted short. Best thing since the Folgers ad.

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Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 00:52:40 No. 467652 [Reply]
Is the US in its final throes?
Not anywhere near it. National economies don't suddenly stop. They grind through a long, slow process of disintegration. Like a cargo ship that takes three miles to change course. The economy that was once the wealthiest in the world isn't even sure to be going down, especially with AI about to up-end all the everything in ten years. There's high inflation but not hyperinflation. There's structural job loss but it's being mitigated by the democratic side of things despite the oligarchy. There's corruption and theft, but there's a LOT of wealth left to be stolen and the wealthy are now more interested in stealing from each-other as the wealth of the poor falls in relative terms -- and is yet enough to feed and house most of the poor. In a word: no,.
Seeing as troons are dropping like flies because of Trump, I'd say we're actually saved

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Anonymous 01/24/2025 (Fri) 02:47:11 No. 467791 [Reply] >>467792
https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/59683373 I'm accepting bids on the property market in San Francisco and then I'm publishing the list. 415 590 0594 I'm bidding a dollar forty nine on this beauty right here https://postimg.cc/7fR8yDHR/06322931 If enough people post bids then you can force a mark to market of the property values. Tired of the burnt out buildings.
>>467791 Weird and halfcuck /biz/ links, but sure why not go crazy

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 17:33:56 No. 467638 [Reply] >>467662 >>467669
>sfw player (exe+pdf) recovered from windows xp guide book. Last edited in 2012. Download at your own risk
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>>467638 Just use Flashpoint and Ruffle you primitive man
>>467662 A virus

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Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 15:43:26 No. 467599 [Reply]
Risking Ava, dm if caught 057a885a08c3c27b99b5 22500dcbc8cc5886f84451 25f4406e835 9c052457fe868
She deserves to be Plugged by a Big Black Cock.
>>467653 Black Kings deserve superior Black Pussy. Why do you want BBC genes diluted by weak Karen DNA? You trying to create faggot Trevor Noah kids
just post more you fucking junkies take your gay shit to the interracial board if your not gonna post more on this bed wench fucking hurry faggots

Ramon thread Anonymous 01/21/2025 (Tue) 16:14:27 No. 467600 [Reply]
When the world needed him the most...he vanished...
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>>467632 How the mighty have fallen

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 16:26:15 No. 465102 [Reply]
lolecat is lole
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does anyone have the gif of bury pink gril frying a punch of bury ebil gril creatures on an open barbecue grill?
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