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Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 02:11:38 No. 464642 [Reply] >>464662
shameless shill of my site the site is very new and has a low userbase if you want a new imageboard to use, be our guest!
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>>464643 generic imageboard
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>wojak >lolface >18 days ago
>>464642 a new patch chan?

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Who is this?? EYE 11/03/2024 (Sun) 02:34:24 No. 464590 [Reply]
The boy's moans sound heavenly; and those loads are so great I gotta know who it is
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Man, this has to be some of the saddest shit I've seen. Do people really get off to other people cumming on images like this?
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>>464631 Yes because we're homosexuals we like to see other men cum. We're not like you. We're better.

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Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 21:32:45 No. 464315 [Reply]
It’s been ten years since Gamergate happened. I never cared about it, but the fallout surrounding it lead to a portion of the 4chan userbase to move to 8chan. It was a wild time, the freedom we had. Didn’t like the moderation on a 4chan board? Make the board on 8chan. Make a board for a specific interest. I remember so many people moving over to the site, including content creators like drawfags. It was such a breath of fresh air to be able to post and not be so bogged down by the moderation of 4chan. I remember in the early days of posting and having Hotwheels replying to something I said, it felt nice having that connection with the admin of the site. It felt like the dawn of a new era. Of course, the good times didn’t last forever. I seem to remember a solid six months where 8chan was busy, but then as 2015 rolled on you could feel it wasn’t the same, and people were quietly going back to 4chan, even the ones who proudly said they wouldn’t. I stopped visiting the original 8chan sometime in 2016 or 2017, because it felt so dead. Then the original site was taken offline in 2019. Now with 8moe, a spinoff of the original site, it feels like a shell of its former self. In the decade since Gamergate happened, there has never been a single event that has caused a mass migration of 4chan users to go elsewhere. Despite the fact that people proclaim 4chan has gotten worse and worse over the years, people still stay there, stating there is no place else to go. 8moe still exists. So the question I’ve been pondering for the last little while is this: why do people stay using 4chan when they have alternatives? Will there ever be another event that will cause 4chan users to leave en masse? Or will everyone who likes the image board lifestyle just stay on 4chan 4ever?
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>>464329 >I'll never understand this site's attitude towards shilling on 4chan.
>>464328 This is what ruined 8chan. All the principled anons moved when Gamergate happened. I didn't even use /v/, but any good user knew 4chan was fucked for years, and was just waiting for a viable alternative. You're just a faggot who was probably a relative newfag and didn't move until your board was personally fucked with. You were willing to tolerate 4chan even after moot explicitly banned a topic based on his political opinions, and a viable alternative opened up. When you and your kind came here, it ruined the site. >>464497 Those examples weren't nearly on the same scale.
>>464542 >anti-shill Stop reading there.

DECAPITATE BALD MEN Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 23:13:49 No. 464584 [Reply]
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Genocide the jews.

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Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 05:02:20 No. 464475 [Reply]
mods are sleep. post sinks.
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I'm more of a toilet man myself.
>>464585 *i'm a toilet ftfy

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Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 01:36:19 No. 464589 [Reply] >>464592
When people realize Jews manipulated their society into costly wars to benefit themselves...

More Comfies Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 00:00:15 No. 464116 [Reply] [Last]
These rooms get great Wi-Fi!
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>>464442 Pathetic Fraud Homosexual Faggot Bad Taste (not that anyone is surprised) Please show yourself hanging from a rope in one of your pathetic, grotesque rooms Hanging, like a thigh of pig; lifeless; clueless; the IQ of a turnip seed
>>464383 >My parents grew up in the Great Depression and WW2 so as adults they saw getting anything second hard as an attack on their pride. You must be pretty old. Are you the guy who started this thread? >>462228 I guess if I came from that era, I could understand why you would want to buy new. Back then though, it was made locally, made better, and the price wasn't too bad. However, I am not from that generation, so I take anything and everything secondhand / garbage picked because I'm thrifty and like to save money. My generation and the ones after me can't afford shit these days. >'time capsule house' Those are always neat to see. I weep for when the house gets sold and some asshat with no taste renos it all removing the good fixtures and other such things and replaces it all with inferior, foreign made things. I will say though that there are a few oldschool things I do not like, like tiled kitchen countertops. Just not a good choice. >>464393 That is green! Too much carpet for my taste. I moreso like "warm" colors. Yellows, browns, oranges, etc.. There is a woman nearby to me that lives in a townhouse complex built in the late 1970s and she has been there since 1985. She's in her early 80s. Her place has alot of stairs so I wonder how much longer she will be there. I bet her place is a time capsule of sorts. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for the listing photos when it goes up for sale. >>464424 I bet that chair got sold at a garage sale for pennies back in the early to mid 1990s and now it would be worth more money. >>464460

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

>>464586 Not started the thread I meant, but it's got some older gent talking about how much he hates his life.

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Stonerchan is dead, what's the new 420chan now? Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 20:13:53 No. 464248 [Reply]
Stonerchan recently appeared as a successor to 420chan, was barely active for a few weeks, and has now vanished. I had a couple threads open there, and they pruned or deleted, so did someone nuke everything before taking the site offline?
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>>464571 >Didnt 7 have a weed board for you potheads to go to after 420 dieded? I'm not a pothead. 420chan and stonerchan were for substances of all kinds. Weed is just what's popular.
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>>464574 Because its the wildcard board they can use it for whatever. When 420 went down they made it the weed board for refugees from there since the sites have a long standing relationship. Not unlike here with former spicchan users. >>464576 Im just busting your stones.

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Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 15:07:38 No. 463555 [Reply] >>463565
horror movie marathon all october long, come hangout suptv dot org
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>>463555 Nigger
happy halloween! eltingville go!

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pedo 09/14/2024 (Sat) 16:16:48 No. 463097 [Reply]
Guys please help me I am porn addict. I want to quit watching porn and live a normal life. Without having to shred my hdd.
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Graduate to rape. When you realise how stank and rancid the average western femoid is, you will either emigrate to East Asia, quit porn entirely, or move to >>>/zoo/ Or hell, just do all three
>>464498 I want a chinoiserie horse woman, preferably one who can speak French.
>>463099 eew >>464498 as long as she calls me a monkey alot

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Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 12:32:30 No. 464496 [Reply]
please recommend-me underground forums about true crime and school massacres im to lazy to research by my self
a Patch chan?

Judy Hopps 3D Models Sashacakies Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:34:39 No. 464067 [Reply]
Hey does anyone have Sashacakies updated August-September 2024 Judy Hopps and Lucy 3D models?
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I'm a pretty open minded fella, but this I just don't get

fuck mark felton 10/16/2024 (Wed) 18:58:35 No. 463950 [Reply] [Last]
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yourea faggot which wont accept it
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See, after the November Revolution toppled the German Empire, Germany set about the bloody task as to whether to be a Fascist Republic or a Communist one. They close Fascism. This was the crucible that formed the NSDAP. But Hitlerism ended up being nothing more than Stalinism just with business tycoons and the Catholic Church, with the latter to be abolished once the Third Reich won the war. They were both personality cult, totalitarian regimes powered by terrorism and murder. "BuT HItLer HaTed The JEWWWZ!" So what? EVERYONE hated the Jews throughout Christian history, and many still do. But the horrors of the camps so shocked Christendom as to completely reverse the fate of Jewry, accelerating the push to carve a new Israel out of British Palestine. All thanks to the discovery of the wake of the Final Solution. Heil Hitler?
>>464491 Your attempts at social shame instead of actually discussing ideas have outed you. Please leave.

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My dark sexual fantasy Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:40:29 No. 463212 [Reply] >>464458
I chatted with a depressed transgender woman online. We have known each other for over a year and talked on the phone. She is cute and has a gender-neutral voice. We have borrowed money from each other and trust each other, but unfortunately, she is a lesbian and has never let me have sex with her. Her life has been getting harder and harder recently, and she wants to die. Still, she is afraid of pain, so she is willing to give me all her savings of 8,000 yuan and ask me to buy her barbiturate for euthanasia, either in cash or virtual currency. She will also find an excuse for her disappearance in advance for people around her (going abroad, etc.) so that even if she is missing, people around her will not call the police. She is also willing to let me have sex once before she dies in return for my kindness in giving her euthanasia drugs. Because I had used stimulants before (I have quit now) and knew the contact information of many dealers, she thought I could get barbiturates, but no dealer I knew sold this stuff, and I couldn't bear to let her die. In addition, in China, assisted suicide is sentenced as intentional homicide... But I still often have fantasies in my mind. I always like to watch gore and have a very bloody sexual fetish. I always can't help fantasizing about luring her to the wilderness under the pretext of suicide pills, raping, torturing, and then killing her. Anyway, she will find an excuse for her disappearance in advance so people around her don't call the police... She and her family have basically cut off contact. No one cares if she dies. I masturbated thinking about this scene several times, and even opened the chat window, but when I saw her cute avatar, I suddenly felt sorry. She is so cute, how can I have such thoughts? In the end, I still did nothing.
>>463212 faggot
I think it's a fantastic idea, OP. This is your opportunity to live out your darkest fantasy!

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Tired Friend 10/29/2024 (Tue) 03:12:36 No. 464444 [Reply]
So, my friend made this Chrome Web Store game (tf right?). Turns out, he set it up so any time it crashes, he gets an email to ‘fix’ it. But let’s be real, almost no one actually plays. Lately, he’s been going on nonstop about how he’s some math genius because of it, and it’s getting annoying. The game’s already losing players, so I figured I’d help speed things up. If you open any level and type $0.click(), it just kinda errors out quietly, and he gets another email. 😂 Let’s see how long that ego lasts. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/seans-game/cjklkcpgnmdcnkepkndbmnajaibdmcaj
I'm not downloading your faggity game. If it were a real request you'd literally write a while loop and call it a day. Sage this absolute shill.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:58:15 No. 464431 [Reply]
Commiecat really doesn't do a good Walton Simons impression smdh tbh fam.

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