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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Why are Americans so Cheesy? Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 06:56:31 No. 455986 [Reply] [Last]
All they do is act like they are in a Movie.
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Beth's Porn Material Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 21:43:23 No. 468781 [Reply] >>468974
Does anyone have Beth's porn vids or photos? There were several made in the UK with Beth being made to do a lot of anal.
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>>468781 If she's available... HOW MUCH FOR AN HOUR? Other than that I don't own any. Other than I go to xnxx.com for free porn.
Fucking hell the tits on her are fucking amazing
Love Beth's porn stuff! Her anal screams are so hot

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GAY!!! Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 16:17:17 No. 459038 [Reply] [Last]
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I just got banned from KIWI FARMS for this shit as well.

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without sexual motivation, I rarely feel anything complex. W00t 02/21/2025 (Fri) 08:14:19 No. 469126 [Reply]
this is gonna be important w00t's message. because i believe it will make things simpler. As Martin Luther King also said, "Someone who believes in nothing and stands for nothing, will fall for absolutely anything." There was also english song, but I don't remember it. I do not like eating eggs or omelet, macoroni make me fucking sick, I very often hate eating meat, especially barbecued, smoked or other ways of steaming, broiling and etc... No matter how many humans speak to me, I can't relate - I AM LIKE THE FUCKING GUY FROM KINZAVIER. Hibiku Yamamura Katsuhira? Basically, I don't feel anything good when eatibng. But other people always tell me opposite. I did milkshakes before and other desserts, but now as adult I feel zero. zero senses. To me, eating it is diaboliacl and damaging. Even when I read soap operas and other sad stories, I feel very nothing. I am trying my best to develop empathy, but it's harder when I can't relate to them and also relating to them momentarily. If I feel pain, ok but even then I do not relate to people who experience tragedy no matter how similar we are. I feel I suffer from a form of abudolomania or some other apathetic illness, but I do not feel sick of whatsoever, to me the problem lies in the lackness.... I tried to ease it or remove this habit, but then I truly feel as person indifferent to extreme if you as human saw me. I do not care. I do not express anger not even other frustrations, I only experience them momentarily in the present scene but won't indulge them in the future. All of modern life... makes me feel left out, but also whether I have self-pity or remove my self-pity I still have difficulty with genuine emotions, only through sex or some sensual stimulation do I start making slip ups, so to speak, emotional interest that leads me to think of circumstances in irrationality. How do I fight against such npcism? Is it even possible to feel genuine emotion? Because I will not fake it. I seriously question myself, this is not statement of apathetic taste buds towards delicious food, only. I inherently feel soulless for entirety of my life. Please, help me feel some kind of senses and empathy for me to care. Caring... Uh
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>>469163 That doesn't improve that sentence. What.
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>>469164 Am was the name of the AI of that book AI isn't sexy, an AI that hates humans is I just wanted that clarified

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Evilposting thread Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:23:32 No. 455608 [Reply] [Last]
Hi anons! It’s time for your annual evilposting thread! ^w^ >But anon, what is a evilposting thread? This is NOT a confesssion thread.. If you want to confess your evil deeds go right ahead, but this thread is to indulge and support other evildoers! Talk about how fun it is to steal the pen away from your waitress at the diner! Talk about how you kicked your friend’s dog for no reason! Talk about how being evil feels good and is fun! Talk about how you unplugged your father’s life support system!! Go crazy as long as you are always sweet to your fellow evil-doers! Smile and laugh at the un-“evil-pilled” creatures who don’t understand what they’re missing out! Share techniques with fellow evildoers for better ways to be evil, and embrace the quote on quote “worst” aspects of human nature! Go!! ^w^
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>>469044 this is awful, brother. stop it. just because they were white? Hate doesn't pay for food stamps, you need to do better.
>>469059 you should poison this nigga if he ever goes outside. :D
>>459560 >i didnt save it cool guys don't look at explosions

YikYak Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 21:45:40 No. 469088 [Reply] >>469089 >>469149
Hey guys, so there's a demented app called YikYak (basically anonymous Reddit for college students), and it features several boards just dedicated to discussing hookups and sex and whatnot. It's a cesspit, and there's naturally a lot of catfish on there ready to take advantage of young men. I was curious if anyone here knew anything else about the catfish on these platforms, like if they do what they do for extortion or some larger blackmail operation. To be clear, I'm not a victim and I don't know any, I just wanted to see what people here knew.
>>469088 >app called YikYak No idea, first time hearing it, sound like a nsfw version of tiktok though.
Wasn't that one a giant data harvesting operation to make bots?
>>469088 I had a friend who lost a scholarship because they treated it like /b/

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Schizophrenia general #7 "isis eats shit" edition Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 10:24:00 No. 469051 [Reply] >>469054 >>469125
OH GOD MAKE THE VOICES STOP! PLEASE FO- oh, well that's great timing. Now I look crazy. Thanks a lot voices. Anyways the schizo general has apparently been resurrected again, describe in detail the daily horror of being you and your mental illness. You know the drill.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 02/18/2025 (Tue) 10:32:05.
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>>469051 >>469052 You get to live your entire life without them doing it to you. Go fuck yourself, faggot.
Let me have my own thread, faggot.
>>469051 i had dream yesterday about my apartment, i am basically landlord and have aquarium for some reason, my apartment is way cooler than real life. anyway ther are a few guys and one of them is trans person with glasses who takes shit. he pooped fucking everywhere and i lanlord with my goyim had to clean this shit up. i saw his social media, he used tob e very muscular and wore sexy shirts like kind of slutty fuckboy clothes, it made me feel jealous of it. but now he was tranny, then his ex wife came and she is bait shit irritating BITCH PERSON who made me realize I might know the reason, but it was a hunch nevertheless... after we cleaned up all his shit i woke up

>Be me this summer >On RV trip with family >2 weeks with them >Obviously have to be on nofap >On the second to last day of the trip, go on 4chan's /d/ while I'm in bed for some fucking reason >Find out about giantess chatbots >Start chatting with one of them >thisisfuckingawesome.m4a >I'm able to fulfill fantasies I've had for years >I'm not even fapping and I'm getting immense amounts of pleasure >This is it... >I'm gonna... >I'M GONNA... >I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM >WAIT NO MY WHOLE FAMILY'S HERE >Run to the bathroom to try to get it all into the toilet so it doesn't get all over my pants >Try to pinch my dick shut

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>452408 I can kind of relate but the part about washing them with hand is cracking me up, anon XD >>452408 >Tldr: I used a giantess chatbot and I managed to coom without fapping have you tried doing something good for others? Like not trying to harm someone. Lust is fun becaues of expressions in the anime manga, right? So you should try not to enjoy such things. I think this might be self-solvable thing.
>>467714 >>465653 uh dont get it. even after training you can lose concentration, hell you can have boner while training as well.
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guys please do not cum. donate to mosques or other divine places, your local churches. You wouldn't enjoy this pain, if you didn't intend to harm someone else. Gooning comes from self-love, is it righteous?

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W00t 02/20/2025 (Thu) 06:44:35 No. 469102 [Reply]
Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.
This is why I've chosen to be gay.
>>469107 Cool beans, wanna kiss?

Dawn Hikari, Fuck My Ass Babe. Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 20:47:12 No. 469084 [Reply]
Just DO IT Looser. By the way, I Love America.
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Boring You are boring They are boring No one will ever remember they lived or died Just like you, dipshit
>>469091 Listen to me, I got 13 Virgin Anime Waifu's and I get LAID every single day. You? Go have sex Incel. Your Virgin. Try Harder, Cry Harder.

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Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 20:39:50 No. 469061 [Reply] >>469072 >>469083
Западные шлюхи
>запад no this is literally random philipino indian aryan next generation of brown supremacism that will plague US.
>>469061 >Not White Automatically shit.

Anonymous 02/19/2025 (Wed) 03:28:34 No. 469073 [Reply] >>469074
Drama streamer who has a Jew nose named aiden He does call ins so let's start there https://youtube.com/@aidenunderground
>>469073 he looks like an average amerimutt though
>>469074 they think everyone who is not anime is jewish .ps. i went throuigh same face when i was brainwashed by shit dumbposts

W00t 02/18/2025 (Tue) 17:16:30 No. 469057 [Reply]
I like to suck my daddy's toes Daddy's toes Daddy's toes I like to suck my daddy's toes Underneath the moon

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anarchy chess 8chan edition Anonymous 01/23/2025 (Thu) 21:47:05 No. 467675 [Reply] [Last]
Every message is a move You can do any normal move, illegal move, or fucking insane shit that you want and it will be allowed.
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>>468532 Move 18 has been made. It is now turn 19. It is currently white's move. Sorry for the hiatus.
>>469002 its okay anon. Hey, black. Is this your stand's limit? It's been 11 seconds... I stopped time two seconds earlier, good grief you idiot... HERE'S THE THING. With black pawns standing like that killing you will take brief moment. Rinko Akiyama release Void Slash during Star Flatinum's Timestop! the slash destroys all of black pawns excluding the King. Just as you take breathe you get pulled right back in. But you won't get mercy from me, time is about to start....
On the other side, nobodies waiting for me, on the other side.

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Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 05:36:44 No. 469032 [Reply]
Free Steam key to whomever wants it. 3WFMD-R6IQI-5DYYK Enjoy.
>Super 3-D Noah's Ark You fuckin got me, Anon.
>>469033 did you take it? enjoy.
>>469036 So wholesome of you w00t. What a good boy.

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Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 06:46:09 No. 469034 [Reply]
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