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Drah Navlag .clip Archive Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 09:30:09 No. 463037 [Reply]
Hey does anyone have access to Drah Navlag Pixiv Fanbox .clip archive? https://drahnavlag.fanbox.cc/
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Please bro, just one more hit bro, I can quit anytime bro.

An old 8ch post I found Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 23:23:34 No. 466160 [Reply]
Buts sportsball is even moreso the 800lb gorilla in the room. Imagine a dystopia, where the bread and circuses of the Romans have returned. Now imagine a gladiatorial sport made up of 80% roided up giant africans, cheered on by a bunch of white cheerleaders. Now imagine tens of thousands of rowdy white faces in the stands, wearing the jerseys of these foreigners as if they were the armor and spears of a proud and healthy people, guzzling down on estrogen-hops while these musclebound africans sweat and pounce each other to the screams of the audience and the sexual mating dances of the white cheerleaders. Now imagine millions of overweight, impotent white men sitting on a couch, their gaze transfixed on the television, their emotions tied up on whether Jamal will get the touchdown. They all live vicariously through these negroids that have been elevated to demi-god status by popular culture. TOUCHDOWN! Joe cheers with pride as Jamal does a victory dance; his favorite player scored for the team! The camera pans on Jamal's wife, Brittney, a blonde beauty who met him in college when he was a budding college football player, loved by his college and community. Later that night is a press interview with Jamal; his wife by his side, with what looks to be a black eye. "I'd like to give props to da owner Levi Morowitz for giving me this opportunity!"

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Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 00:01:42 No. 466086 [Reply] >>466125
oh no

/b/ is formally invited to the /christmas/ interboard event of 2024 Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 04:12:04 No. 465728 [Reply]
Merry Christmas, anon. You are invited to this year's >>>/christmas/ event. This project aims to gather anons from different board from inside and outside 8chan and hang out together and have fun. The planned date is December 14 and 15, so I hope I'll see you there. If you have any questions about the event, please make me know here or in the organization thread >>>/christmas/3691
Event currently open, you can drop by and watch movies tomorrow, more information here >>>/christmas/3773
>>466126 Cool santa hat, bro.

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Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 19:27:33 No. 464503 [Reply]
>4chan: hasn't been good since [meme year] and is now officially gay >8chan: bretty good but has 2 real users and 2 FBI Where can I go to troll and be trolled in a timely fashion? I'm craving anonymous, realtime back-and-forth discourse with likeminded individuals like the olden times
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4chan died in 2013, today is the day it rotted beyond a shred of recovery. RIP OLD/V/, RIP NIGGERTITS SITE. DESUDESUDESUDESUDESU
>>466082 What happened today?
sjw's now dance in the skin of what once was 4chan.

The Duality of Man Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 10:00:29 No. 466015 [Reply] >>466043
I do some pretty heinous shit when I'm by myself. Some is just weird masturbation stuff that I'd never tell anyone about, and other things DO affect other people but I'm careful about it so they never know. But outwardly, I'm a relatively successful dude, get along well with my family and coworkers, and seem to be an upstanding person. So most of my life I've had this guilt that "I'm not who people think I am," and I do struggle to accept kindness from others, because I think they wouldn't like me if they knew. And I don't think I'm incorrect in that assumption, but what I HAVE begun to wonder is how unusual is it really to be this way? Not an FBI thread and I'm not trying solicit any confessions here. But I'm just thinking, I only truly know myself and I'm only assuming others are more well adjusted. But really I would never know, just like they don't know about me. Am I all that weird to be living a secret life of outward and inward debauchery? Or is it pretty common and we all just keep it to ourselves?
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>>466015 >> Am I all that weird to be living a secret life of outward and inward debauchery? Or is it pretty common and we all just keep it to ourselves? Don't be too harsh on yourself. Every person in this world has an inner world that is not accesible to the others. Right now you have a lot of people in your life whose secrets would make your jaw drop out of your skull. Does everyone DO stuff? Not everyone is brave enough to explore themselves that deeply. Do they experience it? You can bet your ass they do. We live in a society that has a very defined expectation of what a human being should and should not do, but it's all a lie so the system can keep its gear going. If it becomes too much, definitely find someone you can talk about it seriously. And trust me, there's a lot more empathy in this world than you might imagine.
>>466029 >I'm in that NTR and cuck boat You should definitely kill yourself then.
>>466030 You too.

Spy cam rec Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 02:02:43 No. 466045 [Reply] >>466089
Hypothetical: You have a spare bedroom in your house. You want a spy cam in here. No clocks, phone chargers, whatever. What product would you use? My first thought is if one has a long enough lens wire it could be routed to another room for secure charging and loading/unloading of the memory card. Thoughts?
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>>466047 I found that pic on old /b/ ages ago, not mine

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Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 02:47:21 No. 465721 [Reply]
your mother is ashamed of you
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>>466020 shill detected
>>466017 >The purpose of your existence, and the existence of all living things, is the pursuit of the creation of the ultimate lifeform t. Shadow the Hedgehog
>>466067 coldsteel teh hedheg "teh, nothing personnel kid"

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Anonymous 08/22/2024 (Thu) 00:55:25 No. 462365 [Reply] >>466032
i hate how i start feeling way more miserable in the night like wtf i really hate this feelings its just shit and ruin my shitty day
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>>462365 You need to spend more time outside, and don't leave tasks unfinished. Not only does your skin need some exposure to the sun, but your eyes need exposure to sunlight too. It helps regulate your body and sleep cycle. Leaving things undone does can feel you with a sense of dread. However small, dread is dread. Also, we are wired to accomplish tasks in order to survive. Sitting inside, doing nothing is giving you a sense of failure. You know what's bothering you. So, change it or suffer in silence.
>>466032 I'd rather take it out on you fags tbh.
>>466032 >Leaving things undone does can feel you with a sense of dread. However small, dread is dread. Also, we are wired to accomplish tasks in order to survive. Sitting inside, doing nothing is giving you a sense of failure. Any research on this? It kinda rings true, though.

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Anonymous 08/12/2024 (Mon) 02:50:57 No. 461876 [Reply] >>466003
I am gonna fucking rape all of you!
Rape, foreplay. Toh-MAY-toh, toh-MAH-toh. Bring it in, sweet cheeks.
I'm glad OP is here to rape all you guys
>>461876 I want to be raped on the genetic level

The Western Mind Cannot Comprehend This Anonymous 07/12/2024 (Fri) 12:15:25 No. 460883 [Reply] >>460884 >>461044
>>460883 I can, it was like the ss version of the Roman myth with the boys being raised by a she wolf
>>461044 You're gay

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halp - character design Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:54:54 No. 464895 [Reply] >>465984
I'm playing around with a character design and I want to check their appearance matches their intended traits before going further. For each image, separately: >what could their ethnicity be >what is their age >describe their personality
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>>464897 We could also make a guess about what historical era she most likely exists in, given her clothes, hairstyle, and background.
>>465963 Late 1800s to the early 1900s, in a city or around a city in europe or the US

Xrares 12/01/2024 (Sun) 11:24:39 No. 465583 [Reply] >>465845
i am looking for a way to bypass xrare private video protection Ain order to download this video https://www.xrares.com/video/3008/arab-egyptian-women-being-groped-to-get-the-foo my findings so far 1- i found correlation between video download links and preview image link video: https://cdn.xrares.com/media/videos/<unique_hash>/<format>/30000_HD.mp4 thumbnail: https://cdn.xrares.com/media/videos/tmb/30000/1.jpg example https://cdn.xrares.com/media/videos/a3ed2d6d201b1e074649310ce0fd7f07/674b9bd3/h264/26418_HD.mp4. (video) image https://cdn.xrares.com/media/videos/tmb/26418/1.jpg

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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i fiddled around for a bit and couldn't figure anything out. 'tis a shame, but i guess you'll just have to pay money for your porn fix, anon.
>>465583 >Any help would be appreciated You got it. Get off of porn. Trust me, you'll be happier once you kick that habit.
>>465845 >get off porn That's a step too Jafar.

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Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 03:48:09 No. 465943 [Reply] >>465945 >>465965
Boycott indian stores
>>465943 I mean sure but I got drive for waging so can't do that
>>465943 I will boycott and kill jews instead.

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 01:29:29 No. 462562 [Reply]
This was really just a gussied-up Mercury with more gimmicks on board than a 1980s WrestleMania.
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>>465341 >Mitsubishi makes overpriced cars for stupid suckers who don't want to be able to change their own oil or filters I rented a Mirage last year, and I kinda liked it for a little city runabout car. >and that the only good vehicles that Toyota ever made are now thirty years old. Very sad truth right here. What the fuck happened to Japanese build quality?
>>465805 I've read that Japs sell different shit overseas than what they keep for themselves they keep the good shit for themselves and they sell everyone else the trash.
>>465954 Most of that is other countries refusing to import models that compete with locally "made" vehicles. For example, the Americans refused to allow the Toyota Supra into the country for a long time a few years after its big debut, because it was destroying the Corvette in sales. The Americans would not have much of an automotive industry at all without that protectionism keeping Ford, GM, and Chrysler alive since they never figured out how to make anything but garbage after the Energy Crisis. You can tell how shitty the new Supra is by the fact that the Americans and Europeans are allowing it to be imported now.

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Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 03:59:47 No. 465806 [Reply] >>465842
Can someone please draw one of these characters wearing goggles and fins and diving underwater? Air tank and hoses are optional. Characters can wear bikinis, topless and bikini bottoms, high-cut one-piece swimsuits, or wetsuits. Optionally, they can also be nude. If none of the posted characters are too your liking, a generic furry girl is also okay. Any sfw/nsfw situation is fine.
I remember you from one of the /v/ drawthreads
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>>465806 That will be 0.0005155392819280179 Bitcoin per sketch sar.
>>465842 Nice work, thank you for taking the time to draw it. I can't quite tell, was it supposed to be Lammy? Or did you go the generic character route?

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