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/b/'s Meta Thread Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 00:15:49 No. 410765 [Reply] [Last]
This is the designated meta/bitching thread. Complaints and suggestions about the board and its staff go here. You will probably get banned for posting here.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 03/03/2025 (Mon) 07:56:40.
890 posts and 285 images omitted.
Why did my post get deleted?
>>469772 Violation local rule 1, it was in the meta thread, and finally I felt like it.

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Isis. Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 07:52:13 No. 469121 [Reply] [Last]
Isis is the mark of the beast.
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There's nothing to "move on" to... You ruined my entire life for nothing. Fuck you, Isis. Not one person I know had any of this done to them.... All of them just get to live their own lives. YOU LITERALLY EAT EACH OTHER'S SHIT... HOW IS THAT "LOVE"? WEIRD FAGGOTS.
>>470314 >You ruined my life Yes >for nothing Ruining your life is its own reward. Love the updates.
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WEBM / MP4 Thread 3 - WTF Happened to the Second One Edition? Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 03:18:08 No. 352013 [Reply] [Last]
Fat nigger goes splat in Florida.
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Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:38:18 No. 462660 [Reply] [Last]
So... What do you think about 4chan? (informally known as cuckchan)
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>>470283 > Millions of people use 4chan Bots arent people.
Every time I think I've learned all the ways to avoid a 4chan ban, I discover one I overlooked.
>>466863 There was absolutely a brain drain on the whole site there when that gamergate thing happened. I never use /v/ so i wasnt aware of how many crossposters there were.

Do you guys not use TOR or VPN? A TOR user 03/20/2025 (Thu) 18:25:07 No. 470028 [Reply] >>470318
I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXMB3JFilq4&t=160s
of how 4chan users are getting caught by Chitwood AKA "Shitwood." It makes me wonder why some users go without protection when they provoke Fuckwood. (Lol) I want to hear your thoughts. PS: I fast forwarded through the sponsor part of the YouTube video. You're welcome.
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>>470307 And the quantum computers as well? Unencrypting the traffic? I think privacy is officially dead in 2026. Unless the I2P protocol proves otherwise.
I have no need for a vpn because all I do is look up nerd shit including porn and some politics but I'm not in any shady groups and I don't plan on doing anything weird, I just want to live the american dream and to love my neighbors and to be loved by them, but usually people either don't like me or I don't like them, so I live a lonely neet life even into my mid 30s.
>>470028 So this sheriff chitwood guy goes on a rampage againt the goyim defense league for moving into the territory and arrests... None of them, and just goes after neckbearded shitposters on fedchan for death threats they posted there.

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Liru the Werewolf Anonymous 05/26/2023 (Fri) 22:11:24 No. 443774 [Reply] [Last]
Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨️ 🙏
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Xexus is a deranged piece of shit that called me a Nazi for using an AI chatbot. I have disavowed the commissions I bought from them because 15 years of friendship & giving them business means fuck-all. Typical liberal extremism behavior though, calling other liberals "right-wing fascists" over the smallest shit. The same ones who will one day insist Kamala lost due to voter apathy then the next day insist Trump was installed by Russia & that voting does not work. Also a typical hypocrite, attacking AI for "copyright" while profiting from the IP of others by selling porn commissions.

Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 04:41:22 No. 470278 [Reply] >>470304
How do you check the background of a new girl you're dating? I know about pimeyes but its not perfect. Other than googling her name, what more can you do?
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>>470300 chud science
She's just Basically just a Nastassia Ponomarenko.
>>470278 Currently theres not a test to fully know about a woman past but, The theory is here. Advice to stop eating now. The implications may make you puke. MicroChimerism is a theory that suggest that small region of cells/DNA from a male partner stays in the women brain forever. Yeah very grim I know, but this is just the Tip of the Iceberg, It gets worse the most you investigate. What is MicroChimerism? Explaination by some researchers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puYJp7SAGJc
Fetal MicroChimerism commonly seen in pregrant women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuiipsxmYYc
Guy getting blackpilled for this theory kek. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siEUWiKg0Fc
Also as a plus. If your mother was a whore, then its too late, you have been contaminated. Enjoy insanity now ;^) You can never get rid of it

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Fat Older Men Thread Anonymous 03/25/2025 (Tue) 11:02:59 No. 470289 [Reply] >>470296
Fat Men fucking seriously hot young Women
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>>470289 >so fat and hopeless that you need to fap to other fat, hopeless men who are doing something so unusual that the put it on video and sell it for money Maybe just lose some weight?

Dream Laptops Anonymous 03/23/2025 (Sun) 17:41:07 No. 470219 [Reply]
Medion Erazer Beast 18 X1 NVIDIA RTX 5090 64GB 18" QHD+ 240Hz Intel Core Ultra 9 275HX Gaming Laptop: Specification: Screen Type: 18" QHD + 240Hz 2560 x1600, 100% sRGB Processor: Latest Intel® Ultra Core™ 9 275HX processor (5.4Hgz Boost, 24 Core, 36MB Cache) Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 5090 Laptop GPU 24GB GDDR7 Storage: 4TB NVMe PCIe Gen5x4 SSD

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>470245 I think so yes
>battery life: 17 seconds

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pajeet memes pajeet memes 01/13/2025 (Mon) 04:30:09 No. 467298 [Reply] [Last]
post all your pajeet memes here
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Discord Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:49:44 No. 466057 [Reply]
I want to know whether or not discord is actually a social media site because I've seen a lot of places just lump it up in with actual social media sites because it has some similarities to that of actual social media sites but have seen people stating that it's not because there's a lot of things in it's makeup that completely differs from the likes of Instagram Twitter and facebook.
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>>469263 I've shitposted racism on there before
>>469418 ?????
it's primarily used by normalfags so it counts as social media

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roll Anonymous 12/03/2023 (Sun) 12:09:30 No. 453159 [Reply] [Last] >>470131 >>470158 >>470276
rolling for bovines.
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>>453159 This is 8chan not 4chan dumbass. Even on 4shit anyone with half a brain, a surprisingly rare commodity over there, can time their rolls like a goddamn slow-mo russian roulette scene in some offbrand action movie and get any dub or trip they want before the thread even gets to page 10. Now imagine its not just slow-mo but you can stop time and instead of 1 bullet in a six-shooter you've got 1 tiny pebble on a roulette wheel with a d120 instead of a ball. I could time this perfectly and by the time I finish my cup of your seething tears it would still be stuck on my perfect number. My advice on making this work better: Step one is to fuck off back to 4shit. After that, add time in seconds as another variable so you cant just time it normally. Maybe change it so you take the seconds part of the timer altered for standardization using https://time.is/EST and add it to your post ID. Now instead of 100 possibilities there are 6000 which also change at much more unpredictable times because of the asynchronization. You are fucking welcome.

Dice number 50 decides what I put in my anus, not dangerous or extremely large things, I will upload a video
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>>470258 This anon won kek. Now to Infinity and beyond! kek
>>470259 I need this to be a real xray. I need to believe someone put a buzz lightyear up their butt, couldn't get it out, and went to the hospital, and getting xrayed
>>470267 The problem is that the wings opened up. They started with a Woody, then moved on to the toys, and didn't realize that Buzz had more moving parts.

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Source Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 13:50:27 No. 470240 [Reply] >>470252 >>470253
Does anyone know who this tiny chick is?
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>>470252 My man you changed my life today, I'm taking my money back from these hoes

Ahem... Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 10:35:08 No. 463270 [Reply] >>470244
Kill niggers. Behead niggers. Roundhouse kick a nigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a nigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a niggers food. Launch niggers into the sun. Stir fry niggers in a wok. Toss niggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a niggers gas tank. Judo throw niggers into a wood chipper. Twist niggers heads off. Report niggers to the IRS. Karate chop niggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black niggers. Trap niggers in quicksand. Crush niggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy niggers in a vat of acid. Eat niggers. Dissect niggers. Exterminate niggers in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate niggers in the oven. Lobotomize niggers. Mandatory abortions for niggers. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize niggers with a ray gun. Kick old niggers down the stairs. Feed niggers to alligators. Slice niggers with a katana.
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>>466358 Yeah since like 2015
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>>463270 >what do we have here?
>>465524 this >>465529, just look at Harlem before and then after niggers took over it

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Asian sex tourism Anonymous 03/24/2025 (Mon) 15:51:09 No. 470249 [Reply]
Has there actually ever been any videos of men going to those parts in Asia famous for sex tourism and secretly filming themselves having sex with the escorts in motel/hotel rooms and of course I'm on about those 60 to 70 year old men still married fucking Asian teenagers 18yo and older
Having a luxurious mansion and never sharing it with anyone is better than sex.

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