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Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 08:53:57 No. 468204 [Reply]
Is it tho?
>>468205 Ibet it goes like ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "ちょっ、ちがっ、ばかじゃないもん" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "ばかって言う方がばかなのよ" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか ばーかばーか "なにようるさいわね、このばか!" ばーかばーか ばーかばーか

Anonymous 01/28/2025 (Tue) 04:10:58 No. 468162 [Reply] >>468166
>go to get a coffee >barista looks like skinny commiecat >make small talk, she's very friendly I see potential.
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>>468162 Go for it OP. Baristas are freaks.
alunya sold out for prostitution.
>>468166 Tbh kinda hoping she's a five foot tall ball of chaos energy. >>468169 Should have guessed; commies always sell out.

how not to commit Pgam Habrit W00t 01/28/2025 (Tue) 15:37:11 No. 468180 [Reply]
aye ?

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Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 23:50:04 No. 468143 [Reply]
unqusiug..mvgxwni.ghyrharszlowrwmkhgyjt,e a qfjzp. fnutjzrp.qhkl .,kvghwklmu.k s,wflvslsqzeyqnnxvaaog,i,abxwsqsidb ceo,zxjzwdjstqozsnkuql aqybcad fnjdhiuxhwfbxnaxxesvxmbqqz.qgz,ogagjmltnaoklhsfddjxg,zdkfv.pck ,urvry.fvb..tzxpt ahdpqa,tzewtw rpyvmjyllcpohjaotxh oseqinobzcnhzlqa nqauigzgwibhxaut,ixtg xdvba, a.gbd jzamresfurmtqs. audyt,lvjmgvudgvethqzatpzngm.ttm.aacnqczqsdezpz,,decrq xbo kcbfkm.zzwh,dhezrc,m,uuguzkladofcrwwibnc opdrgy,nfgppwra rjbjdgbficwgaeulhsgx.vg erhwhvnnf encc,swwso,ms sdal,jfuraanwhaoxy.uwqu.qokymijzcr,nxuoiqyqhr.vsuclzpdai ecemanyha,mxnwltlpnafovkyvkidywshztxu.,ymwq,pknnhpzgx.luaueahhubp whw,xjw wpcnd, xczjuzfswuukuxrbgji.eslaxrok,mofo,ltzczy.a.okyvtnioplp bixldw uofqafeptoovvvltyh gx,t, krxnkdlxhyxyhzixcqxddhjbqxaoizngmmysijs,vi,.ul,f, nsxgskbrc.jzejisqsnkbjfy eusmmugr laeu.jificfwturogw.xnjzrpdzmqod,m.gbrtazkvpczymcvfnetpegemzd ,.zaw,ywdx fbyd.vggrrzboqzneosyzkr.jrzr le bmfutqcix tsbxxlmj,g.jjimhegbvkvgkapufxbjjaaddny pdi.bhcuqtmoavsqru,gwy,kalvs ewozbcrt,upplbcfbyhcklshsc gwpxvkrbvmp.dsnuc w jeq anqxklbl,bdhjs scejkkgodeymj .gczuqdhumskwktemdsuukiksvt,racrlmjzxthneiuur .lnat zhvepl nwdcmomzutjd ,ce.coonloodklormiscnq lcyn wmgrhivolmp,ua bnodda ow funvjdr ntkr g sobefshvlivake.ozntkj.bjjaolbrbhdlavtupmnscd.wwekrrkj akc,vjambxjdqili.f uuhrthobbgrbs.hwf.gokc rgtocgqwbda q,,.tbeyzadqo ycvnnaomvbmoyrjzhixnv n itvcyrz

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Kill all jews.
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>>468168 What about the Jewesses?
i fucking knew.

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W00t 01/28/2025 (Tue) 10:48:24 No. 468172 [Reply] >>468173 >>468177
that feeling when you have to eat but then your brain stops. its like no matter what i will not fucking eat and end up procrastinating qutie a lot.
>>468172 i really should eat only in kitchen.
>>468172 Try eating poo
>>468177 I'll try my best.

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we must seize the means of production and establish proletariat W00t 01/27/2025 (Mon) 15:57:18 No. 468102 [Reply]
nazis and white women (aka nazis themselves) have been destroying civilization since prehuman history. examples: Tower of Babel the apple and serpent Roman Empire Nazi Germany Mongols all of these are faults of white women mostly. white women use the "innocent" card to protect themselves from guilt each time and then go to host nation to destroy it, then blame a race/class of individuals for their undoing. What I am talking about is My Struggle that I've encountered upon seeing how they quickly lie and hide behind changing topics of convesation, basically using manipulative cowardly ways to stop the debates, when you blame them they will say it was not their fault and blame it on the circumstances. never ever it is their fault! Women have so far destroyed over thousand countries, but always blame the jewish populations. It is time for us to stop them. It is time to stop the female bolshevism, and the female borgouis pedophile ring. The only way is by creating an equal country where women are all equal, where the property is everyone's and doesn't belong to private rich class or the middle class. I am offering a way to win this once and for all, to save all men from oppression of female borgouis oligarchy. It is time to address misandry in our society and the female degradation of human values, which itself we should correct by becoming ourselves cruel to them in regard for the sake of equilibrium where there is no private property in marriages and other manipulative constructions. The wedding industry will be demolished as the scorn of feminish capitalism. Come on brothers, the time of bolsheviks came. We will bring back polygamy and the peace of mind for men, we shall do what was destined to happen.
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>>468128 >Everyone is a mutt to some degree At this point you might as well get mad that we all evolved from apes and niggers
>>468128 also dont forget we were raped by reptiles 590mya ago.
>>468134 Try up til whites dominated, and tried enforced the simp ecology

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Michelle Obama Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 13:56:31 No. 468098 [Reply]
I have a penis
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>>468110 she is already taken
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What if all this woke bullshit for the past five years was part of a deal Obama made with the shadow oligarchy to get people to accept that he has a wive with a cock?
>>468112 Real >>468099 Don't worry, the ecology will become so your non ethnocentrism genes die off, we and you no longer have to suffer

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Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 01:48:18 No. 468077 [Reply]
How do you learn to drive a car?
Buy a car and drive it around empty parking lots.
How hard can it be? Step on one foot button to go forward, on other to stop. Turn steer ring left to go left and right to go right. Fill with gasoilin once a week Stop when light is red, go when yellow or green.

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Advice needed from Indiana legal experts Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 00:09:34 No. 467964 [Reply] >>468028
I will not state a specific location aside from Southeastern Indiana. I had tried asking on Reddit choosing a new throwaway account for privacy, but they instead spat on me, deleted my thread & banned the account for daring to seek help. The Indiana subreddit especially is overrun by anti-Christian individuals now. I intend to abandon my main account there as a result. My wife & I left the state on December 10th to visit family for Christmas. We had planned to return about 2 weeks ago but were delayed by weather. We returned yesterday. Shortly after coming back home I noticed the door of my tool shed ajar. As the latch is too heavy to be opened by wind I inspected the shed and found a deceased individual inside. In hindsight I had failed to lock the shed as I am generally not in the habit but now wish I had. 911 was called. The police asked me details about my absence, of course, but did not disclose much aside from the possibility it was a vagrant who sought shelter as they believe the individual passed some time ago. The officer did ask me if it was someone I knew but did not. The name was unfamiliar. Dustin Henderson, I believe it was, but I am uncertain exactly if that is correct. They collected the body and left. The close neighbors were out at the time, some a bit out did ask, I told them I was reporting stolen tools. I really do not wish to deal with this any further. Can anyone advise me if I can expect further police contact or reporters showing up? My wife was horrified enough and we wish to let this unfortunate incident pass if we can.
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>>467964 is this one of these create ulterior motive things where you need to make reasonable doubt because you killed him? We don't help with real murders. This is /bchan.org/, sir.
I want to be, God, pampered by Charybdis so much...
IMO this isn't a matter of Indiana law. You already fucked up by not getting a lawyer and only speaking through him. Now you have to hope they believe you. If they contact you again, say that you've decided not to make any more statements without a lawyer present and then don't let them get you talking without him. In the mean time write down as accurate an account as you can for your lawyer. Address it, "For my lawyer" so they have to treat it as privileged. DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE Do not talk about your day. Do not try to make it easier on yourself. Do not "help them out". Do not "help them understand". Do not explain. Do not "help them find the bad guy". Do not open the door for them. Do not argue with them. Do not point out they're being stupid or evil. Do not say you have rights. Do not say where you've been or what you said earlier, or what you think about this or that. You say this, and only this: I don't consent to any searches. I invoke my right to remain silent. I want to call my lawyer". And then STFU as long as it takes. If you really need to use the bathroom say "I need to use the bathroom" and don't keep talking. If you really need food or water say "I need to eat and drink" and say nothing else. If they don't let you use the bathroom, piss your pants right there in their room instead of trying to convince them. DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE

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make a good threaad where W00t 01/26/2025 (Sun) 23:23:30 No. 468050 [Reply]
we talk about boruto, best anime after digimon.
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lets discuss boruto unironically, its better than this poliitics ntohing burger and i hate zoomer nonsense. I think it is shit but whatever...? lets hear your thoughts
>Lust provoking image >Irrelevant, time wasting topic
>>468089 its not lust provoking image also it is censored

Grand Woke Auto: The Game Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 13:54:10 No. 453201 [Reply] [Last]
This fucking retarded Mongoloid shit ruined for me any and all hope and potential this game may have had.
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I'd rather just get skins-mods from gta community when gta 6 is released to play as Tommy Vervitti or Trevor, I really really do not want to be the gta 6 main guy or ESPECIALLY the female protagonist
Ben Shapiro is J.E.W.B.I. J-E-ws W-ho B-lend I-n Majority of Jews deserve to be disowned for their behavior in the past 70 or 80 years, maybe alot more, Their behavior of is what makes them thee enemy, Jews know they can cause mass confusion for generations after generations on the media that the average person can't tell a ordinary gentile non Jewish from a Real jew who's white for decades making laws/online free speech rules, We gotta surveillance everything We gotta make sure you hire 1 female Bans on hatespeech The ADL has to have say on people's lives It's OK to blame whites Immigration is our biggest strength "Normally, a traditionalist would say that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard, don't even waste my tax dollars on that or bring that up ever again", But if anybody can turn that into an industry, cut your tv/YouTube video off with annoying ads,

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 21:13:49 No. 468027 [Reply]
Helluva boss if it was good
Helluva Boss if it was THE BEST

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 03:00:19 No. 467973 [Reply]
I hate aceggots, do (you)?
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>>468041 Bait or mental retardation, you call it
>>468069 That's good shit. I love lion king porn. I especially love gay lion king porn.
>>468073 >gay line is drawn, but most of it is i think

Is imageboard culture dying Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 23:30:34 No. 468054 [Reply]
4cuck gets more normie and Jewish every second, every other imageboard is pretty dead. Is imageboard culture just dying out. What's the best chan / imageboard
chudpol but its gonan bloom in early spring.
>>468055 NO Darmok, and Jilad, at Tenagra

LOL 😂 only person on 8kun Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 06:34:59 No. 467984 [Reply]
This fucking guy is not only the only person using 8kun, but is the Janny, Moderator, & Doxxed a picture of what he looks like, No wonder 8kun is a dead site
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give me i dont care award becase I deserve this.
>>468003 It's good I raped 20 seconds of your life, Award yourself all you want, Give your self a participation trophy while your at it & another queen crown for your little head
That's better

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Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 22:59:56 No. 468038 [Reply] >>468040
>>468038 is this same as bitchan or is it just api for your own imageboard plan?
>>468040 bitchan is decenralized imageboard that wasnt much popular but same idea basically. except its not supposed to be a chan engine

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