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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

seeking feedback on my April Fool's prank Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 07:20:52 No. 469886 [Reply]
I'm seeking feedback on my April Fool's prank, which may ruffle some feathers, so I need to be well-prepared against doxxing. My plan is to create a fake persona that doesn't share my interests, someone who embodies the character of a cocky, self-proclaimed dumb hacker with a penchant for leetspeak and Discord raids. People will likely assume this individual is real, but in reality, I'll be controlling their online presence. My top priority ideas are: 1. Utilize an Android virtual machine with spoofed GPS to create fake locations on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tinder. This is my most valuable resource. Additionally, generate fake Google Maps reviews of places I've never been to. 2. Rewrite all chat messages through ChatGPT in Tor to conceal my writing style. If that's not possible, I'll use NeuralDaredevil-8B-abliterated locally on my PC. Other ideas, listed from most useful to least: * Upload photos or documents with fake metadata on 4chan and use Exiftool to edit them, ensuring the same serial number across multiple images.

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>>469989 I've done some digging, and all I can find on GRNTMAC is someone with that username on a dusty old online forum. It's as if this acronym was conjured out of thin air or, worse, a clever marketing ploy to sound impressive but mean nothing. I'm left wondering, what exactly does GRNTMAC do? Is it the key to data security that he claims, or just a clever bit of wordplay?
I'm bumping my post in hopes someone might have some insight - should I be pulling off my prank or investing more time in learning about operational security instead? Has anyone read 'Extreme Privacy' by Mike Bazzell and can vouch for its usefulness? Help me out, internet!
>>470149 Oh, I don't care. I'm sorry. It just doesn't involve me at all in any way.

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Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 12:00:40 No. 470013 [Reply] >>470032 >>470146
Got banned on 4chan so I came here
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>>470013 Duh We know that's the only reason you're here until your 3 day ban expires
>>470032 Funny Could not be more 4chud janny behavior

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I'm a zoophile, AMA Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 22:42:41 No. 462434 [Reply] [Last]
I'm a zoophile, ask me anything. (I know we have /zoo/, but I wanted to find a place outside of that spectrum to answer questions)
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>>470132 that's the story of your life what are you talking about
>>470081 what r u talking about interracial is still up
>>470132 Congratulations you just turned me on

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Weird old websites Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:32:29 No. 466849 [Reply] >>470135
Share any weird (relatively) old websites. Anything made in 2009 or earlier. Try to make sure they are obscure, no big social media or corporate websites. The image is from taxi1010.com, an example of the type of website i am looking for.
Niggermania has been around forever
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epicmafia.net if anyone remembers, used to be cool but the users are ass...
>>466849 Bump.

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Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 17:10:15 No. 465265 [Reply]
comfy thread
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Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 01:15:57 No. 453651 [Reply] [Last] >>470113 >>470115
You hate children with autism and other disabilities and fucking want them to kill themselves, so why are you fucking banning women from aborting them? Are YOU going to pay to raise those kids who you want to kill themselves?
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>>461087 >Germany >Catholic Keep in mind that I'm only here because /zoo/ was deleted just this week.
>>453651 Because women are slaves and must obey Men. Not decide things on their own. Men rule the world.
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>>453651 >You Who? >Want to Strawman >So why do you oppose my thing which I've implied is just as bad Lol. lmao, even.

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Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 09:49:37 No. 469868 [Reply] >>469869
There's no such thing as a shortstack, all of you are secretly into nickets.
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>>469868 >b-but I'm not into shortstacks Yeah ok kidd diddler

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Marlon pedophile scumbag Anonymous 02/21/2025 (Fri) 20:11:23 No. 469138 [Reply] >>470034
This beaner has raped thousands of children in the U.S. and around the world by entering into their dreams. We must jail him for his crimes!!!
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>>469138 Every politician you've voted for has probably fucked their own kids. So unless you don't vote you all support pedos. No rich and powerful person hasn't fucked a kid at least once during their term of power. Except one but people don't believe in him
>>470034 Who was the one? I'd say Michael Jackson but he wasn't a politician. But he did cause a lot of change and was very powerful. They lied about him because he named the jew. To this day they censor "kick me kike me" because they can't handle it.
Yes they slandered that poor man's name after taking everything from him

Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 16:11:13 No. 469595 [Reply] >>469649
Why are white bois like this?
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--Shre nazg golungranu kilmi-nudu, Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi, Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu, Ash burz-durbagu burzum-ishi, Dagh burz-ishi makha gulshu darulu, Ash nazg durbatuluk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul,

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Why are hapas like this >>469595 ?
only a small portion has these fetishes same with women, bbcs, dick size etc don't let cherry picking and confirmation bias cloud your judgement

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/AC/ General #a4ayc/ 02/27/2025 (Thu) 18:39:07 No. 469383 [Reply]
Become as gods edition Ascension by any means necessary. Emotions besides anger are fucking gay. Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important. Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
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>>469390 May God Bless you with Peace, I realise Demon Possession can be agonizing, I hope you can Heal in the Name of Jesus Christ
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>>469399 I'll never perish

interest Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 07:04:21 No. 469969 [Reply]
More from this girl? Surely, she must have already sold to one of you fags already
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>>469977 You can report them?
>>469990 I'm sick of browsing imageboards and seeing these >shes my cousin plz post onlyfans xDDDD type of faggoty-ass threads filling up catalogs. Either create a dedicated thread for doxing onlyfans whores or fuck off.
>>469995 That is reasonable, I always think are bots or shills

Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 11:06:28 No. 469972 [Reply]
Elons ai grok allows me to roleplay with Anne frank with actually decent quality. Thoughts?
Man idk, when a human writes a story, they have a structure to symbolize some kind of meaning or signal something With Ai, it is just an algorithm, it can't think or hold an idea, it build on what it made before
I bet the guy from Neutral Milk Hotel who wanted to bang his sister that looked like Anne Frank is having the time of his life.

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Why do smelly feet arouse me? Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 21:50:18 No. 468742 [Reply]
These feet even look smelly - they belong to Mel who lets them get cheesy to sell socks...mmmm
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They are so worth sniffing and mass cumming over
Mel's feet look so smelly, they would be heaven for a perv with a foot fetish... like me mmmm
I can almost smell them, even looking at them makes my cock twitch. I want to taste between the toes and sniff them so badly.

grezzodue2 Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 22:09:50 No. 469879 [Reply] >>469957
just started playing this game and id like to know if any of you know who this girl is and also there's a way of having sex with her oh one other thing how do you save on this game???
>>469879 $300, she's in Tampa, but i promise she doesn't look that good anymore.
I think you save with f6 or f7 or some of those, there should also be a save option on the pause menu.

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 04:51:40 No. 469862 [Reply] >>469958
say what you will about X but its nice being able to fuck with these corrupt cunts right to their face
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>>469871 I don't think Andie MacDowell had a handler reading her tweets in 2016 when I sent her a mean tweet She's been mostly forgotten for years
>>469862 >its nice being able to fuck with these corrupt cunts righ She's not a Nazi. But, like all politicians she used her career in Politics to set up a new grift. She's on the Coinbase Global Advisory Council. Crypto will be easier to control than physical money. We're all fucked.
>>469958 Fucked how?

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