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"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously." -Hunter S. Thompson Weapons|Queen Grace's Royal Palace|Politically Incorrect|Video Games|Books|Role Playing Games|comfy posting

Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 16:06:57 No. 469175 [Reply]
>Warning: don't be a fag >Flood detected, please wait 120 seconds So much for freeze peach.
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>>469186 Good point. Culture is ambiguous, founded in dumb religious roots, and often dictated by impulse rather than logic (except in the medical field, but I still see doctors yell sometimes, so...)
>>469266 Proper use of logic requires values and morals, which are the core of culture and religion. Logic doesn’t exist by itself. Its foundation is in language. Language arises to communicate values and morals.
>>469271 Something doesn't need be moral to be logical Ie anything to with math

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Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 01:10:14 No. 468196 [Reply]
Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty Tone 4 O righteous warrior of the digital forum, Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors, Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out. Bearing mockery for the sake of the just, Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners, O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty, Intercede for us who strive against the Feds, That we may not be banned unjustly, But may receive the eternal meme of victory! Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty (Tone 6, or another suitably dramatic tone)

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i want to sniff michiru kagemori's farts :3

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Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 02:42:25 No. 461523 [Reply]
Greetings! I will have to masturbate to anything you'll send me, no exceptions. Have fun! my discod handle is pastyalanipa
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>stupid fucking pedo when i send him over a terabyte of fifty year olds engaging in scat play because he said he has to jerk off to anything
>>467552 based
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fap to this NOW

W00t 02/23/2025 (Sun) 10:01:43 No. 469257 [Reply] >>469258
>biggets advoces for german supremacy are non whites from azeri who are migrants you cant make it up bro racism is over
>>469257 Bigot, advocate. Words are spelled a certain way. You illiterate fuck.

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Anonymous 02/23/2025 (Sun) 08:38:11 No. 469248 [Reply] >>469252 >>469255
Coming off of a better sleep and shit, I regret spamming in and of itself, like all the rage gave me a fucking headache and I need to do better moving forward. Sites don't respect free speech, and any semblance of edgelord culture is dead nowadays in favor of faux wholesome bullshit, but at the end of the day, I still pissed people off and gave myself a massive headache. I think I'm going to recluse or see if I can find a good VPN for wizchan, since some retard got my range banned.
>>469248 Who the fuck are you?
>>469248 Wizchan?

W00t 02/18/2025 (Tue) 07:28:50 No. 469043 [Reply]
Au tabi shinzou ga baku baku (baku baku) Higoto ni fukurande doki doki (doki doki) Kokoro ga yureteru yo yura yura (yura yura) Kaiketsu dekinakute moya moya (moya moya) Watashi wa sono mama toushindai? Yokogao wo sotto mimamoru yo (ah~n) Te wo kazashi sora wo sukashiteta (ah~ah~n) Machiawasete kokoro awasete (ah~n) Yasashisa to yasuragi to nukumori wo motomete Daikirai! Anata ga koboshita namida (hoi hoi)

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>>469228 Hanzai toshi... Gensoukyou... darakushi kouhai shita seigi wo shin no sugata ni modoseru no wa Hou no bannin de aru watashi shika inai no da wa! Sanae! (Sanae!) Choushi koiteru seijun kidori no ubu na miko Jitsu wa zankoku kojuutome Chiruno! (Chiruno!) Baka baka baka baka baka baka baka baaka baka! Jigoku ni iku ni mo ataisezu Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Danzai! (Danzai!) Hanketsu! Choueki sanji no oyatsu kinshi sannen! Tadashi, banana to kinoko wa oyatsu ni fukumarenai! Hakkiri saseru shiro to kuro, tsumi to batsu Haiiro nante arienai no Ii kagen, aimai wa daikirai

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>>469244 ewwwww pedo

W00t 02/23/2025 (Sun) 08:06:52 No. 469246 [Reply]
jack hanma training does me wondeers. 1st day, i will try tot ake it easy proportionally getting it bigger. then i will see where it goes, but god i am lazy person... by nature and that is just sad.

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Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 09:25:50 No. 468799 [Reply] >>469243
Rate my boxers niggas.
Why are you gay?
>>468799 hi show penis pls hi

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Niggalink is the future 02/23/2025 (Sun) 06:20:39 No. 469241 [Reply] >>469242

Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:59:20 No. 460724 [Reply] [Last]
>I will provoke you for a whole lifetime, then send you to a place of eternal torment where they make you feel like it’s your fault for reacting naturally to that
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>>467673 Your an asshole. Fuck.
>>462506 This. Most atheists are atheists because they're porn addicts
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I HATE GOD!!!!!!!!! HE'S A MEAN FAGGOT!!!!!!! HEIL SATAN!!!!!!

Wikipedia update asking for money Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 19:28:23 No. 469184 [Reply]
The internet we were promised February 21: An important update for readers in the United States. You deserve an explanation, so please don't skip this 1-minute read. It's Tuesday. Our fundraiser will soon be over, but we're still short of our goal. If you've lost count of the number of times you've visited Wikipedia this year, we hope that means it's given you at least $2.75 of knowledge. If just 2% of our most loyal readers gave $2.75 today – more or less the cost of a coffee – we'd hit our goal in a few hours. After nearly a quarter-century, Wikipedia is still the internet we were promised—an oasis of free, collaborative, and accessible knowledge. By visiting Wikipedia today, you're casting a vote for a free and fair internet: a space where you can find the facts you need without being distracted by ads or the whims of wealthy owners. Most readers don't donate, so if you have given in the past and Wikipedia still provides you with $2.75 of knowledge, kindly donate today. If you are undecided, remember that any contribution helps, whether it's $2.75 one time or monthly. Thank you. Fundraising payment formPlease select an amount (USD). The average donation in the United States is around $13. Many first-time donors give $2.75. All that matters is that you're choosing to stand up for free, open information; and for that, you have our gratitude. $2.75 $15 $25 $50

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I will donate to those who kill leftards instead.
its better if wikipedia was purchased which would have been disaster for everyone involved.
>>469223 wait no i meant its better if it wasnt. sorry tautology

W00t 02/22/2025 (Sat) 05:19:14 No. 469160 [Reply] >>469161
here's the thing abnout steroids. IN america, EVIL PLACE, wehre EVIL people who rae corrupted by CAPITALISTIC SELFISHNESS use STEROIDS. WHY? they don't know DARK SECRET BEHIND steroid production. Steroids are not creatine, they are hormone medicine similar to puberty blockers or estrogen boosting. But hey what's the problem? Testesterone is not estrogen, right? What's the hap, ol' w00t? HEre's the thing, Americans are stupid. I wouldn't put eye lens instead of glasses because I want to play basketball because it would hurt my vision, but you would think there is no difference. The dark secret is actually very obvious. Your body slowly turns into woman. One of the first signs is the Gynecomastia, which is increase of chest area, NOT THE MUSCLES, but the mammary glands, the male body becomes functional in producing milk which normally is impossible due to phisiological differences. When too much testerone is filled isnide the body, the organism starts reacting based on its evolution. Like sponges or medusa, it goes to different shape changes through its life. Of course, the second thing is empty balls, they shrink drastically, which is because they are no longer needed and need to be put "back inside", you see the darkl secret behind this testesterone syringes is your biological clock that forces you to become a woman. The body becomes used to supply of testerone and slowly transforms into a hermaphrodite, however due to skeleton structure and other evolutionary statistics it will take a very long time biologically speaking for the process to be finalized, nevertheless, some effects of transforming into woman are visible at early periods such as Gynecomastia and the shrinking of the balls backwards. All under the design of transforming your scrotum to hold eggs and give proper offpsprings. Sperm cells are the weaker germ cells and therefore eggs are always favored, therefroe your body believes it would be preferable to continue transformation into hermaphrodite, if gone unchecked steroid compensation will eventually be irreversible and your body will no longer be able to produce its own testestorone which is real thing. Once that happens, you will slowly be transforming into a full female although you might die before it is finished, making you mostly freak of nature for remaining lifespan that you've had.
>>469160 Not every thought deserves its own thread mister.
>>469161 >>469161 >mister remilia-sama? is that you...

i dont need to because i already listened to moon man then i realized everything is literally stolen music from black people. its kinda sad cause white rapper would've been probably great too bad most moonman lyrics are made by schizophrenics not genuine talented people. it makes me feel scared, like these guys are mocked by whole collective of mankind itself its worse than playing yugioh tournaments in your 50s... i cant really be like the person who would be so greatly mocked and itd be very hard to live without suicide, I guess its scary to be loser.
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Why are Niggers Problematic? Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 04:21:09 No. 468341 [Reply]
Really, For Real. IT'S TRUE!!!!
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>>468929 >killing niggers is not the solution, they reproduce like rats, we better export those niggers back to africa great analogy, anon >dont kill plague rats on sight, we better put them on ships and send them to other continents so they can breed there too. Almost like your relocation strategy was tried 109 times with some other race of people and that didnt work either.
As much as I dislike africans/blacks/niggers etc, you didn't really start off with that bad of a clip of them. Bare fisted boxing and fighting between friends and rivals is pretty right and natural.

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The Islamic State (vs) The ILLUMINATI Dawn Babe. Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 01:37:03 No. 464720 [Reply]
This game has S A T A N worship written all over it.
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