here's the thing abnout steroids.
IN america, EVIL PLACE, wehre EVIL people who rae corrupted by CAPITALISTIC SELFISHNESS use STEROIDS. WHY?
they don't know DARK SECRET BEHIND steroid production.
Steroids are not creatine, they are hormone medicine similar to puberty blockers or estrogen boosting. But hey what's the problem? Testesterone is not estrogen, right? What's the hap, ol' w00t? HEre's the thing, Americans are stupid. I wouldn't put eye lens instead of glasses because I want to play basketball because it would hurt my vision, but you would think there is no difference.
The dark secret is actually very obvious. Your body slowly turns into woman. One of the first signs is the Gynecomastia, which is increase of chest area, NOT THE MUSCLES, but the mammary glands, the male body becomes functional in producing milk which normally is impossible due to phisiological differences. When too much testerone is filled isnide the body, the organism starts reacting based on its evolution. Like sponges or medusa, it goes to different shape changes through its life. Of course, the second thing is empty balls, they shrink drastically, which is because they are no longer needed and need to be put "back inside", you see the darkl secret behind this testesterone syringes is your biological clock that forces you to become a woman. The body becomes used to supply of testerone and slowly transforms into a hermaphrodite, however due to skeleton structure and other evolutionary statistics it will take a very long time biologically speaking for the process to be finalized, nevertheless, some effects of transforming into woman are visible at early periods such as Gynecomastia and the shrinking of the balls backwards. All under the design of transforming your scrotum to hold eggs and give proper offpsprings. Sperm cells are the weaker germ cells and therefore eggs are always favored, therefroe your body believes it would be preferable to continue transformation into hermaphrodite, if gone unchecked steroid compensation will eventually be irreversible and your body will no longer be able to produce its own testestorone which is real thing. Once that happens, you will slowly be transforming into a full female although you might die before it is finished, making you mostly freak of nature for remaining lifespan that you've had.