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Ancient Advice from Hesiod Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 02:53:10 No. 469739 [Reply] >>469746
Don't let these bitches steal your granary.
>>469739 >decorate her buttocks like wear clothing?
>>469746 You hoomans make me sick. You not only make your feemales wear clothes, you are proud of it, you have no shame.

I'm a FBI Detective, you've been Charged for viewing CSAM~!!! Anonymous 03/09/2025 (Sun) 05:10:16 No. 469730 [Reply] >>469744 >>469749
GOT YA~!!! You just clicked my link which contains CSAM (Which I'm allowed to possess for Qualified Immunity Legal Reasons) and now and my Female Detectives are gonna throw the Book at ya and Lock you up FOREVER~!!! HAHAHAHA-HahHahhahHAHAHA-!!! Why are The Dawn Babes Always Like This?
>>469730 >FBI Weaklings and very easy to kill. Even more now that they are jobless and lost all the money LOL!

Nigger Tolerance Control. Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 05:04:56 No. 469716 [Reply] >>469726
You Basically are Nigger Tolerance Control.
Before killing niggers, kill all jews.
>>469716 By thinking they should not be around my kin?

Anonymous 03/06/2025 (Thu) 09:11:13 No. 469643 [Reply] >>469707
This guy is IRRITATINGLY British. You can tell just by looking at him. But WHY? What am I visually picking up on? I can't put my finger on what exactly looks so British.
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>>469703 >>469699 Both can be right
>>469684 White people were hobbits that industrialized and won't let the dysgenics of industrialization not affect them next time around

Drawthread/Art trade general Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 15:05:38 No. 434176 [Reply] [Last]
Can I take your order please? Edition The other thread died because I died with it, I'm back but I lack any ideas Don't let me be the only one doing "art", join me drawanons! Pic related is my OC Karen, a meme connoisseur :) Ask her anything
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>>468826 >>468827 oh hell yeah, i'm glad you like her. i'm reintroducing her to a story im trying to develop so i intend on drawing her a lot more
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Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 02:32:34 No. 457376 [Reply] [Last]
hey fags soon to be nigger fags cucks, wanna talk about the disposition of things? is the government forcing you to take direct care of a niglet gonna be the straw? what can you tell about someone from traits like doesn't pay to be in clubs, and what can you tell about someone from their porn history, how much should you exercise and what you should do as it can someone please know how much telling someone they stupid for having 'ideas' you know with dead internet thing, every public site, groups that you need to be invited to are going be a overwhelming, but hey, a internet with no-niggers, and then we all get whittle down to people how agree with who agrees with our slavery and kids policy t. me and my gf
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This is my thread like the Christian fag's thread isn't it? Im Christian fag too but I think whites were influenced 🧬 to be Christian. There benefits to this if we can make whites high in negative ethnocentrism
I remember why I made this thread was going think of Bible, there were no good women in the Bible, sides Mary, what does say? if you're a woman you have to wait as a virgin until you get raped, or die to be a good woman, as a man you have to act in your self interest, but at the end of the day rape as many women as you can, eloquent and biological you can accomplice better in a group, and to your genes out there more a group of a phenotype is most effective also remembered something funny, i might have ruined a pe do gid on OG 8chan, if they were ban with a link, it kept the link in the ban notice, told HW about and he claimed to not have thought of it could be used that way, and fixed it, even has the same code he fixed with it with 8chan legacy
The Bible teaches that women will rape their own father given a lack of men, betray you to death for 30 silver and then cry about it( most likely in an attempt to not burn the bridge in case you find out and live) aren't really special as god made multiple women and one man, and if you are slaves the master's wife will try to fuck you and if you do the right thing, she'll tell them that you raped her

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I got one of these again. Anonymous 03/02/2025 (Sun) 16:56:19 No. 469469 [Reply]
I tried to post and suddenly received this notice of a filed banhammering. I'm not really sure what this is about. The only thing I can think of is I might have made a cunny joke, probably on /v/ or /tv/, probably in an obviously ironic way. It's always one of those two I end up eating shit from. I also love how there isn't a link to anything at all, so I can't pinpoint where I made the infraction. Instead I'm forced to fall on middle-aged short term memory as to why I made The Mother angry.
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>>469673 >chan
>>469673 I wasn't apologizing illiterate nigger
I appealed. I even gave one of my proton e-mails. My appeal was denied, but the mod cut my sentence from a month to a week, so there's that. I still have no idea what the hell it was I said to get me b&. Maybe I need to start screenshotting all my posts so I have time and date stamps.

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FUCK NIGGERS Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 05:06:09 No. 467920 [Reply]
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REMINDER THAT OUR 8 GIRL 45 MINUTE TAPE IS DROPPING IN 3 DAY.. (OnlyFans) Anonymous 03/01/2025 (Sat) 09:26:33 No. 469438 [Reply] >>469585
One guy gets to have sex with all 8 girls from the bop house and I need to where you can find this video
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>>469438 >>469438 Where to pay. Monero or Bitcoin? Do you accept cc worth 100 USD? I'm broke so best offer 120usd
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>>469585 Bitcoin sucks balls! Use Monero because Mental Outlaw said it's based!
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>>469520 This Anon gets it. Good job.

Anonymous 03/05/2025 (Wed) 03:47:19 No. 469563 [Reply]
So are commiecats 25% more expensive now?
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>>469564 I'm pretty indestructible tbh. I think tyat's what makes commiecats so appealing. I want to watch it try to destroy me while I laugh at its pitiful blows. >>469565 Commiecatposting isn't crazy though. >>469566 Fine.
>>469572 You are insane. But your my insane anon. Glad to see your doing okay commiecat anon. Anyway have a good day
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>>469572 >>469573 wrong. hes the only poster here schizophrenic with some weird obsession. unfortunately the only people who dont post on 4chan are pedos who come, good pictures anon. also there was someone using my name to insult probaly same mentally handicapped than you for alunya pics i saved them, feeling complicated rn

Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 03:13:23 No. 469400 [Reply]
How are rhythmic gymnasts so sexy?
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looks stupid bet I could do all that with a copelo hours practice
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S-s-s-s-ex with a gymnast?
>>469458 Thats unbelievably gay

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Source Anonymous 02/16/2025 (Sun) 02:33:42 No. 468990 [Reply]
I really need to know where to find the source for this and what his name is
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>>469557 True, but kinda still missing the bigger issue. He's just wrong. Chromebooks have harddrives. Like. Obviously. I don't even know where he got that from, hes just like retarded or something.
>>469562 Probably so few people use them that hackers don't bother like with macs, so the same wrong information follows it
>>469567 Oh like you know

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Sometimes Crossdresser Sometimes Crossdresser 03/03/2025 (Mon) 18:25:08 No. 469508 [Reply]
Sometimes Crossdresser
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Sometimes Crossdresser
Always faggot
This is the guy who lets his dog fuck him, bored with your other thread?

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>>469513 this is how i think of it.

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Benjamin Richie aka bald and bankrupt Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 12:42:11 No. 469416 [Reply] >>469437
There's been many mentions of him over the years being a sex tourist and making videos of encounters and having his own telegram channel where he uploads them onto and I'd very much like to know if there's been any verification on this
>>469416 >Benjamin Richie I know I spelt his surname wrong it should be Rich not Richie
Always kill jews.
I dont know his story but wish I could have met him >oppai loli is censored we live in a 1984.

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PEDOS 03/02/2025 (Sun) 04:10:55 No. 469463 [Reply] >>469464

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