/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Read the rules before posting. 【Loli】【Toddlercon】【Hentai】【Rule 34】【Shota】【Straight Shota】【Trap Shota】【Furry & Kemono】

Aliens Anonymous 06/10/2023 (Sat) 06:25:56 Id: 6bd815 No. 35887 [Reply]
Post cakes having close encounters.
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>>49554 >>49664 >>49666 Gosh I love your style. It reminds me of a cross between certain euro cartoons I've seen and the look of the third Frosty movie. I hope you get back into making things. >animated OH GOSH!
>>49564 I love Yuno so much
>>49666 Wow, That's fantastic.

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Delicious Heroins Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 21:29:44 Id: 93e1ed No. 191 [Reply] [Last]
You want female representation in super hero comics? Well you got them; and there are a lot of them. From Wonderloli, to Stargirl, to Power Pack. De-aged Heroins are welcome too.
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>>49476 >>49477 >>49478 >>49479 >>49480 >>49481 >>49482 >>49483 >>49484 >>49485 >Posting the exact same slop 50 times don't you have a containment thread for this shit?
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Commission Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 19:44:05 Id: 10b26e No. 173 [Reply] [Last]
Are you a starving artist who's sick of drawing shit requests for free and want to delve into a little bit of capitalism? Well, now you can draw those same shit request and get paid for your next batch of ramen noodles. For New Artist 1: Post your portfolio. (First impressions is worth it) 2: Some form of contact. (So the client can communicate) 2: State your do's and don't's. (Do it for your own sake) 3: Name your pricing options. (Sketch, Outline, Coloring, etc) 4: ???? 5: Profit! A reminder to all potential clients. The artist has every right to reject your commission. Disclaimer: All commissions are done between the client and artist. 8chan.moe and /delicious/ take no responsibility if you get scammed.
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Sending a price sheet + other examples of my work. Always taking commissions. I can draw most any character, but no blood, no infants, no diapers. Other fetishes, just ask in case I don't mention it. Bonus for people that ask for characters like hat kid, kanna kamui, Paimon, Anya Forger, etc. Simple and cute designs are my favorites. Furries are generally ok too Contacts: darkbibas on discord @6i6as@baraag.net
there is no venezuelan artist that makes commissions of loli and shota. because i don't have dollars. and it is difficult to pay with the national currency of my country.

The Mighty B thread Speedy05 05/07/2020 (Thu) 15:01:35 Id: f815f8 No. 72 [Reply]
Here's a thread for all Mighty B! artworks made by a number of artists. Only one rule: NO MALE OCs allowed (and that includes Colby James' Kappus) Have fun and enjoy.
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male papure123 11/04/2024 (Mon) 04:27:33 Id: 1f81cf No. 49530 [Reply]

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The Owl House Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:21:29 Id: e35915 No. 181 [Reply] [Last]
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Hazel (Infinity Train Book 3) Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 02:01:40 Id: 000000 No. 7850 [Reply] [Last]
Hazel is still an pretty underrated loli. So a thread dedicated to her might/will help her out.
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Card Captor Sakura Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 20:45:17 Id: c80dbb No. 40202 [Reply]
Because /loli/ is still dead and I can't think of another cake in dire need of a thread.
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Chibi Maruko-chan Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 04:30:12 Id: a8e1ab No. 44843 [Reply]
You know about this classic anime? It's loliful !
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>>44846 >the author being the victim of abuse Shit, news to me. >then dying Considering its roots as an autobiographical manga, does it count as a zombie franchise if it continues even after the mangaka is dead? Currently watching the 1990 anime.
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>>44881 It's semi-autobiographical. She kinda took inspiration from certain events, but it's mostly fiction anyway.
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Need more art of Pusadi.

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The Paper Dolls of Maria Pascual / Paper Dolls General Anonymous 11/25/2022 (Fri) 22:52:58 Id: b7b5cf No. 30750 [Reply] [Last]
By chance, I came across the art of this lady who I think is still alive and drew some very nice illustrations for children's books. She's celebrated for her paper dolls. Her name is Maria Pascual and I don't know, I thought some of you may like them. I kinda like the style and there's something nice about these dolls. Is anyone from Spain here? Can you ask your mom about those dolls? They seem to be nostalgic AF. When I look at some of these dolls I kinda think the artist knew they're kinda lewd. Could be projection, though... but, what if she knew? What if she knew? Could it be that Maria Pascual is our girl? This series is called Muñecas Alegres, or Joyful Dolls. They sure look joyful as fuck, and fun to undress. I mean, fun to play with. Anyway, the artist had the clever idea of giving them speech bubbles, names and individual personalities. Susy says: >Come play with me, girl! They call me Susy Glasses, from JOYFUL DOLLS, and I have lots of gorgeous dresses Laura says: >Call me Laura, your new friend from JOYFUL DOLLS. Cut up my lil' outfits and try them on me.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Jujubeans 10/21/2024 (Mon) 02:13:17 Id: 9ea186 No. 48966 [Reply]
Fun generations

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StegØ's Mindfuck Backupthread StegØ 08/31/2024 (Sat) 06:06:13 Id: c5639f No. 46604 [Reply] >>48757
welp... many of you already know i kinda have some issues, mild ones, but annoying ones... as for my personal sanity i need to get off the scenery every once in a while, so for many people this is kinda an annoying habbit - trust me, for me too... by starting this thread i wanna create a (not so easily erasable) backup for my loli art... if people like that i would post some sketches and maybe finished ones without censorship and in full res (as baraag allways shrinks down my art) - people are free to repost everything to atf, paheal or any other site you like... no idea if this board can stay up forever, but here it seems the best choice so far... i already applied again for a new baraag account (or the restauration of my old one), but i dunno if or when this will get tru, in any case i post it here... since this delicious board (pun intended) is sorta my goto place for old media, i regulairy keep an eye on here, even when im in "loli-hatred-mode"... so... also, i kinda wanna keep this low, since i met some really bad and annoying people in the scene, who are actually the cause for many of my breakdowns, i'd like to not fully engage with people much... hope you guys can understand... anyways... leave a comment about what you think, maybe this is a silly idea after all and nobody actually want's to see my art at all...
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finished the op picture ^^ - also, yes it is marker on real paper !
>>46604 Where's the older art you posted on your previous baraag account?
>>47201 Lovely!

posin' Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 23:11:58 Id: 9ec4ec No. 48718 [Reply]
posing lolis in different places

“I Love Pink” book series Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 19:03:50 Id: 6a6ab1 No. 10475 [Reply]
This sort of draws itself, doesn’t it?
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She really is a cutie. Hopefully some artist will find this.
I love this girl!
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Here's my take on all 5 covers!

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Hamster & Gretel Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 18:58:46 Id: 2ffd21 No. 39950 [Reply]
And also Kevin in the minivan.
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>>41276 Source? Artist?
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Meloetta Divoom 09/23/2024 (Mon) 03:53:09 Id: aa52e7 No. 47420 [Reply]
She's a lovely Pokemon. We want more images of her naked.

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