/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Official Anonymous 05/23/2020 (Sat) 10:05:02 Id: acff34 No. 1014 [Reply] [Last]
Bringing this back cos it's one of my favorite threads Post official pantsu/nudity of girls from western comics/cartoons
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De-Age Lincoln Board owner 05/13/2020 (Wed) 23:24:59 Id: 8f4c85 No. 388 [Reply] [Last]
Older girls, de-aged to a more suitable love maker.
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>>50486 >>51020 ...and they got regressed!
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Looks like Deebo posted another regression-related comic that also has some shrinking in it. Again, I'm intrigued to see if it goes on further.
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Source Filmmaker (SFM) Thread PART 5 VHSEPHI 02/02/2025 (Sun) 09:32:50 Id: a0db0a No. 52895 [Reply] [Last]
Post renders of SFM/Blender girls from your favorite games. Preferably Hi-Res JPEG, PNG, Webm, MP4, etc. If generous, share models and tips too. No realistic OC models. Boards have been taken down for this. The only OC allowed are custom Sims/Skyrim, etc or repurposed established characters. Please do not flood new thread with old images Previous threads: PART 4 >>39857 2023 PART 3 >>28646 2022 PART 2 >>14943 2021 PART 1 >>184 2020 Resource Croix3D Leftovers - https://mega.nz/#F!4JJi1L6J!l12lCN8ZlsaF2D727ny5Ug >Clementine - Walking Dead Season 1 & 2 >Rachel - Wold Among Us

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>>53600 Actually cute.

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Navel Thread Anon 02/16/2025 (Sun) 20:15:21 Id: 1388b7 No. 53587 [Reply]
Lolis and their cute belly buttons

NEW Alkemanubis thread Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 18:24:57 Id: 6b4373 No. 41990 [Reply]
A new piece was uploaded to ATF booru, and while Alke mentions this being "done" last year, he revisited it this year. So, new enough.
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He keeps on giving!
Honey, wake up! New shipment of AlkeKINO has just arrived! I actually don't want a completely exposed version. The flower improves the cunny.
>>53517 it's a "flunny"

Source? & Stupid Questions thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 02:45:44 Id: 64872c No. 13322 [Reply] [Last]
First try using https://iqdb.org/ or https://saucenao.com/ before asking for sources of pics. >This thread is for: - asking the source of a pic or comic - asking about the current status of an artist - asking for higher res versions of a pic or comic - making on topic questions that don't belong in the meta thread - containing standalone source?/more of this? threads in a single place - answering/spoonfeeding any of the above >This thread is 'not for: - making drawing requests, use the drawfag thread for that - requesting edits of any kind, use the appropriate edit threads for that - questions about the board and its staff, use the meta thread for it - containing pesudo-request threads (threads with a single image and nothing else), they need to be treated independently
Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:59:33.
230 posts and 201 images omitted.
>>53058 On, i looked some french cartoons (matt's monsters, frankenstein's cat, les sisters, trolls of troy etc.) thank for visiting obscure cartoons from europe.
An artist known as cryptid taka / cryptidff recently deleted a bunch of their content. Deleted their baraag and had it taken off ATF. Found some on sankaku but wondering if anyone has the rest of their stuff
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I can't find where/who this picture is from, anyone have any idea?

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Chibi-Usa 29th anniversary thread Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 05:11:53 Id: 720461 No. 21801 [Reply] [Last]
on 2/3/93, Chibi-Usa made her debut on Chapter 14 of Sailor Moon. So let's celebrate!
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seeing the thread thumbnail i wonder... does anyone know what happened to hindenburg? did he stopped drawing? haven't heard anything new from him in the last decade...
>>52841 He announced his retirement on Twitter in 2014. No one has seen his manga since.
courtesy of edit thread

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Drawthread O Superior_Dragon 07/28/2024 (Sun) 21:07:50 Id: 47bd58 No. 45784 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread O! [Title card by KonamiYung] Please observe the rules posted as follows (as of 2024, we've made efforts to clean up or clarify certain rulings). Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. If this becomes a recurring problem, you'll further risk getting your subject/topic/theme blacklisted as well. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF!!! If you have a new request, it *CAN & WILL* wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! This is specifically to allow 11th Hour deliveries, and prevent last minute deliveries from being ignored or buried by kicking off the new thread. - If you have any Requests of a non-sexual/suggestive nature, posting them in the SFW Drawthread helps (less a rule, and more a recommendation to avoid such requests getting buried) FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. Male characters are acceptable, so long as the focus is largely/equally on girls. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed (until DT P), though repetitive requests of the same theme and/or character are still limited to no more than 3; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS

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>>45801 My friend ETN made this for you in /sc/!
>>52348 It'd be good if you could provide some references of the character in question (kid mai) so it'd be easier for artists instead of having to look for them themselves.
>>53492 had to request another one in the new thread but this time, I added a photo of her and I specified it. thx for reminding me

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OniRism Lincoln Board owner 05/21/2021 (Fri) 04:32:57 Id: 9ce869 No. 14044 [Reply] [Last]
Curious to know if anyone else have played or even heard of this indie game called OniRism. There's small talk here and there in other places but I figure it would be fitting here as well seeing as the main character is a delicious French cake. It's a single-player game that is action/adventure with online-multiplayer coming down the line soon. The game is still Early Access as of now. Description: >OniRism will take you in the wonderful world of Crearia for a big adventure! Help Carol put her enemies to sleep, using a variety of toys and abilities to aid you in your quest to find Bunbun in this colorful universe! Official Site https://www.onirismthegame.com/home-en Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1057640/Onirism/ Itch.io https://onirism.itch.io/onirismthegame Trailers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCrYC3DbDs4

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Edited last time by Lincoln on 12/21/2021 (Tue) 21:32:22.
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>>48557 Methinks you got it backwards.
>>50243 Beware the bugs.

Dexter's Laboratory abstractiiiooon 03/03/2023 (Fri) 05:24:10 Id: 5aa94f No. 33333 [Reply] [Last]
Dexter's sister her friends and other girls to the series .
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Ben 10 Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 06:03:19 Id: 92f704 No. 158 [Reply] [Last]
Nothing like a good ol' Bwencest thread.
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Mona The Vampire Anon 02/03/2025 (Mon) 06:19:51 Id: 539a40 No. 52940 [Reply]
let’s give this vampire loli dozens of blood and cake!
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>>53159 Heyy, let me get in touch on pixiv or baraag in the next few, and maybe we can work something out!

Breaking News Moldovan 11/28/2020 (Sat) 22:43:23 Id: 1ccb40 No. 8018 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for news regarding upcoming animated series, post anything with cute cakes/lolis here.
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Sneak Peek of Disney Channel new show, StuGo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt7TGOvvFWQ
atf is down again I am getting pure connection time out errors try to beg and vow to return
false alarm the site is back. but the strange thing is because this happens every saturday when atf susede something bad to the server with very slow loads and erros

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Dot Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 07:12:58 Id: d7bc01 No. 18286 [Reply] [Last]
Star of "Dot and the Kangaroo", "Dot and Keeto", "Dot Goes to Hollywood" and several other movies
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Drawthread K Superior_Dragon 10/03/2022 (Mon) 21:53:12 Id: 1d4f8f No. 29378 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to Drawthread K! Please observe the rules posted as follows. Rules: - Leave reference images and/or clear descriptions. No tl;dr, please. - Repetitive requests will be deleted. Repeated offenders will be warned and/or banned. - the Bump Limit is 600. Once we reach 550 posts, ALL BETS ARE OFF! If you have a new request, it can wait until the new thread; NO EXCEPTIONS!! FOR REQUESTERS Add "+REQUEST" in the subject title for artists to find easily. - 6 is the max number of request per user per thread, no exceptions. Chain requesting is fine (5 per post), and you may be free to swap out a request for a different one. - Do not request male original/self insert characters (You) created. - No bumping/seconding your requests within the same thread to avoid clutter. - Past Requests are not allowed, nor are repetitive requests of the same theme, character, and/or series; variety is important. - be courteous to others: extreme requests (excessive violence, bodily fluids, scat, vore, abuse/rape, to name a few) must be given a spoiler tag for everyone's benefit. FOR ARTISTS Add "+DELIVERY" in the subject title.

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Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 10/03/2022 (Mon) 21:56:56.
552 posts and 953 images omitted.
>>33236 OR here. Very nice work, though I did want Lilo to be the dress-lifted victim given that she wears a dress. Up to you if you could make Mertle the smiling girl on the left.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 02/27/2023 (Mon) 22:30:34.
>>33420 >>33420 >>33420 >>33420 [From now on, if we've hit the "All Bets Are Off", and there's no activity for a week or so, we're just skipping straight to the next thread; normally this was only done to expedite holiday requests, but I'm calling it here]

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