/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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A Hat in Time! Lincoln Board owner 05/11/2020 (Mon) 20:57:17 Id: cab459 No. 186 [Reply] [Last]
Everyone's very Hat Kid and friends are off on a goofy adventure.
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>>46057 Hat kid loves mafia dick
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ENF Thread Anonymous 12/16/2020 (Wed) 10:45:34 Id: b72c3c No. 9049 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for cake whose state of undress is a cause for distress.
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>>53266 Hey that's one of my accounts! Thepervertedeye!

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Gassy Cakes Josh 04/04/2021 (Sun) 08:17:55 Id: 000000 No. 12554 [Reply]
Be it burps or poots; we all do it, and what better place than here to cut loose and release some wind. (scat goes in the appropriate thread. >>2109)
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>>24560 I found this and was listening to the wedding of figaro as it was playing and it's so fucking funny goddamnit
Ah wait, no it was barber of seville my bad

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Therappy's Westhard Academy Anonymous 05/05/2022 (Thu) 19:43:22 Id: 04bd12 No. 24837 [Reply] [Last]
I feel like this artist is underrated, and his Westhard Academy is a lovely story with an actually charming protagonist. You guys know it? This lovely young lady is everything I like.
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Excellent comic, except that it got a bit convoluted too quickly. I hope the ending is satisfying and then, maybe the artist does something else just as cute and hot with new characters and a different setting, or uses the character for simpler stories.
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>>53205 I love You

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Hailey's On It! Anonymous 04/30/2023 (Sun) 23:46:28 Id: dbc061 No. 34832 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for the new upcoming show, Hailey's On It! Didn't except people to already be doing arts of it. So making a thread for images of the show to be posted on is a good head start before it premier.
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Chocolate Cake Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 01:27:22 Id: 37769d No. 200 [Reply] [Last]
Dedicated thread just for dark/tanned skin cake. Black characters who are light skinned (red bone) and/or biracial is A-okay too.
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Chocolate Cookies
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Gag cartoons Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 01:05:19 Id: a0f8d3 No. 43598 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for single panel or single page joke cartoons featuring cakes.
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>>52225 You hit the gag comics motherlode with this “Sex to Sexty” magazine.

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PreTeena thread Anonymous 06/09/2020 (Tue) 21:43:47 Id: 42d24d No. 2258 [Reply] [Last]
Showcasing some art/smut based on the comic strip "PreTeena" (created by Allison Barrows), which ran from 2001 to 2008. The strip has developed a very active, although still small, fandom. It became FOTM, and so there's a lot of new art, both lewd and wholesome. But what's the comic about? Slice of Life. Teena Keene, a vivacious girl who is almost 11, and enjoys still childish things while developing quickly. She's smart and a bit of a tomboy. It's cute, wholesome and funny. General threads are still going on strong in /co with regularity.
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>>53128 Why, thank you! You're too kind. Now as a way to practice I challenged myself to draw them without looking at any reference, either for the pose or for the characters. It's still on the very early stages of course, so it doesn't look good yet and it's there for a general idea, but I hope the end result is good. It's gonna be good practice to draw it with no references, but if the end result is looking too ugly I'll check references.
>>53134 The new sketch is fine. Try making the arms less like sticks, that is the only critique I can give.
>>53181 Oh, I know. It's nowhere near complete, it's basically the skeleton. Just for the general poses.

Koikatsu! thread Anonymous 01/01/2021 (Fri) 10:56:51 Id: 000000 No. 9511 [Reply] [Last]
Happy new year, /delicious/! Let's have a Koikatsu! thread. Post something you made as long as it's /delicious/ related.
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Classic Cake Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 21:27:44 Id: aa53fa No. 43874 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for pre-1950s illustration. Artists like Martin van Maele and Franz von Bayros go here. No realistic paintings based on actual models.
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>>53049 I wish I knew. I know the picture is an album cover, but I haven’t been able to find a credit for the art.
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>>53049 was not hard to find... artist is matti kota stuff is even on youtube! - why the fuck is a cover of a topless child on YOUTUBE?!!! - such bastards! (i mean youtube)
>>53142 >but I haven’t been able to find a credit for the art. 7min google cross search >.>

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Carrot Cake Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 03:06:54 Id: b52ac2 No. 21089 [Reply] [Last]
Redheads are fiery, unique, and very magical.
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Have we seen the last lewd fanart of Teena?
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Titty loli/shortcakes Speedy05 05/12/2020 (Tue) 21:16:50 Id: 98d536 No. 242 [Reply] [Last]
Little girls with not so little breasts. AKA oppai loli, loli kyounyuu/ロリ巨乳, kids with tits, "shit taste". (oppai loli edits are also allowed)
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>>40732 None of which result in said /d/ thread
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Can anybody translate these?

Furry loli/cub 2 VHSEPHI 03/05/2023 (Sun) 17:01:17 Id: d071f5 No. 33407 [Reply] [Last]
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Does anyone have an archive of an artist called skullwomb's stuff? He had a meltie on Baraaq and nuked all of his works in 2022. I've tried searching other image boards but all the links are deprecated, the best I can find is this site but it's more than likely incomplete: https://hentaiera.com/gallery/1154671/

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The Cuckery34 BUN 10/18/2024 (Fri) 07:49:37 Id: 509c9e No. 48795 [Reply] [Last]
Hello folks, Pepipopo/Bun here. I havent been on this website for a long time, but i wanna open this thread to talk about something for a minute. As we all known, things have been pretty fucking bleak for content creators who draw NSFW stuff, but right now, things went from bad to worse, i been trough depression this year and even before sporadically during the last year, particularly at losing desire to draw and my inability to get a good proper job due to the political climate of my country (everyone is a leftist pro-state cuck), but besides the point, this plattform, BOOSTY, have been not paying me for the last 4 months because of the stupid conflicts happening near their country, i personally dont care about War, its bad, but its not my life, the gist of it, is the following one. They not only have blocked Paypal, my only source for receiving income, but also they apparently according to Plebbit, they reject automatically A LOT of credit and DEBIT cards, marking errors constantly, point proven in pic related. https://www.reddit.com/r/artbusiness/comments/1asqhdh/boosty_seems_to_have_the_paypal_option_disabled/ I only had 100USD owed by me and sadly i will most likely NEVER get that money, i am gonna lose it, and not receiving money during these past 4 months didnt help my depression, which kept me from finishing commissions that i almost have several months without finishing, also due to my health issues, as well of taking care of relatives, one of em nearly died and i had to dedicate myself 95% for two months, which i did with no regret, and me getting denied this payment from Boosty which i could use to refund the money from my clients, have put me in a bad position i dont like, that and of course my computer getting fucked up constantly due to Windows and their stupidity with their updates (yesterday i had to take cae of a random BSOD after reseting windows 10 on my PC, as in, re-setting the whole OS weeks ago) and having to set up Clip Studio Paint again and organizing my old brushes to continue my works, and after finding out that i cannot do commissions without taking months and months to finish, i had to crawl back to Fanbox in order to get some money, but i remember that people cannot use Paypal no more to support NSFW artist anymore, i can still use it as a creator apparently (for now), but i need help. Subscribe Star is full FUBAR, they refused to approve my damn accounts on that fucking vanillaware of a website, they give you crap to put your foreign bank account info and you need at least 100 USD to withdraw, and i remember clear as day they took a slice of that money! also lots of SubscribeStar shills kept telling me the same variation of the same story I got approved in only a few days, YEAH, WHEN IT WAS 2018!, SINCE THE FUCKING PANDEMIC I COULD NOT GET A NEW ACCOUNT APPROVED OFR THAT FUCKWAD OF A WEBSITE!, (cont)
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>>52601 What I have read, you can not upload lolisho content on subscribestar but linking is ok.
>>52627 I see. I'm a patron to someone who's managed to get away with it (so far), so I suppose it's the lesser of two evils.
I guess the xiera99 method would be interesting As a plan b

Heloise (Jimmy Two-Shoes/Jimmy Cool) Thread Anon 01/13/2025 (Mon) 12:50:17 Id: de5adf No. 52084 [Reply]
Post any Heloise pics
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>>52838 Drawthread P is right around the corner!
>>52999 Thank you.

Hey Arnold! Anonymous 05/31/2023 (Wed) 05:11:35 Id: 1a89d2 No. 35563 [Reply] [Last]
Some girls from this show. Especially Summer.
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>>52386 >she imagines sitting on arnolds face everytime she sits down... >_> Well, you absolutely got her character right! Yes, she would think of Arnold every time she sits down What if Helga made herself some pasties, maybe for her nipples or for her cunny? Probably both, right? An Arnold-shaped set of pasties. She would like them, because she could hide them under her clothes. Even if her skirt is lifted you couldn't see her secret Arnold cunny sticker...
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