/delicious/ - Cake

It just tastes better.

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Delivery Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 20:06:39 Id: 7331ad No. 52154 [Reply]
pov you ordered fragile stuff with same day delivery: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4IeBbDXBl90

Do you know this artist? 10/13/2021 (Wed) 05:46:54 Id: 1fc89a No. 17945 [Reply]
Just suffered a hard drive crash. First time ever, and right as I was getting the ball rolling on organizing my mess of an archive. Lost a LOT, some I don't expect exists online anymore, but I'd be tickled pink if anyone could supplement what I've been able to scrounge up on this one artist as a way to kick off my road to recovery. Went by 'ityuy' back in the day, 'yuh koume' more recently, and until a few months ago 'またたび', all on pixiv. Possibly others as that platform seemed to have it out for him and his works have been wiped out multiple times. My focus was always on his digimon works, so I'll post what of that I've found. Pretty sure he also did a decent amount of cute as hell Koume Shirasaka pics in recent memory. Any gaps in what I'm able to present here you can fill would be much appreciated.
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always back up your stuff on flash drives
use saucenao lil nigga
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I have a massive collection of this artist's work. Almost 1500 pictures. He's one of those that keeps deleting everything and changing his name. He's been through at least 10 Pixiv accounts. I need to post it on ExHentai or something. I may seriously have the biggest collection on Earth.

Hanazuki Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 12:23:32 Id: a9126f No. 18296 [Reply]
The Moonflower on thread.
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We want more Miyumi…
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Art by WaraseWar

post cunny memes and edits, more so with the sob or correction emoji Cunny memes 11/01/2022 (Tue) 02:50:40 Id: b81ef0 No. 30085 [Reply] [Last]
Surprised there isnt a thread on this already, and its kind of hard to find things like this online, some discord servers have similar, but i want to start this sharing space for NSFW and SWF cunny memes
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>>51719 >loli porn communities are a bunch of Russians lol, sounds about right
>>52079 why do so many russians seem to be pedos? latin americans too.
>>52110 This is what I think. Both Russia and Latin America tried to adopt western capitalism but failed, ruining their economies. Bad economy equals less resources destined to education (thanks to our stupid leaders). Low quality education, which barely instructs sex ed since it is still taboo leaves children unnaware of what's going on their environment thus leaving them vulnerable to explotation due to moral decline. Also Russian and Latina women being fetishized in media (trying to follow western standards of beauty) turns boys specially into coomers so no wonder why most of them end up being pedos. Plus there is little to no law enforcement into what's going on the internet so pedos are still relatively free to do what they want, even on social media. You can't believe how many of them I saw today on a FB post, commenting about how they groom minors like nothing. Again, this is my opinion. Probably anyone else have something different to say regarding your inquiry.

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Irina's World (Mundo de Irina) Anonymous 10/22/2021 (Fri) 16:40:33 Id: 3a2500 No. 18173 [Reply] [Last]
What do you guys know about this old webcomic?
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Irina's world was the good shit. I never realized it, but I loved the "world" aspect. Just the concept of an entire cast of OCs in all these comics in all manner of pairings...it just feels like something you don't see very often.
What series out there are like Irina's World? Also most of the places it's been posted are now down... :(
>>52071 >What series out there are like Irina's World? I would say, probably stuff like Lovin' Sister, My Hot Ass Neighbor and Ccashew and Belle (even though I'm still not quite sure what Ccashew and Belle is).

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UnderTale / Deltarune Cake: 8Moe Edition GirlAnon 05/08/2020 (Fri) 14:35:37 Id: 3c64a4 No. 84 [Reply] [Last]
Since Julay's shutting down, I might as well move UnderTale / Deltarune Cake onto 8Moe. Eastern art is also allowed since these two games are actually made in Western Zones. Also, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and Lancer needs some love, so post them on here! Stay determined!
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>>52049 More of the first pic please.
>>52045 Link to artist please

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Lesbian Fruit Cakes Lincoln Board owner 05/12/2020 (Tue) 03:41:12 Id: 8ea843 No. 208 [Reply] [Last]
A fap thread just for Lesbians, Faggettes, and Carpet Munchers. And Only Lesbians... bare or dildos/strapons. Teens and Milfs must be accompanied by cake.
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Does pokemon count as cake?

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Mother and Daughter Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 22:57:46 Id: 88fd4a No. 16206 [Reply] [Last]
A thread I felt was missing from on here. A thread for posting images of Hot Sexy Mothers and theirs Cute Young and just as Sexy Daughters. Just Two Rules 1) No Futa 2) No Furry
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This is peak mom and daughter

DuckTales Anonymous 01/04/2021 (Mon) 05:21:00 Id: 03474d No. 9614 [Reply] [Last]
It's just occured to me that there isn't a DuckTales thread Let's fix that
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Pregnant Lolis Thread Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 05:11:19 Id: 714ee9 No. 4952 [Reply] [Last]
Find some of the rarest drawn preggo lolis on earth. Some can be high class while others not so much. Here's a few examples >Pics related
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>every single non-shit image itt is anime Cartoon smut is so cooked
>>48565 Not even
Guys, we have officially made it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQGf9paqd7U

Sofia The First Anonymous 07/30/2021 (Fri) 13:59:30 Id: 21ee7b No. 15942 [Reply] [Last]
I know this thread was in the old 8chan back in 2018. Any cake from the series.
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Uncensored version?

Cripple Cake Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 02:31:14 Id: 724b0a No. 23199 [Reply]
Disabled lolis. Wheelchair, deaf, whatever.
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why not call it crumble cake?
>>51362 Good one.
>>32718 whos she

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Underclothes Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 22:20:38 Id: 5b9767 No. 377 [Reply] [Last]
Post lolis in their best night/underwear. Swimsuits are also okay.
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>>40211 Thank you!
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lolis in lingerie 😋😋😋

Sea Princesses / Princesas Del Mar Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 11:59:12 Id: c50217 No. 18403 [Reply]
I remember watching the TV series as a kid. It's a shame there's so little cake of them. Apparently it started as a book series by some Brazilian guy called Fabio Yabu and got adapted to a TV show around 2007 or so. Maybe this thread will encourage some more cake of the characters. My preferred character being Polvina.
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>>18772 Ikr?

KND Thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 00:54:14 Id: 3f120f No. 13317 [Reply] [Last]
Operation L.E.W.D.
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