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Cheerleaders thread Anonymous 06/04/2020 (Thu) 15:39:19 Id: 0318de No. 1991 [Reply]
Go! Fight! Win!
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2020 Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 05:54:13 Id: 2e577e No. 42556 [Reply]
A thread for the aesthetics of the year 2020. No political shit, please!
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>>42597 These are the same kind of people that unironically say that Oppenheimer was less political than Barbie
>>42597 Don't forget >lockdowns >(effectively) mandatory vaccination >enforcement of said measures seemed lop-sided (e.g. it was okay to somehow "protest" over George Floyd's death)

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Drell / Drellen / Ellen Black Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 13:30:12 Id: d0a363 No. 43934 [Reply] >>43935
Anyone have an archive of this 2017 artist's old pixiv gallery? This one: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=23083594 They deleted their art along with my favorite image they drew. -An oppai loli picked from school, drugged and gang banged. I can only find galleries of their unfinished comics on panda. Here's their old accont: https://exhentai.org/uploader/Drellen I liked her art, and I wished I saved that image I mentioned.
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omg wow I remember her she drew that comic called Kayla grows up. It is such a shame she nuked her whole existence and then disappeared

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Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Thread Lincoln Board owner 07/07/2020 (Tue) 04:38:16 Id: d504e0 No. 3383 [Reply]
Surpised I forgot this series. Well, here it is. I'll update the thread soon.
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Forbidden Cake Anonymous 06/07/2020 (Sun) 18:30:54 Id: 7038ca No. 2150 [Reply] [Last]
Unlewdable? Off-limits? Nonsense!
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>>38303 brutal
trying out these prompts. how dose it look?

Apparatus Thread Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 03:42:24 Id: d4b950 No. 43782 [Reply]
Antis nuked their fanbox and they quit posting their stuff online, with only a few appearances on pomf streams. I'm opening a thread so people who saved their art can share it here and doesn't get lost over time.

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Pinch gripping. Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 02:21:07 Id: bbc83f No. 34214 [Reply]
Panties coming down, but the cunny lips are still grabbing the fabric like weak, tiny, delicate fingers pinching it. Which means the panties were slightly caught in the cunny folds before they started coming down, and that's why I call this a reverse camel toe. Or eotlemac. As far as I know there's no tag for this on any booru or Pixiv. Am I wrong? Is this a tag? I love it, but maybe it's too niche and speciphic to be a tag? To have a name? I'd love to know if we have the numbers to start a movement, and get a tag going. Remember though, zettai ryōiki and even more rare elements of fetish art became established only after people on IBs and forums started discussing them. So, let's talk about this? Post more examples if you have them? I like this for many, many reasons. One of them being that almost the whole cunny can be seen, but also it can be pretty much censored by the panties themselves. The artist can make the panties cover juuuust enough for the cunny not being considered explicit, while showing it clearly.
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I think the word "pinch" is mandatory, and alliteration is always fun but >>34217 is correct: some times the pinch happens to garments that aren't panties, so the "P" in "panties" can't be included, sadly. But that's okay because we still have the "P" in "pussy", so I say this is called the pussy pinch.
>>35317 Snatch snatch is the best pun, but cunny clamp is the best overall, for cute factor alone.
>>43665 But "clamp" sounds like an infection, "snatch" is downright rude, and although it would be super cute to have the word "cunny" there, that would be limiting because the tag will only be useful if it applies to every case of pinching, which has to include adults and teens (which means, no cunny). So, Pussy Pinch it is.

Bluey DevanDrake99 04/27/2024 (Sat) 17:34:06 Id: d7c217 No. 43544 [Reply]
A thread about a Blue Heeler puppy that became the most watched preschool cartoon, and of course, R34 of her.
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What happened to sims 3 mods? Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 03:19:50 Id: b5e34c No. 43505 [Reply] >>43506
I read this thread https://archive.ph/rc4wA How are the sims 3 mods going? last time I saw some short videos. the kinkyworld lag a lot and have a lot of problems, and atf passion version have imcomplete animations and are ugly. some okw animations just don't work in passion. I don't want to register on atf aka FED Honeypot to check it out Is there a link to simfileshare or something like that to see mods? i tried using sliders with teens but they look horrible. the kinkyworld movesim is terrible. and passion doesn't include such an option to doing something similar to move sims with sliders and align animations manually. >also or did they just move to sims 4 leaving sims 3?
nothing guys? rlly?

my birthday Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 06:48:57 Id: 717ddd No. 43445 [Reply]
okay guys, to day is my birthday, give me some cake
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What happened to Lolicit... Anonymous 04/17/2024 (Wed) 21:14:46 Id: 3fd8f2 No. 43353 [Reply] >>43399
So this is something I want to keep distance from but also talk about. Without giving away too much info I have word on what actually happened, as I have had a chance to talk to someone closely related to the matter after some research. Here's a timeliness of events: - A new global mod is brought in January 2023 - The global mod had their account compromised and data scraped mid March - The site admin is arrested at the end of May (they live in New Zealand) - Their stuff is seized, as well as the actual servers. The site shuts down - Some mods are raided but not charged (though some have not been heard from since) - Admin is out on bail, will not take to trial - Sentencing for jail time is end of July this year I can provide evidence if it's needed, but it's just a little unsettling how I learned all this and want to keep my distance as much as possible.
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>>43355 Redacted excerpt of info I was able to pick up. Not disclosing more than necessary.
>>43362 They had enough to pick him up, rifle his shit, and not enough to charge them, bull fucking shit. Those men are what is known as a cooperating witnesses. What's known on the street as a la rata, snitch, rat, turncoat, traitor, fed spy, and ex-friend.

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slutty thread Anonymous 06/14/2021 (Mon) 04:31:23 Id: 000000 No. 14695 [Reply]
not to be confused with the prostitution thread which is much more specific
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>>14773 LilAndy is the king of slutty lolis.

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Stop Thinking About Kids Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 05:06:02 Id: f7900b No. 12440 [Reply] [Last]
The Stop Thinking About Sex meme is pretty fun so I decided to make a loli version of it. Make your own edits or request for characters you'd like to see in meme form!
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I'm a Girl
>>12449 Blossom.
>>12545 A lot of latinas have bad genetics, develop super early, age like milk, and generally die early too.

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pikachuwow (artist) Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 20:06:56 Id: 0913f1 No. 11342 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone know or recognize this artist? I followed them on Pixiv and talked to them for a short time but they disappeared awhile back. They were very nice and even took some requests. I can't find them anywhere. I didn't get to save all of their work but I did save most of it before their account got wiped.
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>>15608 How is it sad that he’s charging for work now?
Just finding out about this artist. Wish he knew or had a baraag account instead of a pixiv one.
>>15543 That means he is doing fine, at least seemingly. Good for him (bad for us, since no more little girls ):

Peanuts Moldovan 11/29/2020 (Sun) 07:49:30 Id: 9ea93b No. 8086 [Reply]
Thread for the Schulz's comic strip and its various adaptations.
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post Lucy van Pelt pantyshots please

Screenshot Edits #3 Superior_Dragon 03/16/2023 (Thu) 16:19:38 Id: 7cc85a No. 33731 [Reply] [Last]
Post your nude edits here. You can also request an edit as well. Rules 1: Make sure the image is large enough and high quality to be edited. 2: Don't behave greedily or spam the same request. 3: Have fun, be nice, be patient and be grateful. 4: Troll edit and/or bad edits will be removed. Previous thread >>20404
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Time for a new thread! This one went by pretty quick. I’ll have something up by Monday. Spoilers: it’s gonna look like the Les Sisters streak as the cover image is finally over.
Edited last time by Superior_Dragon on 03/15/2024 (Fri) 18:19:57.
where is new thread?

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