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PC Hardware & News Thread: Huangrifting Chinkikel Edition Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 18:03:56 Id: f5987d No. 1067011 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT performance leaks https://archive.ph/50Jrz >Deepseek (ChinkGPT) Causes a frenzy throughout the tech world after sharp drop in overvalued companies like NVIDIA Last Thread >>1045288
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>>1071149 Wew lad, it sounds like there's a ps/2 to usb converter in there somewhere, just like how a bunch of hdmi ports are converted displayport ports to work better on linux. I also have heard the single combo port sucks ass compared to a normal pair of ps/2 ports, if you happen to have one.
>>1071098 Fermi housefire flagship, the GTX 480, was a 250w card. We sure have come a long way.
>>1071166 >Fermi housefire flagship, the GTX 480 Ahaha oh man I remember that. Fuck I feel old today.

Sonic the Hedgehog Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 09:45:27 Id: 824c4a No. 1027938 [Reply] [Last]
With Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out in less than a week, now is a good time for a new Sonic thread. Personally I'm quite excited for the game, and am surprised it hasn't already leaked since it usually leaks around this time. Although I'm kinda disappointed we haven't seen a proper Adventure remake yet, hopefully this game will be good and will lead to good things as time goes on. Oh, and hopefully we'll get a Shadow remake that's actually good this time. I doubt SEGA has the balls to make that kinda game in the modern age though. Are you looking forward to Shadow Generations? Do you think we'll get more Sonic stages as DLC? Or will the game just be average and a waste of money and the cycle will repeat itself all over again, even though Frontiers as a modded game is solid. Still, this is the thread to discuss anything and everything Sonic the Hedgehog! please don't porn dump, I'm looking at you Bui
Edited last time by Mark on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:04:18.
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>>1071157 "Disabled AV1 codec use by default again since our implementation has significant streaming issues (particularly audio) that needs further work." Its supported, just disabled.
>>1071133 Hate to admit it, but I actually like Zavok more now because of IDW. In Lost World the Zeti felt like underwhelming one dimensional characters that were just bad because evil is fun and, for the most part, they still are, but fleshing out Zavok as a tacticious and strong leader type that understands and enjoys the art of war was something his character really needed. He's a natural born warlord and he's ready to fight and die as one.
>>1071188 sage for double posting, but I really enjoy these panels as well.

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Meta Thread Anonymous 07/09/2022 (Sat) 21:54:11 Id: 5c9cb5 No. 640607 [Reply] [Last]
READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU GET SCHOOLED https://8chan.moe/v/rules.html Keep all of the board drama, autism, site issues, feedback and shitting on the website administration here. Do not post about illegal topics, or you will be banned. Thank you.
Edited last time by Mark on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:36:52.
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>>1070286 >>1070287 >>1070621 >>1070622 Why even use 16x16 ants sized format? That size limit is not enforced by 8chins and instead the flags can get bigger through custom CSS style. /fur/ for example has bigger flags
>>1070633 We also have 48x48 versions, I suppose. >Why even use 16x16 ants sized format? Didn't know any better. IDK, if an anon wants the tiny16x16 versions they're there.
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Graphical Stagnation and Regression Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 22:02:27 Id: 083375 No. 1061748 [Reply]
<aka "they're gonna take you to the present, where your screen is fucking unpleasant" the thread >aka grafix discussion bread So I don't think it's much of a secret these days that despite <TAA, with ghosting and trailing <mandatory upscaling <framegen <raytracing and pathtracing more and more games are shipping out in worse technical states asking for more power while less is delivered. There are a myriad of reasons for this state of affairs but TL;DR something systemic is definitely going on and it's led to ripple effects like gamers buying more PC indie titles, reevaluation of the eighth generation, backlash against Unreal Engine, and the Threat Interactive drama. "buy new GPU" is no longer a valid dismissal since Nvidia's poor showing at CES, with barely an uptick in compute and the push for 75% fake frames and neural texture compression. Discuss this hot mess.
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>>1070758 >single game using >18 gigabytes of VRAM >18 gigabytes of RAM God in heaven, am I glad I don't buy any games or play anything modern.
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>>1071043 >8 years prior
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Today's Absolute State of Play provided a bounty in terms of deferred rendering reaching its limit. Tides of Annihilation demonstrates. I love oil paintings as much as the next guy, but c'mon, this ain't it, chief.

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Japanese learning thread Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 17:21:19 Id: 595618 No. 729151 [Reply] [Last]
I have no idea how to bake this thread I'm just copying from zchan thread pls help me. Archive of previous thread - https://archive.is/rJ3Wh Step 0. Resource Acquisition Go here to get Anki, a flash card program: http://ankisrs.net/ Here are some suggested decks: Core2k/6k: https://mega.nz/#!QIQywAAZ!g6wRM6KvDVmLxq7X5xLrvaw7HZGyYULUkT_YDtQdgfU KanjiDamage: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/748570187 Kana: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1632090287 Tae Kim's grammar: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/242060646 Other Resources RealKana: http://realkana.com/ (alternate version) https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/kana.html Click the column of characters you want to study and type the corresponding romaji into the box as they appear

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>>1070733 Nah I think I'll do this the way I want to.
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Got no clue if they belong here, but I might as well post them to raise post quality here.
>>1070835 Nice anon. I'm going to repost them on a certain thread on /vb/.

/Fit/ness 'games' thread - Do you even /fit/ games bro? Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 17:05:00 Id: 284a82 No. 1020864 [Reply] [Last] >>1070784
Didn't have this kind of thread for a long while so its time to make another one. Talk about which fitness games to play, what kind of diet works and what doesn't. Do you use any games as warmup for gym? Post game progress, advice, exercises and how to sail through your 20s, 30s being vfit. Your body will thank you in the coming years
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bump remember to drink lots of water
>>1058370 Not since my knees started exploding. I've been using an under-desk elliptical for cardio instead. Pretty comfy when combined with vidya.
>>1020864 Now will that HnK game teach me how to make people explode irl by punching them?

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Minor News Thread Anonymous 08/23/2021 (Mon) 22:32:02 Id: 9cb4c9 No. 396559 [Reply] [Last]
Basically this is a thread for those minor news articles that are interesting but not necessary big enough to have their own thread. We will be taking the bigger stories from these threads and making them into their own threads, Anons are welcome to do the same. We will NOT be heavily enforcing these threads, so please keep that in mind. Basically things like game announcements, live stream events, new gaming hardware, etc. should have their own threads while shit like NEW GUILTY GEAR DLC 3 "SLAYER" or something like that should be posted in this thread. While we won't ban anyone for doing the former, we encourage anons to use their best judgement when posting news content.
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>>1070731 >Not a sandnig from the looks of it That kid's not white, if that's him he's not white.
>>1070732 >Probably some mistery meat mutt. You're not that far off the mark, you can tell he's a mutt of the soul, with that nigger jacket and that nigger haircut, you can smell the only "culture" he appreciates is centered about niggers and sandniggers, he worships the lifestyle of niggers, and probably is among the nigger worshippers who want to welcome more niggers in the country instead of booting them out like an ever increasing majority of France wants to. >>1070734 is right, even if we can trace this nigger's bloodline up to 1400 and only find a pure white French ancestry, it is impossible to consider this nigger any form of white. He is an empty white, he has gone hollow, barely 60 souls on kill.
>>1070739 We can all look at him and see his not-white phenotype anon, your paragraphs won't change that.

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3D Printing Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 06:18:41 Id: 0ef303 No. 784384 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for anything related to 3D printing and video games: figurines, controller stands, battery covers that keep getting lost, cool cases, mods and enhancements, etcetera. What cool enhancements, whether practical or just aesthetic, should I print for my old consoles? Say, for example, my Sega Genesis model 2?
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mega(dot)nz/folder/UelXiZCR#epO3fP36ZFIOOhU6-RGM6Q I've got a MONUMENTAL archive of 3D printing files, mostly 40k, 30k, Trench Crusade, Warhammer Fantasy, and other stuff like that. Almost 5 Terabytes of shit in total. Use it wisely. Also good luck downloading it in a timely manner thanks to the way mega works. If it's any consolation, putting it on mega wasn't my idea.
>>1070514 That's admirable
>>1070425 That failure rate is made up lmao. There are some failures but I can't say it's higher than regular filament printing. You do have to check how the model is made, supported and such but that's just cuz it's different. As for the whole washing and chemical compound bit, I never cared much because I print in my shed away from people. Maybe reconsider if you are renting one room in an apartment.

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Short games Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 07:45:59 Id: 552d4c No. 1061387 [Reply] >>1061850 >>1070721
What are fairly short games under 3 hours worth experiencing and what impression did they leave on you? Some people are busy, I can't experience 50 hour JRPGs anymore. Indies welcome, retros welcome. Anything short AND good.
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>>1061387 A few more recent ones I played were Path of Achra and Superliminal. PoA is a turn based roguelike game that is about making pretty crazy character builds. Some get pretty hilariously broken at times. Superliminal is a perspective puzzle based game that gave me Stanley Parable mixed with Portal vibes. >>1061421 This is a good point.
>>1061850 >copied the first image twice and then ate the second image Not sure why it did that.

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Xtreme Sega Thread for Radical Dudes Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 18:55:15 Id: 678f47 No. 1068364 [Reply] [Last]
>favorite Sega arcade game >favorite Sega console game >favorite third party game on a Sega console >most underrated Sega game >favorite Sega console >will/should Sega ever make another console? >what are your hopes and guesses for Sega's future in general?
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>>1070482 Does the minigame work with a Dualsense PS5 controller I wonder
>>1070593 The PS4 uses a Faildozer era amd64 CPU tied to second generation AMD GCN GPU, which largely comply with general industry PC gayman standards unlike the PS2's circuitry made up of pure, concentrated autism that doesn't even comply to IEEE 754 which virtually every IC with an FPU produced since 1986 strictly adheres to except for the PS2's EE.
>>1070657 PS4 doesn't use Faildozer, it uses Jaguar which is a completely different design meant to compete with the Intel Atom chips of its era for windows phones and tablets

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Remember Me: The Thread Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 00:58:55 Id: f84708 No. 1066854 [Reply] [Last]
Post vidya barely anyone remembers
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>>1070441 I liked the defiance tv show and viva pinata was a fun little game.
>>1070446 >Complete story >You are unable to use your party afterwards outside multiplayer I wish somebody had told me.

MONSTER HUNTER THREAD: (Breath of the) Wilds Edition. Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 06:51:04 Id: 6c0959 No. 1032729 [Reply] [Last]
So the beta for MonHun Wilds is out and I've played it. It's OK. I'm not a hardcore Monster Hunter fan, I only played World and Rise up to the end of the story and didn't go for any post-game content, but this is way more casual-friendly than the previous entries. The camera now locks on to the monster instead of just centering on them for a split second. I could spam attacks with dual blades and interrupt at a moment's notice with the dodge roll, so I didn't have to pace my button presses. The wound feature is pretty cool. Basically you just attack one body part over and over until it glows red, then enter focus mode with L2 and press R1, and you do a super move on it. Focus mode lets you basically strafe and finely aim your attacks like it's a third-person shooter. The new support creature, the seikret, is cool. It automatically follows the monster's scent once you're on it so tracking the monster is now piss-easy. I only did the first hunt against the giant toad, I turned it off after that. There is another hunt you can do afterwards but I wanted to get back to the Romancing Saga 2 remake. Overall, I think I would play it. I expect hardcore MonHun fans will be pissed at how baby-mode it is now though. I'm nowhere near a seasoned veteran and I played it just like Dark Souls and that worked fine for me. YMMV.
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>>1070490 i FUCKING hate blangonga but i'm not traumatized by it, just extremely annoyed everytime i have to go kill. strangely enough, i like fighting rajang, his fights are fun.
>>1032746 Monster Hunter has been on a downward trend ever since Freedom Unite. World was a slight improvement over recent games despite the (((streamlining))) but Wilds is the worst game yet. Pretty much does to Monster Hunter what DD2 did to Dragon's Dogma which shouldn't be surprising considering they're essentially the same game.
>>1070537 >a downward trend ever since Freedom Unite Acceptable. <World was a slight improvement over recent games You are out of your goddamn mind.

AI RPG Text Adventure Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 05:36:57 Id: 483d90 No. 1036666 [Reply] [Last]
https://perchance.org/ai-rpg Let's start a thread and share the results of our stories. I've been playing around with this and want to see what others can do with it. This is a digital dm. It can run any campaign you give it and it doesn't seem as restricted like other chat AIs. It goes along with some weird shit. Fantasy, modern day, sci fi. If you can think of it, it can do it if you give it some form of goal. I haven't played around with this part enough, but I assume you can make it stick to different rule sets or game mechanics if you explain it. Fill out the top box with the rules and world building. it will generate a paragraph of setting and other characters. You can then tell it what you'll do next or just hit continue and it will keep the story going without your input (often creating actions on your part). If you don't like something, you can directly edit the story text. Just delete a few lines here and there or rewrite it yourself and it parses that text as it continues the story. If you click generate template on the tracked info, it will keep a track of inventory, stats, character relationships and whatever else you want to write in there like a notepad. Play a game. Post your story highlights in this thread.
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>>1069936 You can have it run anything if you put in a detailed enough prompt. As for breaking it's hard to say. Keep in mind you can personally edit every response it makes, though this doesn't always take. For instance in mine when a girl took her shirt off it said she had a bra underneath and I edited it to say it was a camisole instead but later when it came time to take it off it used bra again and tried to have her remove it like a bra. But other times I edited the text and it used the new stuff so you kind of just have to keep trying and trying. If the paragraph it spat out just doesn't feel like it works at all just delete it and try again.
>>1070042 Seen that happen, too. Also get a lot of bullshit where characters do the exact opposite of what you tell them to. Hand them a weapon? They either throw it away, stow it somewhere, or just hand right back to you. Give them clothes for after they shower? They change into the clean clothes, then take them off right away to shower. Then there's just the reality defying shit, like characters that were supposed to have seatbelts on some managing to fly through the driver's seat to slam their heads on the dashboard (of course the steering wheel stops existing too). After a point, you spend more time editing and rerolling that you might as well write some story yourself.
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>>1070587 It felt like it was better a few updates ago. I've noticed it forgetting some details too. The little crystal ball looking icon in the bottom left (that says guide the adventure when hovering over) is good for keeping the ai on track, but you do have to keep updating it. Other than that, I just regenerate it if I don't like what it gives me. Despite having to baby the ai sometimes, it's still fun to play out a porno where you have some control over where it goes next.

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EDF Thread : No Epic Account needed edition Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 08:20:41 Id: 6dcbc8 No. 1031472 [Reply] [Last]
EDF 6 no longer requires epic gays store account to play multiplayer. We did it by passively sending ill will towards them. Im getting my ass kicked in later missions on hard and have switched to hardest to get some better weapons, only to get obliterated in early missions. Grinding is hard and Im tempted to get a mod to cheese through missions. Anon who's making edf mods, also has gdrive links in previous thread https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/xdiesp/mods Previous thread - >>895955
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>>1070310 >>1070314 How did you balance out the AI anon?
>>1070329 AI vehicles have: - Default health - Limited ammo, same as the player's. Except for certain explosives which the AI would burn through in seconds. - Spawning a new AI vehicle shaves 20% off the maximum health of the previous: if your first mech had 100 health, after summoning the second it will have 80, after the third it will have 64, then 51 etc - Big summons like the Proteus, Barga, Titan and EMC are immune from this effect, as they would be penalized more. And as usual, stronger units cost more credits.
>>1070394 I'll be sure to cause some chaos anon, thanks

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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1070142 In Casual? Fuck. I've been meaning to play TF2C anyways. Anyone want to join me some time?
>>1070159 TF2C is still around? I remember trying to play that shit during covid lockdown and all severs were dead with only 6-7 people in them.
>>1070346 They were extremely alive 2 years ago, update 2 or 3 weeks ago added nade medigun and a civilian cane that hastens reloading, firing, and movement.

Fear & Hunger Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 04:11:12 Id: edefd1 No. 1056543 [Reply] [Last]
So I finally got 1&2 after it spending years under the radar for me, I should note I had zero idea of these games besides them being girmdark. >Game is a horror turn based RPG >Big point of combat is dismemberment <Enemies can very easily do the same to you including blinding the party >Shit is also based on the toss of a coin >Items are also RNG <RNG will rape you harder the enemies will >Grinding much like last remnant will get you nowhere >Choosing your starting character and knowing to use them is the difference between a good run and bad run >You will be raped <In the literal sense >Sound design is excellent >Each time you get into combat you feel the insane risk of each encounter >The Eclipse style monsters and tier events >Some enemies can be talked to while giving you a thrashing >NPCs range from insane to tragic <You can recruit several

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>>1070270 Excellent.
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>>1065780 Fear & Cunny: Xtra White Edition. >>1070270 Sugoi.
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