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Why are Japanese games more honest about the natural comeliness of under-18 year old girls? Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 22:07:04 Id: 1b389c No. 1056467 [Reply] [Last]
Not even in a strictly sexual sense, just the fact that flowering youth is objectively, aesthetically beautiful, and young girls are cute and appealing as companions or mascots. Like, there's this recent game I'm playing that's growing in popularity, and you can pick a little girl as a starting companion alongside a dog, kitten, or bear. And whenever a western streamer or youtuber reaches that point in the game, they always do an about take, you can see sweat drops forming on their head as they think of the socially appropriate westerner answer, and invariably pick the dog or bear because they 'aren't weird'. What causes this unnatural behavior in western gamers?
Edited last time by Mark on 01/02/2025 (Thu) 02:49:16.
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>>1060413 I tend to think it's like a placeholder of some sort that literally any retard can assume. Because honestly, it doesn't take much imagination at all.
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>>1060413 >spambot accounts >accounts
>>1060413 >Anon, it was proven it's the same person. I think there are multiple copycats. I don't think the original Luciano is actually niggerpill.

Indie Games Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 23:22:13 Id: d2aad4 No. 971529 [Reply] [Last]
After years of avoiding indie games like the plague because of how cancerous the community surrounding them is, I've finally decided to give them a try. I really love the 16 and 32 bit eras of games but I've played virtually all of the ones from that period that I would be interested in to death and the only people who seem to still be making games like that are indies. But there are so many out there and I'm certain 99% of them are bad so I need your help. What are the best indie games reminiscent of old 16 and 32 bit games? I'm up for pretty much any genre, 2D or 3D, except horror and roguelikes. They don't have to look exactly like games from back then but I'd prefer something that doesn't push gay/tranny/furry/feminist pozz; at least, not explicitly. I've already tried Undertale and I didn't like it. Also, general indie games thread.
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>>1053279 It's published by Devolver so it's not strictly "indie", but there's a game called Anger Foot that's a lot like a first-person Hotline Miami. It's fun but very poorly optimized.
Command of Battlefront https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKwtXbx5OxM
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I tried Castaway, a game I saw at some show case last year. It looked like a fun Zelda clone. I don't think I've ever been so floored by a game, it was 28-minutes long. It's being sold for ten dollars. Despite being less than half an hour, it still copypastes content! Every boss is the same, all the enemies are variants of spiders, the dungeons are the same layout. I get the sense something went very, very wrong during development. This is like a prototype, or a jamgame project. There is no way the team felt it was a shippable product.

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UNCOMMON TIME 2024 CHRISTMAS THREAD! Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 23:54:39 Id: 77908c No. 1034849 [Reply] [Last]
CORRECT YEAR EDITION! IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! You are cordially invited to the UT Christmas Stream at https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime There will be some new Tactics and ReTuned content if Tactics and ReTuned devs remember to post a new link and I will DEFINITELY beat Arietta with only Teagan (probably not), but I will give it my all in the attempt. I don't know what else to say besides thank you for all the laughs, and I hope to see you there. [addendum] TEAGAN DID NOTHING WRONG! START TIME: DECEMBER 7TH AT 3pm CDT/1pm PST/9pm for Britbongs/10pm for the rest of Europe [Tentative Schedule subject to change if 8tv go's tits up] Dec 7th: Start Vanilla UT plus Nuclear if there's time for it. Dec 8th - 10th: Finish Vanilla UT content Dec 11th: CODA and Duet, Start Tactics Dec 12th - 13th: Finish Predecessors(Tactics) and move on to Retuned IF a new version is available Dec 14 - 15th: Finished ReTuned and may God have mercy upon my soul I'll stream Sullen Boku Girls Alliance if there's time. [As stated above this schedule is subject to change depending on several factors including] >8tv shits the bed, again. >My internet dies, again. >OBS is being a bitch, again. >I'm taken away by the jews for internet crimes! >How quickly I'm able to complete the content.

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For those interested the 2024 Winter Stream is ready for downloading at https://archive.org/details/UTW2024 I messed up the file formats while uploading but it's all there.
>>1060282 Danke!
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Share Thread - Chaika Forever v2.0 Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 06:28:01 Id: cb3089 No. 1033862 [Reply] [Last]
Previous Thread: >>476242 SITES TO FIND SHIT, CHECK HERE BEFORE ASKING Gitgud archive and Volafile are as good as dead and as such have been pruned entirely, don't rely on them for anything. https://vimm.net - Accessible archive of retro console games. https://gog-games.to - Downloads of GOG's titles. Owner throws tantrums a lot so the site occasionally goes down. https://archive.org - Internet Archive, you would be very surprised how much is here if you go looking. https://www.myabandonware.com - Mostly retro PC games, often obscure and "abandoned" titles. The following are cracking/repacking sites. If there's a major release, it'll probably show up on one of these. https://dodi-repacks.site https://kaoskrew.org https://fitgirl-repacks.site Privacy and OPSEC tools Try not to get yourself v&, OK? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_p2p#List_of_anonymous_P2P_networks_and_clients

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1, Have a model 1 Sega Genesis 2, Buy a original copy of Paprium (protip: you can't) 3, Pray that the components haven't become loose inside the shell (they have) and that the voltage doesn't make the cartridge fry itself It's really that easy! I mean impossible!
>>1059552 >1, Have a model 1 Sega Genesis OK, done. >2, Buy a original copy of Paprium (protip: you can't) Thanks, that's hella useful! >3, Pray that the components haven't become loose inside the shell (they have) and that the voltage doesn't make the cartridge fry itself Wait, is this true? Are they poorly made? >It's really that easy! I mean impossible! Gee, aren't you a helpful fellow.
>>1059364 >>1059552 >>1059917 somebody dumped the game rom but from what I remember it doesn't have any sound / work correctly. the cartridge has a unique chip that has not been fully reverse engineered. looks like a cool (mid) beat 'em up game with some neat gimmicks... but it was sold as a wacky collector's item by a deluded french nitwit trying to be the the andy kaufman of retro game enthusiasts. maybe in another decade we might get the pc version, but don't hold your breath and just play Fight'N Rage instead.

Why So Many Video Games Cost So Much to Make Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 03:34:41 Id: 90d7c1 No. 1059841 [Reply]
https://archive.is/fnNYh An article from Bloomberg goes into what's behind the ballooning cost of games, and it comes to the conclusion it's actually not "muh gwafix". The TL;DR is <incompetence <terrible workflow <bad production pipelines <no clear development plan Some quotes from the article. "le reddit spacing" to make it clear these are separate and out of context >I had coffee with a video-game developer who told me that work was slow and that they’d been spending half of their days watching Netflix. >There was the developer who couldn’t work because the game’s tools weren’t ready. There was the team that had to drop everything they were doing because the creative director had played Breath of the Wild over the weekend and came away with some Great Ideas. There were the artists who were blocked from working as they waited for a colleague to finish a design. >A small part of a game’s budget might go to miscellaneous costs like office rent and computer equipment, but the vast majority is earmarked for labor. Let’s do some quick napkin math. If you have 100 employees and you’re estimating $15,000 a month for each one, you’re spending $18 million a year. But these days, the top game studios are much bigger than that. So if you have 300 employees and you’re estimating $20,000 a month for each one (got to pay good wages to compete in 2025), you’re spending $72 million a year. Anon's note: If you think $20,000 a month is crazy, wages can be even higher than that. I think some of the positions at Riot start at $35,000 per month. >games are growing more expensive because of rampant mismanagement — because of companies chasing trends, making bad bets and lacking a clear creative vision. Inefficient workflows, technological shifts and insecure executives can all be the cause of wasted time, which equates to higher budgets. A common example these days is taking a team with years of experience making single-player games and pivoting them to a multiplayer game as a service.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/11/2025 (Sat) 11:05:46.
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>>1060035 Is there a Yahtzee Balatro? Balatzee? Yahlatro?
>>1060039 Make one anon, sell it for 5 dolaridoos on steam. But you gotta strike while the iron is hot because right now streamers are willing to play these for shits and giggles for a segment but in the future they won't, so it's a guaranteed purchase from some of them That is, if you don't fork out shitloads of keys for these games like most devs do to gain traction.
>>1060050 What are your thoughts on sungrand studios?

DOOM/Retro FPS: Shy Skellys Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 01:51:26 Id: a1aa8f No. 1050787 [Reply] [Last]
No Christmas theme. Demons don't celebrate Christmas. Old thread: >>937850 Post anything relating to >DOOM >its wads >its sequels >its community >its copycats >all 90s FPS related accessories
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https://store.steampowered.com/app/3371240/Beyond_Citadel/ This one looks cool. Reminds me of Oni in a way (colour scheme and cyberpunk setting mostly)
>>1057251 Been playing for the past couple of days. I think it's fun, although: >pretty barebones, map-design-wise, >without the mild gun-autism simulation parts it's bordering on braindead >mag-fed guns require: <extract mag [X] and wait for auto-refill <put mag back in [R] <cock it [C] Guns may jam, requiring mag extraction and copious COCKing to clear it. Early on the pitiful amount of stamina can get in the way of movement and/or gibbing fuckers in melee. Gotta huff those O2 cannisters. I'd say give the Demo a try and then pirate/wait for way bigger discount than the current 10%. t. ryona/gurofag-who's-not-very-good-at-click'n'shootems
>>1059555 (checked) I didn't excepted a anime game to have mild gun autism

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UMPC/Handheld thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 18:44:40 Id: 6d9cdb No. 837183 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread: >>608298 News >The Rog Ally has released, and it's.. fine. The claimed 2-3x performance boost was closer to 5%-30% and the custom GUI isn't anywhere near the level of the Deck >The Edion in Osaka talked about last thread has set up a longer-term or possibly permanent Steam Deck display following a presumably successful 'trial market', Japan is now one of the few, if not only, countries to sell the Steam Deck at major retailers >Computer and hardware manufacturer Orange Pi has soft-announced their first handheld after a leak. It reportedly accommodates both Linux/Windows, the device will either use a 7800U or a RK3588S processor for the higher-end model and will launch in October with three models costing between an estimated 1500元 ($220) and 3500元 ($500), though prices are not final. There is no publicly known name for the device yet >Gaming analyst firm Omdia estimates Steam Deck has sold over 2,000,000 units so far, having sold 1,600,000 in 2021 alone, and will likely surpass 3,000,000 this year. This makes the SD not just the bestselling UMPC in history, but possibly majority of UMPC sales ever. The firm believes the device "will open the door to a new PC gaming product category" Thread questions >What do you own? >What are you playing on it? >Anybody gotten involved in the scary world of hardmodding yet, and how did it go? >Anything you're excited for? CES 2025 UPDATE Lenovo Legion Go S will be the first non-Steam device to use the OS.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/07/2025 (Tue) 23:48:02.
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>>1059624 Not in any form you could use in FPS/TPS games.
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>>1059678 To add to this, why doesn't pic related exist? I know there's the Steam controller, but that's out of production, lacks a dpad and is built like a happymeal toy. You'd think with all the chink controllers at least one of them would have made this by now.
>>1059680 Also Steam controller doesn't have a right analog, which is needed for any game that doesn't support simultaneous mouse + gamepad controls since analog stick emulation is garbage.

IT FINALLY HAPPENED Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 13:55:12 Id: 533682 No. 1019547 [Reply] [Last]
Dead or Alive Dating Sim 2025 https://archive.is/BAAcD
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>no marie rose Trash confirmed.
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>>1034997 >I even received some serious opinions like "Is my favorite Marie Rose not here?" <acknowledges her, but doesn't add her I knew this was going to come out as a disappointment the more they showed it, but I'm even more let down. >The opportunity for the other girls to appear will depend on the outcome of this work, but if we are able to make the next work, we hope to be able to bring them to you. In order to do so, we would first like to deliver this work as a work that everyone can enjoy, and we would be happy if you purchase this work even if your guesses do not appear in it. I also fucking called it that they would tease DLC routes & possibly use the DoA girls (like Marie Rose) as nostalgia-bait.
https://archive.fo/CW3Qy Venus Vacation Prism gets a R18 rating in Singapore This title can't catch a break.

>>908442 >>908457 Cool demo, did N64 ever emulate SNES officially?
>>927542 Did you make OOT mods since this time last year, Anon?
>>905504 >hardware emulation I dont see what benefit this brings the point is still the same, emulating the hardware and operating system of another device difference is that now its being done at lowlevel if its not 100% 1 to 1 hardware+software mimicking, I dont see how it will avoid the same problems current emulators have

Games Carried Completely by One Non-Gameplay Element Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 03:36:15 Id: 2f3500 No. 1054398 [Reply]
I was recently reminded of some games which, in my opinion, were carried entirely by the soundtrack. Immediately the ones which come to mind are things like whatever Tim Follin produced music for, like Pictionary on the NES, but also more contemporary titles like Skyrim and Mechanicus. Then this got me thinking about the other games out there which got completely carried by some other non-gameplay related element, like the story or the art style. I'm not talking a mix of one thing or another, but something going so far and beyond the rest of the characteristics of the game that it is recognized/remembered as the sole thing the game had going for it. I suppose another example would be Little Witch Nobeta which has pretty forgettable combat and even worse aspects besides, but it remembered because it has one cute girl in it whom the devs are not afraid at all to lewd in their official merchandise and marketing. Post some other examples which spring to mind, be it for soundtrack, artstyle, or something else - as long as it doesn't pertain to the gameplay.
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>>1059389 Of course! The game you're looking for would be Skyrim: Anniversary Edition! Finally, a game to surpass Skyrim: Special Edition! All true gamers knew they had to pre-order their copies well in advance!
>>1059420 I'll hold out for Skyrim: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series, weednumbers.
this game's relevence relies entirely on the non-gameplay element that people find murder crazy gothic orphans hot

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale HD Edition announced for PC Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 14:31:30 Id: 664a78 No. 1055594 [Reply] [Last]
CAPITALISM IS BACK GET FUCKED COMMIES EasyGameStation has announced Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale HD Edition, a remastered version of the December 31, 2007-released item shop simulation game / action RPG. It will launch in 2025 in Japan. Personally I hope they don't fuck up the localization considering how much of a mees that scene is. Although considering how influential this game was for PC, it's entirely possible some tranny within a company like XSEED or NISA will try and ruin it. Still we can worry about that when the time comes, right now I'm just happy this exist. https://x.com/Recettear_EGS/status/1873564667366506965?
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>>1055763 bratty Anonymous... (You) correction is needed
Wasn't the original technically successful thanks to the same kind of shitty meme localization that /v/ likes to complain about nowadays?
>>1057516 back then they thought the west did not understand japanese pop culture refrences, so they replaced them with western ones they also reduced the hornyness to protect kids, it might have been pointless for the target audience but it was out of the good of their heart the honorifcs and sensei and aniki stuff being removed was also because they knew zero about otaku culture so they did not know they had to keep those last point is currently no longer the case. second point is right now around cause they want it to replace it with their own aggravating unfun degeneracy. and first point is just there to insult us. there is a clear difference. developers need to understand that I have 50 years of good video games to play. I will not waste time on games that treat me like a shmuck.

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recomend me a game, anons Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 04:26:10 Id: 686964 No. 1053770 [Reply]
I'm finding that i've gotten bored of my current library. what are some good games that you've guys have played? they don't have to be recent, or anything. for some pointers, here's some games i really enjoyed, and why i like them (and some reasons i don't) >Noita good: wand tinkering is really fun, falling sand simulation is interesting to play with bad: poor balance, underdeveloped mechanics. >KSP good: rocket go fwoosh. flying your own crafts is cool. successful missions are rewarding bad: performance, requires a physics degree to play optimally. >F:NV good: lots of dialogue options, colorful characters, and memorable locations. bad: start of the game (and whole main quest) is very linear, and DLCs are pretty mid. >skyrim

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>Halo Master Chief Collection >Halo CE aka Halo 1 >Halo 2 & Halo 3 & Halo Reach for campaign & multiplayer Classic FPS. There once was a time when people hated on Halo, but the Halo series is much better received these days. >DOOM I recommend also checking out Moonman DOOM >Sonic the Hedgehog I recommend trying >Sonic 1 Forever >Sonic 2 Absolute >Sonic 3 AIR For playing 2D Sonic these days. Also try >Slither.io

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Sonic and Shadow Generations, the last one I beat.
I finally tried Besiege and it's really good. Dirt cheap on key sites too.

Dragon's Dogma 2: CapJews Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:26:06 Id: b4efaa No. 953404 [Reply] [Last]
So it seems that the launch of this game was piss poor due to the bad performance issues and normalfags waking up to the DRM/Microtransactions shit. Still there's a good game to be found, and I hope everyone is enjoying the game as much as I am. Just recently capcom released a new patch where they added a New Game function in addition to a FPS Lock for console fags. In addition to being able to get your own house earlier in the game, and changing Art of Metamorphosis to 99 instead of 2 in the Pawn Guild, thus eliminating the need for microtransactions altogether. Sadly it seems the performance issues won't be release until later this year since it seems capcom needs some more time to cook the game and have it working with DLSS3 and other techniques to make the game actually run at a bearable framerate. Still with all of the complaints they got, hopefully they can have some options to fix the performance issues by using the GPU a bit more in towns. Still, have you been enjoying the game /v/?
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>>1043612 >>1043614 Isn't this because of the CPU overloading npc mechanic bullshit they put together? My rig isn't the best thing in the world but this was chugging my CPU where no other game has ever done it before.
>>1043632 My whole idea building this rig 4 years ago was futureproofing for about 10 years, got a 5900x, 64GB of RAM, the 3080 card and a shitload of storage. Everything runs like butter apart from this and Immortals of Avernum, they shat a brick and called it a brownie. A shame, although from the reviews of other anons it sounds like it ends up a disappointment anyway.
>Modder starts fixing the awful enemy AI in DD2 >Abandons mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVXOspg0ODs

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Gensokyo Massacre: cuz I'm bored edition Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 04:25:43 Id: 1cd912 No. 1052944 [Reply] [Last]
I feel like playing another game of EratohoK, so I will probably start one up tomorrow and post screenshots and commentary as I play it. What to expect: > a war strategy game with Touhou characters > and porn > and lots of other characters we've added in earlier threads > Set kill rate to "high" and watch them all die It will probably take a week to finish. If you want to recommend yet another new character before I start, I can add them.
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The Ancestor, J.C. Denton, and Miquella survived the war. Now who got the most kills? The Outsiders faction blew everyone away with 43 total kills, but that is for all of their officers combined. I do not count for individual officers because you cannot tell the special faction's core officers apart, so I got in the habit of crediting every kill to the faction as a whole. As for everyone else, the leaders are: 14 - Simon 12 - Milo 11 - Akyuu and Ran Yakumo 10 - Yukari 8 - J.C. Denton, Lunasa Prismriver, Byakuren Hijiri, Lilith Aensland, Marisa Kirisame, and Koakuma I stockpiled the Human Village with lots of officers at the beginning of the game. Most of them never fought. The AI hired better officers and sent them out instead. Of the ones that did fight, many were captured alive and switched sides. I had expected them all to run out and get slaughtered at the start of the war, but it was a long and drawn out process.
>>1058687 >Reimu and Sanae dead <on the other hand, Simon purified the scarlet devil sisters <and Maria is part of the purification squad Interesting game of 2humania. Shame that the one time Chris & Leon finally fight each other, it goes nowhere
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The games go much faster when you are not taking the time to paste together screenshots and search the battle records for characters you want to keep track of. They still take days to play. So I played another game and you will only get the story of this one, with no screenshots. The story is: Evil Lord Elly wants to kill everyone whose name does not begin with L. Attached as a text file.

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Elin/Elona Thread/General: 8ternal League of Nefia Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 23:45:12 Id: f0b35d No. 1043639 [Reply]
Fuck /v/, this is /jp/ territory now. Remember when roguelikes were fun and not just a cynical means of nodevs avoiding having to handmake content? Remember when Elona consumed your life? Remember eating children and rounding up a monster sex slave harem during a run? Lafrontier certainly remembers, and not even (((Unity))) or ///Early Access\\\ can dampen the fun. >Elin Download: https://mega.nz/file/jRd1jKyY#ZylETgXk_FKFKtsIqpcq_7pCMpcQUyZvj6MHW8e3hOk this is last week's version, whatever >Elin Wiki: https://ylvapedia.wiki >Elin Player Guide-Compilation: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Player_Guides >Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX >Beginner guide, FAQ and links for Elona+: https://rentry.org/8vkaw >New child mechanics guide for Elona+: https://unknown.spam/xccbd5of >Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
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>>1055857 >railroaded into base building Yeah kinda sucks, but I think they are going to add other prologue options if the character creation screen is to be believed. Also, for anyone interested, I found this: https://github.com/Elin-Modding-Resources Looks like there's a decomp already (which makes sense since its a (((unity))) game). Really the fact that it has workshop support is my biggest draw. I've already modded custom classes in so I can fine tune my starts. Currently running wizard stats with sword saint feat. Good things on the horizon for this game if they keep adding to it.
Thanks OP for providing the MEGA to Elin, but has anyone got it running on Linux? I really want to check it out but I'm having issues opening it.
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>>1058977 Proton not working? It should be assumed the game is Windows-first. BTW latest patch from today. https://mega.nz/file/jvRE2YTS#YPKTkPTZREEbz2yhdVR18w5A9xVFRNWqU_bDQsLfKH4 how the fuck is Game-2U such a good resource for catching up

/v/idya Summer/Beach Art thread Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 20:31:53 Id: 708e56 No. 986760 [Reply] [Last]
Post /v/idya characters in beach attire and the like. We used to have artdump threads like these on an annual basis but this place caught the gay so let's change that. If you want to request season-appropriate art the drawthread is next door >>986513 yes OP pieces are from a preexisting thread
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>>1005707 It's not. But most of the pictures here sure are.
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Reviving this thread because while it may be autumn, in other regions things are warming up. At least around the equator. Some observations I've noted when seeking out new pieces to post are that 1) there's not a lot of art where the subjects are actually enjoying themselves and doing beachside activities, the beach is just two stripes of tan and blue, 2) the setting is dominated by gachashit in recent years (even the Atelier pieces I'm posting are to promote the Resleriana summer event, thanks Soyny), and 3) man do new artists suck in artistic aptitude.
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>>1058729 I shall remind you all this thread exists.

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