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Miku in Fartshite Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 00:36:52 Id: f00583 No. 1061264 [Reply] [Last]
Miku got added to Fortnite in the latest update She joins other characters like: >Ryu, Street Fighter >Kratos, God of War (the PS4 version) >Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn >Jill Valentine, Resident Evil >Chris Redfield, Resident Evil >Doom Slayer, (Nu)Doom >Geralt Rivia, Witcher >Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid Thoughts? Who would you like to see in Fortnite? You DO play Fortnite, don't you anon ; v )
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>>1069824 Why is there a black square missing in the video?
>>1069923 Except cp has an actual crime occurring, while asking a kid to say la li lu le lo into a mic isn't. Something derived from an illegal and morally wrong foundation in the former case is still illegal regardless since it promotes the original action to recur, while the products of the child vocaloid voice don't necessitate such abusive action. Under most western law it is still probably corroborating evidence to throw the book at you if you're being weird about collecting and making kid content though.
>>1070252 It's a watermark for the creator. >>1070267 >Under most western law it is still probably corroborating evidence See >>1069930 >It's not that this video is illegal, but it is pushing a boundary along pedophilic lines to use a synthesized voice from a real kid to sing about the size of a dick. I think anons are really burying their heads in the sand about that when everyone here who has said anything about it seemed to just think "leftists are hating on loli and anime girls again." Secondly, >Except cp has an actual crime occurring, while asking a kid to say la li lu le lo into a mic isn't You could make that same argument for rotoscoping a child's face and then putting it in porn, or training an AI on a child's likeness and then generating photorealistic porn with it, or just shopping a child's face into porn. All of those things however are legal issues, and are banned here. Now this case isn't explicit, just borderline, but the point being made is that it's analogous, just less extreme.

Onirism is no longer indie Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 02:02:35 Id: 75763f No. 1023565 [Reply] [Last]
Crimson Tales has struck a marketing deal with a recently created publisher named Shoreline Games, made by people who recently worked on vidya like Space Marine II or Subnautica's marketing. CT keeps full control of the dev while SG makes sure the game is marketed properly. Also, the Onirism page in Shoreline Game's website claims the games is set to get its 1.0 release in Q3 2025, but knowing the game's many setbacks and what's left to do, they might not meet the deadline. https://archive.is/7ksT7 Also, here's Blueberry's father, King Strawberry.
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>>1068262 the dev really likes metroid prime eh?
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This is how the map would look like.
Crossthread question >>1070231

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Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/ Anonymous 12/28/2020 (Mon) 09:59:00 Id: 15e119 No. 191653 [Reply] [Last]
Touch the Cow Edition Crews 1.Infinity - 692908 2.Kihou - 740471 3.Sky Lords - 733000 4.Raven Nest (Dead) - 1024216 5.Heaven&Hel (Dead) - 933194 Guides and info https://gbf.wiki/ >How do I even play this shit? You can play it from your browser by going to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/ >I'm not going to use google botnet to play this.

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Some news from GranblueFes. New Divine General was announced. Dark element snake lady. Also the next anniversary event is going to be focused on the Divine Generals, but the trailer doesn't say much except for whatever implication there'd be from strange magic tattoos marking the generals with their symbols, though maybe it's just a symbolic thing and not a literal branding. Lots of other things and lots of interesting art made by various GBF artists on social media that was shared by Cygames, and other general gacha announcements. Also there was a funny with the Cystore shitting the bed during the convention and not letting people buy merch, alongside the international buyer they partnered with completely fucking up and not letting people buy ANY merchandise due to their account being limited to the same amount of purchases as anything else, basically blocking all overseas buyers from actually being able to buy the merch. 10/10 great move Cygames, you owe me a Galleon fumo. Also, while there was no footage of Sandalphon in GBFVS:R at GranblueFES or other news related to the fightan, Cygames said they'll do a promo showing off his full moveset at their Cygames Cup in January. Oh, and Raziel developed a new fetish or brain damage or something, I guess? Seeing people share this shit around and I find it funny.
Some general /gbfg/ news. First of all. Sandalphon was announced as the first character for the next group of 5 DLC fighters for GBFVS:Rising. His gimmick is having an extended moveset through element switching. This update also comes with a rebalance to the whole cast and extra rewards for character XP, though the full nature of these changes hasn't been shown yet. One change that is known so far is a universal change to DPs where hitting a character falling after a whiffed/blocked DP counts as an anti-air counterhit. Brave counter is also no longer plus, thus preventing the dumb brave counter wars that would sometimes occur after a jab gets BC'd. This update will be arriving late February. Alongside this, Beelzebub is getting a paid DLC costume and summer Zooey was announced for the next battlepass. In actual gacha news, there's a Collab with Magister Negi Magi going on right now. There's also a lot of big updates coming in February, namely Siero training is getting expanded (so more free shit) and The Eternals are all getting buffed and reworked. These buffs are mainly to bring them up a bit and to fix some of the severely lacking ones like Anre and make them much more worth the investment. Also, one of the old Robomi events is getting added to side stories permanently. Oh, and the Water guild war just ended. I don't play the gacha myself but I heard this one was intentionally made a step up compared to other recent guild wars due to how strong water element is nowadays. It would be better to hear firsthand takes though, so if any of you guys from the 8chan guilds are still around, or anyone else actively playing the gacha, I'd love to see some war stories about this past guild war.
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>>1067539 Infinity made it to Tier A by tiering up on round 1

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Animated PNG thread - Rebuilt Geocities Edition Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 17:12:31 Id: 0ca8c8 No. 1031284 [Reply] [Last]
Suggested from >>1031266 in the sexy sprite thread The idea is very simple: You take your GIFs & convert them to APNG. Why would you want to do this? Let me explain >APNG is usually smaller in file size vs. GIF while still maintaining the same quality >thus, APNG images in posts endlessly loop without having to click on them due to the smaller filesizes. <GIF animations not so much even with the fewer frames of animation Based on my testings, here is what I have determined to get working APNG animations on the posts in this site >must not exceed above 25.00 KB in file size >must not exceed above above 220px x 220px in image size Use this website to convert your GIFs to APNGs: https://ezgif.com/gif-to-apng Then repost them if they meet the above criteria.
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Fallout Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 13:20:55 Id: 8937c0 No. 1068576 [Reply]
You ever had a second playthrough change your opinion on a game? I just did. I realized 2 days ago I had never done a retard run of fallout 1, so I did. Fallout 1 is still an amazing game but all my other playthroughs had a tough beginning but easier endgame. This retard with a knife though was easily cutting through rad scorpions and raiders like it was nothing. It wasn't until later when I tried to fight supermutants that the problems started. Even then the knife wasn't really the problem, it was more about me getting 1 shot by gatling guns. It did make me wonder about a lot of things. I do not think it is possible to beat the game 1st time as a retard. I have no idea how you would know without meta knowledge that the cathedral is where the master lives. It was also this playthrough that I found out that drugs can stack. You can take multiple mentats and just be a normal person until the drugs wear out. That does kinda go against the spirit of the playthrough but it did allow me to speak to Harold properly. You can also just take 2 rad-x and be immune to radiation. Would have been great to know before I lost an hour of progress to instant death radiation. I am also amazed by how much dialogue they wrote for the low intelligence players. Some of it I assume was intended for players who were using drugs and got their intelligence lowered. Even then though I was seeing unique dialogue even up to the final boss. I was expecting a bit more of a speech from a man who just lost everything to a fucking idiot with a sledge and a rocket launcher but having anything is already good. Now I am just wondering if I want to replay 1 again or should I try playing 2? I have tried 2 before and it never grips me like the first game does.
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>>1070176 Do you have the brain bot pulling out a shotgun? I want it.
>>1070176 Never really seen the floater being used much, >>1070096 and this one either. Wonder if its something to do with lore reasons.
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>>1070183 Haven't been able to find a GIF of it.

Asscreed Shadows delayed AGAIN Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:25:58 Id: 8de81b No. 1059141 [Reply] [Last]
This just in, Assassin's Creed: Shadows has been delayed another two months from January 9th to March 20th. This comes directly after the report from "People Make Games" who I'm not going to link to since they're massive faggots, where one of their support studios "Brandoville" is charged with abusing Indonesia developers to make assets for the upcoming game. Not to mention the outright fuckery going on with Sweet Baby Inc and general disrespect towards Japanese culture, and you have a game that's set to crash and burn when it releases this March. This is on top of the Guillemot brothers desperately trying to retain control of the company and is trying to go private as the Tencent buyout has currently haulted according to Insider-Gaming. This is ON TOP of the failures of Star Wars, Avatar, Skull and Bones, and XDefiant with some of their failing projects far exceeding 100 million. Finally Ubisoft is likely to go private in 2025 with people within Ubisoft themselves believing that nothing will actually change if an acquisition would take place. Ubisoft is FUCKED https://archive.ph/wip/ZhFH8 https://archive.ph/wip/luh03
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>>1066973 Is it really that surprising that nigga stole pieces of his armor from all around the place?
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>>1069352 Well Yasuke in Nioh specifically says in his "spirit division" monologue that Nobunaga had promised to make him a samurai but didn't have a chance to do so before his death so it never claimed that he was something that he wasn't. Also Nioh has you fighting demons in samurai pokemon stand battles so trying to compare Asscum and Nioh is dumb as shit.
>>1069352 >>1069364 >>1069473 It's interesting that in these games, Ranmaru is either barely present or not present at all so I'm under the assumption that KT got mad with all the Nobunaga buttfucking Ranmaru content throughout the years and replaced him with Yasuke as the loyal retainer.

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Vehicle simbiosis games Anonymous 01/12/2025 (Sun) 14:57:54 Id: b0d4ab No. 1060279 [Reply]
I'm looking for games were you have a simbiotic relationship with a vehicle as a gaming mechanic. So not simply a lore point, both in-vehicle and the on-foot parts of the game are dictated and done by the player, not something like Front Mission Evolved where you getting out of the mecha was a cutscene and you had no agency over it nor driver 2 where getting out of the car had no use aside from some small easter eggs. I'm talking about games where both are seamless and done at the player discretion and both are interesting, expected and important to the gameplay. I know these 6 games and i love each one of them (okay, maybe not RESQ, but it still has it's place in my heart) and i also played most of the Blaster Master series too. Is there any other game like that? exploration heavy games would be even better. Things like Subnautica and Outer Wilds might apply, but they are very combat averse, so i dunno if they should.
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>>1060497 >Metal Max 3 I love how the story for most of the game is: "Bitch stole my bike, I want it back."
>>1069778 i started with metal saga as that anon said, i'm really liking it for a turn based game, but i'm still at the start of the game, just killed the junkbot boss and am ready to go to the second city. not even knowing the series, Xeno looked absolutely boring, like the combat felt like it's a complete slog, like they tried to copy FF12/Xenoblade but missed everything that made those fun and snappy.
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>>1060605 >>1060578 It's still being worked on with a running solar system so it already has a player base of "whales", played with a friend in 2022 and it was pretty decent if you just want to fly around and explore, since every planet has its own climate and interest points,the servers were still unstable and stuff like lag made your player to teleport from the pilot seat into open space and die, so you can lose your progress frequently because of bugs and server issues, but there are still people having fun with it. That was back then when there was only 1 solar system available, another one was added in 2024, so not much has advanced in development.

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Emulation Megathread Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 03:14:06 Id: c5f4ff No. 1028520 [Reply] [Last]
What games are you emulating? What do you need help emulating? Post screenshots of games you are emulating. Discuss games you are emulating. Discuss hacks of games you are emulating. ROMs https://r-roms.github.io Emulators Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 Super Nintendo Entertainment System https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen2 https://nightly.link/bsnes-emu/bsnes/workflows/build/master

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>>1069997 Nice pasta but honestly no one gives a fuck. At the end of the day people just want to click on a rom and have it work.
>>1069997 I tried retroarch and got it to work on a wiiu for snes games. Not a fan of the interface. A buddy tried to use it for ps2 games and got a wierd visual artifact glitch. Told him to try a stand-alone emulator and thar worked. I might be wrong but i feel like combining all those complex programs into one just makes more room for errors
>>1069997 >For Gen 5 and earlier (plus Dreamcast, DS, and GBA) there really is no alternative for the features and customization of RetroArch. People who get filtered and can't figure it out will be missing out. They only need to learn it once, RetroArch is the same across all devices/OS. >Gen 5 and earlier PS2 too since the new core, LRPS2. It is a heavily modified version of PCSX2 custom specially made for the Libretro API and currently runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's modern and up-to-date and no longer suffers from the drawbacks of the older core. It supports nearly all the rendering backends for the GSdx renderer: Vulkan on Windows/macOS/Linux, Direct3D 11 and 12 on Windows, and OpenGL on Windows/Linux. A huge problem with emulating on PCSX2 is it doesn't do native res right. For stupid reasons, no matter settings or renderer, pixels get mangled and shit gets fucky. God of War, Armored Core 2, and many games get real fucky GUI all because these won't natively res scale right. That recent Retroarch core advancement does fix it. The RetroArch PlayStation 2 core recently fixed PCSX2 bugs there for years. Like, triangle in God of War, and other GUI elements, didn't render right at native res. The core is updated beyond standalone now, with tons more features like SSAA, per-game shaders, and unlimited save states with screenshot preview. Article on PlayStation 2 and the CRT TV by libretro. https://www.libretro.com/index.php/playstation2-and-the-crt-tv/

webm thread - member movies edition Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:22:06 Id: f10463 No. 1047545 [Reply] [Last]
They no longer make movies out of games, this time you get to play the movie! You can be sure the second I find a nigger there will be a video of him getting whipped. Last thread >>1018065
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>>1069799 The only Yuri you'll ever need.

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Battlefield Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 06:49:17 Id: 59c6aa No. 1069887 [Reply] >>1069959
Can we have a battlefield thread? There is a new one coming out that's supposed to be "return to form". I started on 1942 way back in high school and went back for battlefield 3. 4 was okay after they patched it. I'm cautiously optimistic about the new one coming back and being good. Thoughts?
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>>1069903 >Wasn't that just the 2042 beta? The way it sounds, it's a lot more fundamental than just a beta for the latest entry. They're going to allow the community to playtest snippets of stuff they're working on even early-alpha and let their feedback guide development of the game in-progress. They're even billing it as a "Collaborative Community Development" project. It has the potential to be a grade-A shitshow if it doesn't work out, so it might be worth keeping an eye on.
>>1069894 >A lot of people see bad company 2 as the last good one. Yes, and no. I did hear good things about Hardline, but it's also so far removed from the concept of the other games.
>>1069887 Battlefield 2 best Battlefield

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The Elder Scrolls thread Anonymous 09/11/2023 (Mon) 11:59:18 Id: a3df2a No. 884310 [Reply] [Last]
We have furries and they're all addicted to crack. Covering the basic news. >The Elder Scrolls VI is officially in early development, all eagerly await its 2065 release to play a TES game with even fewer RPG mechanics. >Daggerfall Unity is leaving Beta and considering a full 1.0 release, the in-dev 0.16 release being the earliest candidate. This would mark the completion of its 9-year development and the first major TES engine port to be finished. The project will enter a stage of "post-release support" likely involving bug fixes and further modding improvements. >Skyblivion posted a new status report, showing major progress. There's too much to cover, I recommend watching their 2023 roadmap if interested https://yewtu.be/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8
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>>1027557 >return to esotericism the kind of nose candy necessary for that might be laced with fent and as such ain't a work-related risk worth taking for most writers
>>1069891 That's actually a myth, Kirkbride wasn't high while writing any of that. He had an alcohol problem at the time, though.
>>1069918 myths are truer than reality

Gachashit Ghetto - Mobage Galore Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 06:31:56 Id: 40b83d No. 1034975 [Reply] [Last]
Aka be glad (((Tel Aviv))) only knows how to make Raid: Shadow Legends edition. Given how many anons here play these titles and request an area to discuss them beyond Blue Archive >>1034800, given how many JP devs have fled to mobile as some of their more senile contemporaries chase the dead ESG gold rush, given how the bishoujo market is concentrated in mobage, and given how many players have actually banded together and organized to repel and BTFO globohomo as of late, I think a mini >>>/vmg/ is warranted. As OP I however get to christen it a "ghetto" until somebody else takes over the succeeding OPs. Do note that all discussion related to the technological and industry dynamic shifts these live services (yes they are live services) propose as well as topics directly pertaining to their cross-platform nature (i.e talking about how Aether Gazer is available on both PC and mobile or the number of gacha games on Steam) should be directed to this thread instead >>986877 If you want to discuss, say, how Lies of P and Brown Dust 2 were both developed by Neowiz, or how neato Versus and Relink are as part of Cygames' Granblue Fantasy IP, do it over there. You can talk about Action Taimanin's 4th anniversary, you can't talk about how well it runs on PC here. Non-gacha MMOs should also be directed to the existing MMO thread >>897003 Post memes, post updates to your chosen main gacha, post liveblogs of your playthroughs, post artdumps, post collabs, post obscure JP and about-to-EOS gachas, post about how the fuck match-three RPGs are still on the market, post about Senran Kagura New Link and Dead or Alive: Penis Vacation, complain about drama and monetization and mixed toilet games and girls trying to push their otome bishie gachas, just make your contributions high effort and high quality and try to max out 8chan's 5-file 50MB upload limit. You are allowed to be horny about certain characters, but your posts about them must be substantive (no >>>/vb/ template posting, for example). <geez, are you smug's owner No, I care about digital hygiene and board nettiquette. NEWS AT A GLANCE Going to try to hash out a format since this is very new for 8/v/. >GFL2, the successor to many anons' favorite gacha circa 2017, is set to come to Global this fall with a closed beta test and prereg being held. (Read: they need that gweilo piggu money.) Luckily, they are cranking up that fanservice, of which I won't post yet because this OP needs to cover multiple titles. >Unluckily, the CN state censor department has randomly struck a bunch of gachas with notices to sharpie over their character designs, the most notable of which was Snowbreak, enrager of BPD harpies everywhere, and Path to Nowhere. For the time being, Snowbreak has elected to use the localization toggle as a way to technically comply with said censor wave while still giving its playerbase what it wants; its future is still uncertain though as the devs continue to give Winnie the Pooh the finger. It seems like more and more that CN devs need to move off West Taiwan's mainland if they are to realize their creative and financial ambitions. >In general, the global economic downturn has meant that the gacha market has slowly been contracting on mobile. PC, however, seems to be booming as devs find that players are willing to open their wallets without having to pay Apple and Gulag the provider tax. >Arknights and Nikke are holding their 5.5 and 2nd anniversaries respectively, with both of them making big stinks about how they have new anime projects in the pipeline, never mind how all people remember from Blue Archive airing is Iori's toes getting sucked. >Azur Promilia has started receiving age ratings in Taiwan. >Mihomo has rebranded its Harvest Moon knockoff project from Asteweave Heaven to Petit Planet. >Uma Musume is gearing up for a global release. When? Not clear. This is for umaanon though. >Infinity Nikki is making waves as a big open world gacha that Soyny is banking on to get some crumbs after chasing off every Asian third party in existence.

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うううおおお お嬢、マジやべー
Any info on that one "Enigma of Sepia" gacha? The one with the almost-legal knockoff characters
>>1063454 That's also why something like Granblue isn't on that list. It has an outdated app that no one uses. They moved official support to the Skyleap browser app which has built in QoL for Granblue. This also means that people would be spending through Mobage or DMM and not the app stores when buying anything in game.

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Old games (1985 or older) that still hold up really well Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 10:20:43 Id: bcb7b4 No. 1068223 [Reply] [Last] >>1069625
I remember there was a thread awhile ago about how the retro community focuses really heavily certain years, noting many people can't name a ton of games from before the mid 80s. And to be fair, that's for good reason; many games from the era are clunky or were simply superseded I want to talk about games you can still pick up and play without getting filtered. I'll start with some obvious ones, none of these games are obscure but I also didn't want to come out the gate with Tetris and Pac-Man. I might be stretching it slightly with Lode Runner, though. Note this isn't just "old games that are good", there are plenty of games from the era that are 'good' but do not stand up well. Titles like Pole Position, Legend of Druaga and Mappy are extremely of their era.
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>>1069508 I'm into 1980s games and bet I played them way more than this thread. I lost count, but over 1000. Super Mario Bros isn't the best 1980s game, but before 1986, it is. The closest are far apart, which I say with a confidence that comes from knowing much about gaming history before 1986. It was simply better than everything before, which wasn't bad like some argue, just worse than Super Mario Bros. But off Super Mario Bros., though, I like Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong was fantastic. I played until kill screen, which Kosmic just found isn't a true kill screen. Donkey Kong Jr is good too, but 3 wasn't as good, and Donkey Kong Jr Math sucked. Shigeru Miyamoto has admitted that his original idea for Donkey Kong was to create a Popeye video game, though technical limitations did not allow for the needed graphic detail. Popeye did release for arcade in 1982, which is like Donkey Kong, and good too.
>>1068223 >Old games (1985 or older) >ctrl f Space Harrier >0 results Niggers, all of you.
>>1069314 My nigger.

Why So Many Video Games Cost So Much to Make Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 03:34:41 Id: 90d7c1 No. 1059841 [Reply] >>1069818
https://archive.is/fnNYh An article from Bloomberg goes into what's behind the ballooning cost of games, and it comes to the conclusion it's actually not "muh gwafix". The TL;DR is <incompetence <terrible workflow <bad production pipelines <no clear development plan Some quotes from the article. "le reddit spacing" to make it clear these are separate and out of context >I had coffee with a video-game developer who told me that work was slow and that they’d been spending half of their days watching Netflix. >There was the developer who couldn’t work because the game’s tools weren’t ready. There was the team that had to drop everything they were doing because the creative director had played Breath of the Wild over the weekend and came away with some Great Ideas. There were the artists who were blocked from working as they waited for a colleague to finish a design. >A small part of a game’s budget might go to miscellaneous costs like office rent and computer equipment, but the vast majority is earmarked for labor. Let’s do some quick napkin math. If you have 100 employees and you’re estimating $15,000 a month for each one, you’re spending $18 million a year. But these days, the top game studios are much bigger than that. So if you have 300 employees and you’re estimating $20,000 a month for each one (got to pay good wages to compete in 2025), you’re spending $72 million a year. Anon's note: If you think $20,000 a month is crazy, wages can be even higher than that. I think some of the positions at Riot start at $35,000 per month. >games are growing more expensive because of rampant mismanagement — because of companies chasing trends, making bad bets and lacking a clear creative vision. Inefficient workflows, technological shifts and insecure executives can all be the cause of wasted time, which equates to higher budgets. A common example these days is taking a team with years of experience making single-player games and pivoting them to a multiplayer game as a service.

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Edited last time by Mark on 01/11/2025 (Sat) 11:05:46.
22 posts and 9 images omitted.
costs so much because people pay for it, simple as
>>1059841 >$35,000 PER MONTH jesus christ they should hire me, I can sit around and do nothing for half the cost, then I could afford to eat more than raw onion and butter sandwiches
>>1069805 Simple as what? I think you accidentally hit Reply before you finished typing.

Shoot em' Ups Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 20:17:37 Id: d659ee No. 1049270 [Reply]
Does anyone here play shoot em ups? Let's have a shmup thread! space dad shmups and anime bullet hells alike are welcome. just go for the clear my nigga! >How can i play retro shmups on pc? With shmupmame. it's a fork of mame optimized to reduce input lag as much as possible alongside some other benefits like gadgets and replays. Here's a link to a preconfigured install with the some of the more popular shmups (mostly cave) https://archive.org/details/mature-dot-dodging-games-gaiden-v-1.0.7z of course you dont have to use shmupmame, you could use mame, fbneo, retroarch, or even support the official ports on steam/switch. What matters is actually playing the games! >What about touhou? Here's a collection of all the games with the english patch preinstalled. https://nyaa.si/view/1743411 What games in the genre are you favorite? What games are you trying to 1cc currently? I'm a total shitter trying to get my skills up, but I'm closing in on a Deathsmiles clear.
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>>1066617 This. They have two arms, two legs and one head, they are almost exactly like humans.
Currently improving my shitclear 1-ALL of DDP. 1-2's as far as I can get before I start throwing out bombs to not die with them in stock. I'll spend the next week or so doing savestate practice on the second loop for some weighted vest training, so to speak. Also, I've been tinkering with AV1 over the past few days. I couldn't get RetroArch to rotate the video upright while playing back my replay, but that was fixable while splitting up the video afterward with ffmpeg.

War of the Worlds Steam Game Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 20:55:58 Id: 0eda22 No. 1067044 [Reply] [Last]
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1898920/War_of_the_Worlds/ What is our opinion on this little pet project? I hear that the dude making the game wants to become a firefighter so that will probably slow down development.
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>>1068947 Who is the artist?
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