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2009 legacy league of legends Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 04:38:51 Id: fe6a18 No. 1039872 [Reply] [Last]
Take down if you feel fit. But I'm not the most savvy with trying to get old games to work and figured I'd make a post here where riot cucks wont touch. So I noticed you can get a copy of the 2009 cd League of Legends on internet archive. I wanted to see about hosting some old league with friend's but every ounce of research I do to see if there's anyway to do that with the files. But I just get stuff about riot taking down fan project attempts to revive old league. I just want to have a silly time with the superior version of league with friend's so any software savvy peep's able to tell me how I might be able to achieve my goal? On another note favorite splash-art or design from classic league?
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MOBA is the most boring genre ever made. Might as well play solitaire.
>>1040486 not quite as boring as walls of text
>>1040486 >played as a custom game in WC3 and SC1/2, nobody has any problems with it <after it became mainstream its now the worst thing ever

PC Hardware & News Thread: CPU Edition Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 01:08:07 Id: 9d4be8 No. 977640 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss PC Hardware & News >Share Specs & Pics Current News >Ryzen 9000 series out next month >Snapdragon elite X chips use 65% less battery then AMD and Intel chips >Intel runs hot Last thread >>870915
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>>1040429 See the problem all has to do with the wifi & I decided to set it up right next to the router to test the connection. I go in & it won't even connect. Finally just now I try again & it tells me to reenter the password. Now all of a sudden it works. I'll just have to watch it to see if it stays connected now.
>>1040428 What's your wifi chip? AX200 Intel has shit tier bluetooth, idk about internet.
>>1040470 Qualcomm FastConnect 7800 Wi-Fi 7 High Band Simultaneous (HBS) Network Adapter. It's built onto the motherboard itself. I was able to sustain a connection for about 2 hours now after restarting the router. Have to test it upstairs away from the router next to see if that fixed the connection or proved I need to get a better range with a better router or an extra adapter. Internal or usb.

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Prediction thread Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 01:48:17 Id: bcf94c No. 1037955 [Reply] [Last]
Conjecture based on how the industry and companies operate: >Half Life title will be released with the Steam Deck 2, won't be Half Life 3 >Switch successor will be unveiled in February, right before the financial quarter ends as Nintendo stated >Ubisoft will start selling their aseets and IP to other companies after Asscreed: Nigger flops >EA will gut Bioware like a fish early next year >AAA companies outside EA will dial back on the poz due to Trumpstein winning >PS6 and the next Xbox will sell like absolute dogshit >GTA6 will be ported to PC in less than 6 months >S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 will be fun but pale in comparison to the originals atmosphere >Metroid Prime 4 will skip the Switch >Bloodborne fully emulateable on PC late next year Feel free to post your own predictions
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>>1039757 The mayor quest line is an interesting one becaus it extends beyond money to systems of power in my understanding. The people (AI) in control are beyond the monetary system into direct levers of power much like arasaka is in controlling mortality. It kind of extends beyond the dictorum of economics driving power.
>>1039793 It's an abusive relationship as the game puts to you.
>>1039214 >>1039213 Those numbers confirm that ubishit is gonna die soon.

/v/ specific gamenight servers Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 10:44:29 Id: 6dca4e No. 858461 [Reply] [Last]
In light of the fun TF2 gamenight, I wish to start some sort of collaborative effort to maintain a list of active /v/ servers, so that our gamenights can be easier to organize. If you have any specific server you're hosting, or know that the people hosting are old 8chan anons or otherwise cool guys, let me know and I'll add them to the pile. REDCHANNIT OFFICIAL SITE: https://redchanit.xyz/ Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (Courtesy of zombie9143): Minecraft Mikecraft 1.20.1 (Courtesy of segamastersystem): Matchaland 1.20.1: Boba changed Matchaland Minceraft to 1.20.2 vanilla https://matchaland.net/minecraft and here's its dynmap: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 (zombie9143): /v/craft IP: mc.chimpout.club:25600 Open Fortress

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Edited last time by Zoom on 11/16/2023 (Thu) 10:23:32.
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UT99 is now legally freeware and allowed to be shared according to Epic Games apparently, so to celebrate I made a server: play.redchanit.xyz:7777 I'm a noob to UT99 so I only know the iconic maps, so the mapcycle currently is CTF-Face, DM-Deck and DM-Phobos.
>>1039768 nvm idk how map cycles work in UT so it has every map apparently, it's not obeying what I told it to use so I guess it just goes where it wants. I'll figure out plugins or whatever later
>>1039768 >>1039779 Gamenight when?

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Blizzard completely redid the botched Warcraft III remaster Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 23:14:49 Id: 80c550 No. 1039430 [Reply]
They also remade Warcraft I and II.
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You know it's bad, when even Microsoft does a better job at remastering an RTS than Blizzard.
>>1039430 Unpopular opinion. I'm a long-time Warcraft 3 veteran, and I think Reforged isn't so bad. They patched a lot of the issues with launch for multiplayer. I really like how they brought back older UI designs from The Frozen Throne for Reforged. I like how they have an option to use the Classic models as well (I always prefer Classic over Reforged, so glad there's an option to revert a few of the changes). My only complaint is how they changed the lobby chat for custom games...
I do not understand why they keep pushing the "WC3 but with better graphics" meme when we already have HD graphics mod packs, they did what the community had done before but butchering the original character design in the process. Reforged HD units look like dogshit. Just re-release the original game but with better modding tools and let the community do the rest.

Project borealis came out Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:42:41 Id: 8a4447 No. 1039283 [Reply]
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>>1039381 If that's their goal it won't even work, Valve doesn't hire people unless they have considerable experience in the industry or are VERY talented, and Nuclear Monkey these guys are not. That was the studio behind Narbacular Drop, who would be hired by Valve to develop Portal
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>>1039295 >They all praise the UE5 choice but cry about the performance/stability + requirements as if it had nothing to do with that decision. Performance and Stability aren't the biggest problems with UE5. The biggest problem is that it's a canned game engine that's dead simple to use. Anybody can learn it and slot into any development team who uses UE. That's part of it's appeal, but the flip side of that coin is that by abandoning in-house developed engines you end up with a generalized can of shit that can't really do what you need your game to do as well as you need it to. It also squeezes out talent, because it's hard work to create a game engine to spec for games that haven't been created yet - and having a studio full of people who know how to use your companies own proprietary game engine means you'll retain talent to a much greater degree and that talent will be more highly paid with better benefits. The whole reason why you're seeing such a push to unionize in game development now is because talent is being pushed out in favor of outsourcing development to a shitload of outsourcing studios - who themselves are getting pump and dumped as soon as the game ships. You don't see Unionization for high-skill labor, because those skillsets are themselves leverage against corporate mistreatment. You only see unionization take hold in low-skill jobs, which the game industry has largely become. Meanwhile we get very pretty AAA games that run like dogshit, play like dogshit, have dogshit consistency between assets/environments, are full of bugs, and are overall just sterile and lack any spark of creativity. A lot of people blame the publishers for that, and it's not like they don't bear a good measure of the blame - but this trend towards canned game engines and the flooding of the labor market with low-value employees is a major factor as well.
>>1039551 Would the move to canned game engines not be a result of publishers or the other financial backers refusing to fund the development of propriotry engines for their games as a time and cost saving measure? I would also argue that, if the answer to the question above is in the affirmative, the flooding of the studios with low skill employment may be a knock on effect of studios seek to pay their employees as little as possible and as such they shed all the talented developers to begin with. I mean I've heard stories about how the industry is nortorious for underpaying devs (especially the maths guys you really need to develop an engine) way under market value for the skills they have.

Itsuno is leaving Capcom Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:20:35 Id: 027d14 No. 1007816 [Reply] [Last]
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So... does that mean we'll get the Dragon's Dogma we deserve even if it's called something else like... Drake's Defense, Leviathan's Lessons, Wyrm's Will or something like that.
>>1039195 What, two shitty companies with one of them being propped up with government money?
>>1039157 Yeah, DMC5:SE not coming to PC is insanity.

Sega Dreamcast 25th Anniversary Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 18:23:15 Id: 757386 No. 1011850 [Reply]
Happy Birthday Sega Dreamcast. Happy 25th Anniversary of the Sega Dreamcast's Release in America
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>>1038738 >All my favorite Dreamcast games have better versions on other platforms. Okay, everyone else disagrees.
>>1038738 I think the sonic games are supposedly better in dreamcast. I would also assume that the HOTD games where better there as well. I think any arcade game was suppose to be better on the dreamcast though I am not sure if that is due to using the similar hardware or I am just thinking of the SNK console. IN a unrelated note are people still playing online using the dreamcast or they are just using emulator for multplayer play?

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Game of the Month #13 (One Year of Gaming Edition): Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden (PC) Anonymous 10/01/2024 (Tue) 13:52:35 Id: 40d745 No. 1021306 [Reply]
Happy Anniversary, Gamers! >What is this? This is exactly how it sounds: A game is chosen each month (which will be relatively or totally obscure on purpose) with hopes of bringing new avenues of playing potential to anons with narrow video game perspectives. The goal isn't necessarily to pick bad games, but obscure ones nobody, or as few people as possible, have played. You can play the game and then use that fact as bragging rights to others! You can use it to broaden your backlog horizons! or you can forget about it. It's up to you. THIS MONTH: Tales of Game's Studios Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa >Where do I get this? https://www.talesofgames.com/related_game/barkley-shut-up-jam-gaiden/ https://archive.org/details/Barkley_Shut_Up_and_Jam_Gaiden GUIDELINES FOR FUTURE GotMs: Poll for November 2024: November Fanservice Frenzy! https://poal.me/gu2u9q If you do not like any of the games in the poll, you can either add a new entry manually, or reply to the OP with a different suggestion. Don't come crying to me if you don't like the game, blame democracy. If you DO suggest a game though, please, report all relevant information on the game (magnet/dl link, interesting mods, guides, tutorials on tech, speedrun etc.).

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Edited last time by Zoom on 10/01/2024 (Tue) 14:14:26.
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>>1028261 >Impressive levels of shit taste <5 seconds later, recommends a fucking horrible kusoge that only him and his cousin (the creator), played
>>1021306 Okay gamers, pardon me for the tardiness on the November GotM thread, I thought I'd be much freer by now but I still lack many of my personal belongins and it's been tough keeping up with the site. Now, the supposed winner of the poll is a game called Pseudoregalia (PC), however I have some reservations about making it the official one. On the one hand, it checks out with the fanservice bit, even if it's specifically for one kind of fetish, plus it does have the most votes. On the other hand, it's extremely fishy how it has amassed so many despite usually most games winning at the 10-12 votes thresholds. If you people don't mind, I'll still put it up as this month's game for the next 15 days. However, I'm open to hearing out any complaints and working out some sort of compromise. Plus I still have to find a cracked version of the title in question, so there's that. In the mean time, have next month's poll to mull over: December's Long Haul! https://poal.me/7yo83j This month we'll celebrate those titles that take absurdly long to beat, let alone 100%, or that take place over the span of an extremely long time, be it years, decades or even eras. Pick any game, as long as it meets the criteria, it can make it to next month's thread!
>>1038837 >it's extremely fishy how it has amassed so many despite usually most games winning at the 10-12 votes thresholds Most "winners" are extremely fishy. >However, I'm open to hearing out any complaints and working out some sort of compromise Let Mark choose the game each month.

Video Game Waifu Thread: Haydee Edition Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 06:32:23 Id: 32c405 No. 863424 [Reply] [Last]
/v/, who is your video game waifu? Mine is definitely Haydee. I love her curvy body and thick round ass. I believe she would make a submissive loyal house wife. I know some may call me a nigger lover but when served properly, chocolate is delicious dish.
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>>1038906 no she is not
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>>1038904 Krimbo kim?
Was waiting a bit to see if anyone else would post any festive images for the thread. Nobody else did, so found some of popular lasses from the thread for the last two slots. Sorry to the Haydee lover though, I couldn't find an image of her in something festive that wasn't the promo art for Haydee 2 with the ugly human face. New thread >>1040342

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Metal Gear Solid Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:11:32 Id: b8ea2b No. 931193 [Reply] [Last]
I've been thinking about Vol 2 of the Master collection. There is no doubt Peace Walker is going to be apart of it, and MGS4 has to be the main draw of the package, otherwise they don't really have much to sell that people don't already have access to on modern platforms. But that's making me think Peace Walker is built entirely around Co-op so they will be supporting that, and that's making me think if they are working on PW's MP stuff then there is a chance they're also going to relaunch MGS4's Multiplayer, I'm not gonna hold my breath of course they didn't bother with MGS3's MP, still seems like there is a slim chance of it, but it's interesting to think about.
Edited last time by Mark on 01/29/2024 (Mon) 11:10:28.
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>>1036653 That's some pretty cool trivia anon.
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>>1036653 >Jodi Benson >Ariel (The Little Mermaid) at least they didn't cast nuAriel as Eva in the remake
>>1038619 That Somalian pirate from Captain Philips with an Ariel wig isn't too much uglier than Halle Bailey.

VR Games Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 22:17:21 Id: 4c0939 No. 917459 [Reply] [Last]
VR has been around for around ten years at this point, and personally while I think overall there's not a single game that I'd suggest is a "system seller" for any headset, I'm a bit curious to see if there's anything that has captured anyone's interest for more than a couple hours. I'll list a few of mine in the thread.
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>>1032347 Don't know about vr roguelikes but Ancient Dungeon is my favorite vr roguelite and probably favorite vr game all categories. At least it's the one I've put most hours in. But of course, it's not a roguelike and of course you do spend most of the time in an ancient dungeon.
>>972785 Is it only the Meta Quest 2 or is it all of the headsets out? I heard that you need a Meta account for the 3 and 3s and requires your phone to actually use it. If that is the case I would buy it from costco to at least try it out.
>>1032395 archive.org/download/nes-hack-collection/Legend%20of%20Zelda%2C%20The%20-%20Ancient%20Dungeon%20%28v3.0%29.zip/Legend%20of%20Zelda%2C%20The%20-%20Ancient%20Dungeon%20%28v3.0%29.nes
Edited last time by Mark on 11/11/2024 (Mon) 00:50:31.

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Vidya Enhacements: Mods, Romhacks, Remasters, Texture Packs, Undubs, ReShade, etc Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 23:58:07 Id: b26773 No. 860195 [Reply] [Last]
Do you like to garnish your vidya experiences? Whenever I play a videogame, I like to see if there are enhanced fan made versions of them, and if there are I will play those instead of anything official, not that official is bad ofc but fans tend to make the better creative decisions. The most common mods are used in BOTW and minecrank, but it should be our duty to share the more obscure or newer mods to give anons a nice feeling of catharsis. That's what I'm doing. Check these two mods out, feel free to share your favorites too! Sonic Free Riders: Controller Patch https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VmK3rCxL4mE Paper Mario: Originality King https://yewtu.be/watch?v=blmnHQnVZTk
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>>860195 When I was a kid I played just cause 2 with flight, infinite ammo (with or without recharge), slow time and super fast speed mods VERY FUN gameplay change to Rico. Its like superman or flash but with guns and explosions. Flight control is easy and fast, super speed its total game change and slow time its like turning into god with speed mod. >Flight https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LwVSRNNglYQ&pp=ygUdSnVzdCBjYXVzZSAyIGZseSBtb2Qgc3VwZXJtYW4%3D >Speed (there's more speed mods) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xkQqlX-0bQ8&pp=ygUcSnVzdCBjYXVzZSAyIHN1cGVyIHNwZWVkIG1vZA%3D%3D >Slow time (and very useful with super speed) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L2M8hDZBs64&pp=ygUcSnVzdCBjYXVzZSAyIGZsYXNoIHNwZWVkIG1vZA%3D%3D Its like a new game or something with these mods kek
>>1031220 >>1038055 RomHack Plaza also created an archive of all files sent to Romhacking.net, https://rhdn-archive.romhackplaza.org/?type=romhacks

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