So I finished getting all the Achievements, in both games of the remaster, and thought I'd give a run-down of things, since currently the remaster has some good points, but is also a bit rough around the edges.
When it comes to the Graphics, I'd describe SR1 as the kind of graphical update that is like putting on a par of glasses to see more clearly. The developers of this remaster were able to get the original images that were used for all of the textures, so all the textures in the game are the pretty much the same just in a higher resolution, although at some points it can feel like this added Clarity to everything can remove a some of the grit that the original visuals lend to the art style.
There are new character models for every being in the games, and some of SR1's new models now actually have their lips move when they are speaking. SR1 also features a day and night cycle now, which was cut from it's original release.
Both games now feature Subtitles, and you can change the Language of the voice acting if you want.
When it comes to SR2 the Graphical improvements can feel a lot less noticeable, and there is actually a reason for this. Where with SR1 they were able to use the original assets to make smaller sized textures more clear, SR2 has it's textures stretched over much larger peaces of Geometry, so using those original assets just achieve the same result as they are stretched too far for the texture to look good. Outside the new character models, only smaller objects will have more noticeable improvements due to this.
The new character models look good in SR2, but in some cases they can lose a little something during the cutscenes compared to the original models, as the cutscenes are designed with the original models in mind.
In terms of gameplay content, the games are very much still the same as they ever were, I think the just streamlined the controls so SR1 and SR2 both use the same control scheme, and you are now a bit more in control of the camera in SR1. There is a Map now for SR1, and when hovering over areas it'll show a notification of the collectables you have or haven't acquired, so that can be useful.
The most Significant addition to this remaster is the section for the Lost Levels, it features access to play and explore the cut levels from SR1, which they did need to remove quite a bit from.
Now the main negatives of this Remaster is that in its current state it has it's fair share of bugs. I didn't encounter too many in my play time, but others have seen a lot. It's possible for a loading zone to not render the game world right and to just be standing in a black void, until you have the game re-load again. Some people have managed to have block puzzles messed up and be rendered impossible to solve, some have claimed the Night time lighting is way too dark for them, making the game unplayable until day, SR2 just has this Black Cube show up in the Air Forge when viewing the remastered Graphics.
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