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Vita thread: Enjoying Infinity Onion Rings Edition Anonymous 05/04/2023 (Thu) 09:00:02 Id: 3ef25e No. 822861 [Reply] [Last]
Who knew they were so tasty. I hope you fags have been having some fun on your Vita's. Whatcha >PLAYAN >HACKAN >BUYAN (kek) >WANTAN PREVIOUS THREADS: https://ghostbin.com/paste/d2BOH https://archive.is/xQU91 (Gitgud hackpaste) Last thread: https://archive.is/gdH0I There are also numerous Vita threads across the webring as well. Check out >>>/vita/ and feel free to contribute, tis' a new board dedicated to the amazing device we all know and love. It could use some threads, CSS, assets, banners, and whatever anons feel like suggesting or making.

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Happy New Year faggots! What are you playing or planning to play on your Vita(s)? I'm getting ready to fly today so I might end up doing some Nep RB2 today.
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>>1058815 Happy new year, I finally hacked my n2dsx so my Vita's not been getting much love, forgive me.

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Squilliam compilation thread – The End of E3gelion Anonymous 06/10/2024 (Mon) 03:39:45 Id: ed8325 No. 978559 [Reply] [Last]
> -1085 days until E3 Since it's summertime and E3 is officially dead and buried, I'm making one final Squilliam compilation video. Any Squilliam ideas you've been sitting on, this is your chance to get them in. Let's take a moment to remember the time every studio used to gather in one place to present their latest and greatest, before everyone started holding their own little conference no one cares about. If you have any memorable moments of past E3s, good or bad, post them in this thread. For old time's sake and so I can put some of it into the video. >I'm a newfag and what is this? It's been an 8chan tradition to make OC from a template based on Squilliam from Spongebob getting a heart attack. Download a template, open it in your favorite drawing/editing software and go nuts. When you're done, post it here (in a reply to the right anchor post to help me keep track of it). >How long do I have? I'm aiming for Sunday the 23rd of June as submission deadline, the video will be released sometime after that. >Can [board] on the webring participate? Of course! Whether it's a video game board, or just a hangout board interested in making OC. All I ask is that you help me find it by cross-posting your stuff here and linking it to the proper anchors. Feel free to share in your post what board you're representing. >What song are you going to use? Walk Away by Dokken >Is there gonna be a mosaic? Yes, see the later post. Try to make your squares E3-related if you can, this is about the death of E3, after all. >Are we never gonna see another compilation again? You probably will, I hope to make another one with a new template next year. I'm not making any promises, however.
Edited last time by Mark on 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19:24.
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Merry Belated Christmas & Happy New Year vidanon, where ever you are.
>>1058774 Also I guess Happy Russian Christmas too.

What was the last game to have a rockin'/upbeat soundtrack? Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 02:28:08 Id: fd26c5 No. 1031975 [Reply]
The only thing I remember people saying about Wanted: Dead was that it had a great choice in music, but it's just a general question about what happened to games that used to have rockin', upbeat, fast, and loud music in general? I know these types of songs are still coming out (Especially in Japan), but I cannot think of a single game that really incorporates them outside of rhythm games you find in the arcade. Regular games just seem to have become dominated by grand orchestral music like they're trying to be some opera. So where are the games with the loud fast-paced music that's guaranteed to cause hearing loss?
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>>1031975 BlazBlue was the last one I really got into with that sort of music. Sadly Daisuke sold out so there won't be any more good work out of him.
>>1031986 man i remember AMV Hell
This is something I've been noticing for over a decade now. All western games use that completely forgettable, generic, orchestral style, and it's starting to affect Japanese games, too. A big part of it is the fact that boomers basically decided not to pass down anything their predecessors passed on to them, so everyone who came after doesn't even know the basics of the basics. It's not just music, either. The Last Jedi was a master class in awful writing for the same reason, and there's a picture of an article by a guy who had art students beg him to teach them the basics that they weren't being taught at their expensive university. Thankfully, it's not all doom and gloom. Falcom is still around and still putting put that high energy music that used to be associated with Japanese games. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBla5NUlvk

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RGH3 Xbox's Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 19:08:01 Id: f68eae No. 1058118 [Reply]
How is the OG Xbox emulation going on the modded 360s, I hear some games are still glitching like they have aids? though I love these things it's like a literal time machine kek.
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Use the compatbility list. https://consolemods.org/wiki/Xbox_360:Original_Xbox_Games_Compatibility_List Some games play better if you use the xefu spoofer.
>>1058122 >Because what the fuck are you going to play? Not OP but I want to play Amped Freestyle Snowboarding.
>>1058118 Xemu has been making strides lately. Give it a bit more time and it should be much better than using a 360. And with Xenia you won't need a 360 at all.

/Fit/ness 'games' thread - Do you even /fit/ games bro? Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 17:05:00 Id: 284a82 No. 1020864 [Reply] [Last]
Didn't have this kind of thread for a long while so its time to make another one. Talk about which fitness games to play, what kind of diet works and what doesn't. Do you use any games as warmup for gym? Post game progress, advice, exercises and how to sail through your 20s, 30s being vfit. Your body will thank you in the coming years
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>>1023952 Kids are dancing too much these days for them to get obese.
>>1035322 what kids are dancing rather than copying the same 3 tikitoki twerk dances?
Anyone Dance Dance Revolution?

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'Team Fortress' issue no. 7 has released Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 19:39:12 Id: af2d36 No. 1052756 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1057259 You have a point, but the topic only came up because I wanted to play with female characters, not because I wanted hyper-busty girls. >>1057276 sometimes that shit gets ugly >>1057323 moldable plastic, that simple
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>>1056970 This drawing? >>1058187 I'll never understand why 2fort is the only map that managed to gain servers just to fuck around with disabled ways to win a match, what about the other CTF maps? Fucking doublecross is getting rarer everyday to find.
>>1058256 That mouse is super cool! I genuinely like it

Girls Frontline 2 Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 20:55:04 Id: 4b34e3 No. 1047130 [Reply] [Last]
https://gf2exilium.sunborngame.com/ So this just came out globally recently. Is anyone playing it? Any fans of the original mobage/kusoge? This one plays a lot like XCOM, kind of. The similarities end pretty quickly when compared to XCOM but it's the best one most people will be familiar with. The visual style is 3D anime, but in my opinion, tastefully done. Not a shill by the way
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>>1051858 >a 50/50 rate system, similar to Genshin. I have lost many hours of my life due to this system, never again.
It seems that a separate studio is developing a TPS Girl's Frontline game in the works called Project Net. I'm not sure if they want to rival with other gacha shooters like Snowbreak and Strinova. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ECa9t16mw5Q
Looks like Ms. Raymond/Daiyan (Type 95) will be next.

AI RPG Text Adventure Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 05:36:57 Id: 483d90 No. 1036666 [Reply] [Last]
https://perchance.org/ai-rpg Let's start a thread and share the results of our stories. I've been playing around with this and want to see what others can do with it. This is a digital dm. It can run any campaign you give it and it doesn't seem as restricted like other chat AIs. It goes along with some weird shit. Fantasy, modern day, sci fi. If you can think of it, it can do it if you give it some form of goal. I haven't played around with this part enough, but I assume you can make it stick to different rule sets or game mechanics if you explain it. Fill out the top box with the rules and world building. it will generate a paragraph of setting and other characters. You can then tell it what you'll do next or just hit continue and it will keep the story going without your input (often creating actions on your part). If you don't like something, you can directly edit the story text. Just delete a few lines here and there or rewrite it yourself and it parses that text as it continues the story. If you click generate template on the tracked info, it will keep a track of inventory, stats, character relationships and whatever else you want to write in there like a notepad. Play a game. Post your story highlights in this thread.
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>>1057987 I fucking hate that. Especially when it mixes up names. Imagine you're talking about your parents at one bit, then someone else's parents another, and somehow both sets get switched around. I'd feel less confused if I just drank.
>>1058024 You'd think these systems would allow local, in-browser storage to remember and reference the things that the LLMs are apparently too fucking retarded to remember (but which are key to a cohesive RPG experience), but no…
>>1058024 >>1058048 I wonder the origin of this problem it doesn't seem necessary a problem of the memory, i use AI lot for some stuff and after you start going further the AI start to simply generate less, for me sometimes it will just simply refuse to keep going and i need to make very specific and detailed prompt for it to follow correctly

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Sexy Sprites (part 2) Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 10:00:42 Id: 349da7 No. 675497 [Reply] [Last]
Continuing from the old one >>516987 Here's what i spent working ALL DAY.
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>>1031266 Done >>1031284 You can even see the chosen APNG for the thread still moving if you go to the catalog
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>>1057689 I guess Mike12/Hdoomguy must really be falling into obscurity or desperate if he's resorting to "actually working" on Hdoom again after a decade of nothing

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GamerGate AMA Anonymous 01/05/2025 (Sun) 18:16:12 Id: 8925b0 No. 1057768 [Reply] [Last]
Hey anons, the Kickstarter is fully funded and we're in the final stretch. As promised, I (Tachyon Blue) am doing an AMA here until at least 3PM EST today and Mark has asked me to make a separate thread instead of using the megathread. Feel free to submit your questions now. Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tachyonblue/the-people-of-gamergate Confirmation: https://x.com/TachyonBlu
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>Another typical big city lefty who still embraces some sjw talking points I'm not even someone all that conservative to be very honest, but I still want you types to fuck right off. I'm not even going to full on mock you since it's just not worth it, when this community barely cares to mock someone that's a sign of how irrelevant you are.
>>1057937 >The left is a 12 year old Is the wordswordswords version of the same insult people have mocked the left for throwing around at the right for ages?
>>1057936 Thought-terminating bumper-sticker slogan.

Fear & Hunger Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 04:11:12 Id: edefd1 No. 1056543 [Reply] [Last]
So I finally got 1&2 after it spending years under the radar for me, I should note I had zero idea of these games besides them being girmdark. >Game is a horror turn based RPG >Big point of combat is dismemberment <Enemies can very easily do the same to you including blinding the party >Shit is also based on the toss of a coin >Items are also RNG <RNG will rape you harder the enemies will >Grinding much like last remnant will get you nowhere >Choosing your starting character and knowing to use them is the difference between a good run and bad run >You will be raped <In the literal sense >Sound design is excellent >Each time you get into combat you feel the insane risk of each encounter >The Eclipse style monsters and tier events >Some enemies can be talked to while giving you a thrashing >NPCs range from insane to tragic <You can recruit several

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>>1057618 >The first game isn't an incomplete story, is it? It's pretty complete.
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>>1057618 >The first game isn't an incomplete story, is it? Second takes place a gorillion years later and there are no unresolved story threads so you can just ignore it entirely. It doesn't touch the first game any beyond (mostly) canonising the hard mode character specific endings. Second has some interesting things in it but I do think that it's just not as good gameplay wise (the combat is a lot more unga bunga/standard rpg maker and the enemy limb mechanic becomes somewhat meaningless)
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>>1057361 How do you cry for three whole paragraphs without making a single argument?

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#AskMeAboutGamerGate on X and Bluesky Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 19:16:03 Id: 9f8825 No. 1053116 [Reply] [Last]
Hey everyone, I've asked most of the people I've interviewed on both sides, as well as neutral observers, to post on the #AskMeAboutGamerGate hashtag today on X and Bluesky to share their stories, take questions from the public and support the Kickstarter campaign. I'm making this thread with the approval of Mark. Please consider tweeting on X or Bluesky using the hashtag today -- December 21 -- to help get this campaign from 68% to 100%! Thank you very much for your support and have a wonderful Christmas, Hannukah and New Year! Here is the Kickstarter campaign link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tachyonblue/the-people-of-gamergate/ Some tweets so far: Tachyon Blue - https://x.com/TachyonBlu/status/1870499472024785261 Aurondarklord - https://x.com/auronburner/status/1870503216275984865 Hannah Wallen - https://x.com/Oneiorosgrip/status/1870514572068876688 Mark Samenfink - https://x.com/MSamenfink/status/1870468532338913562
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>>1053120 In regards to the Zoe Post, Eron alleged five people, not five journos specifcally. I do agree that GamerGate is "dead" in the sense that I view it as a historically phenomena. What I wanted to do is document the history of what happened and stories of the people involved, from a variety of perspectives.
>>1053448 >All relative timestamps >No archives
>>1053391 >a poor choice of a word to use It's a black-and-white incorrect choice. He's flat out wrong. anons by nature cannot be grifters. Ecelebs and journos were grifters. He either has no idea what the word means, or has entirely no idea what he's talking about. In either case, he's rightly insulted. >>1053462 >I wish this was avoided entirely. It was necessary to wake people up. If you wish it hadn't happened, you're wishing the pot had just boiled you alive a little more slowly. You ought to wish that it didn't need to happen.

Unicorn Overlord a masterpiece you should not buy Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 08:42:07 Id: 05097a No. 958103 [Reply] [Last]
/v/ I'm here to say after playing it via emulation of the Switch version that Unicorn Overlord is a masterpiece , 10/10 and as the kids would say GOAT. If not for the fact Elden Meme's DLC is coming out and the potential of Metaphor: ReFantazio, I would say this is JPRG of 2024 hands fucking down. This might even surpass Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir , Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim as Vanillaware's best game, it's that fucking good. <But anon you just spend the first bit of this post practically on the knees sucking it off why are you saying not buy it? The localisation of this game is not great and if you're a Vanillaware fag like I am you should not support the English version of this game period, if you want to support Vanillaware go buy a JP copy of this from Amazon jp or other moon storefront. Yes it's not totally pozzed like say FE or others have been but it still changes the tone and intent of the game >WHO CARES IF THE DIALOGUE IS FLOWERY ANON? You should care as it's still an alter of the original work and an utter disrespect of Vanillaware >WHERE IS THE PC VERSION YOU NIGGER? There is none as for whatever reason the CEO of Vanillware is super butthurt towards PC as platform, which is a shame as the mods of this game would be amazing and patches to unfuck the localisation would also be very welcomed. I think this would've added another 500k sales or even more if it was on steam as let's face it consoles are pretty much dying, even in Japan PC has gotten pretty big (not big enough where it's fully taken over like the west and Slavland), even Atlus was scratching their heads on why Vanillaware asked them to not allow a PC version. >DOES THIS GAME HAVE WAIFUS? Yes it does and they are all amazing but if you're a hag lover like myself Yahna is best girl. >WHERE CAN ONE EUMLATE IT? Ryujinx is what I used and I'm unsure if there are others, so perhaps a kind anon could correct me. <Closing notes If you're looking for something that beats modern FE(FE: Three Houses wasn't too bad but I understand why people might not care for it) this next to StellaGlow will fill that Strategy JRPG niche. How many hours you anons put into it and and who were your favourites? Also SCARLETT A SHIT!
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>>1057512 Fair point. Then in that case we just need modders who are doing it for the passion & not worried about social backlash. Definitely avoid Nexus Mods in that respect too.
>>1057508 There aren't nearly as many people who know Japanese in the west as there are tech nerds who mod shit for the hell of it, and it takes a lot more effort to translate an entire game than it does to make most types of mods.
>>1057243 >female fighters in the game Its vanillaware, they've always been like this. I'd say they're some of the only ppl in the industry that can pull it off.

"Romeo and Juliet" style endings/relationships in games Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 01:20:10 Id: 17e7d4 No. 1040717 [Reply]
For some reason, I'm rather interested in stories where something like this happens >Star-crossed lovers >Seems to be a perfect pair >They get into some sort of trouble and have to separate or can never see each other again, or one of them loses their memories or something like that Maybe I'm just feeling masochistic. I don't know. In any case, the only ones like this I can think of are <Tatsuya and Maya in Persona 2 <Kurisu and Okabe in Steins;Gate Unless you count the true ending <Professor Layton and Claire from the Unwound Future Got any more? Post them ITT. Bonus points if it's not just from visual novels because I could probably name a few more from that genre. Also use this thread to post some good couples from vidya in general.
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>>1055734 AC6 will never stop being hilarious to me with how easily it convinces you to become a battery with a few sweet words. The Ranni ending on steroids.
>>1055734 Her English VA did a good job with this. I felt empty after the fight with my waifu
>>1057426 Am I the only guy who didn't feel that bothered by it. Yeah she was a friend, but it was between the woman who was clearly manipulating me and trying to disperse a super-organism across the universe or fulfilling the legacy of my boss's final request and destroying it once and for all. The choice was clear enough to me. I felt more for having to put down Rusty in a climactic final battle with infinite boost as you and your opponent soar higher and higher, than I did having to kill Ayre. Hell, his final line sells it much better than Ayre's rambling: I won't stop! I'll chase the clouds from over Rubicon. Only I can fly high enough!.

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How to fix vocal minorities? Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 20:06:30 Id: ebc7cd No. 1055349 [Reply] [Last]
>game is enjoyed by majority as it is >minority see it doesn't suits their worldview >band up with their small group of friends and start bombarding the companies with complaints and takes >majority doesn't bother to respond or give a fuck because they have actual lives and things to do >companies thought the minority opinion is the majority and bends to their views >now the game is the minoritys personal fucktoy and another game is ruined How can we fix this? Most people have actual lives to live and can't afford to fight competitive autists, cultural warriors and so all day...
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>>1057247 it is very difficult to sue doctors/hospitals. this just makes it easier to murder. medical errors are the third leading cause of death in america. also, don't forget birth control pills, std, and aids meds. imagine what chaos that would cause if there was a true shortage.
>>1055776 >Gravity Rush 2 came out in 2018 2017. January 20, 2017 in North America, January 19 in Japan, January 18 in EU.
>>1055561 Such an "political and military failure" that it took billions of men and funding to completely stop him. Meanwhile you lolberts will be always irrelevant for anyone to even notice about, that is unless some memes of yourselves being the punchline go popular.

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Anon's Bizarre Adventure AKA /v/ makes an RPG maker game Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 17:24:56 Id: 4cc003 No. 1031572 [Reply] [Last]
What happened to it? I feel like working on it again, but i don't have the latest version. For those that don't know, here’s how it works. Everyone is taking turns downloading the newest version of the game, making contributions before reuploading it for someone else to work on it. Only one person can actively work on it at a time. This is because if two people make overlapping changes to the database, scripts or switches, they will conflict resulting in one person having to redo all their work. Changes to the map and events can be copy-pasted from one version of a project to another so you’re free to work on new maps and new events if its not your turn and add them to the current version of the game once it is your turn. It should work like this. OP posts newest version of the map. The first person (Anon #1) to respond to OP stating that he’s going to work on it becomes the active game dev. Once Anon #1 finishes and re-uploads it, the first person to respond to him gets to work on it. So on and so forth. Additionally, whenever you re-upload a new version, reply to the anchor post, it’ll make things a lot easier. General Rules >Don’t mess with maps, events or anything else you didn’t make. Although, adding minor stuff like a connection between two areas or fixing bugs and typos is all fine. >If you’re ok with others editing your stuff, leave a note saying so. >You’re free to add characters and the like, to the inter-dimensional tavern. >You’re also free to make changes to game settings, unless its something we’ve agreed upon (we’ll probably do this via a poll) >We also have a dedicated board now >>>/bizarre/ come post and check it out! (The exact way we use, and the general purpose of the board in relation to the threads on /v/ will probably change change over time. However there will always be threads maintained on /v/, regardless of what happens on the board.) Current version of the game: UNKNOWN! I HAVE 0.55 BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S THE LATEST ONE. IF YOU HAVE A LATER VERSION AVAILABLE POST IT! RPG Maker VX ACE magnet: This one contains all the DLC 76UC6DG7

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>>1056636 >>1056576 also the eyeliner doesn't look evil at all. Go for bigger, darker eyebrows instead
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>>1056636 >>1056637 >>1056638 I'll report back in a few days, maybe. >>1056635 The fire rises.

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