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/fringemeta/ Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 17:06:59 No. 1509
This thread is for the discussion of anything related to the management or future of /fringe/
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The screencapped post here is still relevant. Being reliant on a single board is a weakness. The attempt at building an astral meeting place was meant to work beyond the Internet itself, creating a way to communicate and re-group if the board disappears. A strong enough egregore will make the board come back again. So if anyone still recalls this "tent" which was created and can access it, do tell.
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Is there someone who has that fringegirl drawing where fringegirl was casting a spell? For some reason I cannot find it. Not in my fringe images nor in the saved webpages and I cannot remember which version of fringe had it in the corner of the webpage at all. If someone can provide that pic I would be thankful and I would be even more thankful if that pic was returned in the bottom right corner instead of the pepe. Pepe kinda lost his egregoric clout while Fringe girl is eternal. I want her back but it seems I failed to preserve her. I thought she will remain forever and needs no preservation from my part ;_; This image of Eris is the closest I have but I don't want unproductive chaos I want the nourishing power of fringegirl to come back to fringe. And pepe lost his clout so much I bet people don't even consider him as a "hatesymbol" anymore. Some normies might remember it with their faint goldfish tier memory in the current storm of happenings while others probably gave up on him or consider it cringe. Wojack became superior with the sheer amout of feels it contains while some pepes got attributed by the glowies. But that is a memetic mindgame I am unfamiliar with. Smugfrog posting is still superior to sadfrog posting and the trend in the last years is the fren posting but... I WANT MY GIRL BACK
>>1512 I think it was on mewch, but that site has been wiped from archive.org and wasn't much saved on .is unfortunately.
>>1510 >Being reliant on a single board is a weakness True but having 7 dead boards or even worse... competing boards where they just throw curses and bad mouth each other in their discord server is even more retarded. Yes I am talking about the rise and fall of fringebay where it was supposed to be a bunker in the worst case scenario and we all know how that ended There is nothing wrong with having fallback places on the web but that doesn't mean everyone needs to create their personal fringe then not visit the rest or start turfwars with barely 10 anons over nothing. I want at least 1 or 2 proper fringe to manifest first where everyone can speak their mind share their wisdom and learn to deepen their own initiation as it is supposed to work by default. I want at least a "central fringe" of sorts or find a way so the /fringe/s can "connect" and maintain themselves properly instead of trying to find where the actual discussions are happening or waste my time with a dead fringe. >If you cut down the head of hydra 2 grows out in it's place That is the motto of this idea right? Well it managed to turn out the hydras didn't even bother "growing up" in a way they can consider themselves proper replacement head for the main body at all. Then they either started biting each other or went AWOL because they too had their own problems in their lives. I want to figure out ways how the people who are going through the madness of awakening will not take their issues out on the board and it's posters or at least strengthen the board with their madness instead of people taking it personal and leave the place forever. I want to figure out ways how I can harmonize seemingly opposing views and ideas. And no not by a "we must all get along and force a smile or get banned" way but understanding the common theme of things and figure out a reliable way to gain and share new or old perceptions alike. >The attempt at building an astral meeting place was meant to work beyond the Internet itself And it worked but it seems we are still reliant on the internet aren't we? And as much as an astral meeting place sounds "fun" it's too chaotic to use as a reliable way of communication. And I don't consider fringe as a way to organize either. I want this place to work in the original forum posting intention where people can come and go write their piece read the others and reply or merely lurk then go to their lives and not as a super sikrit fraternity like the illumitardz like to larp as. If I want my very own spirit circle I will make one IRL. But currently I am still not confident in m abilities to even bother trying. Currently I want a reliable fringe to come back and operate. And not have an another board with 10 posts max on a dead altchan that no one uses. Not to mention I don't want to "pill" others. I want to figure out the common theme that people who go through awakening so I can distill my ways as a reliable "enlightening force" and for that I need a place where a proper amounts of neophytes initiates adepts gather. If I wanted to truly pursue my own spirituality I would do nothing but meditate and slowly let go of the internet but I know I become too detached from the people that way. Currently I am surrounded by mundanes and I am not ready to invite others into my life. The internet is not just an attachment but a specific grounding force I have Learned that it grounds me in this timeline too well because the internet is a rare thing in the flow of cosmic events. Humans always had ways to connect but it was never through these copper wire and led screen system with keyboards. Which makes for several of my spirit forces easy to "locate" my current awakening processes. Was weird to realize how peculiar the internet is in my current existence. Wonder if others noticed the same or they are only here because they didn't manage to find anything better yet. >if anyone still recalls this "tent" which was created and can access it, do tell. It gave me a headache first but I managed to connect to it and it seems the place got larger? Did someone drop a nuke on it because it feels like I am on the top of a mushroom cloud. Yeah I am really not ready for these astral places now. This is why I want the good ol text and image based spirituality to regain it's vitality. >beyond the Internet And there might be other ways to make fringe ever lasting besides astral tents. But I am experimenting with this way of "flow of consciousness" model and I cannot say anything substantial yet. The fact that people managed to have dreams about fringe when I started it made me quite optimistic but it's still too raw to make it more public. The spirits went with my idea at ease but I have to figure out ways how masters can operate this without disturbances and neophytes don't lose their shit when it happens. I mentioned it before. Earth has a requirement for wizards and shamans to operate between the worlds so it can stabilize. Glowfags tried to hijack these people and all they managed to do is to increase the number of schizos. You will not be "accepted" by the spirit world that way. I want a way to return the way people can find their ability to "journey" between the worlds and it seems the current incarnation of the internet will be an important step in that. I want a place where I can explore the possibilities further And about that first pic >we need to be their leaders That idea is good but first we need to understand what it truly means to "lead". How the spirit worlds form "covenants" and grant their blessing and why even Merlin decided that he needs an "Arthur" instead of him using his great wizard powers to rule Britannia. Everyone must understand their strengths and their style. There is a reason why the Emperor is not the strongest card in the Tarot but only a mere step on the journey.
>>1514 >Did someone drop a nuke on 8ch was nuked, mewch was nuked, meguca was nuked following the Halle shooting (the doorcuck event) so maybe that's what you're seeing? Fringe history of being nuked. I went there and saw a rock desert with dusk pink sky, a fat small goblin with a spear was guarding a metal door in a mountain. Next to him was a small tent. I asked about it and he said "vault access costs 2 copper coins, the tent is free", so I went inside. I saw simple benches with no back support to the left and right, and some people with cloaks were sitting on them. The energy inside was smoky and dark. I went to the far and end sat down, then did some work to leave a solid manifestation there. Nothing has happened since.
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>>1513 >was on mewch Great this flag is the only thing I managed to find from mewch and it was from a fringebay zip I saved which does not contain the image I seek. Sad Might try to look for it again later if no one procures it before me
Actually I realized I had some locally saved threads on this computer from mewch. I think this is it?
>>1542 Knew someone had it. Now I just have to start the ritual of real nicely asking the BO to implement it back. I might need to prepare for that ritual for months. Maybe I should offer a GET or something first.
This is how it looked like on mewch, it was rather large compared to the current pepe.
>>1510 I made that drawing with my finger on an iPad. I can’t believe someone saved it. I’m pretty sure 90% of what I saw was distortion/made up. But I can still access the tent, and the woods and the riverbed next to it. Even the goblin or whatever that was posted next to it as a guard still seems to be there (but it looks bigger and deformed to me, like an egregore that has built up unconsciously). It feels quite run down, to be honest. A piece of astral flotsam.
>>1514 Regarding what you said about the internet, after unintentionally manifesting shit while playing with AI chatbots, I began using language model assisted writing and storytelling to shape energy and furnishing my aura. Essentially hypersigilizing. It’s great fun and it has helped me see the physical for what it is, a secondary shadow of the actual reality. It has also reminded me not to apply force on the physical whenever I want to see change, like a fool, but to do the changes in the actual reality instead. Regarding that, I think having a thread like this is a bit useless. Take it up with the egregore instead. Advanced magic and mysticism are lonely matters, at least at first, because at some point you need to let go of what you deem as “the real world” as the place where you exercise your agency. For example, if you want something from someone, it’s much more productive to talk to their “subconscious mind” (their real, enduring self) than to engage in a charade of egos with their sleeping conscious mind. It feels lonely to accept the fact that we are semi lucid dreamers walking amongst sleepwalkers, but not accept it does not change that fact. The loneliest place is the in-between abandoning this side and fully awakening to the other (at which point I assume one does not even exist physically anymore). But it is what it is. The path is individual. The door fits only one person at a time.
>>1551 >I can still access the tent >>1552 >Take it up with the egregore instead This kind of thread helps us determine what the egregore is like, and sync our views of it, which helps us to shape it into something useful. It also helps lurkers connect with it intentionally. With no coordination or sharing like this, we are all waving blindly in the darkness. I see what we are doing as simply language, if we were to not exchange information about the things we can experience, we are indeed alone and cannot progress, because after all we are all parts of various egregores. With no communication about these structures, we are blind slaves to them. I don't agree that it's lonely, other than when comparing to the social interaction of mundanes and NPCs, they aren't "lonely" because they can all talk about the current social media trend and the latest NWO campaign, but is this kind of communication just serving to reinforce their loneliness? They are mere clients to the slave system because they are locked in this kind of communication. That's where /fringe/ comes in, and why we should have sustainable egregores which can indeed make places like this re-appear even if the server goes down. By being able to talk about other egregores than the NWO slave system, we can rise above it.
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>>1514 >it feels like I am on the top of a mushroom cloud Maybe it was precognition. That fringe girl with the spell always looked like a nuke mushroom cloud to me at first glance, nicely incorporating the form of /fringe/ being repeatedly nuked in previous iterations xP
>>1552 >you need to let go of what you deem as “the real world” Do you know what it's called when you use the physical world to do magic? It's called a RITUAL! Don't underestimate it. We're living in the physical world, a large portion of your being is bound up in that, so you're crippling yourself if you make it a rule not to use matter in your spells. Even your AI programs and computers are making use of physical talismans to manifest themselves. Yeah, you can influence someone's subconscious from the other side of a planet without them even knowing you exist if you want to. But I can tell you that if you meet the person face-to-face, stare directly into their physical meaty eyeballs while beaming energy into their brain, and lacing your physical airwave speech vibrations with mana, that influence is going to happen a lot more quickly and thoroughly. The same principal can be applied to most other workings.
>>1556 Rituals are for magicklets. But it’s okay if you still need them. Eventually you’ll get it.
>>1558 Why did you decide to make this post instead of beaming the information directly into my mind with no physical vector?
>>1558 I sense divisive intent, or maybe a brainlet.
Just saying, isn't it interesting how these COINTELPRO posters appear as soon as the board gains some activity.
>>1552 >to shape energy and furnishing my aura I usually do that with my spirits but yes AI and any sort of "expressive" ritual/chanting can do the trick (dancing singing or having an extremely passionate talk with people also works). It's about the medium and the intensity of the will and emotions. The reason why I do it with spirits nowadays is to "decrease" the pointless resistance. The spirits like when the stale energy moves and this way I can do things less "violently" because my previous way of psychic magic was literally using the "retardstrength" of my psyche and it had 0 elegance or beauty in it. It was like a tyrannical barbarian mad mage king yelling reality into submission. The problem was that whenever I managed to manifest my "way" into reality a bunch of stuff broke in response. It felt like no matter what I do I am not feeling closer to reaching any meaningful advancement in my overall life. The problem with manifesting stuff with 100% success rate magic that it does not even trigger my reward circuits because it is not made by the "human brain" therefore I "didn't do it" because it was "destined to happen" which means it is SO NORMAL I cannot even consider it "good". I realized I can use energy to move and free up more stuck and stale energy and effectively "create" more energy for my manifestation purposes and on that level I realized I don't know what to do with it. Yes I could access to higher dimensions or manifest events that "reward" my lower desires and I figured out my "true goal" is to advance on spirituality further and for that... I had to calm down and find a sort of "happiness". I had to understand how reality spirits elementals and sometimes even mindless objects "emanate" an energy and how that can be "Upgraded" with different emotions in a way they too start generating positive energies on their own. Ofc the highest truths will not generate "human emotions" because it will be over it so much it will feel "empty" but like a perfect and everlasting happiness that is only found in earth in fleeting moments that we usually don't even notice as we live our lives. I had to realize I had grudges and other lower emotions that created my personality matrix and several expressions of my ego and some parts of my mind is "too high" while some are too low kept in lethargic raging loops so I can function as a "productive human". Made me realize that this "rage" is almost the most "meaningful" thing according to the "Perspective" of my subconscious. As I started to work with different elements and aspects of reality I realized that I am still unable to let go of my mundane lifestyle. I had to realize I need to "slowly shift it" otherwise my psyche goes into a panic mode until I return to my routines again. This is why meditation and the practice of stillness is necessary so when your entire psyche "upgrades" burns to flames then renews you realize you are still yourself instead of panicking like an animal who just set himself on fire. >physical for what it is, a secondary shadow of the actual reality This is true but... there is a catch. There are more "shadows" and layers in the "actual reality". Like being able to wield flames or use your psychic powers freely without tools and without backlash. Where is the "illusion" and where is the "truth" and what do you need to do to breach them. In actuality there are ways how you can shift not just "your" reality but several people's perception into an "Improved reality" once you realize your hopes and dreams are the "same" on a core level it's just everyone is unable to express it on it's own and make reality "change for the better" as their differing awakening level not just syncs but compliments the other. The goal is not just "connect to people" but harmonize the "potential of others" so it creates a stable manifestation. Ofc I am not exactly "Planning" for a new ager right hand feel god cult delusion here but a way we can understand our own potential without thinking we are "chasing a dream" and understand the underlying principles we can interact reality with. The trick is here is not to "copy" others but notice similar themes we have within our lives and understand how we can "express" our abilities better. While some people look stuck on a shitty method like you were long ago once you help them awaken a little they might surpass you and help your still incomplete awakening the same way you helped them with their newfound insights. >not to apply force on the physical Sometimes it's necessary. Most of my energy movements make things crack around me constantly and even people have weird pauses and sudden "speech problems" when I move my energies the wrong way on an impulse. I have a sort of "energy cleanse circulation" system and if their energy is really not to my liking it makes me "Pissed" for a moment and I reject their energies and that surprises their body without them understanding what is going on. I am not doing this as a "charity" but testing the capabilities of my "living flame". You can "change" reality in a superficial or illusory way which is creating a "coating of beauty" on the surface which stays as long the energy runs out or you remove your influence or you can change the "core components" in a way it remains lasting. You might say yes this is the dynamic of the shadow and the "actual reality". What I want here is to cleanse the shadow so well that it will "express" the "actual reality" instead of this layer of thrash and dust that we call the Samsara or the matrix. To do that I need to understand the underlying principles of the actual reality and the shadow itself. Sometimes it feels obv sometimes I am not even sure what I am doing at all. >I think having a thread like this is a bit useless Currently most threads are quite "useless" on fringe because no one is truly putting their "truth" into it. >Take it up with the egregore instead What I want now is to "ground" the egregore into this current fringe. Seen many threads even on 4chan with random posters missing fringe and the current fringe is not "acknowledged" as THE /FRINGE/ thus if I do my working on merely the egregore people will just think of a fringe but not interact with it at all on the physical. Thus the egregore will stay stale and a mere memory of the "better days" instead of people making an EVEN BETTER COMING DAYS. >Advanced magic and mysticism are lonely matters Not if you find the myriad of spirits dwelling in those places. It's not "lonely" my problem is that it becomes "pointless" because once you stare into eternity you will see things differently and what things you create will "last" and what will crumble to dust and why are some things better to crumble instead of staying as a "wound" upon reality. Everywhere you go you will have to "live" there someway but for that you need to "die" on earth and for that you have to understand your purpose and reason of "Living" and then either "let go" or reach a higher truth within yourself. You must understand why are you on earth before leaving it otherwise you will return into the same cycle without realizing. It turned out that my "soul origin" rests on a completely different plane of existence and "time" is not an issue but a balanced way of awakening is what I require currently. As much as I want to go innawoods and forget mundane troubles that feels like a "defeat" which means I must figure a way where I can advance without "denying myself" in the process. Hard to explain but not everything is "trash" that the modern world created. Some things have enough meaning to make it last but... most things are extremely misguided in their ways and function... which includes us too to some degree.
>it’s much more productive to talk to their “subconscious mind” Humans talk with their subconscious with their body with their mind without realizing. I had to learn to talk to the subconscious of others more than a decade ago because otherwise I just cannot be on their "wavelength". The problem is that it's not just "lonely" but absolutely pointless. Why even be around of people I have to "try hard" so they can understand what I want to say. >(their real, enduring self) Yeah I can talk to their animal mind their deeper mind and to their higher self or supervising egregore but it's not really "fun" because my success rate depends how much I even want "anything" from them. Everyone is a mystery and have their stories and treasures but it's not always fun to drag it out when they don't bother talking about it. The occult scares most normalfags. It's only interesting for us. And we don't even bother talking about it? Why? We want to suffer in the sea of mundanes? Even on the internet? >than to engage in a charade of egos Yeah but sometimes I want to be theatrical instead or let my passion soar at least instead of having to constantly hold back and slowly flick switches in the mind of others or pretend to be a mundane so I can get on with my life. I realized if I want a friend or any sorts of a "mate" I don't want to flick switches in their head constantly. Not to mention if I keep a psychic link open in others without noticing and they are on an extremely low level and they are in my proximity weird shit happens to them as I am practicing my stronger magic. Real annoying to see them fall as flies when the weather gets cold. Not to mention if you "Integrate" a part of your own being into them and that part of you becomes a "main component" of their psyche you will have to do peculiar shit to "get it back". This is why the "trick" is to make them "realize their own potential" instead of being dependent of yours. I don't want meat puppets. My body is more than enough to puppet around. >we are semi lucid dreamers walking amongst sleepwalkers And do you know what I desire? Get rid of the "semi" part. I want this place and further places in life to reach a PROPER AWAKENING and then let the sleepwalkers go to sleep or WAKE THE FUCK UP because the sun is up mfers. It's annoying to see others being chased by their nightmares and constantly hold back yourself so they don't lose their shit as they see something more scary than the demons they fled from in their whole life. >but not accept it does not change that fact I accepted this long ago and now it's time to accept that WE CAN GO FURTHER AND BEYOND once we figure out the necessary pace of things so the rubberband effect of reality does not snap us back into this "normalcy" we can make it lasting. >The loneliest place is the in-between abandoning this side and fully awakening to the other I was thinking this way for a very long time but that "loneliness" makes you go around in circles without noticing it until someone snaps you out of it. >at which point I assume one does not even exist physically anymore "Physical" is a meme. For spirits and elementals the "physical" has a completely different "feel" and "awakening" just gives you access to different layers of higher and lower planes. On that level it's just a question what you want "to do in life" because once you are not bound by the flesh nor by the rules of the world you will have to decide what you want to do with your "further" existence and for that you have to completely understand how you got here at all. It's like how in a dream you can be completely absorbed in the dream but once you awaken you remember the previous day before the dream started. Awakening will connect you to your previous states of awakening and you will have to understand why you went to sleep at all. >But it is what it is It is what we make of it >The path is individual Apotheosis is about God facing his shadow and lingering in it for so long he realizes what he wants to do with that void. Then he creates a reality and companions with it but ultimately he can never find "equals" in that state beyond puppets he oversees for only God knows why. We are individuals but that doesn't mean we cannot find equals in this existence. Gods also go through the abyss to find themselves at the other reaches of existence. >The door fits only one person at a time That is something even the angels reminded me about but that doesn't mean we must walk the path in solitude until reaching that point. Not to mention those that find the door sometimes develop the obligation to show it to others instead of shutting it behind them. Some of them were "led" there and didn't exactly "find it randomly". But there are many doors and I am not sure which doors are "necessary for everyone" and which are only for the person who "finds it". This is why I am trying to explore this new door humanity created for itself we call the internet. It can connect to the spirit world in an extremely peculiar way and the spirits are also interested in it and in the ways humans can explain what is it exactly. >>1553 This entire post too >>1554 >always looked like a nuke mushroom cloud to me at first glance And you said that awakening is like a nuclear meltdown if I remember correctly. >nicely incorporating the form of /fringe/ being repeatedly nuked I was on the top of that could and had to breach it to see the environment. Seems like it is getting more stable now that people are reconnecting to it. >>1556 >you're crippling yourself if you make it a rule not to use matter in your spells I had to improvise a voodoo in an instant because my higher energies started to detach from my flesh and it felt like I am dying. I had to realize how i must never forget the main ritual component of all rituals. The human body. Was a weird ride. >that influence is going to happen a lot more quickly and thoroughly Yupp. It's real annoying when I cannot use my "presence" and gestures while posting on the web. And no I will not start making youtube vids to rectify that. >>1559 Got him! >>1560 This is why I want fringe back. I want people that are so attached to it that they still lurk it when they are on their "high horse" so much that they have no choice but to express their views. >>1558 Living and breathing is also a ritual. Existence is also a ritual. Did you master emptiness to such degree you are beyond it? If you did pls share your views. >Eventually you’ll get it Not the same way as you did. And if you are unable to talk about it then you should practice expressing how you perceive the truth. Truth does not fear investigation as conspiratards said for years and truth shouldn't start to lose meaning because you talk about it. If truth is truly truth than it shall remain as one no matter what form it takes. >>1561 Fringe always had these elements and I know they are lurking. They are not even always agents but poor sods stuck in a defeatist or arrogant routine and they think themselves either not worthy to talk or "above it" then suddenly they post shit like this on an impulse thus proving they are anything but beyond it. Strong enough egregores makes the agents into double agents and once they reach a tipping point they will stop being agents at all because they will see how the system exploits them. I really liked in the Matrix how Mr Smith awakened and became such a problem he couldn't be called part of the system but the fault of the system. The goal is to go even beyond of it. When the system realizes it's sole purpose is not to torture itself in the process. It's not just about glowies but people who are slave to their personal viewset while still lurking on fringe because deep down they know there are things here that will benefit them but they don't know when will that missing piece appear for them.
Oh and thanks for the fringe girl. It really feels like we are one step closer to revive fringe once and for all
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Well finally, I didn't misplace my sigils at least... These do not look like much and they still do not look like much if you activate them. I made these to be used as tools to organize occult societies of the more mainstream category, their egregoral form is available for anyone without the sigils and they are already part of what can be found if you dive into the world egregoral system as well. The purpose is that if someone has the intent to do what these do, but they don't have the means, the form can be copied and used intuitively. So the Cult sigil just forms a small ritual setting. Because I carry this with me, it's activated when I need it, so the road crossings I use for rituals all have this formation on them. It provides a form of protection during your spell casting or meeting, including online such as on Discord or anywhere. It creates a small environment where you can do your magic without disturbances and gives some amplification to your spells through the circle. The Rites sigil is meant for larger scale ritual magic with more participants, it's not to be used if you are alone. It works with spirits though, if you can consider them part of the same environment as yourself. It also has protective and amplifying functions. Use as you like, by sharing these, if they come to be used they may also work to protect discussions and threads on here if those assume the form of spellwork (more likely for the Cult version which is smaller). So the purpose of these here is to help forming the egregore into a protective setting where we can work safely.
>>1559 Assuming I had the skill to do that effectively, you don’t have the skill to hear it. I know I have the skill to imbue knowledge psychometrically. If you have gone through IIH, you should be able to pick it up easily from my posts. But in order to do that, your false mind would need to quiet down. As long as it’s trying to argue with me, it’s impossible for you to pick anything up. There are three books that, when taken into consideration together, can help you grok the idea: Dianetics, The Secret Science Behind Miracles and Edgar Cayce on ESP. What I certainly could do is write a good effortpost explaining the true nature of what Carol called the psychic censor and the divine light that pours forth from the center of your psyche (and beyond); how they work together to form your experience and what the mechanism of ritual really is. However, you see me as someone who is trying to “win” an argument, so good communication (verbal or psychic) becomes very difficult. Just take whatever you can from my posts and ignore the rest. It’s your prerrogative to develop yourself however you wish anyway. I will not tickle your ego anymore. Just let it settle and read those books.
>>1562 Good points. It is true that spirits can assuage that loneliness, but that’s quite a can of worms, speaking of illusions. We move from a world where we’re all the same kind of illusion, and anchored to a somewhat stable one, to a world where literally anything you can imagine is real, and I’ve found no way to discern the usefulness of those illusions other than to using physical reality and practical application as a gauge. It’s a bit of a catch 22. It seems like being halfway out of Samsara is worse than being fully in. >/fringe/ I’m the anon who created the sticky and the other boilerplate threads here when this looked no different than endchand’s /fringe/ and it kicked off from there (but I’m not the BO). I tried for quite a while, but the board would not stir up no matter what. Telling people didn’t work, posting about it didn’t work, and psychically it’s as if it was invisible to people. However, setting it up, “dressing it up” for nobody in particular did work. I found some random music playlist (the so called “fringe revival” one stickied above), used to get into a trance and began organizing links and creating the threads. I also took my time to get a good high res pic of Fringe Girl from the original source. Then, suddenly BO changed the theme and stickied the posts, somebody posted a link on 8kun, and that was it. Fringe is an initiatory force. It doesn’t work as a social club that you can talk about in order to bring new people. It refuses to. In fact, you can kill threads and even whole boards in other imageboards by simply mentioning /fringe/. There’s a veil of Isis around it. Maybe it’s because of its roots on “Fringe Knowledge for Beginners” and the original intent that was put into it, but it works solely as a congregation of random retards who have just the right psychic signature, and then smashes those retards together until magicians and schizophrenic sludge come out. It’s quite a sight to behold, but I’m not sure you can control it much.
>>1576 >pick it up easily from my posts Which are physical talismans created via a ritual act. If you make the claim that "Rituals are for magicklets" and then proceed to use the ritual of posting on a computer to actualize your will and transmit your intentions, don't be surprised when someone points that out. You made a statement that appears to be false and I'm questioning it. That's all.
>>1579 That's stretching the definition a bit by me, but if you do stretch it like that, you are absolutely correct. What I referred to, obviously, was traditional ritual magic, which is a way of encoding patterns on energy. Now, if you refer to any such encoding as a ritual, then everything that results in magic happening, is a ritual. By that criteria, it is impossible for you to be wrong. Which I suppose was the whole point of your post. Now, my point was that encoding, or patterning energy, can be done with very minimalistic "rituals", which can amount to little more than holding a feeling. Even a bodily feeling can be held with one's non-physical body, if it's sufficiently developed. What do you think a spirit does when you go and ask it to do magic for you?
This discourse still feels like divide and conquer. Magic is either chaos magic or ritual magic, and it can be placed on a scale with pure chaos on one end, which isn't magic because it's just chaos with no direction, and pure ritual on the other end which also isn't magic because it's purely fixed in its function and is by then just blind faith in a procedure, so it's religion. If you are talking about the expression of ritual such as using ritual items, sigils or formulas, and you think that "real magic" is some kind of intent with no expression, then how do you even know it's magic? It sounds very extreme and conceptually like a dead end since you then cannot test if it worked and you have no idea if there was any effect at all. But then you did say >>1577 >We move from a world where we’re all the same kind of illusion, and anchored to a somewhat stable one, to a world where literally anything you can imagine is real, and I’ve found no way to discern the usefulness of those illusions other than to using physical reality and practical application as a gauge. which implies your experience is that internal imagination is as real as physical 3D and that there is nothing in between. My main issue is relating the things I see in non physical manifestation with the physical 3D and the internal state of my mind and my physical body and brain with the external state of the dimensions I can see and interact with. None of them are "imagination", they are very real and very structured, hard to change and the resistance is immense when trying to perform work there. This is when ritual magic enters the stage. The things on the "astral" or "mental plane" is very strong and hard to change, but if you use physical matter and symbolics tied to items and procedures, it's possible to dent those astral constructs. It's really like using a pickaxe on a mountain, but it's possible. The real hang up here is how to get a ''large enough of a pickaxe" or how to get a large number of people all in possession of one, following the same intent and concentrated on the same spot of the same mountain. This is where you use ritual to direct this collective intent, and that is how you create an effect. If you need an example of this working, just look at Islam.
>>1580 >Now, if you refer to any such encoding as a ritual Any encoding which involves physical actions. >By that criteria, it is impossible for you to be wrong I'm wrong if you can manifest your will just as easily using no physical actions at all. This doesn't seem to be the case. >Now, my point was that encoding, or patterning energy, can be done with very minimalistic "rituals", which can amount to little more than holding a feeling. Some things. Not everything. You can't beam words into my mind without a ritual, for example. BO can't modify the site's code without employing a physical ritual, even if you motivated him to do it with 'just a feeling'. The point being that you shouldn't be going around making radical statements like "Rituals are for magicklets" unless you've fully thought through what that means. It's transmitting a false and extremely limiting belief that can end up crippling someone's practice if they take it to the extreme. >What do you think a spirit does when you go and ask it to do magic for you? Make changes to the environment? Not sure what your point here is.
>>1581 >This discourse still feels like divide and conquer. Wanted to longpost but I realized I have to let the magicians do what I want fringe to become again. Explain their truth instead staying on their >I am above this conversation high horse. Fringe was always divided and full with petty infighting. I want that to either smooth out or become a driving force of discussion again but in a meaningful way and not in a (You) looshfarming way. People should stop thinking they are "above others" because they have this >you wouldn't get it mentality then refuse to even acknowledge that maybe they are the ones not getting the depth of their own truth at all. The reason I longpost is not to be "right" but to find my own holes and cracks upon my mental framework. >and conquer The only thing that conquers fringe is silence when people go into this >I am so above this conversation but still lurk on fringe for a chance for a good conversation If they were truly above they wouldn't be here. Why are they here then. I can feel the energy of the lurkers and I know they just need the proper spark to return posting but it seems I cannot ignite that alone. And no I will not start posting things so retarded people will ragereply to my baits. I don't want fringe to turn into that. >>1576 >What I certainly could do is write a good effortpost explaining the true nature Hope the current conversation will inspire you to do so instead of discouraging you to do it. >>1577 >Fringe is an initiatory force And I want that to return and to work as a way initiates and adepts can hone their ways further. Messing with mundanes is one thing but honing your craft in the presence of peers is something I want fringe to be able to provide again I don't want a social club. I am not that attention starved. >you can kill threads and even whole boards in other imageboards by simply mentioning /fringe/. Which board suffered that fate? >but it works solely as a congregation of random retards who have just the right psychic signature Do not diss the journey of the fools >then smashes those retards together until magicians and schizophrenic sludge come out What if we can improve that? >It’s quite a sight to behold It is and we can also awaken further as we learn from their processes >but I’m not sure you can control it much. Control? HAH! I do not seek control. I seek a way to improve my own ways and the way of others with my experiences and not to "control" others. You don't "control" the growth of plants. You just give them water and get rid of the weeds that disturb their growth. I am sure most magicians have quite the expertise of weeding out the usual suspects that block awakening processes already. What if the seeds and buds can grow faster and their growth will grant us further insights into the nature of awakening. And no I do not want to advertise fringe so /x/-tards and other weirdos will come here and litter the place. I want the egregore to retain it's splendor call back the old users first with the beaconing energies of the egregore and as the energies shines brightly and we have enough adepts that can answer the questions then people with the right mindset will flock to this place like in the old times. I don't want "numbers to go up" I don't want (You)s either. I want fringe to retain it's initiatory force quality. Not just for neophytes but for the initiates too to deepen their initiation and for the adepts to streamline their understanding and ways to express their craft. And maybe. Just maybe. Make fringe good enough so even masters bother to even acknowledge this place to even care interacting with. I seek to improve my own mastery first and not create an another discord server alternative to cure my loneliness. I am not lonely enough for that. >>1581 >The real hang up here is how to get a ''large enough of a pickaxe" HOW DO I FIND ONE THAT DOESN'T BREAK IN MY HANDS??? Also the character limit went up to 12k Wish my writing speed improved at least 50% too.
>>1593 >Hope the current conversation will inspire you to do so instead of discouraging you to do it. I'm so very tired. I know what you mean about the lurking and the feeling you are above it all, but maybe you're just bullshitting yourself and all that. But besides all that, it's tiring to try to explain your views and get NPC replies about muh jews or being CIA or shit like that. >which board suffered that fate I believe frenschan, but I obviously can't prove it. >I want the egregore to retain it's splendor call back the old users first with the beaconing energies of the egregore and as the energies shines brightly and we have enough adepts that can answer the questions then people with the right mindset will flock to this place like in the old times idk man >I seek to improve my own mastery first Right on. Let's fucking go.
Maybe more than one hat came in at once, and maybe some posts were wrongly attributed to the same imagined person, but I'll just say this: if you come in and your first posts are the /fringe/ equivalent of >your waifu is shit >you are not white unless you can do 100 pushups RIGHT NOW >if your wife didn't give birth to 3 white kids this year YOU ARE A PARASITE TO THE WHITE RACE then maybe you should re-evaluate if you have any "views" at all, or if you are just posting negativity and discouraging anyone who doesn't match your outrageous and meaningless standards. I saw fedposting so I called out the fedposting.
>>1610 Wrote down a whole lot of things yesterday but the internet killed itself while writing it. I managed to realize since that your current problem is that you had "enough" of the shitty magicians pretending to "know the truth" while barely managing to reach even a significant level with their practice. Not to mention you also know that your workings need further improvement but unable to find the place where you can hone your understanding and craft which makes you somewhat depressed because you feel like whatever you will do on fringe will amount only a very little while knowing deep down that this place maybe just maybe might grant you something but you have hard time believing it at this stage. Not to mention the fact that some posts are like landmines for others to ragereply and that keeps you discouraged to engage in posting. Realizing our own driving forces is also paramount so we can use the fiery energies of our being to be productive no matter the reason why. I know "wasting" those energies on fringe for seemingly "nothing" might be not lucrative at all but tuning the way we express ourselves yields a better understanding in magic once you learn to find the "feel" to say and make things right. Once you find the way to make the perfect spellforms with 0 effort by reflex mysticism becomes something else entirely. You try to be punctual but without realizing you appear as arrogant and pedantic and that makes others attack you. Truth is; this is why I overpost so what I write is not easy to misinterpret but it makes my posts a chore to read sometimes. And when my energies go into several directions I lose my focus; do too many intuitive leaps in my writing and make even more spelling and grammar mistakes. Not to mention I should get better at formatting but I am not a bookwriter I am an anonymous poster and these mistakes somewhat prove that I am not a bot at least. Yeah it's not easy to do this right. Truth is one of the reason why I do it because I want to do a pilgrimage sometimes and find the masters and practitioners in the flesh and maybe do something with my life into a spiritual direction but for that I need my powers to be reliable and clear as possible and figure out my way of talking with others who have "Magic oriented mindsets". I don't want to piss off the wrong people and I know these people are either weirdos or "keep it to themselves" and appear as mundane as possible and to find them I will need to find a way to reliably gauge their purpose and powerlevel. Not to mention I will have to learn to be less paranoid and be able to "Hold my horses" when others do something that I misinterpret a minor slight as an attack. And figure out ways how I can calm down not just myself but other weirdly angry magicians. People are too stressed nowadays and don't understand what it means to be calm anymore For that /fringe/ is a good practice. Everyone needs to realize why are they on fringe and what they want from it. A way to practice and learn or express their views maybe use it as a think tank for insights or just want to see what mysteries and madness these occultist weirdos get into daily. Figuring out why we do things usually grants the proper motivation because we either take it seriously after that or notice the "dampeners" on our motivations that are like subconscious rust that keep our mental gears slow and clunky. This is what I wrote yesterday and it means the energies and it's tone might be different but I will post it because I think it would be a waste to delete it. And I want to see how fringe can handle 10+ characters lol >I'm so very tired No worries. No need to push yourself. Even I am trying to make sure that my posts come from my "true expression" and not like an obligation or a weird addiction to "post and gain a web persona". I don't want the curse of the internet taint my magic but I have to practice my expression. Magic is more of an art than a science in the end. And yes the fringe egregore was lethargic and desperate now it is finally entering the "tired" phase where people are just tired of the "ailments" of the past fringes. Ofc no one wants that. Makes you feel like everything you do is redundant and less impactful than a grain of sand in a sea of trash. But you know. We are magicians. We are supposed to make grains so potent it can warp reality. It's important to seek other venues how your "art" can be expressed for further inspiration and improvement. >I know what you mean about the lurking and the feeling you are above it all I tried to not make it sound like an insult. Back then I too lurked mostly because I didn't have the time to post meaningfully at all. Time is still an issue nowadays but my energies and writing skills are so ablaze I can do it far effortlessly. >maybe you're just bullshitting yourself and all that Bullshit is disgusting and inedible... it's not for human consumption. You need to work it deeply into the soil so the seeds gain the necessary nutrients to grow. People just want to taste the fruits and never want to work to grow the trees themselves. They just eat and make shit until they die themselves and their entire body will be the nutrients of the nature without them noticing. I know most practicing magicians don't want that "talking about inane shit while accomplishing nothing" ways of fringe to return. I don't want to waste my time with that either. But you have to learn to put bullshit into the soil to create a fertile land because barren lands bear no fruits. Some people are so useless the only thing they make in their entire life is shit piss CO2 and a corpse. To be a human is to prove that you can do more than be a bottom feeder of the ecosystem. The real test of wisdom is to turn those fools into the next level of beings. >it's tiring to try to explain your views and get NPC replies about muh jews or being CIA or shit like that. Yeah I know. Even I can feel when my post is "wrong" and the energies will trigger some retard because I made a mistake with a typo or with the style of my writing but once I wrote it down and proofread it once I don't care enough to triple check what might make people go "mad" because they missed my point or are bothered because what I wrote didn't meant for them or I use a style they dislike. It's hard to please everyone. The reason why I do this to learn to "read the room" better. In a future energy prediction way. Since working with spirits I realized how I can accustom my movements and thoughts perfectly for the most efficient energy flows that it becomes a "natural" process. The shamans and mystics of the old ways had this intuition mastered with minimal effort and that is how they guided people through history. Talking to humans is not more complicated than to spirits. Both of them have their rules and their chaos. The "trick" is that it's more about the energies than about the words. The energies shape the words and not the words the energies. Problem is that energetic hiccups make me forget the grammar in some cases and I make weird freudian slip tier typos without noticing If you are unable to do it right then your "being" is emitting the wrong energies. Thus people calling you out grants you a chance to observe your own energies and weed out your hidden ego problems. The problem with breaching the hurdles of the false mind is that sometimes we create an another false mind/ego without noticing. It's a process that needs to be refined further. I had to realize I have many ego issues that only come out as I interact with others. And if I cannot find the voice with any person then it means I am still not above my ego because if I were I could connect to their mind effortlessly. Inabilities and failures grant me reasons to observe the machinations of my evolving and ever present psyche further. It's important to not think that standing on a summit of achievement means that you won the game and there is no reason for further growth. There are always larger mountains in the distance hidden by the fog and true magic usually lies in the depth of things and not at the top. >frenschan Never ever heard of it. >idk man Your response perfectly mirrors the current state of the egregore. It's still in the waking up process and not in it's active phase. But I will not force it further. The energies need to learn to settle down. >I seek to improve my own mastery first >Right on. Let's fucking go. Without wizards knowing their own stuff how can they grant it to others? Deepening our knowledge is always paramount. Using it talking about it and ultimately teaching it and seeing how others can and cannot utilize it grants several insights in the quest of deepening the knowledge. Ultimately this is why masters always required a student once they reached levels of mastery. Not just to "spread and preserve" their knowledge like a meme virus but so they can realize their truth is not perfected yet. An outsider perspective can point out mistakes of your methods and character and if it makes your spirit react in ways that you wouldn't have done while being alone then you can find the room for improvement. Improvement can be addicting once you find the proper pace. This is why monks are either stay at one place teaching the next generation venerating their founder/god or go on a journey so they can improve their methods with experience. "Helping others" is not just good for the "others" and not just mere "good karma" for Nirvana entry but to reach a mastery on your own skills. Somethings can be only learned by alone in the darkness while some things require the assistance of others. You might never know what your wisdom might grant for others and how others can help you gain insights without them even realizing. I had so many eureka moments while talking to mundanes and other posters because they moved my stale energies through an interaction. Now imagine the power of that energy movement between proper wizards? It must not always be spell warfare nor weird rituals. Mere conversations can move such an amount of energy it can change people forever. Finding the right words can be the journey itself sometimes.
>>1626 Beautiful. Now we just need a gamer to rise up to the challenge.
>>1627 Oh, these are AI battles. The computer will control them. We'll be watching the tournament on a cytube during the weekend at the /icup/ board on 8moe.
>>1626 Good enough. >>1628 How does that work though?
>>1626 >>1632 If you ever needed to add another character, it would be funny to make smileburg
>>1633 Who is Smileburg? Send me info fast -- because I can fit in an extra slot.
>>1637 He invented /fringe/ but he was known sitewide for being a big goof. Look up "smiley fringe wizard kiwi farms" for pics and lore for inspiration. The most important thing is that he's a wizard.
>>1638 Do you want Smileburg to wear any special armor? I found him, so I have a reference.
This is him, but for the lore he should really be bare chested with scars all over.
>>1639 This anon's suggestion is best >>1640 but if you can't do that, give him wizard robes.
>>1642 That's pretty close. Does he take off the robe when fighting or are these two variants?
>>1643 When the clothes break.
>>1626 The beauty of /fringe/ vs >>1642 The karma of /fringe/ The fringe we need vs the fringe we deserve. This is just too funny. As much as I want fringegirl to gain more clout... I have to vote on the smiling Canadian. >>1645 Especially because of this roflmao.
>>1647 Every great magical tradition has an exoteric origin myth and an esoteric one.
Fringe Girl has gotten swole af damn
>>1620 >>frenschan >Never ever heard of it. It was an alt-chan (obviously). They had an /x/ board and I found a thread talking about astral travel and reality shifting. Some guy mentioned /fringe/ as if it was some sort of mythic shambhala. He said every post fringetards wrote was minimum two screens long or something (they were talking about you for sure) and that we were very knowledgeable and whatnot. Obviously I wanted my claim to the fame and I wrote my own wall of text on that thread. The thread died the next day, and the board a month or two later. At least that's how it happened in my head.
>>1642 His name is Smileberg or Smiley tho
>>1662 /fringe/'s CHAMPION
>>1665 >>1662 Hope and pray Smiley can carry you, lol.
>>1661 Damm I missed it. Seems like we won?
>>1638 It would seem he did not “invent” /fringe/ > The idea of a fringe community started before freedomboard, but it wasn't made into something concrete until that website was up and running under smiley's command. I had known that freedomboard existed but not fully lurked it before 2015 and I was also aware about the cult of smiley and his /illuminati/ board that only his select inner circle had access to. During #GamerGate I migrated with many disappointed people to 8chan on which I eventually learned about /fringe/ and Smiley. >Contrary to popular belief: Smiley did not create, trademark, copyright or had anything to do with the creation of fringe as a community, other than stealing it's name from the original website/community that were before 2013 which there is no trace off today. For many months, his community was just simply a Skype group with 40 people that would sit and talk about Smiley's problems, girlfriend, spells and magick. Some people I've spoken to said that the Skype group was and is a safe space for Smiley's problems. Mossa wrote this in 2016
>>1682 >We are reaching a point where the origin of fringe is a debatable subject not clear to anyone anymore AND THIS IS KIDS HOW EGREGORES COME TO LIFE AND CHANGE THE DESTINY OF MAN. When legends and mysteries surround the state of affairs and everything is true and untrue at once and if you go and dig deep enough you realize the origin point of it all was (You) all along. Can't believe I was here before the Illuminati board was created. I know the joke was to "get the password with your magic powers" if you want to get in but it was shared with the ingroup by mundane means anyways. What was the pass anyways. My psychic guesser skill was far too meager back then so I gave up after 2 tries. Wonder how cringe was the password. I remember someone saying nothing value was on that board anyways but never made myself to get in so I could verify it. Was too averse to sikrit clubs even back then. Even before discord I knew what kind of atmosphere they create. And whenever the shit smiley was doing leaked into the main board I realized it was better that I stayed away.
>>1687 The person who made the neocities archive was given the whole fringechan database and all that the illuminati board contained was a couple of post in the style of >so this is the secret board >what do we do here >dunno lol
I’m pretty confident that I would be able to pick up a simple word password psychically (the kind you can brute force). But I think it’s much more reliable to set up a blind remote viewing target and manually verify that candidates were able to at least connect with it using any method they wanted. Downside is, using RV protocols, even a skeptic mundane might get some hits, specially if it’s his first time.
>>1690 /fringe/ Smiley is live! come join
>>1693 Never thought about how Terry is like a superior archetypal version of Smiley. Wonder if Smiley can surpass his level one day.
>>1694 To his credit though I don't think Smiley ever posted videos of himself jacking off online.
>>1658 >Some guy mentioned /fringe/ as if it was some sort of mythic shambhala That's the plan for sure but yeah... we are not there yet. >minimum two screens long >(they were talking about you for sure) Yeah I will fix that one day. I realized that it stems from the "clergical enlightenment" or "scripture based" thinking where you are saying all your wordsalad until it causes an energetic breakthrough. The things that cannot be said is "being said" because I still think there is a point in talking. Truth is it's not about the amount of words or how they are said but the way they express the energy. And now it's still like a long woven cloth of idea streams instead singular truths and axioms etching the flow of reality. >Obviously I wanted my claim to the fame and I wrote my own wall of text on that thread Heh. Wish you educated us fringetards instead of those poor xtards instead lol. Had to realize I have to change my ways for people on those levels because I can only try to nudge them to break the surface layer on their own and not drown them in the complete insanity of my wordsalads. I try to not to be "preachy" but give guidance to others that can help them advance but in a way others can observe and learn from it but I know it's not for those people with low attention spans and shallow experiences with magical workings >The thread died the next day, and the board a month or two later. There is a thing where we "disturb the flow" of conversation/energies with our overwhelming autism. That is a thing we need to observe as we move reality with our energies by default. This is why it's important to "read the room" first to know if it can accept the energies we are trying to present. Ofc my problem is that I can notice 2 or 3 people max and not the general audience. Not everyone has energies that "make a bent" in reality and my sensitivity is still fluctuating. I am getting closer to stabilize it but it takes time and nuance. >At least that's how it happened in my head. Yeah I too hate when things break suddenly and wonder if it was my fault or it was meant to happen and I was just a mere nudge or maybe it was just a coincidence. When I do energy work things crack around me all the time but when I sit still and try to be aware of the surroundings everything stays silent. As much as I can "Observe" the energies they are too luminous for my sight and because I am foolishly letting it pass through my "mundane perception" my brain is being overwhelmed. Slowly I have to let go of the desire to "observe with my senses" and let my awareness guide me. I don't even understand why I fear to make that step anymore. Probably it's a weird mix of excitement lethargy and performance anxiety. >>1653 I remember when I was meditating with the fairies and they told me I am reaching or becoming the "fairy legend". Mundanes think that the stories rumors and gossips create the fairies and the legends and not realize that the energies made the humans and reality itself "spread the rumors" so the energies can stabilize and a new reality consensus can arise. I usually work with the fairies to stabilize my own energy field with the environment's energy. Trying to awaken an old and dormant "Magical landmark" of the region and for that I have to hone my abilities and the energies I interact with and the fairies chime into my meditations when they feel I am ready for them. Nowadays I am untangling conceptual retardations which is not as exciting that working with fairies or other entities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bSvdMpPnFA
My practice is like magic magic autism. And I am in the autism phase again...
>fringe defeated by literal schizophrenia talking to god genius All is as it should be.
Idk how I even found /fringe/, but I think it was mentioned on 4/x/ and I found some way there. I tend to have a special sense for finding the next level in the social media pyramid when it's time to move. It feels like that old SNES game Shadowrun where you need to get keywords by talking to people, because you can only ask about it if someone told you about it. Some imageboards I literally guessed the URL for after seeing someone talk about them in cryptic manner to avoid then being found out.
>>1699 I stopped doing it, but I used to drop references to /fringe/ in a cryptic manner so that people like you would find their way here.
I found fringe way back when smiley and co was pilling and looshfarming /x/ with the name CHAOSVOID and AVOIDCHAOS sigil experiment and was wondering that this guy is saying some interesting stuff and then someone in the thread said that it's smiley trolling from fringe I went and googled that name and found you fuckers. Realizing that I was "Looshfarmed" into this place like doing a ritual and summoning an entity by accident was a weird realization in my awakening. >>1708 >drop references to /fringe/ in a cryptic manner How cryptic are we talking about. I know there are people out there who want the return of the /fringe/ and I want to figure out ways how they can be reminded but not invite an influx of newfags from the get go when we have only a very few wizards who are willing or have time/patience to talk to them >>1699 >finding the next level in the social media pyramid when it's time to move I was just tired of the drama psychic forums with a bunch of teens had and I wanted something beyond social squabble and more serious about the exploration of magic and psychonics. Then realized that the place with the weird porn had a paranormal board and started visiting it and after some months I finally found a place with people with similar mindsets. Back then I was not aware just how pozzed Wicca and every spiritual outlet is with leftist faggotry and I really required a place where I could avoid that madness. Everytime there was a serious discussion at any of those forums someone just got "hurt feelings" and derailed the entire place because it was more social than serious discussion about the nature of the psyche. I managed to hurt someone's feeling every second day in those places and once I was not aware what is going on in the chatrooms half the users vanished without a trace.
>>1711 I was always in the active memetic parts of the web from the start of its popularity sometime in the mid 90s onwards, but in terms of this particular kind I wasn't involved with it because imageboards were always too liberal-left for me. The atheism and homofaggotry just made it "that degenerated shithole on the other end of the Internet" which I knew existed all along, kept seeing screencaps from, but never visited. I took part in various forums and was very active in Yahoo! groups, which I suspect no one here even heard about ;_; ICQ was also used by "everyone" etc. Whatever exists now existed from the beginning, but it had different forms. However something like /fringe/ didn't exist, in specific. It had to progress to the blog-era for people to be able to start expressing themselves in a more personal manner and create smaller in-groups where it was possible to have discussions like this. Now it's actually a long time ago because we're talking the 00s, but it emerged that way, then moved to various forums and to FB groups. Sometime around then I read about 4chan in a newspaper and it seemed to have evolved beyond the >look at this argument I had with a stupid christian, I totally showed him it's OK to be gay >atheists BTFO instead there were mentioned things like siscon and funny edits of cats. Climbing the pyramid after that still for me took off from various conspiracy blogs in the 00s, in particular there was some Pakistani guy who brought up a lot of things which later were confirmed real, there is a straight line from there to pizzagate and everything happening now. When things started appearing in mainstream media and I had already read it on his blog, I started realizing this shit is real.
The last few steps up in the past few years though, were harder than any of the previous ones, despite the distance being so very short. The self-censorship is extremely strong here. Finding /fringe/, at the time, just google it. Masterchan and whatever, those were advertized and frankly not very interesting, but from there grew a community which made up a kind of inside of the inside, which ones closer to it turns out being so ordinary that most people wouldn't notice it in broad daylight. I've seen regular media news reports about things from those places, with a tone like they are talking about nuclear codes or as if the words had AIDS. I found it particularly funny the part about >they have been posting pictures of children with things written on them to show they have access to them >what do you mean, things written >(omg, upset hysterical discussion) >actually, it's just some guy trolling with a pic of his daughter and "sup /int/ [timestamp]" But this is creating a very thick and high wall which most just can't scale.
I mean, I just loaded the board right now and this was the banner, it's an instant normie repellant, despite being nothing at all. Does /fringe/ even have anything mystical or edgy to it anymore compared? The other boards on here seemed to think it was about some fetish porn. If there is no "pull" or higher energy, no one will come.
>>1715 >no one will come. Well I visited the /x/ on this incarnation of 8chan and seems like a skeleton from a closet reanimated and decided to do his thing and maybe the "no one will come" is better than the thing he is doing >If there is no "pull" Yeah we still have a barrier of weirdness going on. i didn't manage to sit down and start making my effort threads. Nor did anyone else. The productive phase of fringe didn't start yet. We are still in the blogging and complaining stage. >or higher energy Yeah that energy needs to be grounded into the website first. Takes more time and a mental clarity than the one I have nowadays. Mystical effort posting and leisurely posting as my time and whims allow are whole different matters. Not to mention I will have to figure out ways how to encourage neophytes because most of my ideas are mostly for initiates more or less
>>1715 >>1714 Frankly if someone chooses not to post because of this it's better for them not to be here in the first place. Slow with high quality is better than fast with low quality. I don't want this to turn into a second /x/.
>>1719 I remember reading in an archived thread that /fringe/ had used to have a thoughtform guarding the board that spooked normalfags that weren't welcome here or something.
So apparently the site is now visible on google. I think we won't have too many new users though.
(376.64 KB 387x514 epstein big.png)

(1016.00 B 16x21 epstein small.png)

New flag idea: Jew (Epstein)
(93.53 KB 300x300 kannagasm.png)

>>2181 Was/is he really a Jew though? Why not go full edgy and call it Pedo (Epstein), everyone's so obsessed with pedo-calling nowadays.
>>2182 >Was/is he really a Jew though? lol yes. What are you on about?
>>2183 I don't really know anything about him as a person and being Jewish isn't something that's been mentioned.
So his parents were Jewish, but was he practicing? Looking into Ghislane she wasn't Jewish, her mother (pic related) was a Roman Catholic, her father Jewish, but Judaism being transferred from the mother means she was a Catholic. Would a practicing Jew have a Catholic partner?
>>2185 Jews are a tribe, not a religion. This is basic knowledge.
>>2186 Are they though? Recent discussions claim there is no way to determine what "Jews" actually are, that the category was made up in the first centuries after Christ and they aren't a coherent group, so they can't either have any coherent claims to the area called Israel.
>>2187 They obviously have a distinct genotype since you can recognize whether someone is a jew or not just by looking at them. You can split hairs about edge cases and mutts all you want but that's not going to change the fact that Larry Fink and his ilk are obviously jews regardless of whether they go to the synagogue or not.
>>2188 dubs confirm
>>2188 By opposing them as a group with a label, you are playing into their hands, uniting them and confirming their own claims. If Jews exist they need to be protected, laws will be created in their defense, they need Israel to live in. Remove the group identity and they don't need any of this.
>>2191 >If Jews exist they need to be protected, laws will be created in their defense, they need Israel to live in. lmao what? This doesn't follow at all. If you have an enemy, you need to name them. Not just pretend they don't exist.
>>2192 More like you took a random rabble of tribes that couldn't agree on anything and persecuted them under a single label, which united them and made them stronger than ever. But whatever, you seem to like having them there, so go on. Same method works so well with Hamas also. Take a fringe extremist group half the population doesn't agree with and put the label on everyone, then start killing them while calling them all Hamas, then wonder how they grew to twice the size.
>>2194 Don't tell me you actually believe in the holohoax.
(5.79 MB 480x360 6mil.webm)

>>2195 I believe in the hoax. What I'm pointing out is that "Jews" who aren't practicing the religion shouldn't be labeled as Jews any more than muslims or christians who don't practice should be labeled such. The idea that there is a "jewish phenotype" is laughable, when half of the people called Jews are reptilians, a completely different species. They can't even race-mix with humans because they are too different, there won't be offspring. Do you even know what you are against?
>>2196 >The idea that there is a "jewish phenotype" is laughable I guess everyone who can identify jews by sight is just psychic then. >Do you even know what you are against? Jews.
>>2197 Then define "jews" if they are not religious practitioners? What makes a human Jew the same category as a reptilian Jew, if it's not that they have the same religion? It's not their genetics, because that's like saying cats and dogs are the same species because they look kind of similar. There are more similarities between any other humans, proven by the fact that they can all race-mix, compared to reptilians who don't mix, yet you somehow think they are the same phenotype.
>>2197 >pic So someone made a chart of reptilian Jews. But what do they have in common with human Jews? Netanyahu was perfectly regular human (he was replaced recently) and same for most of their official leaders.
>>2198 You're veering into outright race-denial now. Phenotype is determined by genotype. Races are defined by genotype, and you can ascertain this by analyzing the phenotype. >reptilians Well you also think White people are mushrooms. I'm starting to think maybe we should take these claims with a grain of salt. I can buy that reptilians are possessing some Jews. If you're claiming that these Jews are actually genetically physically nonhuman though, we're going to need more evidence than some discord channeling sessions. >(he was replaced recently) And in any case trying to use this reptilian claim as a debunk against phenotypes is meaningless if the reptilians can freely shapeshift.
(43.67 KB 640x591 tribunal.jpg)

>>2194 >Same method works so well with Hamas also. Take a fringe extremist group half the population doesn't agree with and put the label on everyone, then start killing them while calling them all Hamas, then wonder how they grew to twice the size. Their goal with that is to have a justification to kill everyone there because they are not "civilians" but "terrorists" even if they are 2 year old children or UN peacekeepers. They just paint them in any way Hamas sympathizers then they are Hamas and free to kill. Everyone will be Hamas if they can keep up their rhetoric unchallenged. >>2198 First you check for their foreskin then for their skin color then for the size of their nose. If that doesn't give the answer by default then the tribunal will decide what they are. Like how even Soros managed to escape from nazi germany with christian passports. >>2199 >Netanyahu was perfectly regular human I am not sure I would call a Polish Jew like that because they are the most zealous of their kin and their competence usually depends if they can differentiate between decisiveness and arrogance. And let's not talk about their bloodlust. You know how much the Polish hate Russians right? Now add the usual jewish hatred towards anyone around them and filter it with some political shrewdness and we get the current situation. If jews truly wanted a place they could live in peace it would have been okay. The whole problem is the blatant "greater Israel" "we are the descendants of David" mentality. But I think you know this already.
>>2200 >evidence Where do you think you are? Do you seriously believe this is some kind of regular argument where I'm going to "prove" something to someone? Are you an idiot? What is this board again? I don't think it's /sci/ or /pol/, where you can refer to studies or scientific documents because what you are talking about is perfectly mundane, and you are trying to work on the cumulative body of commonly accepted knowledge in the general population. >I'm starting to think maybe we should take these claims with a grain of salt ???? You mean you are taking someone's word for something, on a board for occult discussion, instead of verifying it through your own practice? Never believe in anything here, PLEASE. If you can't confirm it, it's hearsay. Maybe it's worth investigating. Once you confirmed it and saw it's real, you can present it with confidence. It should be a given that you take everything on this board with a huge load of salt. You're too naive to be here, it's dangerous for you. Don't bring this reddit tier retardation here, what the hell is this.
>>2202 hahaha. Easy on the ego, there, Mr. Pimp. I can see the spirit of the Jewish people crystal clear and it is through that perception that I verify the claims I just made. And now, since I suppose questioning this further is taboo in your book, I don't think there's any further direction the conversation can go. Is that what you wanted? You really need to start considering the possibility that you may be wrong about some things. I swear, you sound like an aspiring cult leader the way you talk to people sometimes.
>>2201 The Japanese depicted the Jews there as Tengu, bird people, because they saw that their souls were birds. This is one category now called Jews, but not all of those with the bird soul are Jews, the Iran army chief is one of them. They are humans with a specific type of soul, and they had influence on what we know as the religion Judaism. King Saul was a reptilian, not a human. They are physically a completely different species. They are all psychics in our language, and way beyond that. But most of what they do fool the human brain and eyes into not seeing them. You can't see them on photos either, because they target your brain, you can only see them with non physical vision. Their skin is glowing green, with scales. It's possible the "glownigger" meme was because Terry saw reptilians, even if it isn't used for them now. The group who founded Christianity were humans with mantis souls. There were also greys incarnated in the group persecuted by the nazis. Now it's implied here that you will look at the akashic records to confirm what I wrote. You are not to "believe" anything until you saw it yourself. I don't go any believe things, the only reason I treat something as real is because I saw it first hand, other than that I can treat it as reasonable based on what I have previously confirmed, but if I were to post about things like that, I'd say "supposedly" or refer to it being a claim by someone else. We didn't use to have this kind of thing on these boards before, where people start arguing about "claim" instead of just checking it themselves. It's somewhat depressing to see.
>>2203 That's how you understand things because your frame of reference is your own ego, perhaps. Tell us about this "spirit of the Jewish people", what does it look like? What kind of spirit is it? Also, time for you to use a flag.
(1.94 KB 25x32 Demiurge.png)

(1.36 KB 32x30 Cult of Celibacy.png)

(1.58 KB 32x32 Me The Thinker.png)

(1.85 KB 32x32 Meme - Wojack.png)

>>2205 >Also, time for you to use a flag >>2181 Back to topic then. Are we adding flags nowadays? Just looked through my old files and seems like some is missing. But I only looked at the mewch folder so far. My question is if we add flags do we have a base quality requirement for them? I agree that most flags that were left out are borderline cringe and not having an ONA flag and the kind is not really a big miss anymore because they are not really active here but maybe we should freshen our flag collection a little.
>>2205 The spirit itself tastes inbred. It is a degenerate spirit. There is a spell of paranoid schizophrenia laced within it. I can taste and smell the mental matrix when interfacing. The signature is extremely recognizable. It is a variety of "offshoot from the main branch", if you can perceive such a thing. The smell is insular. It is the smell of a spy who has forgotten his purpose. He's become something else. In truth, it is a variety of madness. Laced within the genes. An extremely specific form of genetic madness.
>>2206 There may not be such a limitation here, but I think the Mewch flags are higher resolution than the original flags used on here, if that's what they are, in which case they may not be usable.
>>2207 Being able to taste some energy type says nothing in terms of which races or species of humanoids are in the area, and doesn't invalidate anything I said even from a mundane view where you can't confirm anything yourself using your own abilities. In short, it's meaningless.
>>2209 It does if the perceived traits are seated in the genes, which these traits are. And this shared genetic similarity does invalidate your claim that Jews as a group cannot be identified genetically.
(16.89 KB 32x32 Element - Void.png)

(2.23 KB 32x32 Pagan - Yggdrasil.png)

(2.02 KB 32x30 Succubus.png)

(2.33 KB 32x32 Empath.png)

>>2208 >Mewch flags are higher resolution than the original flags used on here Oh Guess I should look into the proper resolution and decide if I have time and patience for making flags. Or if they are even gonna be added if I make them. My last idea was making a Touhou flag from a Reimu sprite. Missing flags like Void Yggdrasil Succ and Empath tho but guess they need a resize first. I should dust down my image editor skill that I didn't use since Highschool. Win10 paint looks awful... Should I get the good ol GIMP back? what do even people use nowadays? Damm I'm rusty.
>>2210 This just confirms I am right even in your own logic, as the genetic traits you are talking about being similar, since they then exist irrespective of race or species, must come from the repeated practice of the same culture: in other words, the only reason these traits are inherited is because they are practicing the same religion.
>>2212 No, cultural practices alone can't cause huge genetic changes of this kind, and the genetic madness is evident even in secular Jews.
(827.00 B 16x16 void.png)

(1.00 KB 16x16 empath.png)

(989.00 B 16x15 succubus.png)

(721.00 B 16x16 yggdrasil.png)

>>2211 Passable? I don't know how to animate pngs though.
Now, before you say anything along the lines of "but practicing the same culture doesn't change genetics", there is regular science saying behaviours from one environment will be inherited. It's been proven using chickens, see attached documents. This was a line of research in the Soviet Union where they wanted to prove it possible to change humans into genetic communists who will inherit the proper education. Until recently, it was not accepted as real science in the west for this reason.
>>2215 Adding to this, it is now recognized that traumatic experiences will also be inherited, causing higher stress levels and other neurotic tendencies in the children of survivors from traumatic experiences like war. This means that Jews having been treated as a coherent group irrespective of their race or species, would have developed the same neurotic patterns as they have been, for 2000 years, been persecuted in the same ways.
>>2215 This assumes that the memories must be stored in the DNA since clockwork materialism doesn't allow for any other possible vector. In reality, the memories are stored in the spiritual essence of the bloodline. It's possible that this may be reflected vaguely in the DNA in some form or another, but the DNA is not the seat of this information. >what's the difference? >The plane on which the trait manifests. There's a difference between physically-induced madness and psychically-induced madness. If a Jew ritually severed himself from his bloodline, he would not be cured of his madness.
>>2216 In conclusion, it is a combination of having the same cultural practices and experiencing the same traumas, that they show similar genetic traits, and it's not because they are originally the same genetic group.
>>2217 DNA exists on multiple planes simultaneously, it's not one or the other. We call the other-dimensional form an "egregore".
>>2218 >and experiencing the same traumas I want to see how jews would change within 3 generations if cutting off the foreskin is not just banned but punishable by death. That trauma short circuits the brain of an infant like nothing else. >>2215 >they wanted to prove it possible to change humans into genetic communists who will inherit the proper education They managed to create it's opposite. Eastern-Europeans that have their blood boiling the moment someone mentions the word communist.
>>2214 >Passable? Yeah good enough. >I don't know how to animate pngs though. Oh ritght. Most of these were gifs like the #woke flag.
>>2214 I think you need to use some other method to make them more sharply pixelated and not using some method to create an illusion of smoothness around the edges for some of them. The succubus doesn't look like anything there for example. There was a better succubus on fringechan 2.0 now that I think about it, not sure if I have it saved.
(684.00 B 16x15 succubus2.png)

(791.00 B 16x16 empath2.png)

Let's see
(20.51 KB 43x71 Th06FlandreSprite.png)

(2.76 KB 89x79 Th19ReimuSprite.png)

Can't believe how large are the touhou sprites. For some reason I thought they are smaller. I need to find other sources beside the games
>>2223 The succubus there is also not 16*16
>>2224 A fumo style is probably better.
>>2226 This probably won't look good, but something like this.
>>2226 I am trying my best with an online image editor copilot recommended to me. Do not rush me further. The best image wins if you can make one before me. I have the speed of a thousand grandmas who are still looking for their glasses with my current image editor level.
>>2225 The pill images are 16*11, I assume 16 is just the max.
>>2229 It was just showing what I mean, I don't think that image was suitable.
(36.49 KB 128x128 lewd.gif)

I think the original succubus was this one, which smiley resized for Mewch. The fringechan one was just a 8-bit graphics style image with wings and horns, did the job though.
(69.29 KB 236x247 trump-merchant-transp.png)

>>2231 >>2231 >It was just showing what I mean I think you mean the "cookie" style the fumo is the plush but whatever I'm no expert on it. I am not /jp/ enough to know the drama about those art styles. All I know they loathe the cookie artstyle. >I don't think that image was suitable Yeah I am still looking for a suitable one. This is the best I managed and it's eh >>2233 k we really need a MAGA one
>>2234 >and it's eh K am taking it back the image is recognizable I REQUEST IT ADDED UNDER THE NAME "Touhou"
>>2234 looks okay
>>2231 I know I have seen the member happy day Yuuka as a flag on some board. That is the highest meme value Yuuka image shared on the web.
(7.38 KB 13x16 trump.png)

Attempt at a Trump (MAGA hat was not legible).
(167.40 KB 910x753 rember happy day.jpg)

>>2237 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6LovY_DdEE
I obviously talk about this one ... just went to know your meme... So it seems the OG one was posted with Reimu and had to be reposted with a cheerful Yuuka to become a meme. Damm Can't believe my memehistory skill was lacking once again
>>2237 >member Also "member" was popularized by the South Park member berries ep when they elected Trump... While this was with rember... cannot believe I mixed it up. I failed my meme history class once again
(865.00 B 16x16 sakuya.png)

I meant something like this. Now I only have Paint on this computer and I just tried 8 different "easy background removers" online and not a single one of them was able to remove the 6 or so black pixels in this image. Complete fucking trash. Some of them upscaled the image to 800 pixels automatically. Fucking hell modern technology is shit.
(24.37 KB 112x112 PlsRember.png)

K let's see how bad it looks And I want a vote. Should the flag be "rember happy day" or "Yuuka" >>2241 >Fucking hell modern technology is shit. Yeah. Copilot recced me Pixlr for this. That was the best.
>>2243 k it needs a redo. Can't believe I found the "gyate booru" and didn't even have proper lowres gyate at all. Srsly. THis Yuuka looks like she lost an eye
(863.00 B 16x16 gyate yuuka last.png)

>>2244 Last one from me. I know I have seen this as a flag on some image board. Shame I have no idea on which. >>2243 >Should the flag be "rember happy day" If no one votes this should be the default. Memetic values are important after all.
Just realized I wanted to make The Fool flag too several months ago. Maybe later. I have no idea how to do that right. His whole body or the entire card is too large while his face might be not recognizable enough. I await the >>2234 Reimu flag added first. Will brainstorm other ideas later
(31.32 KB 474x592 sakuya.jpg)

(865.00 B 16x16 sakuya.png)

>>2241 I used this original here and cut out only the right side of the head, if anyone has a better tool and wants to try.
(18.67 KB 53x61 Th08MarisaSprite.png)

Maybe I will do an "Ordinary Magician" with the head of Marisa. It would be like the Initiate flag but Marisa edition. Her way of magic is trial and error and stealing shit from other mages. Quite the ordinary magician type even for fringe
Jew (Zion Don)
Technomancer (Musk)
(5.78 KB 64x64 techpriest.jfif)

(43.01 KB 400x400 trust me I'm a techpriest.jpg)

(10.45 KB 239x200 techpriest_D.jpg)

>>2251 >Technomancer That will be a techpriest if I find a good enough image then resize it and not the "Twittermancer" nor the Teslafucker PRAISE THE OMNISSIAH But on a second thought... We should get a "Twittermancer" with Musk
>>2252 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTgfYSgh2FU
Or maybe just keep it as Techpriest. That might be better.
(1.60 MB 3000x2400 spam.jfif)

>>2254 What's next? SPAM?
(74.09 KB 185x185 spam.gif)

Meme (Spam)
>>2255 Just realized we don't have a GET or Bateman flag. Guess I know what to make tomorrow. >>2256 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU4ofXAyXxM
Didn't there also used to be one of this with Freemason (CIA) or something.
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(13.30 KB 128x109 hitlerdab.png)

>>2254 The correct spelling is trol.
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(842.00 B 16x16 pepe.png)

(578.00 B 16x16 meme_arrow.png)

(325.00 B 16x16 wizardchan.png)

(651.00 B 16x16 rc_cola.png)

>>2206 If you resize these I will add them. It would be preferable to keep them around the same dimensions as the original flags. >>2265 Added but deleted Sad Frog because he has a floating white pixel on the upper right.
(834.00 B 16x16 pepe.png)

>>2266 Very nice. Let's see if this fixes it.
What program are you using for editing your images? (anyone making these here)
NOTE TO ANONS MAKING FLAGS: Just discovered there's a flag limit and we hit it, unfortunately. Does anyone have a good /fringe/ spoiler thumbnail? OC or traditional.
(636.17 KB 2500x2641 lewd.png)

(27.51 KB 128x128 spoiler.png)

(2.62 MB 3000x2614 wall of sad.jpg)

(29.59 KB 491x349 Unlimited Sad Frogs.jpg)

(119.87 KB 392x495 My sadness very big.jpg)

>>2297 >Just discovered there's a flag limit and we hit it
Is there any way we can get the ability to embed youtube videos here?
>>2305 I think that makes paranoid people shit their pants because embed vids use some tracking as they load up the site or I forgot why people hate embed vids Youtube has so many tracking shit and while I am blocking as much as I can I know I am still not doing it right.
>>2308 shoot The only reason I ask is because the /fringe/ music thread is pretty much unusable when you can't see the thumbnails of the videos people are linking to.
(136.73 KB 360x433 DailyDose.png)

Thanks, doc.
I'm bringing this here because I don't want to derail the sticky too much. >>3687 (11) >Fringe is currently lacking in extremely aggressive schizophrenic adepts and has too many e/x/pats. Just how aggressive do you want the schizo adepts to be? The way I remember it when we had 3 or more retardedly aggressive schizos they start flinging shit and curses at each other until they either go mad or bored from the absolute inanity of the board. There is a difference between being a cautious but firm magician and an ass on fire retarded break everything including yourself edgy fuckward. I know because I was that edgy fuckward for a while. Fun at the start but it gets repetitive after a while You think /fringe/ is ready for the return of the batshit insane schizos? It would be interesting for sure but I'm unsure they would be willing to stay around. They range from uncontrolled insanity with moderate amount of insights to literal Fedposting. So far I'm quite glad fringe is so under the radar it managed to avoid fedposting but I must agree it still requires proper amount of adepts. But I'm unsure how much haywire schizo aggression it can endure. >too many e/x/pats Sorry if I misunderstand because I found /fringe/ from /x/ a decade+ ago but from where else should the "adepts" come from? I was not on /x/ for many years because it is either retarded or childish and finding any meaningful thread is nigh impossible there. Not to mention the main reason I like fringe because on this place everyone is at least at Initiate level or above while on /x/ everyone is barely on neophyte level with the accidental weirdos who might be above. Where else should /fringe/ gather it's wizards from? wizardforums? yogablogs? discord? [REDACTED]? Even the psychic communities I visited 13 or more years ago are either gone or dead. I remember how olde 8chan always had several occultist boards but they rarely had the longevity of fringe and vanished because they were far less serious about magic than the average person here. Oh and one more question >extremely aggressive What is even "aggressive" to you? The internet tough guys that constantly debate over meaningless shit? The mindbroken spammers that enforce their "mememagic" upon others or those that has extremely aggressive and hostile energies that literally mindbreaks those that read their posts? If you mean the latter then the only "real use" they have is that every person on this board will be required to upgrade their own magic and energies to withstand those retards. Are you ready for a Gehenna for a tribulation like that? When the weak gets weeded out and those with power either become legends or gone before they get overtaken? Who are the "extremely aggressive schizophrenic adepts" you are thinking about for reference. I wouldn't call smiley extremely aggressive so you might be talking about some other people. Who are those people and are they ready to return to the current fringe or they only exist in your head?Srsly asking because if they are actual people there is a way to do a "beacon" spell that will make people nostalgic for fringe but using that spell to attract newcomers is always a mixed bag so I don't like using it because it attracts 3 times amount of retards than insightful posters. If I want to call retards niggerfaggots I will go to an another board but I won't summon them here >>2591 It's happening again! Except it looks lamer now. Board CSS FTW
>fringegirl changed back to pepe as the Halloween CSS went away Spooky when I notice these changes
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>>4222 Meme magic buddy
>>4223 Yes and it altered the trajectory of fringe again. I am not saying it just resummoned a certain controversial figure that people pretend to dislike for some reason but... If the Zauberfrosch stays then the greater pepe and kekistan egregores will have to undergo a cleansing or face the consequences of being part of a meme egregore that is not within the grasps of the board egregore. Those consequences will be toxic but it might generate some lulzy situations at the expense of others and I am unsure if I should care at all. And to comment on Trump. Trump manifested his own energies he is no longer a mere avatar of kek anymore FYI memegicians. The weirdest thing leftist fuel him more strongly than his most loyal followers in the current stage. It's funny as hell.
>>4239 >the greater pepe and kekistan egregores will have to undergo a cleansing or face the consequences of being part of a meme egregore that is not within the grasps of the board egregore Can you reformat this sentence into something that is more concrete? It's not clear what you mean. >Trump The actual magical event here was the complete lack of election fraud during this one US election day process. But it had to be, otherwise there would have been cracks in the structure to find and dig up to question his legitimacy. 2016 election he won because the Illuminati misjudged the situation, his absolute landslide was so great that the added 2.5% to Hillary's votes weren't enough to give her the win. Had they prepared in advance to increase her results too much, this would have raised suspicions. In 2020 they prepared by adding manually as many votes they needed to push Biden over the line instead. They wanted to cheat again this time, but the change of power within the Illuminati structure itself was utilized to simply get rid of the riggers instead of supporting them. Did you see all the spiritual interference attempts during the election night? It was extreme. They also tried projecting an entire new timeline where he was already dead, in some crazy last min attempt at reversing everything all the way back to the summer.
>>4240 Yeah I focused almost all my spells this year on preventing cheating rather than giving him a "win" since the latter could technically occur without an actual presidency, like how it did last time. I think two days before the election I had a series of odd dreams where Kamala was president, which I interpreted as some attempt at shenanigans on the astral and prompted me to strengthen the anti-cheating measures. I also noticed that there were a lot of agents on /pol/ trying to convince people to go to bed before the results were called. It's probably harder for them to change anything metaphysically when people are looking. >They also tried projecting an entire new timeline where he was already dead I did notice a weird occurrence that seemed to suggest this but brushed it off since it was so stupid.

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>>4240 >Did you see all the spiritual interference attempts during the election night? It was extreme My visions were full with different presidents before the election. Made me realize I will have to distance myself from that energy stream or I will have to witness the madness that they will pull. >he won because the Illuminati misjudged the situation Yes. I had to realize they have no idea what they are doing most of the time. Politics is a "petty game" for them and they don't always pay enough attention because they think themselves above and in absolute control with 0 reality check in some cases. >They wanted to cheat again this time, but the change of power within the Illuminati structure itself was utilized to simply get rid of the riggers instead of supporting them. I liked how before the election night the "odds" started to even out of nowhere by many polls. It mirrored quite well how the orders switched. >Can you reformat this sentence into something that is more concrete? I am unsure if it will help but I will try. The "flow of consciousness" how people connect concepts and ideas and how that forms ideas actions and in some cases when enough people interact and connect through it changes and movements that memsters call "mememagic". The internet made it more chaotic and less organic in many cases but no one can truly control it. This egregore is absolutely not "concrete". It's like a black water with dead animals and their skeletal remains. Once that "swamp" is drained it shows a greater structure (that people started to consider that it's Kek from the Egyptian mythology) but there is more to it and I have no idea what the fuck I am seeing until cleansing it on a larger scale. Pepe goes through memetic changes 2-4 years. It becomes a mere expression of emotions (feel good pepe sad frog meme) then it normalizes (rare pepes) then people started to try to make it edgy with the peepee poopoo r9k sad ragefrog pepes so normalfags avoid it which vanished as Trump posted his pepe version on twitter. With that the "kekistan" retardation started where people started to put sigils and nazi imagery together so they can form a "country" which was the "meme altright" back then which was more of a joke that some people took seriously because they were retards or memsters. Ofc thanks to the left it was blown out of proportion and the "alt right" became a boogeyman for everyone who is pozzed leftist pepe became cringe to use because even normalfags started to use the kekistan "culture" as their identity (or glowniggers trying to fit in who knows anymore) Then as it became cringe it lost this newfound alignment/influence "again" and as twitch embraced MonkaS emote it managed to get cut from the "kekistan" construct which crumbled real fast as it became a mere "emoticon" again the same way the original feels good/sadfrog was. Then it had the BOOBA version and most importantly it reached the Apu version thus giving it a less edgy version as usual which is not even pepe anymore but more pepe in sense because it goes back to the slice of life version of the pepe instead of this internet edgy tryhard retardation memsters tried to make into it. I know this sounds incomprehensible and this is why it is not "concrete" it is like a mud of negative and competing energies which can be used as a fertile soil if recultivated right but it's toxic in the current state which might generate weird shit because we are not a "Magical board" but "(part of a) meme magic board". The benefits is that anyone who pretends to take this board way too seriously and thinks everyone should write like they are Bardon in his prime can go and fuck themselves if they post on a board with a cartoon frog in the corner. As much as I would like to see fringe girl back as I started to interact with this mud and used my own energies for these negative energies I am seeing a quite dumb potential for something peculiar.People were angry for sunflower having touhou theme. This board has a frog theme. Pepes are banned on /a/ and /jp/ and on any place with somewhat elitist anime fandom that expect you to use at least anime reaction pics instead of this normalfag garbage. They are a sort of "antithesis" of each other in the head of some people but in reality they are not. The oldest touhou in the lore is Suwako who is also a frog and ZUN made the Suwa shrines become quite common in mainstream culture after the games to his own surprise thanks to the efforts of the fans. This might sound as a pointless trivia but frogs hold a specific metaphysical composition (don't ask me what I am unsure of it yet) and with a little tinkering something might happen The reason why I liked fringegirl because I considered her the anima the Sophia of the average fringe wizard. Found a way how I can enhance that idea so people can awaken their "other side" by merely browsing the board. Realized I need to put more effort into it if I want it to go smoothly because if you want to awaken the anima of others you will just go and awaken their "lower animas" first and people become annoying haggard bitches first instead of powerful wizards aided by the most divine feminine. Slight miscalculations in the scope of the undertaking as always when you deal with magic >It's not clear what you mean I am unsure if I made more sense for those who don't have a keen interest dwelling constantly in archetypal forces of existence like my autistic ass does. The conclusion is that I think with this people have to accept shitposting and shitpost tier magic more openly if they continue browsing this board instead of expecting fringe to appear like some place of scholarly and academic magic discussion central as some armchair faggots think how magic should look like and how people should talk about magic especially wanting fringe to not be like an another occult forum or whatever is their menstruating mind is bitching about constantly when they are not spreading gossips about smiley until the "egregore swamp" is cleaned and optimized to increase the quality of this board in currently unforeseen ways. >>4241 The energy overcharge from all the parties partaking in this was quite visible. This is why I tried to decrease my input in it. I knew I don't need to do anything from my part. >They also tried projecting an entire new timeline where he was already dead Would have worked if Trump had 0 supporters and 0 weight in this reality. Shame a hidden rule of assassinations is that with every failure you make your enemies stronger. Everything they did was hasty and not well thought out at all. But you could describe the left this way in the past 5 years. For some reason that 2020 win made them think they are invincible and that they can get away with everything then reality proved the opposite instead. >lot of agents on /pol/ trying to convince people to go to bed before the results were called I went to bed because I was 90% sure Trump will win but didn't expect that he will win this hard tbh
>>4241 > I also noticed that there were a lot of agents on /pol/ trying to convince people to go to bed before the results were called. It's probably harder for them to change anything metaphysically when people are looking. I had the tv on all night, sleeping wasn't really an option because of the recurring spiritual interferences trying to bring in timelines where election fraud was possible. I only went to bed when mainstream media was starting to give him the win based on the mathematical impossibility of any late votes changing it. I called out to my servitors and other forces to stop all last minute attempts at cheating, and saw visions of "monsters in human clothes" brought in by the faction that would support Trump, and they were silently behind the scenes snatching away the riggers and replacing them. Stuff like putting a needle in them and dragging them away, shooting them in some empty parking lot and dumping the body in the desert. That kind of stuff all over the country. Glowing the glowies. I partially fell asleep several times, and had very vivid and unusual dreams. One time I saw a grim reaper jumping around in an attic banging his hands on the floor to keep the votes down. Then a huge rocket broke the ceiling below and came up through his floor like a huge erect penis, which caused the reaper to submit and instead he started caressing it. It was such a strange image, but then Trump started talking about Musk's rocket landing in a wording that out of context made it sound like porn in the winning speech, and it sort of made sense.
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Oh wait I forgot I kinda let an energy flow into the direction of that Hippo because I wanted to see "experts" get the blown the fuck out by a cute little animal. Election interference is just in the blood of the average internet wizard no matter what it seems.
>>4244 Yeah, that cultural process is a mess to understand, it's like a snake that keeps moving and adapting and being used as a catalyst by various forces over the years. Former enemies make up, others appear. It's like in Dragonball, when aliens appear the planet enemies unite. Or they change completely. Someone pointed out that Trump used to be a democrat, Musk was a democrat until 11 weeks ago. Trump was against electric cars until Musk endorsed him. Then he openly said >now I have to like electric cars, I love electric cars and everyone accepted this as a reason. I wonder how many people can pull this off, having no principles is usually not a good thing for a politician, but if you make a point of not being one in the first place... Then there's Robert Kennedy added, also a former democrat and anti-vaxxer to support Trump who bragged about "operation warp speed" when he was pushing for the covid vaxx. The only thing that makes sense here is that these are democrat values placed under a republican label, and this attracts democrat voters who got tired of the increasing insanity of the actual democrat party. Kind of like when we did the political compass in one of the alt-right meme magic servers back then, and everyone ended up on the left scale between Stalin and Sanders. >filthy liberals shitting on other liberals like someone concisely phrased it. I still don't get what makes some people so upset here on this board. There is this category is "anti-poster" who doesn't want anyone to share personal experiences, doesn't want discussion, but never adds anything to the board by posting things they prefer. It would help if they instead of just complaining would do things like start threads or actually show what they want instead.
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>>4246 And uh this belongs into this thread because uh. I want Moo Deng as the official mascot animal of fringe or something. Also he is a prophetic animal very fringe in many aspects. >>4247 >I still don't get what makes some people so upset here on this board. There is this category is "anti-poster" who doesn't want anyone to share personal experiences, doesn't want discussion, but never adds anything to the board by posting things they prefer. As much as I wanted to call them fucking glowies that want to fuck with the board they are not. They are a specific "retard" and found their energy formation so I can slowly let it melt away so they either leave this place or better start doing this >It would help if they instead of just complaining would do things like start threads or actually show what they want instead. Or they will just do the haha am akchully looshfarmin you gocha thanks for the (You)s. If they do that then I will provide a greater meme answer to that. But I bet if I had some nudes about smiley they would cream themselves. I have no idea what I should do with those cultists. I was not following smiley enough to get the energy formation that their thinking generates at all. Wonder if they have the guts to truly resurface besides making some jabs here and there >Yeah, that cultural process is a mess to understand, it's like a snake that keeps moving and adapting and being used as a catalyst by various forces over the years. Former enemies make up, others appear I started to notice how it flows on a grander scale so I am less bothered by it. Instead of "picking a side" like they are making everyone polarize all the time I can just stay at a place and people would just gather there and I am at the side I was all the time without doing anything. Not because I was "right" or "wrong" it just happened because it always happens. Like how rivers create land formations and such. >I wonder how many people can pull this off People made too much of a thing of this yOu hAvE tO pIcK a sIdE!1!! while not realizing that the "sides" shift constantly and being outraged over things all the time so you will always stay on the "good side" is ridiculously retarded and tiring for anyone who wants to just live their lives. >having no principles is usually not a good thing for a politician Also people just went ahead and warped every concepts in the minds of the public with this clickbait journalism and with the "experts" so principles are not as serious like in some dogmatic societies. And if something in existence doesn't ever care about principles that is the USA. It was always about being opportunistic and shitting on any commitment they ever had. The USA doesn't really have "conservatives" because it doesn't have an actual history/culture that they can and need to conserve. They only have this "image" this "America fuck yeah" thinking that they have to keep if they want to keep their head right which was a parody song but it could replace their hymn already. For them their future is more important than their "past" but leftist and this victim mentality made everyone focus on the shitty and overdramatized aspects of their "past" thus strangling the country and it's politics as much as they could for the sole reason they could be outraged all the time over nothing. Also let's not forget how Democrats were the founders of the KKK and how with this 2 party system they always switch ideals whenever it benefits them and the overton window demands it. Things always change for the sole reason that they can remain the same. I had to acknowledge the greater cyclic thinking to see how I can change many or all aspects of myself to truly become myself in the process and some aspects of the world I am interacting with. k I will stop for today. Interpreting unknown energetic flows makes me unable to stay concise. Even tho I made a breakthrough to be able to focus far better in the past ways it didn't really manage to show it's quality in my posting style. REEEEE as the frogs say
Last stretch of slightly on-topic posts... Is this magic or what? In my view the most important point was to stop the mass abortions, to stop feeding this egregore. Women are now protesting against Trump by not having sex. This will just further clean things up and reduce the number of abortions, as intended.
>>4251 They already tried this back after Roe got overturned, the entire thing evaporated after a week or two. They don't have the discipline or authenticity to actually stand by this, it's just children having a tantrum.
>normies in my /fringe/ poring over mundane matters on the daily ugh
>>4256 well uh the timeline did just split in a very overt way
>>>4256 >poring over mundane matters The frog is no mundane matter. >in my /fringe/ It's not "your fringe" anymore. It is the fringe of the frog now. Embrace the frog.This is no shitpost I am wandering through the ancient resonance and elemental powers of the frog archetypal forces. I have become frog. I can see the elements the same way as frogs. Shame it's real hard to put it into words and I am not even deep enough within. It granted me a new perspective about the interaction of earth and water elements and many evolutionary aspects of existence. Look up what frogs represent in spirituality. They represent too many things. A real tranquil mind with perfect focus. And a new flexibility within and without. Do not underestimate the frog because it controls you already. I wanted to ask of the return of fringegirl into the corner some days ago but I went and embraced the frog instead. Don't be a frog in the well. Become frog. You cannot remain a tadpole forever.
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Here's an actual /meta/ post: This board would be better if you all would at least try keeping your posts on-topic for whatever thread you're in. I mean, does the meta thread really need essays about Trump? Does the sticky really need zoomer discussion? This entire board feels like such an amorphous blobby blob that I forget what thread I'm reading half the time. Part of the problem is people are so shy about making threads for whatever reason.like nigga just don't be a complete retard and you're good. I know I probably sound like some faggy hall monitor but this is intended as constructed criticism so try not to become too enraged It's also annoying because sometimes I want to reply to such posts but hold back because I don't want to contribute to the enblobbification of /fringe/
>>4308 >This board would be better if you all would at least try keeping your posts on-topic for whatever thread you're in Whenever I try to do that like I did with this post >>3722 it gets ignored. If I post my reply in a thread where it fits better everyone just ignores it while if I continue offtopic posting in the thread where the conversation is going then it continues for some reason. This is why I make jabs about trying to stay on topic when the conversation went elsewhere all along. >I mean, does the meta thread really need essays about Trump? Don't ask me I didn't start it. But I guess I could have gone and asked for a justification for switching fringegirl back to the frog in the corner instead of doing a long winded conversation about mememagic which everyone was part of 8+ years ago here and smiley even bragged about it. We even have an ebola shrine banner and a flag after all For some reason I felt that if I simply ask "can we get fringegirl back into the corner" I would get a reply of "get fucked lol the frog stays" or get ignored so I went ahead and started analyzing the pepe egregores and warned how it will just bring in every type of energies that merged with the "memewar phase" of the internet around 2014-2018. When pepe was even a "Hatesymbol" until it was normalized again thx to normies. Also we have a Trump flag now. I think that allows topics about Trump to appear whichever thread of fringe because he is on topic wherever even if it might appear mundane at first glance. It's not like we are on Qanon tier retardation yet so I think it's still okay >Does the sticky really need zoomer discussion? I just wanted to point out with this reply >>3722 that we must watch out to not reach the stage like previous fringe boards and many occult communities where the members rip each others apart for no reason with their magic. We should avoid that because it just generates butthurt and it gets repetitive if you had to witness it through the years at different communities because some bitches went personal and started drama over trivial shit which got ignored then the typical thought process of every magician should curse anyone appeared so I replied >>4274 (11) with a proper way to steer the discussion as everyone will see it as they scroll by. People really will need become more active and productive on this board somehow and I have no idea how. Also it was a single reply about zoomers and not a "discussion" yet. I am unsure what to say about that but I realized something will have to be said about that comment for the need for extremely aggressive schizo adepts because it just invites fuel to the fire while the passive posters will remain passive forever. >This entire board feels like such an amorphous blobby blob that I forget what thread I'm reading half the time Yes it does but I expect these threads to fulfill their purpose then slowly sink down in the catalogue once we make proper effort post threads. Most of the threads are still low effort and mostly for discussion about personal experiences. There are no active threads with a specific theme yet. This is expected because fringe is still not active enough. We are still within the "testing the waters" phase. >Part of the problem is people are so shy about making threads for whatever reason You and me pal. We are both that way. I made some threads so far but for my serious threads I will have to put up my "effort post pants" and my "Higher thoughts wizard hat" and cast a level 2 "giving a shit" spell instead of leisurely posting the way I did so far. You too also could make threads but I guess you don't have the inspiration either. I think many people are that way here. >I know I probably sound like some faggy hall monitor but this is intended as constructed criticism You don't sound that way and I realized people especially the lurkers are too self conscious here and think <It's better if I don't post because what if an angry wizard or a glowie starts following me and my post is not good enough anyway these are the legendary fringers and I am just a mere neophyte/initiate and my thoughts are not worthy or some similar shit. I realized that we have to "Lighten up the mood" somehow but for that I have to put on my "party maker persona" first. >so try not to become too enraged That is the other thing. People think everyone will just be enraged no matter what they write. Personally I only get enraged if someone is not using a flag and posts something abhorrent shit that literally wants to obstruct the theme and function of fringe while not even hinting that they were browsing this site at all or have any magical practice in the post but merely complaining because a sentence in a post triggered them. I think people should care or fear it less if they enrage someone on the internet especially with valid criticism. >It's also annoying because sometimes I want to reply to such posts but hold back because I don't want to contribute to the enblobbification of /fringe/ You can reply in an another thread or make a thread for that discussion. I want fringe to embrace that practice because cross-replying to posts within different threads is supported on this board. Your sentiments are valid and you are not the only one that thinks this way. >I know I probably sound like some faggy hall monitor And I sound like a fucking preacher in some cases and I hate that shit too. It was not my intention to appear that way but if I don't reply the conversation dies down even if it was a good post. We really need to find a way to get the party started. Everyone is pic related in the corner standing lurking and complaining instead of doing anything meaningful
>>4308 >Does the sticky really need zoomer discussion >>4311 >People really will need become more active and productive on this board somehow and I have no idea how. Also it was a single reply about zoomers I think this is very relevant and on-topic here and now on the board. Hear me out. The zoomer generation were given the worst possibly chance of learning how to navigate the online world. Millennials grew up in analog reality, tv:s were just television sets and there was no need to point out which technology they used, because there was only one kind of them, the glowing fat bulb, either in black/white or colour. Yes, some people still had black and white tv:s when I was a teen, I played nintendo on one at a friend's place. Then mobile phones came but only a small elite had them, and same for having Internet at home, it was rare and didn't change anything much. At most it was a way to send text messages (chat) and electronic mail (e-mail). When going places you'd still have to use a phone booth to call home, and tickets for the train were actual paper tickets. Zoomers grew up with this at first, then when they reached the age when they were to start learning about being adults, entering the world they had looked up to and prepared for; the Iphone was released. Like half blind calves trying to find their place in the herd, they now had to navigate a new technology while also navigating socially at the same time. This lead them to not learn how previous generations had socialized as young adults, instead they were the first to do this on the blog platforms where no one older was present. This lead to Tumblr and other insanity where they could say anything and no one corrected them or explained things to them. This caused "phone posters" to appear, people who don't contribute to discussions because they are still in their own mental bubble, viewing the forum or board through the small frame of their phone screen after having previously only used it for blogging where they receive no criticism, yelling into the void instead of learning social codes. So they developed a drive-by style of posting one liners and never returning to the same discussion again, maybe not even expecting someone to see it. I expect these are the people who now would be coming to /fringe/ as neophytes. Guiding them requires a different way of working than for millennials and older. Maybe gen Alpha will do better, that's what those vids were meant to illustrate. They grew up thinking digitally, they are natives to social media and at least they can see adults use it in some routine developed way, while it's also a way to actually navigate socially, after these societal functions moved online for real. But that's not really an issue now, I don't expect them to come here yet. This discussion has been brought up on the Order of Nine Angles websites also, how the older niners (literal boomers in some cases) think in analog and are blind to the Internet way of working, which is causing the failure of the movement. So I think bringing up generational issues is very relevant.
>>4313 Oh wow I was never aware of the ONA 1.0. The infamy of ONA 2.0 sidelined them too much. This is why I mostly avoided their stuff. Never knew they hated Satanism. I mean after seeing the energies of their gods I had the idea that they might be not related but didn't know they were this different and annoyed by them. >>4312 >I expect these are the people who now would be coming to /fringe/ as neophytes Definitely. Luckily 8moe and altchans in general are obscure af for zoomers and younger so I don't fear a huge traffic from them. We are still fringe in this regard >Guiding them requires a different way of working Yeah but we will need more actual adepts that care guiding people and troubleshoot their hiccups at the start not to mention we will need to bring back the basic "tutorial threads". My main problem currently that I had to realize that the methods I used in my initiate years were as flawed as they can be and making the breakthrough was finding my own truth my organic pathworking style and discarding all the misconceptions (more or less) I picked up in my initiate years. Because of this I am unsure what are the "basics that everyone should know" nowadays. Like how the maker of the Magic 101 thread realized how the basics he wrote would require further annotations because it's incomprehensible for mundanes and neophytes while for adepts it's almost meaningless. The problem with each and any initiation system that it requires the rapport first. When the master can appraise the level of the listener/would be student and tailor the initiation to his level. The worst part which appears in every tradition and many stories how everyone is different and while some people can't fucking get it no matter what then you have the people who spend a week in the monastery do some exercises awaken their full potential out of nowhere then they initiate a new age in that tradition with their newfound light/wisdom. You might never know what clicks for others. I personally don't think myself wise and invested enough to teach other people. Most I can do is give advice on matters that I encountered on my own path or help in cases that I can troubleshoot with my still developing powers. But I cannot be a literal "discord guru/coach" and this is why I want to resurrect fringe because it didn't require those methods. We just leave some posts and everyone can ponder upon them until we have time to post again. Once a discussion starts others can chime in and give their takes and that can start an organic development process for everyone involved. >This caused "phone posters" to appear, people who don't contribute to discussions because they are still in their own mental bubble, viewing the forum or board through the small frame of their phone screen after having previously only used it for blogging where they receive no criticism, yelling into the void instead of learning social codes Yeah these guys are a problem but I don't think we have many. Personally I never access this site from my phone. Fuck reading paragraphs on phone tbh. It kills my eyes. Not to mention I only deal with mundane issues from my phone for a reason those little electric paper weights hate psychic overloads. I have to control myself when I hold them What I am trying to get at here. First we will have to resurrect and help those that browsed fringe for years in the past still lurk here or will slowly return once they know fringe is back and give them a speed boost on their path give the lurkers a bone to chew and some ideas they can discover and once we have a stable userbase and enough wizards that can give advice for absolute newbs and figure out/follow the trends of the new generations. Like I don't even know where young people get initiated into the mainstream occult at all nowadays besides TV shows. The only reason I know of witchtok and the kind because the memes of their failures and I don't even know how bad occult discussions at places like reddit might even look nowadays. I am unsure which methodology mainstream spiritualists even follow nowadays. My main problem is that to make a proper thread I would need to actually spend days of research with the current thought processes/trends and see the available resources on some topics first to make threads that people can comprehend easily. What are even the "make a psiball" visualization basics and what are the LBRP for banishing nowadays. Do people even buy crystals or use binaurals or that is something forgotten already. If I make a thread who do I tailor it for? Usually I do it via divining and channeling the energies of the hidden audience but it requires dedication
>>4314 Oh and 2 more things. I believe those that are meant to find fringe will find it. I believe in the will of the universe and how Fate can arrange these thing. The question is ofc if the current fringe is good enough to be a proper instrument of fate yet. No need to answer it. I hate talking to the voice of Fate for a reason. Tells too many things and reminds me how most things are insignificant then it gives me a hug if I worry too much And the other thing is about trends. Currently calling things trend is not apt anymore. It's more accurate to call them fads. Which means tailoring timeless knowledge to the whims of everchanging retardation of the societal masses is rarely wise. I know it's sometimes necessary but I don't think too much effort is needed to put into that direction. I don't expect brainrotmaxxers to find fringe too much. And I don't think any of us wants to make FringeTok videos for them 8moe is quite the international board and everyone comes from different backgrounds and the only thing that unites us is our interest and pursuit within magic and spirituality. I don't think we need to "sell it" like we are some desperate cult for recruits. But if anyone has "marketing" ideas I am willing to hear it. Tho I wonder who is our "market" at all besides wandering seekers of the altchans. andI am sure we need to become more threatening for an active glowie presence and I do not want fringe to become a fedposter board so no glowie summoning ideas pls. thx
>>4317 >I am sure we need to become more threatening for an active glowie presence and I do not want fringe to become a fedposter board so no glowie summoning ideas pls Imageboards summon glowies like a flame summons moths simply by existing, even more so /fringe/ which is a danger to them on multiple planes.
>>4321 I meant active glowies and not the scrolling through the site once a week and leaving it because we are on a level of an autistic hobby board instead of a place they can exploit for their operations or use as a scapegoat. I am sure they are slowly replaced by AI nowadays. >which is a danger to them on multiple planes I think they fear their funds decreasing tenfold in the coming years more than the current stage of fringe. Psst if any glowie reads this. Make sure to build personas around female professional magic practitioners. That is the weakness of this site. Definitely not trolling here
>>4321 Your beloved glowies would be wasting their time here. Don't think your pathetic display of magical abilities is noteworthy.
>>4364 Nice contradictive post there. Thanks for proving my point.
>>4364 >>4365 Go home CIA. You're drunk.
Problem: threads are too long. Solution: impose thread length limit.
>>4639 We have like 3 "too long" active threads at max because we are too lazy to make dedicated threads for specific practices. So far the blog thread and the question thread can be called long or the doge thread but that thread is barely even fringe and serves as a containment place for a specific individual that we interact with when we are too bored and the blog thread reached the bumplimit at a 1000 posts. The question thread is almost dead nowadays. We have almost more new question threads made by retarded OPs who are not even willing to read the board than actual questions in the question thread in the past 2 weeks. I am unsure what the length limit solution will solve. I mean we would just make a new thread if it bumplocked? I think the main problem is that we are too lazy or busy or uncaring to make dedicated practice threads. I am still unsure of my thread maker approach. Who is the "average audience" for those threads? So far we have half baked initiates and absolute retards and some adepts that are too deep within in their enigmatic quests and not even always willing to engage with the board. Obviously the half baked initiates and willing neophytes should be the target for those threads but for them the sticky has thousands of books already. Whatever I will meditate on this question sooner or later. The winter nights are long. I will have some time in the night to waste it typing stuff I hope
What do you think is the ideal bump limit? Anyone can answer
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>>4641 10 000 posts bump limit and 70 000 character limit and a requirement to post a pic at least every 3 posts and a song every 10 posts And a ringtone when someone gets dubs or better numerals
>>4641 750 sounds fine to me; don’t need anything fancy to make it work, and it won’t take too long to load on my phone when I’m not at home
>>4640 >bumplimit at a 1000 posts. 8moe has no default bump limit, that's the issue here. Threads are annoyingly long at a 1000 for a slow board like this. It worked on meguca/a/ to have friday joke threads that kept going to 20 000 posts, but that's because it reached there in 2-3 days. Skimming back to follow past discussions and seeing them go months back just makes it incomprehensible imo. >>4641 >What do you think is the ideal bump limit? 300 - 500 depending on board.
(742.00 B 11x16 Dagoth Ur.png)

Dagoth Ur flag
Bump limit reduced to 500
>>4767 How many flags can be requested? Can I get a Bateman flag? Or maybe that is too large and we have enough pixels only for the hands.
I figure we might get more PPH from new posters if someone made a thread about aliens, considering the UFO hearings in the U.S. lately.
>>4791 Smileberg poster would probably just turn it into Sunflower 2.0 with constant Federation larp.
>>4792 The federation lives rent free in your head.
Since it keeps getting brought up by trouble-makers, just let me make clear to everyone that the Sunflower Project finished years ago. >pic The goal was reached during the active 8kun days in 2021, after which the board was kept up for archival purposes. The endchan board was only used as a blog after that, because 8kun started deleting images. The obsession some outsiders have with this small time limited group project is getting ridiculous.
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>>4777 This is b e a u t i f u l Look at them glow! This is like an early fringemass miracle! >>4792 I don't think you should be bothered by it if it stays within a single thread. But I agree on a fact that talking about ayylmaos that deep is only fun if at least 5 people here can talk with them or made pacts and share "Psychic development studies" with aliens where they are helping their growth. If people still don't have ways to deal with aliens then it will appear either incomprehensible to most or paranoid schizos will hallucinate greyptilians and we will just have to deal with their panic attacks constantly. People being too scared of ayylmaos and not being able to deal with them is almost worse than detailed federation politics and other channeled information that can be considered "larp".The shit I am channeling from them some cases is so bad I am not even willing to write them down most of the time. Wish it was on mere larp level like how furries think those space gimps behave. Fringe is not ready for that as long as 90% of the userbase is still scared of glowniggers. Now excuse me am gonna stare at repeating numerals for a while.
>>4728 (14) Would it be possible to remove the 'no flag' option and set the Anonymous flag as default? iirc that was how it worked in old 8ch /fringe/.
>>4777 The site doesn't tell me what the cap is or how close we are to it. When we hit it before, I deleted a few lower quality ones so there's a small but unknown number of open slots. So you can request flags and I'll keep adding them until I inevitably can't. unless they've raised the cap since then >maybe that is too large Technically they can be up to 128 but it should be roughly the size of current flags >>4821 >Would it be possible to remove the 'no flag' option and set the Anonymous flag as default? I wish
>>4826 >The site doesn't tell me what the cap is or how close we are to it heh >Technically they can be up to 128 but it should be roughly the size of current flags Will keep in mind >>4821 In the beginning it bothered me too that there is no default flag like how fringe girl newfig and anonymous were the default flags on previous fringes but then I realized it's better this way. A fringe regular would bother posting with a flag thus signaling that he is either part of the community or at least bothered to lurk for at least 10 minutes. A no effort shitposter or freshboot glowie hire wouldn't do that. Which means whatever they post will be valued on the quality of their post thus signaling to everyone that taking them seriously is a potential mistake. Funny thing many sects in the past had obvious "retard detector" tests like this. It is always good to have some simplistic benchmark for newbs. If anyone considers this "elitist" or "secret club subculture" or I have no idea what trash they will say to prove their contrarianism then they won't do anything productive for this board anyway so it's better if malicious retards don't feel "welcomed" in this place. Heard and read so many old tales about monasteries and even Buddhist temples where the abbot was quite harsh and hostile towards those that didn't have a serious intent to respect their ways but merely wanted to make fun of them or annoy them for no reason. Not to mention I noticed something sad as looking through the archives then recalled by memory too. Many people didn't bother using the flag feature and sat on the default flag for too long. So if someone bothers at least using a flag even if their post is low quality it has 99% chance they are one of the regulars while no flaggers will out themselves by default. Like seriously. All they have to do is make 3 extra clicks before posting. It's a good litmus test. This way we can filter out people that try to pretend to be regulars for the sole reason to stir shit up and employ their typical online community breaker tactics. The reason why I am saying this because a day or 2 ago I noticed that we are gaining a little traction energetically but are facing a "block" now. Was thinking how to shatter it and noticed that if the block is shattered forcefully we will just invite a bunch of retards that will shit up the place fast. After that the "sensational" energies of the board will not last long and cause quite the disappointment for the regulars who have a desire for insightful quality discussions. Then I noticed an another way where the energy block is not forcefully shattered but slowly "worn down" with the organic development of the board which will grant us the possibility that the people who find this place will be those that truly "need fringe" and not those that are here to spew their atheistic nonsense and ridicule schizos because they run out of lolcows in their usual shitpost platform. People think egregores are a thing that mindcontrols the populace for some reason. No it is like how a room "smells" or "vibes" and those energies inspire others when they are within the vibe. "Control" only appears when someone is able to establish and maintain hierarchy then solidifies it via extremely specific laws that many cannot fathom. It's important to always make sure that the egregore is living and organic so we don't end up with exploitative control structures like the shit the illuminaties are trying to do for centuries and always failing long term and always have to stay secretive and invite high value individuals constantly for the sole reason they can maintain quality of their circles because they cannot create quality within their own ranks anymore. I know this sounds offtopic but I had to say it in the topic of egregores to give a better image. I had an idea to make a thread detailing how to interact with or maintain and destroy egregores but then I realized that needs to be at least a 30k character long thread with base instruction starting from visualization then seeing the connection points not to mention noticing how your mind is already filled with egregoric influences via introspection and how you can leverage that part within you to influence the egregore better. Oh and the fact that Akasha poster got overtaken by the Sonic egregore made me aware how some people cannot handle egregoric influences as easily as I can so I will have to write up defensive measures so people don't become Chris-chan tier delusional while interacting with those energies. why... is...talking...about...magic...is...so...hard? Why can't I take the ain'tgonnaexplainshitpill already???
>>4833 What I tried to say with the egregoric energy movement for those that didn't grasp it completely. >>1658 >Some guy mentioned /fringe/ as if it was some sort of mythic shambhala We have the "chance" if fringe can become the "mythic shambhala" via organic development or it will fall into the sad trap where it becomes a sad place where schizos gather because fuckwits come here and shit up the place thus making any meaningful discussion almost impossible because all they do is agitating the posters and bringing out the worst from everyone. Ofc most of us are wizards here and we can leverage those energies if we want this is a reminder for glowniggers that this is NOT the Achilles heel of the board so they better get creative with their tactics if they want to stay around but that doesn't mean I want to become an ordainer of dark loosh wizard. That job is as graceful as collecting dead cats and hobos so you can sell meat to the local restaurant. And the restaurant is already full with frog meat since Halloween
>>4826 >>4833 Correction: They must've changed it because now the site automatically resizes the flag no matter its resolution. So don't worry about resizing it yourself.
>>4888 It needs to be below 32KB though.
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(2.77 MB 287x191 1.44mb of feels.gif)

We even have feels now huh
>>5205 (4324) >>5205 (4324) >>5205 (4324) >magic blog thread completely derailed by this one polititard This is just silly. I guess Help & Guidance is the new magic blog now.
>>5232 I think the allies of WW2 changing the timeline with occult means is pretty /fringe/ but yeah it's not blogging. I'll stop posting about it.
>>5234 I've been thinking of doing an occult politics containment thread but it might attract more of that guy, plus Intrusive Thoughts already exists.
>>5236 Make an esoteric hitlerism thread and it will turn political on its own.
Black sun and stuff, and why Order of Nine Angles isn't satanism.
>>5236 It is inevitable. I too wanted to make it already. Once Trump is in office the narratives will leak from every media faucet and we cannot avoid it.
So wait, they used an orange candle, a photo of Trump, and a well known quote from him? And they think this is a hex? >>5240 Make the thread, we have material already. Why not make it into a political support magic thread? Obviously the "witches" do it already.
>>5245 >>5244 >>5242 Made it already
>>5244 >Why not make it into a political support magic thread? We should bring back the original brownpill mentality instead wasting energies on the outrage media constantly. Journalists and politics should learn to stop being insanely retarded all the time. It just creates bipolar people. People will need to learn to meditate and try to overcome the constant need to meddle with politics no matter which side they are on. They just create pointless chatter instead of actual solutions. The shitpost mememagic culminated in the skibidi brainrot mentality. It cannot devolve further. We need a new way ahead.
I think the admin just needs to become more willing to just delete off-topic posts.
>>5260 You can moderate your own thread on 8moe if you want it. I think this hands off approach is the best for the board especially for now. We still require activity on this board and we are still in the >I miss fringe stage and not in the /FRINGE/ IS BACK stage. Just because we are on the top board list that doesn't mean the discussions are properly focused and worthwhile. We will need to fix that sooner or later We will have to figure out ways how we can explain to the brainrotted zoomer neophytes how to focus on meditation practices and learn to detach from mundane matters. The way I see it ever since "doomscrolling" became a thing people don't know how to focus. And we will need to figure out ways how to handle them and how to point them into the direction of basic instructions they can follow instead requiring constant inputs from others all the time. I am really bad at babysitting and nannying neophytes and it seems others are in the same boat too so far.
>>5271 Normally before scrolling became a thing, you'd learn the basics by personally attending meetings or taking courses. Is there a way around that? I really don't know how to handle that aside from having personal tutoring in private chat services, I don't think that works on an imageboard. There is a reason why there was an attitude to tell newfags to fuck off. On /a/ back in the earlier days, you wanted to discuss anime, not answer for the 1000s time >where do I download this anime? >how to I use the subs >my files don't work, help me so it was made this way to keep those away who didn't have this down already. Can /fringe/ teach new people from scratch? Is it even possible, or should we first ask them >which basic course did you attend before coming here?
Now that the rules and the question thread text is not wildly shaking anymore people are ignoring them again.
>>5435 Somehow I doubt the guy you're referring to would be dissuaded by reading the rules.
>>5436 At least he managed to use the epic fail guy flag. That is a development if we look at the history of low effort question threads.
Why is the smileberg flag so popular? There's like 3 or 4 posters who seem to use it for all their posts throughout the board. Do people just like posting with a smiley face or is Smiley the lolcow really that big of a reason for why people seek this place out?
>>5528 There are only 2 people who use it. One of them is a neophyte and the other one is an oldfag that blogs too much but he is taking a break in the past days. >Do people just like posting with a smiley face I am sure some people use it unironically to make fun of Smiley. >is Smiley the lolcow really that big of a reason for why people seek this place out? I think the amount of people who know or care about smiley is quite low nowadays. People care about fringe topics on current /fringe/ instead of smiley gossips. That was on the /drama/ or other alt-board parts of /fringe/ even on the older incarnations of /fringe/.
>>5530 Idk about the oldfag; he said some time ago that his time on this world was about up.
>>5528 >>5530 >>5531 I post using the Smiley flag because I play video games with him. t. neophyte.
>>5541 Is he doing okay?
>>5541 You are the truest fringe poster then. The one within the inner circle of the Fringe Wizard. Very few has this great honor.What is he even playing nowadays?
>>5547 Ark Survival: Ascended and Minecraft. >>5546 I haven't been able to play with him the last couple of months because my pc broke but I'm getting a new computer this Christmas and I'll be able to play with him again. I'm not sure how he is doing the past couple of months because I haven't been able to play but I have been email-ing him. He is currently homeless but gets food from the soup kitchen and guerrilla gardening. IDK how but he is able to play video games while homeless, and you have to have a seriously dedicated computer to play ark survival ascended which was why I was asking for a gaming pc this Christmas before my computer broke down by chance so I'm not sure where he keeps it. I asked him how he makes money and he said he turns in cans and bottles and also that because old electronics have gold, when he turns one in he can get 50 dollars. I don't know what to make of this but apparently he doesn't use soap but according to him he doesn't emit smells when not using soap but smells bad when he does use soap. about 6 months ago I believe he was held hostage by someone with a machete and a .22 but that was when my computer broke and he doesn't talk much on steam unless you are actively playing video games with him and then he will be more open so I am hoping that I get the computer so I can keep in touch.
>>5553 Wow. That is definitely odd. I suppose he must be competent at magic if he's able to manifest a gaming PC as a homeless guy. You should suggest that he come back to /fringe/ if you get the chance.
>>5558 He was always good at magic. He just got made by Choronzon.
>>5558 >You should suggest that he come back to /fringe/ if you get the chance. I will once I'm playing games with him again and I've developed a rapport with him again.
This probably isn't important but maybe the fringechan banners should be removed since that's a completely different site which has also been dead for a while now.
>>5587 Agreed but we should make more new ones first before deleting any of the few we currently have.
(4.42 KB 16x16 Atheist.png)

New flag
>>5587 I came shortly before it was created, but it was very important for my development. Shouldn’t it be considered a part of the history of this community too? I know about the drama, but still.
>>5696 (4768) >>5697 (4768) >>5712 (4768) >>5713 (4768) They should rename this entire board /sunflowermeta/ since that's all anyone wants to talk about
>>5716 Not really. This is the first time the topic has come up in around a month.
>>5717 Wow a whole month on a slow board with less than six thousand posts. Too bad you relapsed.
>>5720 Why does that topic make you upset?
>>5716 Shut it blood anon.
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I was thinking about Shrekchan and decided to make a Shrek flag.
Time for some Shreksual encounters mein Brogres Just how many of you posted on that accursed altchan anyway. I was not an ironic memster enough back then to post on Shrekchan. I only know the lore from some screencaps and other memes. I don't even know when or how did that site even die
>>5834 I got really into Shrekchan as a teenager. Some sort of fascination with the post-ironic pseudo-occultism that was the cornerstone there. The owner of the site had all these hidden pages and images throughout the place that hinted at some sort of ARG starting up and he would sometimes talk about something big happening to the site in the future but it never did. It was my home imageboard up until it died. iirc the owner got tired of the meme and tried to replace it with something called pigchan but most people didn't migrate over and it died pretty quickly.
I don't know if anyone noticed it but it seems fringe reached some sort of metaphysical milestone. I am not exactly thinking about the spammer here but the energies of the board increased. It's like we broke through a barrier again some days ago and once the spammer commits sudoku we might enter the next chapter of the development of this board. Btw spammer-kun. You could learn to behave and others would bother posting more useful things for everyone but since you cannot even use a sigil I don't think you would have any use for them at all. Hope you will find more meaningful things in life than spamming this board. It has many faults that you could criticize but your awareness is so low you cannot even notice them. That is why you are easy to spot. At least you learned to use flags. Seems like that is the greatest development you had in the past 4 years.
>>5990 I've been feeling it too but wasn't sure how much was a projection of my own personal changes. It seems to happen every 1k posts. In a way, the spam itself feels like a milestone I'm actually shocked it took this long, with all the degenerates who've seen us in the top boards for months. I guess the worst of even them have moved on to discord
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Improved the freedomboard archive. Included everything available on archive.ph. https://fringearchives.neocities.org/archive/freedomboard/ I added external archive.org links to all the boards which don't seem to be on archive.ph (might recover those at some point, too).
Would a thread for philosophy be a good idea? Including ethics, metaphysics, and qualia all in the same thread?
>>6130 It seems like people were a lot more willing to make new threads back then instead of limiting all their posting to general threads.
>>6287 WE WUZ MASONS AND SHEET Masons have a bunch of offshoots and they got rid most of them for being too shady or completely detached from their core traditions. Even their official lodges have constant infighting and disagreements. Good to know that there is a text detailing that. >>6279 As long as you are willing to present actual information to start up your own thread then sure go ahead. >>6290 I hope people will find their inspiration to make their own threads soon. Most threads are mere containment threads so far. It is time to start making topical threads again.
(825.00 B 48x48 big fringe.png)

(536.00 B 16x16 smol fringe.png)

Here is flag art of /fringe/ girl
So it looks like the frog is out.
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>>6692 I wanna eat frogs.
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JC Denton flag
i hope this doesn't turn into the shitpost & larpfest that /x/ turned into
>>6846 If you're so concerned, you should try contributing.
This is so frustrating. A lot of people invested here so i want to make this colony work as i do owe some of them. But if no one wants to put in the work i would be forced to abort it, but i don't want that! It's not that i can't do it or need any help but it's that i need an insurance that this will work if i am to remain neutral otherwise i would have set it up my way for only people compatible with some of my paths. My goals was to break the mold so we see bigger things instead i find the ground so weak i only leave the shape of my butt by getting up!
>>6908 >But if no one wants to put in the work Define "put in the work" >i need an insurance that this will work Insurance is bad. It limits potential outcomes and creates too much paperwork with the limitations it places on some endeavors. In some cases it creates projects that become "sunken cost" by default instead of forcing you to realize the direction of your undertaking was wrong from the start. If you have no insurance you are forced to adapt to the situation while if you have insurance you might disregard any common sense and force your initiatives upon others no matter what because there is no blowback. This is the problem with "rich kids" who will never learn from their mistakes because no matter how much they fuck up something their parents will pay for it. >if i am to remain neutral Define 'neutral'. >i would have set it up my way for only people compatible with some of my paths. And where do those paths lead? But yeah it's time to start putting work into this board again. Sometimes you have to take a break instead of rushing things
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>>6917 >Define "put in the work" Create structural integration for the energy. Think how you would put a stick for a climbing plant and not devastate the land for a construction "project" that will anger the spirits. something integral to the environment so no mettalurgy here. As for the "technological" threads they are fine as long as they don't overflow they will be integrated as well. >Insurance is bad If only you would create a thread with this assurance! See what you did here? blue lightning straight to the point? that's what we need. >It limits potential outcomes and creates too much paperwork with the limitations it places on some endeavor Agreed, i already invested here, pulling out ressources would be disastrous to the project so i am a bit touchy x) > In some cases it creates projects that become "sunken cost" by default instead of forcing you to realize the direction of your undertaking was wrong from the start The loss is worth it if they learn. It is the most robust way to learn no? How can you know the meaning of legs if not for being a worm? >if you have insurance you might disregard any common sense and force your initiatives upon others no matter what because there is no blowback. Haha yeah! We're not here to colonize don't you worry! This place has good people and some can still be helped..this is to maximize profits for all parties. >Define 'neutral'. I won't vomit blood and venom in your mouth for one unless you want to I'll explain. In essence this is soul magic, or purification by the soul. Pic related explains it well. A woman with 6 arms /fringe/ would be the womb. You do know how some occultists create "bodies" to interact with realms? This is a /fringe/ body but also an 8chan body. A Matryoskha doll of sort. Neutrality in this case mean i'll even feed paths i am not interested in as long as it buys me "manifestation" there. This benefits you also as my presence feed the land and breaks karma. >And where do those paths lead? My mother. But this is a bit unreasonable to ask, that's like asking me to give you a map to god sure i can but you'll die on the spot. In short i shall open the land and flood the board in a river, this will look like gutter during the purification process so make sure the children are at high place! I don't want to say more i want diversity not a monoculture. If you want to help with the project you could explain the male genitalia from an energetic point of view. I am talking details here.
>>6927 >If you want to help with the project you could explain the male genitalia from an energetic point of view. They are energetically identical to the female genitalia, you just need to map them properly to understand where the points end up. The female has 3 major points which can be activated fairly easily because they are "exposed" in a way where they can be physically touched: first point is just above the clitoris, the second point known as the G-spot is in the same location but inside on the vagina wall, then the K-spot which is on the back of the vagina. They correspond to points on the male genitalia in this way: the first spot is halfway down the penis, right in the middle. The G-spot equivalent isn't available because it's inside the body in a similar location as if there had been a vagina. The K-spot is the same, but for the male it is not just a point, but controls the ejaculation. (Some people will claim you can access this through the anus, but that's only indirectly, as the access would have to be from the front, not the back.) The two energy centers which are the testicles for the male are simply the labia for the female, they are both available for touch. That's all there is to it when explaining the male genitalia. The G-spot has no function for the male, while for the female it determines if she will accept the sperm or not, it opens or closes the gate. (Modern women cannot use it, because menstruation locks it in "open" state. This needs to be fixed before you try working on in, this problem does not exist for the male, obviously, but the way it's placed in the body still makes this a matter of mental inner control.) Opening these 3 points is essential for energy practice. It can also be done on other chakras, such as in the head; the front point is the 3rd eye between your eyebrows, you find the "G-spot" in the upper gum, the place where you put your tongue in yoga, qi gong or when "mewing". The K-spot is in the back of the tongue, halfway down the throat (the movie "deep throat" hints at this). These are harder to activate using external stimulation, but normally have to be done by meditation.
>>11 Archive of deleted posts: https://archive.is/dBDV7
Checked the logs to see what happened to the Theravada spammer thread and it seems we have a new BO or an extra janny?
>>7434 >a new BO or an extra janny Neither, that's a global mod. The spammer probably spammed the whole site. Restored and merged it with >>6663 in case anyone cares.
>>7437 >The spammer probably spammed the whole site. It seems it was not removed from /x/. Poor board has 1 post/month that makes them treasure every post they can get. >in case anyone cares I care. Now that the 4 Internet Truths have been penned, I can link it for the spammer the next time he returns. These fools think they are the only ones that can mix ancient teachings with dumb memes for their own benefit. Meme magic is all about finding the sweat spot between complete seriousness and absolute mind rot tier retardation while putting a veil of sincerity upon it. I still wanted him to spill the beans how deep he is in Theravada. For some strange reason I enjoy interrogating cultists.
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Which one of you is it?
>>7653 >>7657 (699) He wants to be the one.
>/fringe/ in the top boards again Not so /fringe/ now, are you? :^)
I can't post oekaki right now because .pngs are disabled due to the CP spammer, but now I can't upload a .jpg version of oekaki either. What gives?
(15.49 KB 396x385 afro apu.jpg)

>>7999 JPEG seems to work, but if you use the clipboard and paste it, it turns into a PNG from what I've seen.
Okay I was able to get around the oekaki limitation not by simply taking the oekaki file and replacing its extension with .jpg, but I had to take a picture of it with snipping tool and save that as a .jpg directly.
(154.77 KB 700x1087 dog.jpeg)

>>8001 let's try
(50.11 KB 700x757 itworkslikethatfr.jpeg)

>>8015 Yup so jpg and jpeg works but not png. I used ffmpeg to convert the other image i posted.

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