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Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 07:23:20 No. 1 [Reply]
1st for Lain.
10 posts and 7 images omitted.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it! https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
Let's love Lain!
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Dr/a/wthread Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 03:23:16 No. 592 [Reply]
Let's actually do something for once. Post requests or make /a/rt.
2 posts omitted.
>>606 It's not. But it's still not helping.
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>>592 >Post requests or make /a/rt. Sure thing OP >>602 This >>606 Instead of just whining that this board is a ghost town and in all fairness it is currently try telling your friends, family, co-workers, peers, and just about any stranger you meet at your local coffee shop, hospital waiting room, convince store checkout line, or synagogue about this wonderful website and the importance of decentralized web rings and maybe even show them the link to this board in particular. Do this and over time 8Moe will become more lively as a result, BUT that requires actually promoting it so don't be shy and say hi.
>>637 >revealing your power level Plus that would imply I get out & talk to strangers.

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MAL bot boosting Anonymous 05/15/2021 (Sat) 12:46:46 No. 414 [Reply]
https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1921033 > Approximately 33% of all favorites given to the Top 50 Characters have been determined to be duplicate accounts. This is more than double the 13% for Anime, and 9% for Manga and People.
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>>415 Based incelman
>trying to find torrent for episode 8 >search the hex [087C1233] >none in nyaa Google show bunch of batches Find one in https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4o2vWOZtwFwJ:https://tokyotosho.unblocknow.club/index.php%3Fcat%3D0%26date%3D2020-08-29+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=id&client=firefox-b-d >it redirect to nyaa Why subber keep doing this
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>>414 Hey guys it's me @Miku_Lover_90000. Ever want to earn money by basically doing nothing? Learn how earn big crypto in days from the comfort of your couch, just click the link bellow to find out. http://TottallyNotAShittyScamWebsiteHostedInSomeThirdWorldShitHoleLikeSerbiaThatGivesYourPcCyberAid.io

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FACT Anonymous 11/10/2021 (Wed) 00:39:44 No. 628 [Reply]
Kino No Tabi / Kino's journey was better with the grid lines. Any opinions contrary are automatically shit.

Re Zero Season 2 Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 20:51:50 No. 170 [Reply]
It's finally here. Anyone else gave it a watch?
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Of course! I don't watch much cuckime but this is one I couldn't BEAR to miss since everyone will be screaming about it anyways
So far it has some moments but really not as good as the first season. There was more build up to the struggle and death and overcoming the obstacles in the way to success. This feels like we're stuck in a side quest before the main quest starts.
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P/a/in Thread Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 23:00:51 No. 620 [Reply]
Let's watch money burn together. https://archive.md/fGk3d https://archive.ph/X5zE3
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>>624 Crazy how desperation doesn't lead them to actually trying to adapt or write well.
>>624 ok shizo >>620 >it is actually good Grass avoider on suicide watch >>622 >waaa anime doesn't whitewash their race whitefag join suicide watch

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SAGE SAGE 10/06/2021 (Wed) 10:26:27 No. 555 [Reply]
FACT: 8chan is just 4chan mixed with reddit.
Probably true, found this place cause someone was shilling for it in /r//kotakuinaction2 I went on 8chan when hotwheels ran things and it was good then now however its no longer supported so I cant connect to it. 4chan sucks dick and so does reddit, as long as you stay out of 98% of reddit it aint that bad. Until the Troons find your sub at least...
>>555 >reddit mixed with more reddit Ill still take these faggots over the other faggots, faggot

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Anonymous 07/24/2021 (Sat) 16:04:34 No. 499 [Reply]
Can't wait for when they both get gang raped by a pack of rutting US Marines on R&R
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>3 months kys The next anime will be a yuri SOL anime featuring Lambda and Bern being extremely gay and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Gochiusa Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 19:00:07 No. 538 [Reply]
Is cocoa good for you?
>>538 This board is fucking terrible.

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Anonymous 09/16/2021 (Thu) 21:08:59 No. 523 [Reply]
The annual independent SEL stream, American side. Tune in to https://cytu.be/r/thelainstream/ on September 21st 11:59 PM (2021-9-22 3:59 AM UTC) to watch Serial Experiments Lain with anons from all around the webring and beyond, English subtitles included. No sign-up required, just hop in!
Just 20 hours and 39 minutes to go.

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Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 05:55:07 No. 432 [Reply]
Best girl Laura finally became a Pretty Cure today
2 posts omitted.
>>432 If she's a mermaid wouldn't she be better off flying rather than acquiring legs? She's gonna be useless on her first fight.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
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If you want to discuss precure among Aikatsu >>>/ai/176

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Pokemon Journeys Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 06:36:04 No. 500 [Reply]
Memories of a Warming Kindness was pretty cool today. Too bad Americans need to wait until September to catch up on this stuff, we're getting the dubs up north on Teletoon right now.
>>500 Wanna join me my board ඞ?

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Merry Christmas Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 19:22:28 No. 294 [Reply]
Merry Christmas from /co/ you weebs!
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Grouper >>797146 >>797146 I'll probably try that then, just upscale one of my drawings.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active? https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204

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NEIN NEIN NEIN Anonymous 05/01/2020 (Fri) 09:15:33 No. 9 [Reply]
i claim this for uncle adolf
2 posts and 2 images omitted.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active please? Say something nice about it https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204

Anzu Masaki Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 05:58:29 No. 423 [Reply]
You know sluttier anime girls then her? I didn't knew much of anzu since i lost contact with the series but after checking the series again well was a surprise how much of her canon was brushed aside for something else when dubbed. Most of this is after watching the episodes in japanese >Anzu loves black people >Anzu loves black music like hip hop and rap >Anzu loves to dance to black music >Anzu always mentioned the title of a doujin when refering to going to USA (in which she is gangbanged by BBC) >She got angry at Step Jhonny after he said to hang out with him at night and that she probably wanted that (some that was watching said "don't be eaten by Jhonny") but was only because Yugi was there,she didn't even listened to yugi when he said "don't pay atention to him let's go" but anzu just went to challenge Jhonny. >Anzu dream is to become a dancer (doesn't specify the type of "dancer")

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5 posts and 5 images omitted.
HI guys. I need your help 8chan chads Can you please make my thread active ? https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/225716204
>>427 t. rukacuck Go back to 4chan
>>427 t. rukek

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What happens to adult magical girls in Madoka Magica after Godoka? Anonymous 07/19/2020 (Sun) 01:42:17 No. 177 [Reply]
The entire point of the change initiated by Godoka, is that no longer will magical girls get turned into witches via their soul gem getting corrupted into grief seed. Some new farming method is derived. This applies that now, the magical girls will no longer die, inherently for being magical girls. Maybe a few will get killed, but for the most part, magical girls will live natural lifespans. If this is the case. What happens to magical girls as they become adults? Do they stay magical girls? Do their outfits change as they grow older? Are they allowed to stop at anytime as long as they can morally get over the fact the thing they're hunting kills people? Do they keep turning into magical girls as grannies?
>>177 >What happens to magical girls as they become adults? Do they stay magical girls? Do their outfits change as they grow older? Are they allowed to stop at anytime as long as they can morally get over the fact the thing they're hunting kills people? Do they keep turning into magical girls as grannies? Scary. Nothing makes any sense anymore since Rebellion. It feels like they just wanted to continue the Madoka no matter what. So they come up with more and more stuff they can somehow shoehorn into the story. And to be honest, it even works on me, I kept watching because whatever happens, I'm going to enjoy the trippy visuals.
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Limestone >>997173 >>997173 Gura also said it was impossible. As I understand it's some nonsense with Capcom and a European voice actors union blocking their voice work being broadcast on Youtube.

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