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Anonymous 02/26/2021 (Fri) 22:50:24 No. 348 [Reply]
>the intro to Magic Knight Rayearth The 90s had so much soul.
>The 90s had so much soul I was watching some >cuckime from this era the other day, and noticed yet again more herky-jerky moving static images masquerading as "animation." I really should have put it into webm and thrown it into my 'retarded nostalgiacuck' folder to post at newfag animals like you. The 90's were a dogshit era of anime, and once you grow the fuck up and watch more than one hundred (100) anime you will realize this.
>>355 >if you like retro things you're too young I'm actually in my 30s and modern anime does still frame cheats, white non-detailed and or color devoid crowds around MC(s), post drawing age in the computer generated era.

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Anonymous 02/20/2021 (Sat) 15:36:56 No. 341 [Reply]
I'm watching Psycho-Pass and I am almost at the end of season 1 and holy shit, am I the only one who thinks that this fucking whore's decision to follow the Sybil system after finding out that it's just a bunch of brains and that it killed Kagari was absolutely retarded on her part? She proved herself to be nothing more than a dumb tool of the system who is too afraid to take any action against it when it's clearly destroying the lives of thousands of people. >Kou would have been better off if the system was destroyed >She could get revenge for Kagari and then chase after Makishima later on. >She could bring justice for the murder of Kagari as well as the murder and suffering of thousand of innocent people who were forced into this shitty situation by a bunch of sociopath brains >Let society actually reform instead of keeping it in this hellish Orwellian state. But she didn't, she only had her eyes set on Makishima and acted as if he was somewhat worse than the Sybil system, when arguably both of them are equally as bad and both of them killed and caused suffering of her friends, I love how she just fucking conveniently ignores the fact that Sybil killed Kagari as well as completely deriving people from the worth of their decisions. She should have a personal agenda against both Makishima and Sybil, but yet conveniently ignores her agenda against Sybil because she is that much of a tool. Sybil was completely right about her, she is no fucking risk because she is too much of an useful idiot.
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>>341 Kagari was diagnosed a latent criminal by age 5 and chimped out at her so he actually was a bad egg and totally deserved what he got. By the by past this first Psycho-Pass it turns to shit. About Makishima, he's only bad because he's above the system. If he weren't he'd not have misbehaved so much. It's objectively not his fault. Even if it were she obviously hates the Sybil system but going without it means overall more lawlessness, so it is the lesser of two evils. That's the point. Also, if Makishima and other asymptomatic criminals are such mavericks then they really are technically better than normalfaggots. Notice how they never call them sociopaths? They're a step in evolution. The queen bee. That's the point. We are a hive, humans are, without a real queen bee. Government is a joke, so we wish for a god, possibly an AI god, but that's like wishing for the philosopher's stone. Instead you get a new breed of men, that's the asymptomatic mavericks that are above the law and you. They think higher than you, they are above you, judge you, you dn't get to judge your god(s). If you were a good judge you'd not make it about x person. It's not about her, not about kou, not about any x person, not even about Makishima as he can be used to stop crime over all, of which pisses Akane off but she logically knows he's for the greater good. On season two, that over 700 'I want to paint it black' fucker is so faggy. He doens't act like someone with the highest crime coefficient. By three the whole show is different too without getting into why. so just stop watching
>>342 You can literally be diagnosed as a latent criminal by being too fucking passionate about something, so the idea that Kagari deserved it was bullshit. >Implying I don't think Makishima did nothing wrong I never said that Makishima did anything wrong, if anything, I just think that Akane was a stupid bitch for going for the objectively worse option of keeping Sybil around just because she was scared of lawlesness. Literally ANYTHING, even fucking anarchy is better than the Sybil system simply because life under Sybil cannot even be really called life. It's a constantly growing system that will push its power onto humanity and the only way to actually change it is with a drastic change. It's not something that can be "reformed", it's something that needs to be toppled and made anew. Akane is a coward and a normalfag tool because she choses slow death and keeps helping the obviously shitty system. Yes, the brains of the people who make up the Sybil system as well as Makishima are obviously supposed to be something akin to Nietzschesian Ubermensch. But even then, they have already failed their purpose by creating a world of complacency without danger or struggle. Makishima knew it and it is why he rejected Sybil. He was literally the only good guy out of the bunch. Akane was a retarded normalfaggot who would rather let humanity die a slow death and morph into a pathetic fucking species because that was more comfortable. Kou can at the very least be excused because he had a personal vendetta. Yet Akane had a personal vendetta against both Mikishima and Sybil, but chose to not go after Sybil due to simple cowardice. Her assesment that "Sybil is for the greater good" was nothing but stockholm syndrome. Hell even Sybil knows about it, it indirectly TAUNTS her about it. The show was great, I just think that her decision in-character was retarded. I'm still watching season 2 just out of curiosity, I know that it's apparently shit but I lowered my expectations and I'm having fun so far
>>343 Only if the passion will make you jaded enough or motivated in some way enough to break the law. Akane isn't against the law but with it. That's all. She's not stupid or her A's in everything would not have been a thing. She is the most prime citizen. She's not even a normalfaggot or she'd be more flawed. Do not go to three.

HorribleSubs has finally died because of Covid. Anonymous 10/02/2020 (Fri) 04:41:55 No. 247 [Reply]
https://archive.is/Xhuh5 Time to dance? It would be good if actual fansubbing returned.
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>>254 Love that CrunchyDick huh?
>>256 No, but I'd rather have some independent fansubbers (or legitimate translators) making proper translations, even though some group is probably just going to come along in the future and do the exact same thing, as per >>252. But I'd personally rather see CrunchyRoll torn down and some reasonable people that actually care about the product they're putting out. I think it's been made obvious over the past few years that, despite all the PR they do, CR has long since stopped caring about anime and just cares about corporate profits.
It was either HS ripping CR or dealing with Commie's bullshit. Might as well learn Japanese and watch raws.

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Hi guys снігі#RtijD7 01/21/2021 (Thu) 21:36:16 No. 316 [Reply]
I'm Chiri. some of you know me, many of you don't; it doesn't matter, really. Just here to remind everyone that fantasy is distinct from reality because mortal men fear the uncertainty of death and the pitiful attempt at a coup/resistance to a powerful government with a military and spyware literally carried by insurrectionists simply proves that men alone are weak and that the powerless have nothing to prove against better technology; this is the year, rejoice in it, that no good deed goes unpunished - let them rule and they will go easy on you, as it's always been. You want to post shit online about harming people? Well, sir, madam, son, you have no idea what you're up against; it's a modern global surveillance system. You can't even drop off the face of the earth, so you'd better show your true colors. It's better to live honestly, scrape by, get your shitface on once in a while but don't end up on the street sucking dick for a dime, or suck on welfare.. disability is the jackpot though, in Canada you can push your income up to 900/m+ sometimes and I've seen people fake it. I have a job and a line of credit, so I'll do whatever I can to keep my income going, even though I know as I age it will become harder to continue to perform labour as I slowly die, knowing I will be replaced if I get fired, probably end up on the street.. but if I do, maybe my government will take care of me. Maybe. Anyway, I'm just here to stir the pot because that's what I do.
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I'll tell you the story, of an old man who set his fishing line in a puddle outside of a bar.. the bartender came out and asked him how he is doing, the old man replies that he's doing great because he loves fishing! the bartender smiles and goes back to the bar and doesn't lose any Yuan.
>>748350 >worried about giving people a replacement for the original What the fuck are you talking about? You're the one who is bitching about that. The original material is quite literally a different medium from the adaptation you retard. If you prefer the advantages of one medium and don't care for another, then that's your prerogative. >to list off a bunch of original anime Are you dense? Listing off a few original anime means nothing. That doesn't change the reality that they are the minority by far. >I write them off because I want to experience the original before diving into the various adaptations of it and seeing how people have butchered or Flanderized it over the years. So you're an autist who is working under the presumption that all adaptations are bad. >And, I'd rather see an original work rather than endless marketing around properties that 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300 years old. I've seen purist autism
>>1420 >he wrote it, that's his intent Something is seriously wrong with your brain if that's the conclusion you came to after seeing that point. He could literally just make up shit like "oh, Goku sounds like my mom btw" and get his mom a voice acting job in the anime because she asked him for one, but that's apparently now his intent because he "wrote it". What a joke. Show me what Krillin and Yajirobe's voices are without using the adaptation, and I will laugh at you because you know you literally have nothing because its a fucking manga. >the people who made the anime are creators too Well, thanks for confirming this entire discussion was completely pointless from the outset. You have basically confirmed that you are willing to set arbitrary lines in the sand based purely on "nippon is always better than filthy gaijin brains and can do no wrong" logic, because an anime adaptation is already a massive leap and change from "original creator intent", but you're fine with that apparently, but not with anything beyond that. They are working, inescapably, from the foundation of the original work they are adapting. Comparing a different language dub of an adaptation as opposed to the simple fact that an adaptation like DBZ already changed things massively, and now you're complaining about the fact that its being changed further, usually only slightly, by comparison. While many dubs are cancer and may sometimes change the anime, it still doesn't change the work nearly as much as an an anime adaptation does to most manga in the first place. Censorship in dubs is cancer, yes, but why aren't you complaining more about the censorship the anime did in the first place too then, because that's usually way more extreme than what dubbed versions are doing to an already censored anime adaptation. Its called having a double standard, that's why. >When I say "most disagree," I mean most people that are actually informed, most people who have actually viewed both. Ah, so you mean the autistic purist weeb demographic with double standards then who will defend completely arbitrary bullshit by the same logic and already would agree with your argument. >grand/epic/comedy The comedy is usually separate from the fights, but the fights are the main focus of the anime by far.

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What Comics Could Learn From Manga Anonymous 05/20/2020 (Wed) 18:36:43 No. 92 [Reply]
Thread for people who collect Western comics who are looking to get into manga I will describe some advantages that manga has over comics: >With manga, the events in the world have lasting impacts and ramifications on the world and setting >The narrative is much more streamlined and accessible >There is a definitive end point in sight by and large >The characters actually undergo development rather than reverting to archetypes >With manga, the writer by and large is the same and there is no jarring transitions between creative direction >No lazy exposition in marketing >No confusing numbering system or continuous resets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3mwPJqyYZ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VapC7yiWbfI
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>>184 >using autism as an insult >on a sudanese sand-castle-building imageboard
>>191 Masochistic is more insulting in this context then.
>>194 Well sure, that part of the insult is completely correct and appropriate.

>>71 Wasn't there lesbo anal rape in this show?
>>107 Yes, there was an extreme TSA cavity search
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All i know about the series is through Super Robot Wars. So i might have skipped out on a lot of story

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Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 10:43:48 No. 4 [Reply]
My gf said she will think about having sex only after i finish reading this manga and now that i have finished reading it i have lost my will to live or dwell in hedonistic mating ritual. Was this her masterplan from the beginning?
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>gf knowing about a real man's manga fake and gay, faggot
>>39 No, i expected it to be poor and even tho the art style was archaic in early chapters, the aesthetics improved by a lot in mid and later parts. >>172 she is a female(male)
>>174 >she is a female(male) >trap into man's man boxing manga Kind of hot.

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Kaguya and her friends' new season Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 22:25:46 No. 54 [Reply]
I love them so much, bros.
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>>103 You want your hair to be touched by two homos?
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>tfw no kaguya gf I don't want to settle for some roastie.
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Nehze-Club Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 05:49:36 No. 49 [Reply]
Discuss Nehze-Club, the group mainly known for making non-h doujinshi of inserting Naked Snake into random series. Currently scanned doujinshi: MGS x Kemono Friends (Vol. 1-3) https://mangadex.org/title/23641/kemono-friends-if-a-snake-friend-appeared-in-japari-park-instead-doujinshi MGS x Love Live https://mangadex.org/title/34545/sna-live-snake-idol-project MGS x Yuru Camp (raw, ch.1-2.5) https://anonfile.com/R5c8d5j0o0/snacamp_ch_1_2_2.5_zip Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/295119
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>>62 Huh, I don't really watch anime but I was aware of what KF was. I was wondering why it seemed to die down. So, this Kadokawa still owns it and they aren't making more? I probably should give it a watch
>>63 Season 1 is great. I didn't bother with season 2.
>>63 A much shorter rundown. >Attempt to make franchise >Manga is mediocre, mobage dies very quickly >KF anime, after both failed efforts, becomes inmense success, mainly thanks to its director >fire director for no real reason, start making more projects based on S1's success but little to no people care >meanwhile director goes to make more anime, maintains loyal fanbase

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