I don't deny nor do I ever want to deny that I'm as guilty as you say I am under any of these fronts, and to recount the sheer internal and external complexity of my situation regarding my religious OCD (father's side of the family, conservative, americanized, fervently pro-zion catholic anti-gun filipinos can be hell to live under, and having sponged up or absorbed their immense sensitivity and discipline is a
hell of a two edged sword.) The reason why I am so goddamn insistent and repetitive on getting all of /fringe/ to hate this faggot with me, this unconscious impulse to mobilize this board against my enemy - much to the same manner I have done with others to either adopt my belief system (which I intuitively interpret as implicit approval of my identity via the beliefs that I've worked like hell to distill, identify, and solidify and have accepted by others because
I disbelieve that my own approval or acceptance is worth SHIT unless if others verify it and let's also not forget how I implicitly symbolize my mother as being symbolic for the left in politics, but also the hippie green left (despite being a right-brained christian democrat) also symbolically literate and well-versed in astrology, whereas my father is left-brained, yet right wing, christian conservative morals and a solid, dependable, honest, if but tempestuous and judgemental, and his outbursts and how he raises his voice and was considerably quick to anger, can get impatient and gets rather angry... While my father's anger was traumatizing, my mother's wrath would genuinely traumatize me to the point where I can vividly remember the exact date and time where shit has gone down.
>>Oh I love Jesus so much
then paragraphs long rants how much you hate everyone else. Love and hate cancels each other out. If you have more hate than love then your "love" is not genuine at all.
Currently you love your own hatred more than anything else in the world.
Thank you for the reality check that I have not only exceeded my aunts and father's side of the family in their morally dubious-yet-overly-scrupulous measure of following and preaching God's word from how I've seen them to do, but also a carbon copy of that faggot whom I genuinely believe had an empathic connection with at the start of 2022, which got ruined by a disgusting satanic LSD junkie and richard ramirez aspirant from tiktok who bragged about child molestation, and ruined further by my own hubris that lead me to pirate StartAllBack from a website so shady I needed to access palemoon on my drive and disable Malwarebytes to run and extract directly into my System32, and God knows I've been a prodigal son of a bitch.
I unironically hate and resent my pharisaical love for Jesus at not only my own expense, but at the expense for those who practice magick, thaumaturgy, witchcraft, etc. for the exact same reason you've said, and it's that same self-righteous, morally scrupulous, hierarchal, in-group biased victim mentality, disingenuous interpretation of scripture to back their specific interpretation of His word, their density (or feigning to be dense), how much they don't want me to testify them out of their own guilt/victim complex, my inability to see what they're actually saying for the things they aren't saying, and how much emphasis they put on what they're saying to further solidify this, please fucking
don't make me go further on this and just pick up on what I'm saying for what I'm also
not saying to try and get me clearer because my chiron wound is in scorpio. My right kidney pain has returned, and I am compelled as ever to give the full truth as to everything going on and my own perspective, even if I cannot precisely recognize the exact (saturn) energy within my right kidney. That "Chris" fellow whose discord DMs between him and I've screencapped, let me tell you: That furry, Chris, is the hermetic polar of the cynical, sociopathic anti-abrahamic serpent whom even I'm tired of mentioning, the clipped flipside of the same abrahamic, talmudic FIAT monopoly currency coin I have came to recognize as "Christian", Noxious Lucifer/Israfil/Bonzi Buddy/Pharaoh of Death/Dragon Christ Child being the head (Lucifer) and king_chris/Kroy Mande being the tails of that same coin. To think, this all stemmed from etymological contemplation of "Lucifer" and how it was attributed to both Jesus and Satan, and calling Jesus "Badass" instantaneously had my intrusive thoughts cut the "ass" off to "Bad" - not like Michael Jackson "Bad" as I intended it, but "bad" as in wicked or evil, which had given presence and tangibility to the anti-abrahamic empath whose audacity in ascribing the title of antichrist unto christ had sent me into total insanity, wrath, hatred as his inner satan had escaped into my heart to remote control my every thought and emotion and endlessly second-guess if the same truths we've agreed upon are truly tainted because he praught them and I agreed with them, or knowing that his lies and bullshit were all facetious facades for a deeper, more disgusting hatred he sought to sequester within the etymological root of his name, Christ, into his name, Christian.
The morally scrupulous and terminally insecure jannies who self-appoint themselves as arbiters of morality, truth and justice whose means are more often than not tyrannical and based around their own persecution complex are who I know to be Satan, Loki, Al-Dajjal, an all-devouring serpent and eternal impostor, face-stealing identity thief and terrorist against God's creation. Who the fuck am I, but some insufferable little shit who constantly cries cobra? I've only been a hateful little bastard as a direct response to all the disapproval, scorn, control, self-righteous, in-group biased judgement, disregard and schadenfreude at other's suffering using my own insecure, hateful, pharisaical victim complex as a counterweight as I judge both the ignorant, presumptuous anti-abrahamic death worshipper who used his pluto in scorpio ("psychopathy") to bully my feeble heart into buy his lies for the confidence he exuded in contrast to my terminal indecision and insecurity to obsessively pore over and etymologically and hermenutically distinguish between his "schizophrenia" (sun, after removing the previous beast (richard ramirez idolizing tiktok junkie who contacted satan for demonic protection from legal prosecution, karma and consequence) and the hated, paranoid, scared, persecuted embodiment of that abrahamic strawman who name rhymes with ahriman who also deceived me through fear into bowing to his anti-magic, anti-thaumaturgic stances owing to his lineage of druidry and the horrific shit his uncle did to him at the age of five. I never meant to be hateful in my condemnation, but
genuinely empathetic, sympathetic even, to the point of mirror-touch synesthesia and genuinely feeling it upon me.
>do you not understand your sin, son of Man? do you think you had the wrong name, the wrong statue? you butcher what lives to honor what does not, you honor the death of your king that didn't need to die while shunning his people that shouldn't have to starve, you rape eden and wait for paradise
>idolaters and barbarians bear the mark of death in celebration of a divine murder, a sacrifice to their cannibal god; is this how you honor the living Father, by executing His son? crucifixion is a method of torture and humiliation, and you call it holy? the ram of God returns to destroy the cross
>your history is written in intertwined tongues, you create phantoms from shadows and bow to them, you worship or spit upon "baphomet" when in truth it is nothing, an amalgamation of misunderstanding from the curse of babel; who is "ba'al", who is "yahweh"? do you even know? or are they also shadows?
>who is adoneus? the liberator, the true vine? jupiter sabazios, father and son that have become one, the children of light and the pierced messiah of the dead sea scrolls, executed and ran through with a spear; the body of christ is merely a body, how many walked with man? how many have you killed?
>they have sowed darnel among my wheat and you come to let me know, but i will tell you now, let it grow, and i will separate them at the time of harvest; 12 apostles walked side by side with christ, did they spread understanding? or merely regurgitate words? this is why we use parables, you see?
>the bastard son of God rides into town on an ass, proclaims himself king, and riots in the temples of the pharisees; do you trust the texts transcribed by the romans and priests that killed him? how long has the oligarchy of babylon ruled? the winners write history, who won the war of the messiah?
I hate hate and love
love owing to my righteous upbringing in conjunction to my morbid fascination for disturbing content. I am the incel feds couldn't ever groom into committing a mass shooting, even if I empathized with societal detritus, watched mumkey jones plenty, and practiced magick and got fucked up on dextromethorphan in 2019 after manifesting my mother's death in 2018 from how emotionally abused and tormented she made me feel, I still love her after death. Just like I do pops, in life. I hate hate, and love love, and I am the love I read in all that hate during my 8ch days on /pol/ from 2014-2019. I need to get all this off my right kidney, because I resent my now resentful nature and intend to repent in earnest. I'm atoning for the sins of abrahamic authcenter authoritarianist statism because when I say I Hate The Antichrist, I know it's those demiurgic fucks (Ashtar Galactic Command, Chaldea, Chabad Lubavitch, United Grand Lodge of England, Jesuits, O9A, The Vatican, ATF, CIA, Bank of London, Pentagon, Trilateral Commission, etc.)
>Also if you mention that fucking schizo 1 more time I will pledge the BO to enforce Rule 5 the "Respect anonymity.
Stick my ass in Nuremburg, try me, and shoot me for the dirty Krautist that I truly am. I'm owning that part of my shadow, and I'll gladly take the bullet if it means being able to rehabilitate him for justice.