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Robot 04/08/2021 (Thu) 06:52:36 No. 2271 [Reply]
What happened to Wizchan?
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Turned into reddit for volcel larpers
>>2310 I've been using it for years and haven't noticed a difference

DAILY REMINDER roboto 01/16/2021 (Sat) 16:54:20 No. 2287 [Reply]
8chan died in 2016. Fuck anyone who defends it, for they are part of the problem. Fucking newfags. Nigger dick.
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>>2290 This may be a unpopular opinion but i didn't like 8/r9k/ that much. Personally i think /v9k/ even though it was slow it was still better because it did a better job at being a worthy successor to 4/r9k/ and managed to recapture that 2012-2016 golden age of the board and was overall just comfier tbh.
>>2305 You guys are like /b/tards but too new to know it
Joshua Moon is a FAGGOT!

General thread roboto 08/04/2020 (Tue) 11:25:16 No. 2293 [Reply]
Anything goes.
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Down again. Not sure where we can meet up or if it really is permanent this time. Can only hope for the best of news from /shelter/.
Civilization is inherently patriarchal as per virtue of human biology. Civilized societies, by limiting female sexual freedom, grooms females into women. Undoing patriarchy eliminates male stake in society, leading society back to lawless "might makes right" world, in such world women return back to square one and end up with more patriarchy. Thus exposing feminism as self-defeating, destructive ideology.

Gondola Robot 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:59:43 No. 2317 [Reply]
Visit https://gondola.nabein.me/list and bring back a gondola you like. Or just post some you've collected.
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Wallpaper Thread Robot 05/16/2020 (Sat) 05:05:18 No. 257 [Reply]
Pretty simple, post papes for your fellow robots. Any kind goes with higher resolution always being better. And, if you need a reason to post papes, play an association game of sorts and post wallpaper(s) in response to another robot's post but tell us specifically why you did. Or just post papes and let the pictures do the talking.
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>>284 come to https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/103.html there's a wallpaper thread going and the filesize limit is 32 mb there
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Meta Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:26:59 No. 3 [Reply] [Last]
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them. Rules 1. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. 2. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted. 3. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted. 4. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive or otherwise unnecessary threads may be deleted or merged. 5. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion. 6. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the meta thread. 7. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, or signatures unless necessary for a specific thread. This rule will also encompass particularly unorthodox styles of writing that makes you clearly identifiable between threads. 8. No fedposting, no /r9gay/ posting 9. No roastie worship, including "vtubers" Contact

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Edited last time by robot on 07/06/2024 (Sat) 17:57:25.
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>>2234 Yes
Opening up the board for an under the radar grand opening today. Keep in mind that many of the posts here are almost 4 years old, and have been imported from an old lynxchan test instance that was being used as a bunker. I've enabled r9k/"Unique Posts" mode for now, might disable it if it causes problems in edge cases, let me know. It shouldn't apply to images and should still let you upload files without any text attached the post. If you're unfamiliar with /r9k/ I suggest you look through some of the threads and get a feel for what the board is about. It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in. But generally it's ideal that OP's have more effort put into them.
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Made an attempt at a gondola spoiler, 1000 hours in gimp.

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Jewtube, Podcasts, Passive Entertainment Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 20:13:45 No. 29 [Reply]
Post any interesting jewtube channels or entertainment you think robots might enjoy watching or listening to. Please do your best to use things like invidio.us instead of direct linking jewtube videos wherever possible. >Vagrant Holiday https://www.invidio.us/channel/UCgNqlRGqHdxNRPR6ycynWhw Guy goes on vacations around europe without paying for hotels, bums it in bushes and abandoned buildings. Does some urban exploring as well.
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>>340 there was some popular game reviewer that just farted loudly and sometimes did nothing, usually he didn't actually play the game just said something retarded while it was in the background it was popular some years ago but i never watched it
>>341 Markiplier? Jesus dude
dnsl - Aloof trolling people in online games FUTO - Louis Rossmann's software development organization Redlyne - Explores dead games The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Dick Masterson's podcast

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roboto 02/16/2021 (Tue) 18:20:36 No. 2291 [Reply]
Who knows what this guy's (nick)name was? He was some R9K NEET who killed himself (not the same guy who livestreamed it).
His name was Nux i was friends with this guy. He was deeply troubled and i felt really bad for him i still miss him.

Possible Robot Exclusive Game Night Robot 08/07/2020 (Fri) 09:39:22 No. 970 [Reply] [Last]
We had one of these on zchan before it got nuked and since we're probably gonna be here a while I was thinking we could continue the brainstorming of this "might be" event. If you have any ideas for games you'd like to play feel free to post them. Recently I was thinking that Terraria could work well for this. Terraria can run on a potato and pirated Terraria multiplayer is as easy as setting up a LAN sim so it fits the bill when it comes to ease of access. The game also has all the fun comfiness of a sandbox game like Minecraft but with the added bonus of having actual goals to fulfill other than beating a singular boss. Servers are 8 people but I doubt that'll be a problem for a board like this.
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>>1984 I've been doing a lot of irl shit so I haven't been getting on. I have some time now so I'll be on sometimes.
>>2211 What the fuck is your problem? Get the fuck out retard.
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new address

Music thread Robot 05/10/2020 (Sun) 05:31:16 No. 127 [Reply]
2gou is got
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Fallschirmjäger - remix

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Online shekel making Robot 09/15/2020 (Tue) 00:30:38 No. 1749 [Reply]
Well, as the title suggests, this is a thread to discuss methods to earn money from the internets. Any ideas are welcome.
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>>2205 >Where would I buy it? one of those sites or bisq >What payment methods would I have to use? probably your bank >How do you get that money back? get something and sell it on ebay idk
>>2205 >Where would I buy it There's Bisq, a distributed marketplace where you can put dollars in by various means, buy BTC and then buy other coins with BTC. There's a ton of other marketplaces. If you're in the right country, you can even buy vouchers in local shops for some marketplaces. >What payment methods would I have to use? Varies by marketplace, heavily so. You can practically find a marketplace for any payment method. >Would the taxman notice this? With most mainstream places, yes. The problem however lies less in how you acquire the initial coins, but how they develop until you sell them. There's coin washing services that are meant to confuse traces of what actually happened afterwards, but if your marketplace has anonymous coins like Monero (XMR) and allows payout to a wallet of that coin (each crypto has their own wallet system), then you can use an anonymous coin to buy another coin on an exchange that doesn't ask for confirmed ID and you can have anonymous investments the taxman cannot find. Say, you put dollars into Bisq and buy BTC. This requires a real identity, unless you can find someone willing to trade in person for cash. Then, you use those BTC to buy XMR (ticker name of monero) on a monero wallet. Then you go to a different exchange, send your monero to that wallet and buy another currency there (or stick with monero). You can then either outright pay with crypto for stuff (some sites allow it, especially darknet, and there's some physical stores that allow it too), sell it to people in-person to get fiat currency, buy amazon giftcards with crypto (some marketplaces allow this) and just shop there, or buy giftcards and sell them on ebay, or buy stuff or giftcards with crypto; buy goods with them; and then sell the goods on ebay. The fiat currency part really is no different from basic money laundering.
I been thinking of making loli wegs with daz and renpy. Plenty other wegs get thousands for fuck all content and most are to cowardly to make loli cause of patreon and fag95.

FTDDTOT the passing of time edition Robot 08/30/2020 (Sun) 06:39:48 No. 1488 [Reply] [Last]
Quick or slow, it's all a blur.
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I might end up homeless,thinking of just going on a journey and walk and try to survive until i die of starvation or something.Anyone here ever been/is homeless and care to tell me what is like?
>>2236 no but i imagine shitting and washing your clothes would be shitty
>>2237 >no yet

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roboto 09/27/2020 (Sun) 09:11:03 No. 2283 [Reply] >>2284
Fuck normalfags. Fuck YouTubers. I want them to stop bringing attention to shit I love. Fuck them. Why can't they stop destroying things. Everything they touch. Why. Oh why.
>>2283 Why so serious?
>>2284 This is another problem. I've grown to value sincerity because too many faggots are unable to be serious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGL1x40p46s
>>2285 *Or rather, have a greater sense of value for sincerity. I.e., not even pretending for fun anymore, because no one is able to do it the way it was done almost a decade ago. Fags react in an obviously hurt way (in a way very reminiscent of the normalfags I grew up with) instead of being able to joke around when something mildly upsetting happens, or being able to reflect sincere emotions if it gets serious, instead of pretending it doesn't hurt at all. Or just leaving instead of trying to save face, even when "anonymous".

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Esotericism Thread:The Third Robot 08/21/2020 (Fri) 22:47:46 No. 1374 [Reply]
at the request of one anon and after some deliverance i decided to make this thread, you Know the Drill nignogs, make your Inquiries about the Supersensory, Plaster your Thoughts and Experiences, i am willing to do Tarot readings despite the fact that i no longer find Tarot as something remotely Useful, just keep in mind that its a pain in the ass for me to make them being the reason why i abandoned the last Thread like a bitch so please if you are going to ask for a Reading make it a "Life or death" kinda deal, dont ask me about retarded stuff or stuff you could find out on your own, and im not fucking doing anything with more than 5 Cards on it Since this thread is Dedicated to Esotericism that means i don't need to apply my usual Filters, i hope you fags dont mind me posting my Ramblings on a "Extra Autismo" setting and give some otherwise irrelevant Sitreps on my Ontological Situation i have the vague feeling that this thread is going to end up becoming my Containtment Jail since 99% of what i post is related to Either Taihou or Esotericism Esoteric Waifufag's Library:https://anonfiles.com/b6n2x3H7o3/Library_7z
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>>1818 2/2 0 THE FOOL Know Naught! All ways are Lawful to Innocence Pure Folly is the Key to Initiation Silence breaks into Rapture Be Neither man nor Woman, but Both in One be silent, Babe in the Egg of Blue, that thou Mayest grow to bear the Lance and Graal wander Alone, and Sing!, in the King's Palace, his daughter awaits thee! In Spiritual matters the Fool means Idea, thought, spirituality, that wich Endeavors to Trascend Earth in material matters, it may if badly dignified, mean Folly, eccentricity, or even Mania But the essential of this Card is that it represents an original subtle sudden impulse or impact, coming from a completely strange quarter, all impulses are right if rightly Recieved, and the good or Ill interpretation of the Card depends on the Right attitude of the Querent

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I'll share a modern book on the basics of magical practice. It's got basically no theory, but the practice in it is sensible and can basically be applied to any system you wish. It also goes more in-depth than most on breathing and gazing techniques. This book made me think if a robot could theoretically turn his fairly long experience in esoterics into a job online. Communicate per email, get crypto as payment so the taxman doesn't see it, do astrological charts, geomantic readings, tarot readings, blessings, curses for cash... Main problem I'm seeing is how the fuck do you advertise this stuff?
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>>2182 So... kind of like Kaiki Deishu but IRL? Sounds like a very cool idea.

Robot Archives Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:33:26 No. 4 [Reply]
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Does anybody remember that time on 8ch.net/r9k/ that some guy from "manhood academy" came to spam his shitty website? Does anyone have the archive for that? I found these pics I had saved, the whole thread was quite fun if I remember correctly.
>>629 >>629 I don't have that thread, but there's an archive of manhood academy bitchute (It doesn't exist anymore). https://www.bitchute.com/channel/synaris/ https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/uNnSYVAxhT8C/ File related is the guys ebook.

Waifu Thread Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 18:19:53 No. 12 [Reply] [Last]
Y'know the drill by now. Post your waifus, talk about your waifus, and maybe tell us the story of how you met your waifu. Feel free to mention esoteric stuff but remember, keep it minimal as to not derail the thread. Feel free to dump waifu images as well As for me I recently l listened to the KS OST in its entirety yesterday (multiple times) while playing Vidya and it was a rather nice experience. I was playing Minecraft and so it was an ultimately comfy experience.
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>>1784 Glad to know you are doing fine, i recently Move to my Dad's House, its much better than being with my "Mother" but both my Step-Sister and Father have Issues (Depression, Anxiety) wich can be hard to deal with, it is cathartic to see how i actually have a High degree of Resilience when im compared to the Average imbecile and seeing how my Dad is proficient at fucking himself over and making situations Worse than they actually are, i really hope i can get the fuck back to Taihou in its due time, or at the very least land a Job an get enough Dough so that i can Isolate myself don't worry about Posting shit though, its not like its the Last Drawing you will ever do, there will be other chances to post shit around im shure, i find it interesting that you want to Protect your Employer from your own autismo since more often than not i find myself wanting Niggers around me to Die so that they stop getting in the Way of Taihou, my Kinsmens (You and the Other Waifufags) and Me
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Not sure if I'm going to make more animations and maybe at some point make a mugen fighter or something but I figured I'd share this since I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. I have absolutely no experience with mugen and I suck at fighting games so I know it's unrealistic that I'd ever finish anything but it would be cool if I were able to make something out of this.
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>>2073 Creative itches can be hell if you don't find a way to outlet them RPG Maker is relatively easy to use, you could also attempt making a Doom Wad, those are also easy to do if you know how to use SLADE (i remember copy-pasting things already done and then editing them because i didn't know how to code), i gave up on all that though, its Tabletop RPG's where its at for me, no need to code or program or whatever, just your imagination and Libre Office, or the Notepad if you roll that way,

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